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Everything posted by yordan

  1. This raises again the subject of people being stuck on a google page ; however, now, they will be frankly and honestly playing pacman.----Edit I tried it, and I must warn everybody : this games is very dangerous. It almost destroyed my keyboard, it's testing if your keybord is stronger than your fingers.
  2. I learned from my Father how to handle this kind of problem.You write down your text (in our case you use a text editor on your own PC). You print it, and you let it sleep on your table during a couple of hours. Then, you read your paper, asking yourself if your paper tells exactly what you were thinking. If not, you change your text, you print it. Wait again a couple of hours. Then read your paper again, asking yourself if the guy who will read your paper will understand exactly what was in your mind when you wrote your text. If this second step is OK, you can send your text and make it visible. Each time I did the job that way, i had no regret.
  3. Would you please explain us your position. Why do you ask such precise questions if you deliberately will not read the answers? Asking questions without wanting to read the answer looks very similar to spam. So, why do you want to spam such a nice topic?
  4. You have seen one side of this, you you will probably change your mind when you will have met the other side. I have seen very smart people, very clever people, including teachers and nuclear physicists, who were believing in God, simply the more things they were learning were confirming their faith.Once you have met God, you see him in any event, in despite of some words sounding inaccurate. Faith is something very different from knowledge or from observation. It's a way of feeling your own experiences and all your environment.
  5. Huh ? I didn't even know about Igoogle. Have to have a look at it, seems rather useful. Is it linked to your gmail account, or is it a completely different thing?
  6. Except if you use the thin client, so the communication with the database are inside the Oracle SQL*net protocol, no way to catch the info while listening the IP traffic.
  7. It's also a matter of efficiency, sometimes. Some paradigms help us have a better life.At office, I know that my boss appreciates me quite a lot, and knows that my work is essential for our company, and my personal contribution to our company success is a fact deeply written in each mind.If I could happen to learn that my work is worth nothing, that nobody knows what I am doing, and my job will probably disappear very soon, I would probably be far less enthusiastic in my daily work.So, probably, most of people were given a standard explanation, allowing them to feel that they are happy in the surrounding world, with nothing unknown, nothing unmastered.
  8. This simply means that a single book cannot really explain each detail of everything.I feel the Bible as a mean for the need of explaining most of important things to as much people as possible, with a text remaining as stable as possible on a very wide period of time. Initially, the public for this text did not even guess that Dinosaurs existed, so no need to explain them. Now we know that they existed, however there is no way for changing the initial text nor adding info to it, so some infos are necessarily missing. This fact does not remove anything to the interest of the rest of the text, simply on some specific parts it could be improved.
  9. Can you tell us where are these google games? When I looked for "google games" I landed at Zylom site.
  10. today my PC boot time is stupidely long.Because I still did not solve my nvlddmkm.sys crash at cold start, I first have a dump time, than a second boot with a fully blurred display. Then I have a warm system with bad graphics, and I can perform a hot restart and have a correctly working system.The whole thing needs about ten minutes, which is completely stupid for a quad pentium. Once it worked correctly after installing a Microsoft Efix, and then the boot was some tens of seconds. And after some crosoft updates it went bad again.I can't know if it's a general compatibily problem between my NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GS and Microsoft Vista when used with a Samsung SyncMaster display, or if I have a faulty adapter or a bad display. If I were rather rich I would try buying a new graphic adapter and see if works well, but if it's a crosoft bug this would be a simple waste of money. So, I simply know that I have a very fast PC which currently boots very slowly, and I try to feel happy.
  11. He does not have a working PS3 emulator : he asks if we have one.Some of the answers concern the way an emulator should be done, but nobody did the job yet. In my own opinion, I agree with CrashnAZ : instead of aking Windows or Linux to run a program that runs the PS3 game, it would be smarter to make the PS3 game directly run on the PC, which means being able to boot the PC on an OS which can handle the game programs. So, you PC would act exactly as the Playstation 3 console : boot on the DVD and load the game on the DVD. This job is not so easy, probably, because the processors are not the same, the graphic adapters are not the same, so the drivers have to be written and distorted in order to make the handling correctly the movement instructions from the game program in order to obtain the wanted movements on the display. However, this would probably be a lot of work. And (I would say unfortunately) the history is not moving that way. Some tens of years ago, I booted my PC off the game disk (floppy disk first, then CD-ROM) which had the OS and the drivers embedded. Today, the Operating system is already running when I insert the game media, and the antivirus scans the game binary programs before letting me run them, so a lot of overhead needing far more cpu than necessary for running the game. But this is another story, and maybe a philosophical question : does the computer environment evolution go towards the smartest way for future use by home users? These were my own two cents. Regards Yordan Today, the tendency is having an Operating system already running when I insert the
  12. You are partly right. However, you can use oracle with php. For instance, the 4Images Photo Gallery system (https://www.4homepages.de/download-4images ) is obviously a php application. It can use MySQL, but it also uses Oracle, with a local database or by means of the oracle thin client environment.
  13. Tell us which database you prefer, and which one you use mostly (they are not necessarily the same).I would say that Oracle is the king today : the most robust on the market, it handles really huge databases, the parallel query feature is really fantastic when you have a quite a lot of disks (let's say some thousands) and a lot of cpu's. Unfortunately, as most of powerful professional things, it's rather expensive.I would say that mysql is currently the most widely used, including in our websites here at astastahost.Maybe my currently preferred one is PostGreSql, it's a rather standard sql language, very close to Oracle, and today it's free. Let's see it it will also become very popular.
  14. I was using Notepad++ in "text" mode when I was preparing my Unix shell-scripts. And I was very surprised when a colleague showed me how to display my file in "Shell" language mode, it's really nice, with the way giving different colors for the comments, the functions, the arguments. Notepad++ is definitely a useful tool. I use the portable version, because I can have it on my USB flashdisk, so no need to install it, I have it on any computer I am using.
  15. I would rather say that there is no need for a strategy, people are "naturally" busy and online with google. I must confess that I almost never look at the google logo, simply sometimes I leave my mouse on it, seeing "oh, Thomas Edison's Birthday, nice to see this". So, this logo is nothing more than that, and not a really reason to stay busy with google.
  16. Another fact we must keep in mind, is that our way of understanding the world around us is constantly changing.That is also the case of advanced science. Scientists have facts, and they have theories.A theory is useful if it explains some facts. And this theory is valid until a new fact proves that this theory is false. Then comes the new theory explaining the old facts and also the new ones.A nice example is the Sun/Earth motion.At the beginning, the Earth was fixed, the sun was told moving around the Earth.Then, was discovered the fact that the earth was moving, describing circles.Then, the movement was discovered elliptical.And now, we know that the movement is not really elliptical, because it's disturbed by the movement of the Sun inside our Galaxy.So, the scientific method is constantly improving, and all the document are constantly changing.So, if we need a single document for everybody's use, this document must be very basic, understandable by everybody.That's why, in my own understanding, the Holy Bible describes the things in a very basic way.Each fact is probably exact. And, if we look more precisely, some facts can be slightly not exactly as they are stated, but could be stated differently according what we know today.But, the facts we know today are not a reason to change all the documents inside the Bible.So, we leave the Bible as it is, and we feel free to explain that, basically, the facts are true. And some details can be better explained when highlighted by the modern techniques, but the way to explain that must be unique. So, this way has to be decided by a single organization, namely the Catholic Church.If the way explaining things is not changing fast enough, we should not worry. After all, we are talking about eternity, and what is the length of human life compared to eternity?We must simply think that, someday, we will have all the answers. In our current life, or in a further life. But someday, surely.That's a matter of faith. This is part of my own faith.
  17. That is a nice logical example.Christians are told not to believe in Evolution.Most of scientists believe in Evolution.However, all people who do not believe in Evolution, are not Christians.
  18. Precisely. However, please remember that spamming posts will be removed, so you may end with negative MyCents. So, welcome to good quality posts, and stop writing nonsense.
  19. There is no reason to apologize. Having not a lot of money is a problem, it's not a reason to apologize. And, in order to be with us in our forum, your computer has enough power. That's one of the reasons of this post, to allow you saying that, for surfing on the internet, your hardware is big enough.
  20. Nope. This did not lask a whole week. Like other google celebretion hompages, it lasted very few, today we have the standard page again.So, it was simply an eye blink to old gamers, saying "do you remember, google did not exist yet, but the good old spirit is still there".
  21. So, the most important feature, in your case, is the range of the detector : how far the mouse can be, off the PC. I guess the sensitivity is not very important because you will also be far away of the screen, so precise movements are not mandatory. I even don't see the distance from actuator in the wireless mouses technical description, so you will probably have to go to a shop which has an exhibition stand, and see how far off the PC the mouse can be detected and remains functional.
  22. Sorry, I still didn't wake up today, I read your post and immediately forgot the asdw layout. Thanks for the info.
  23. Do you mean that you want to have your mouse far off your PC ?On which surface will you move your mouse?
  24. Wow! A playable homepage! Really nice!Now, how long will it last?It's supposed to be the 30th anniversary. How long does an anniversary last? I would say one day?Let's see tomorrow if I'm right.By the way, I need help. I noticed that Mrs MacMan comes and can play with me when I press "Insert Coins". But what are the commands for the second player ? It's not "jkl", what is it?
  25. Not really sure. Having fast processors is not enough. Probably, for gaming, the graphic adapter is responsible for most of the time.I would like to know if, simply, gta4 goes faster on a quad-cpu PC than on a mono-processor. Besides that the game could need disk or memory space, so super-fast processor could happen to lead to absolute no speed improvement. We really need a gta4 stand benchmark set, with proven official reliable results!
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