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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Depends from what you mean when you say "better".Usually, old computers love old software versions. The new versions need more memory, more powerful graphic adapters, faster cpu's. So, I would never recommend newer OS versions on old systems.
  2. Maybe not. Maybe, when you buy your game, you implicitly or explicitly accept a contract saying that this game has to be played on a Playstation (or on a Wii), and cannot be used for any other purpose, or cannot be played with any other player like a PC or a washing machine.
  3. My display was brand new, but not it starts needing cleaning, so I bought a cleaning kit.It's a set of ten pieces of tissue and a small spray with cleaning fluid.So, you press the spray two or three times, and you wipe with the tissue while it's still wet.I think this way is better than the having pre-moistured wipes which fluid evaporates as soon as you open them. And it's more ergonomic : one hand actions the spray, the other hand wipes, and your eyes take care that you work fast enough.
  4. I would say that sometimes you need some files to be somewhere out your home. Just look at a disaster situation : a tsunami enters your home, you loose all your papers and all your files on your computer. It could help if you had scanned your most important documents and put them in a safe place. Physically in a bank is a solution, and some companies offer hosting your precious files for an amount of money. And of course, Microsoft does this for free. Another example : Imagine you are travelling somewhere very far from your home. You loose your passport. It could help if you could happen to have a copy of your passport, and a scanned file hosted on a remotely accessible file hosting system should be very comfortable. Of course, this file hosting system should be also very secure, else it would be very dangerous from identity theft point of view. So, I would stay : store remotely the files you will be bored if you loose them, and files which would not be dangerous if stolen. And, of course, as usual, the info you would not see being spread out, is the info which is not available anywhere.
  5. OK, I started this new thread. If you wish to express yourself concerning the important question "to be, or not to be" (rich and/or famous), let's switch to this topic : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97580-topic/?findpost=And continue posting in the current thread if and only if you want to stick to the subject "how long is yourPC boot time". Regards Yordan
  6. In this topic http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86332-topic/?findpost= it has been suggested to swith to another thread, because the comversation was deviating, though still interesting. I have been very impressed when I saw the "Our Contributos" page of FireFox. This is a nice example of a free software, widely used by a lot of people, even in their professional life. And quite a lot of people are mentionned in this "our contribuor" page in the "about:credits" page. You have to use the right-side lift in order to browse the page which cannot fit a single screen, full of simply the name of the guys. A nice example of people having worked for something free, even not wanting to be more famous than the other guys of the team.
  7. That's a matter of defining what does "boot" mean.If "boot time" is only the time for having the ascii console available, I agree. If "my" time is accepted, this time has to be from poweron to the moment where the "sar" command says "idle 100%", and Firefox has opened the Xisto forum login page. I have several Linux servers which need one hour booting, because about one thousand Tuxedo services are started in order to serve the thousands of simultaneous connections, and the server is not available as long as the whole thing is started. So, we cannot say that Linux boots faster than Windows, we can only say that some developer's linux system boot faster than some home standard Windows PC's.
  8. Not sure. I would be curious to read what is precisely stated by the text on the Guitar Hero box. Is it written "for WII", or "should not be played on any device different from the one stated above"?Maybe it's right to put my original disc in the washing machine and see if I can play Tekken3 with the front buttons?
  9. File hosting servers could be useful for temporary storage, and that's also their main legal terms of service.For instance, if you want to send the pictures you made during last week-end party, it's not recommended to send them by mail because most of mailers cannot handle big files.Picassa and other online albums store lower resolutions pictures in order to increase display time. Then, you use file hosting.So, you select the pictures you want to ship, place them in a directory on your PC, and zip the whole directory in a big file (sometimes up to 100 megs). Then you upload this big file to a file hosting site, which warns you that he will keep the files during 30 days.The site sends you a download link, and a "delete file" link.You send a mail to all your friends "come and get the pictures here" and add the download link.When all your friends have downloaded the file, you click in the "download file" link, and your file disappears from the file server: no piracy, no privacy attack.
  10. Welcome aboard, The Sempleton.Just be careful not to spam here, because if your posts happen to be removed, you could experience negative MyCents.So please stick to our TOS terms, and only post useful, helpful and interesting posts.RegardsYordan
  11. With a slow connection, there is an option "use previons version". This goes faster with slow connections and you see your mails correctly. However it does not have the new features, like the online chat.
  12. I agree. For a complete backup of my mailbox I would rather use Thunderbird.Here, I just wanted to save an attachment along with the mail containing the attached file, in a single "from_my_cousin" folder, in order to have the program (which is a file) and the instructions (in the mail) in the same folder.
  13. Sorry, can you explain somewhat more ? Do you mean that a personal computer could reasonably be used for something else than surfing the web?
  14. Thanks for your replies, folks.I used a stupid workaround. I simply printed the mail using the CutePdf printer. This created a pdf file which can be stored along with the files and documents which are part of a given project, and can be read offline on any system, including these who do not have Thunderbird or Outlook installed.
  15. OK, now I understand the difference. In my opinion, a PC finished booting when you entered your username and password, and have seen the desktop coming with all it's tools, including the network and the antivirus, and task manager says that the cpu usage is back to zero. Same thing with Linux, all drivers have to have been loaded and the sar command should say "idle 99%".Before that, you cannot say that your PC is booted, it's ready to boot or it's booting and is partly usable, but it's not fully booted.For instance, as long as your wifi drivers are not set up, you cannot go surfing on Internet, so your system is almost unusable.
  16. Huh ? Do you mean that the boot time you are talking about is not the full time until the end of the desktop start?Because, effectiveley, when I boot my PC under ms-dos or under Linux without the desktop, the boot time is really a couple of seconds. The long-lasting part of the boot time is the startup of the desktop, the antivirus, and all the tools usually started.
  17. Thanks for the idea, I'll have a look at the firefox extensions page.
  18. I love gmail. I use gmail in webmail form, logging to the gmail.com site.Sometimes, when I receive some documents, I would like to save the documents to a folder on my computer, along with a copy of the concerned mail. How could that be made?Some mailservers do this, for instance with outlook when accessed via webmail.But how can we do this with gmail? Is this possible? Apart creating a text file and copy-paste the mail text, which is the obvious workaround.
  19. It's a completely useles topic, with a lot of stupid statements. For instance Of course "acc. To me" is stated, but it's pure nonsense. Saying that physics is truth it chemistry is not, is really stupid. Especially if you know that the real basics of chemistry is, deeply inside, explained by atomic physics relationships.So, this text seems first of all to be quit a lot of blah-blah, with no real technical contents, and at least no useful info.
  20. the list by itself is widely spread out on the web, shall be quoted. That's why I did it.
  21. You mean : do we have more such not-working addons ? Probably yes. However, our purpose here is to be helpful, so no use for advertising things which do not work.Your mobile phone company probably offers SMS features, you probably have to pay for this.
  22. Wouldn't you feel cold with a fan blowing in your bed ? Moreover, it's dangerous : you could put your ... fingers in the fan, and be hurt ?
  23. Such a shame! t3jem posted a tutorial with a lot of code, and this code does not work ! Plase, t3jem, come on and fix this! Or maybe somebody else knowing Glut will give a working syntax for this lesson 5 ?
  24. IMHO, compared to somebody like Einstein, I fell myself weak minded. Compared to somebody else, maybe not.
  25. Which browser are you using when you experience this problem ? I had this problem with IE6 on Windows XP; I switched to Firefox and it solved this problem. I guess it's already a rather big company, for receiving 500 mails the same day. Can one person really read 500 mails during 8 hours ? This would mean answering 60 mails per hour, one mail per minute?
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