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Everything posted by yordan

  1. If you are thinking about your professional future life, you should start thinking where you want to get a job.If you want to try to work at Microsoft, the path is obvious.If not, maybe you should consider that a lot of companies start looking towark the open world, so they try to escape from the Microsoft world.So, the real question for your future is :To be, or not to be Microsoft ?
  2. OK, first of all, I'm not a hacker, so I cannot really say what a hacker can do.However, from what you say, you are doing something which make people angry. On my router, I pay a lot of money, for a very small bandwidth. So, if I see a guy connected to my network, using my bandwidth, maybe doing illegal things on behalf of my own identity, I can do bad things. The router will tell me the IP address (easy, you are on my network). So, I will try to telnet to your IP address, if your PC has no password, I will have a look at your files. Maybe I will rename your files, but if I get angry too much, I will remove everything I can see. And I will try to make your PC unusable. Look, you behave as an intruder, how do you thing other people will answer to your intrusion? If you see somebody entering your bathroom during your shower, will you appreciate? Or somebody entering during your dinner, taking some food and going out without saying "hello" or "please"? So, watch out. If you behave as an intruder, you must know that there will be a reaction. If your PC is not protected, any stupid guy can destroy it because he masters his home network and you are inside his home. If your PC is strongly protected, a hacker will need some minutes in order to enter inside it, but he will finally enter, and the results can be worse. So, if you want to surf safely, try to find the public hotspots most of the ISP providers offer, this should be enough for your purposes.
  3. Seems to be very visual-basic-oriented.So, in order to make it run, you must know the vb interface, and know how to run the project you are creating.Maybe the visual basic online help can tell you how to run the main project.
  4. I see what you mean. At work in my office, I can raise and lower the screen, which is very comfortable. So, you can heave it and tilt it.At home, my screen is bigger, and the pod has a fixed lengtht, probably because the screen is heavier. So I can only tilt it. Our home TV can be rotated (toward the left side or toward the right side), but it cannot be tilted nor lifted.
  5. Wow! Exactly as the write-protect tab on the VHS tapes or on the old-fashioned audio-cassettes ? It was possible to make them writable again by means of a piec of scotch-tape at that exact place.
  6. I like Mac Afee. I like the way you can configure it, stopping automatic updates in order to start them exactly when I want. This way I do not see it using a lot of resources at startup, I fire it as soon as I have a couple of minutes without needing to use my keyboard.
  7. What do you mean by "at height"? Do you mean that you move it higher off it's stand? Because when you are seated your eyes are to high above the center of the screen ?
  8. It's probably not so simply. Because, the closer to speed light you are, more energy you need to give in order to increase your speed. So, the same number of hadrons (ions) thrown away by the ion engine will not give you more speed increase, but probably far less, albeit they weight more because of reletivity effects.
  9. Concerning the "using it in the bed" part, you can try to put the computer on a table for a couple of hours, to see if it behaves the same way.If it's an OS problem, you can try using a recent Linux LiveCD for a couple of hours, and see how it behaves.
  10. Exactly as stated. This means that, in your environment, pdf_open_image_file needs five arguments, and you only provided three of them. Now the funny game will be to find which are the missing ones, maybe you should provide empty arguments by means of a "".
  11. Of course, you can do this on your own PC if you happen to forget your password. Doing this on somebody else's PC is piracy, and explaining how to do it is forbidden by our TOS.
  12. I cannot help you with the other game you can't remember the name of. And I don't know creepy castle. However, shufflepuck cafe has a PC version, you can probably have from abandonware : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you don't have a joystick, you can play with the mouse. Take care, the aliens probably play smarter than you, your score will probably be ridiculous.
  13. I guess that, besides transport fees, the prices in Europe should be roughly the same. For instance I see the Toshiba StorE Steel 250 Go 1.8" at 121.56 euros. Concerning the other disk sizes, for instance Lacie Rikiki 500 Go 2.5" is worth 78.40 euros
  14. I would say that that food discussion is rather far away off the main topic subject.Except if you think that eating cheap (bad) food contributes to global warming? Why? Because flatulence effects can lead to strange gas effects in the upper layer of our atmosphere?
  15. That's why, with Oracle, people usually ask for the execution plan of a given request, in order to understand why it runs faster than another, similar but different, sql request. Sometimes the actual execution plan strongly differs from what you would logically expect.
  16. For temporary tests you can use the portable version of firefox, you get it from here : http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portableThe portable version is very convenient because you don't have to install it : you put it on a USB flashdisk, you run it from there, and all your settings are the same when you move from your own computer to another one : nothing in the register table, no installation, when you remove your flashdisk (or the local folder if your prefer work locally) everything is cleared off your pc. I do that way in order to see if things depend from my own PC settings and if a given behavior changes when I go to another PC.
  17. Yes, I feel this very comfortable at work : the .doc text file describing the job to be done on the left display, and doing the job inside the right display, and the copying left-to-right when sending the confirmation mail, it's really comfortable. Do you really need 500 Gigs?Because if you can be satisfied with 250 gigs, the "Toshiba StorE Steel 250 Go 1.8" is really small : 91 x 60 x 10 mm, easily fits in your pocket, and 160 grams weight, you would not feel it heavy in your pocket. And you buy a 650 disk with a firewire or usb dual dock at home, and transfer from the 1.8" to the 3.5". Of course, this is the luxury choice I would decide if I had a lot of money : the small-in-size disk in my pocket, and transfer to the big-in-size and big-in-gigs disk at home, carrying only the the files necessary for my this-week work. The transfer from the 3.5" disk to the 1.8" going through the dock internal bus, in order to have increased speed.
  18. Which game has this feature ready and is able to smartly use two displays ?
  19. I think that the real problem is pollution.We must find a reason for fighting against pollution.Industry generates pollution, cars generate pollution, people without ecological sensitivity generate pollution, and our poor planet start being strangled by this.We must find a clear indicator showing all governments that pollution is dangerous.A reasonable way is claiming "stop pollution, you can see clear indications of global warming. If you do nothing to stop that, global warming will make a lot of disagreeable things, the Gulf Stream will move, the level of the ocean will raise ; just look, some small islands already start disappearing".If this is false, then there is no reason for changing our behavior, we will continue to use our car in order to buy cigarettes instead of walking five minutes, and the industry will not put filters on the chimneys and will stop all expenses in order to reduce pollution.So, if we stop talking about global warming, let's look for another reason for being reasonable.
  20. What did you buy last time ? What was the thing you wanted so much, that you could not wait for it. Or the device you needed, so it was impossible not to buy it.Let me start with my last happiness.My Sony CRT display was soo nice, and after five years my nice photos started been awful.So I bought a niceSamsung SyncMaster T220 : as it's name says, it's a 22 inches LCD. It's terrific. For writing MS Word Documents, you can comfortably display two readable pages. And for pictures, it's simply marvelous.
  21. Usually, while booting your PC, you see a message saying something like "Press F8 to change boot order".If you cannot see this message, try pressing each button during the boot phase (Esc, F1, F2) before the Windows welcome screen appears. Also, if you tell us which PC you are talking about, some people having the same one can answer your question and tell you how to enter the bios setup menu.
  22. You must find the DNS name of your unix box, as well as it's domain. For instance, from your Unix box, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you will see your full dns name. You will see the IP address, but also the hostname as well as the domain name. Of course, these info's should have been given to you by your Internet Service Provider. Hope this helped. Regards Yordan
  23. If the wires are a little bit broken, you have to change the charger. moreover, if you can see the wires, then you can touch them, which is dangerous for yourself.
  24. This is quite obviously a configuration error, you should not have to be sent to "/", usually your website is inside a folder like "www" or "htdocs". If your website tries to access "/" this means that a configuration file was not correctly set up during the install phase. Simply try remove your install and start from scratch.
  25. Open a ticket, your IP has probably be banned.Did you happen to enter the "IP Deny Manager" folder in your cpanel ?
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