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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Hi Linda, When you purchase hosting at Xisto, you state the cpanel name you choose and the URL for you website (let's say it's linda.astahost.com) So, when using a browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer, you reach your website at the url linda.astahost.com And you administrate your website using the cpanel, you reach the cpanel at the following url : linda.astahost.com/cpanel Did this answer your question? Regards Yordan --------------- Edit : This is the simplest case, when you order a website at Xisto using a subdomain like linda.astahost.com If you are the owner of a domain name, let's say http://www.lindadomain.com/, you connect to your linda.astahost.com cpanel first, and you enter the "Domains" sections and you play with the "Subdomains" or "Parked Domains" options, depending from what you want to do.
  2. What are you expecting from a Black Thursday ? Do you think that we will see a lot of High Quality Gaming PC's gently floating in the air, waiting us come and catch them?
  3. yordan

    Custom Pc Case

    This is not what we are expecting from you. You are posting in a technical forum, so please tell us which sofware you are talking about and tell us from where they are available. Don't simply say "there should be some useful software somewhere. I know there should be an easy way to make myself rich and healthy and happy, still waiting for it!
  4. Thanks, I did not know this kind "visual enhance" name for that kind of third party softwares.
  5. Yes, please, post your list. And I would be curious to know what exactly is "visual software enhance".
  6. Some pads are seen as keyboards, and emulate keyboard stokes. They are even often tunable, assigning "left" to the left direction, or "d" if the game wants it. Have a look pressing your keypad knobs during a wordprocessor session, and see what happens! If I am right, then you have to set-up your game according to the tuning of your keypad, or the opposite if your game is not settable. Regards Yordan
  7. A lot of online transaction engines are poorly developed, and are based on the assumption that your browser is Internet Explorer 6. Which is was a good starting point some years ago, because a lot of home computers still have IE6. However, the next step should be adding compatibility with some more modern browsers, including at least IE8 and obviously firefox.If the online transaction engine accepts firefox, Linux can be used. Nevertheless, the last time I tried this, a very precise plugin was necessary ; and the engine pointed to a Crosoft Windows binary file, which was not able to update my Linux Firefox. So, I also agree, for most of online transactions, Windows XP is necessary. Could be in a Virtual machine running in a Linux host, but should definitively be a Windows Internet Explorer.
  8. Thanks, vhortex, now I see. It's a lab feature. It allows you to convert a mail to a google document. Then I will have to export the document to my PC, because the goal of this topic is to be able to retrieve the document, even when my DSL modem is out of order.
  9. Depends probably from your contry.In my gmail window, the upper right corner has three links : "parameters", "help" and "logout". Which one are you talking about?
  10. Thanks for the info. However, Google documents can easily be imported from a file on your PC. But there is no easy way to import the text of a mail. Unless there is something I didn't understand in the Google Docs menus?
  11. What do you name "moden"? Are you talking about the ADSL Modem ? In that case, you are wrong. The modem speed is related to the ADSL line speed : if the line speed is slow, replacing the modem will change nothing.
  12. This tutorial obviously explains how to use the PDF libraries. If you don't have these libs, you're out this tutorial scope.Somebody else has to write down a tutorial which does not use these libs. Another solution could be to find where these libs are available?
  13. yordan


    Welcome back, Feelay.
  14. Did you include the changes in the tarfile sources to be downloaded? With the error commented and corrected, for readability?
  15. Please do not forget to quote the text you already posted at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please remember that posts copied from somewhere else are not welcome here. Even if you are the author of the text, you must post it at asta first, and on the other sites you quote the text mentioning it's original at Xisto. Or quote the text at Xisto. But you cannot have the same text on two different places on the web.
  16. I would also guess : the folloowing ones : free download free software linux free free everything
  17. This sounds like everywhere in the world.However, how is the job evolution in your company? Do you start as a low-level programmer, and then, when starting becoming experienced, do you raise to analyst, then give work to several programer and become a manager, and after having proven your experience, become a consultant?
  18. Probably a lot of people are doing illegal things. However, talking about illegal things are not allowed here. And explaining people how to do illegal things is punished in most of countries.
  19. And of course, if you really need Notepad++ under linux and nothing else, it's supposed to work correctly with Wine, so simply try it and tell us if you are satisfied.
  20. OK, now I see. First of all, you should re-scan your picture with a lot more resolution, the picture should be far bigger as your PC screen. Secondly, have a look at the "beautify" tools, and play with them, you will see the job which has to be done. You can do the job with the Photobucket embedded tools, or with a more professional tool (with two brushes) like Corel Photo. As Startscream has told you, this is a job needing a lot of patience. Either you are very patient an you can spend a lot of time on it, or you have some money and you can pay an experienced guy for spending a lot of time on it. If you have no money, maybe there will be a generous guy around here who will do the job just for fun? But, at leat, you need first to re-scan your picture in order to have a maximum pixels in it. Just to have an order of idea, the image size should be several megs and not some k! Regards Yordan
  21. This link is not reachable. Mistyping problem or facebook protection ?Maybe you should try posting another link, for instance on a picture hosting server ?
  22. In most of Linux distros, in order to restore GRUB, you simply have to boot on the system disk and choose some options like "repair", "boot options". Worked fine each time for restoring the LILO boot on my Mandrake installs, should work exactly the same way for GRUB.
  23. gamma is currently up, uptime 107 days, see here : https://support.xisto.com/serverstatus.php Have a look if you didn't happen to ban your own IP address?
  24. So, it's inside your internet settings somewhere. Could a firewall or an antivirus program have been recently installed or reconfigured?A friend of mine recently had this problem, I could not solve it, I told him to go back to shop. And in the shop they said that it was almost nothing and they repaired it instantly. So, it was something really simple in the crosoft installation. Unfortunately my friend was so happy that he went back home without asking which was the problem and how it had been solved.Also, maybe removing and re-installing the Ethernet adapter drivers?
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