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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Did you try to directly generate your writetest.rtf file, ftp download it to your pc and open it with WordPad or with ODT in order to check that it's a regular rtf file ?
  2. You can also use the opensource script from http://www.phpcaptcha.org/ They also provide a quickstart guide and live example sites.
  3. Try the portable version of firefox (from here http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable ) and tell us if the problem continues.
  4. The correct answer is "Today my car is blue". If I have $100 available, tomorrow it will be pink. So, the answer would not be "any color", the answer would be "any colour I could happen to have to money to have it painted and the time for waiting until the paint is wet".
  5. Maybe have a look here : http://delphi.about.com/sitesearch.htm?ter&TopNode=99
  6. It is not in Software/Services, it is in "Advanced" , you find "Mime types" : And, in the standard settings, you see : Seems to be exactly what you were talking about, simply in the wrong section.
  7. Congrats! However... could you share with us what the issue was, and how did you solve it ?
  8. And then, you have to manually update the environment variables in the Windows System Properties menu. This is rather clearly described in the Java installation document.
  9. A lot of people, mainly private home users, still have old computers, mainly because they don't have money enough for buying modern computers, and for standard home mail and small internet usage, IE6 on old computers is enough, especially if your internet connection is slow.So, the web pages you create should be readable by everybody, including by myself when I'm in my mother's family house.So, your web pages should be readable with IE6.If you cannot draw circles with IE6, try something different, try squares or rectangles, but make something compatible with your extended public.
  10. Sorry, even in discussion forums you cannot simply state such things. Either you are able to explain, and please explain, or simply keep silent on this subject. I also know that what you say is quite wrong and it would take too long to explain it with a very complicated theory, and I'm pretty sure that you will not accept my answer.
  11. Funny : it seems that, in your opinion, "technology" means "microelectronics for public portable devices".Technology is also something else.Solar cells on the roof of isolated houses is also technology. Planes are also technology.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance scanners, widely used in a lot of modern hospitals, are also a piece of technology. This has nothing to do with useless portable communication devices.So, if you only wanted to talk about cellphones, please refer to the "I hate cellphones" topic. And if you don't like laptops, post in the "do you prefer laptop or desktop computers" topic.
  12. Do you mean that it is not reliable but it is reliable ? Please, you are free to express your own opinion, but at least try to be clear according to yourself : yes or no ?
  13. If I trust you I will say what you do, I will check multiple sources.If I don't trust the unique source you are, I will check a single source, which is your opinion!
  14. There lies a nice philosophical problem. Then cannot say that your beliefs are wrong, because your beliefs are really your beliefs. They only can say that your beliefs are not mine, because I believe in something else. That's the funny thing with faith, one guy can only say that he believes in God, and he is right when he says that he believes in God. And the other guy is also right when he says that he does not believe, or he believes in another god, from another religion.
  15. Do you mean that you pay for download time?With most of ISP's, for limited plan, you pay for the megs you download. So, no matter the download time, if you download 100 megs you will pay the same money whether your download time is ten seconds or ten hours.
  16. I really need to feel the way the keys on a real keyboard go down, until a ear a small click when arriving at the end.And I also need the "F" and "J" keys which have a mark, in order that you feel where to put both of your indexes when you type with all your fingers.This allows you to type without looking at your keyboard, which allows optimal speed while typing, and efficiency if you look at your text while typing.This you cannot have with a touchpad.
  17. I think that, when you go to a foreign country which, in some places, has some strange habits, some strange ways of behave, you should respect them.If the local people say "when you enter my house, you drink no alcohol", you should respect it.If they say "when entering here, please remove your shoes", you must respect this.Some religions say that you should never remove your shoes, some other say that in some places you should remove your shoes, let's be tolerant and let's accept other's way of behaving, and let's show him this proof of respect.In some restaurants you should remove your hat. If you don't do that, you are simply not polite. Why keeping not removing your hat? If you don't like this restaurant, simply go and eat somewhere else.If you don't like my school, please choose another one. If you want to enter my school, please stay polite and act as stated by our internal regulations.
  18. In France, laicity is a very important principle.There is a strong separation between religion and state.Public schools are free, and main principles of democracy have to be respected.So, no religious symbol has to be seen in public schools.In private school it's different.Also, in public places, you have to show your face : everybody has to be able to see your eyes and your hairs, for instance. This is french way of understanding democracy, so people wanting to go to french public schools have to avoid wearing their burka. Exactly like french tourists, when they go to some places in islamic countries, have to remove their shoes. This is simply a matter of respect of other's way of thinking.The abnormal thing is that Mr. Sarkozy has to create a low in order to force people to do an act of simple politeness, this should be simply a normal way of behaving.
  19. Most of ISP's give you some private space for storing pictures, small movies and private documents. Usually these fileservers or webservers are in your own country. Then, have a look at your download speed from your site, put a file which is some megs large, and see how fast you dowload it. This indicates the speed you can imagine reach. If this speed is slow, only your ISP is involved and he has to fix this.
  20. You are right, I would like to try it. At least a couple of minutes. I don't feel it as a thing that should be part of myself. But it could be an interesting experience. Absolutely off-topic, I would like to try quite a lot of things I will probably not able to taste : drive a Ferrari on a road without speed limit, drive downtown an electric car, or ride a dolphin for instance.
  21. Of course, please remember that you need to buy a Norton Ghost license for each computer you want to backup/restore. Besides that, you should try an alternative to Ghost. It's name is CloneZilla, http://clonezilla.org/ It's free, and it works really well. As usual it has a LiveCD version, and it comes with it's USB flashkey generator, si you can easily install it on your USB flashdisk. Of course, you have to choose your backup/restore plan from the beginning, you backup with CloneZilla and you restore with CloneZilla. If you have a home network, you put a windows system as fileserver or a Linux NFS fileserver for holding your backups. You boot on your CD or USB, you give the IP address of your fileserver, and it puts the backup on the server. In case of crash, same thing, you boot on USB or CD, you give the IP address of your fileserver and you restore from your server. Of course, if you want to help your friends, you can also put the backup on a USB external disk. It's free, and while booting it you can notice that the LiveCD is a standalone Linux system. This is the butyful aspect of the open software world, free and very powerful tools based on linux standards, but able to backup a Linux or a Windows system. Regards Yordan
  22. The Iphone was rather successful, a lot of people know that, now, if they could change, they would switch to Iphone.Now comes the Ipad, which is slightly different, but still rather similar.Iphone had a lot of things for people who do not use their phone for phonecalls.Now comes the Ipad, which is absolutely not a telephone, but has a rather big screen and looks like the Iphone non-phone features.So, my question is now : Did you finally buy it ?If not, is it a matter of money ?I did not buy it, and will not buy it, first of all because of it's price, and secondly because it needs a special subscription, which is completely apart from your phone subscription. So, twice more money to go out each month!So, I will stick to my PC, one at home, one at work, and one in each friend's home, and no Ipad.And you, please tell us, which is your opinion concerning that ?RegardsYordan
  23. yordan

    Url Javascript

    I don't see where the problem is.Exactly as the syntax says, it's an alert, it opens an alert in order to warn you that "hello". It can be very useful if you want to rise an alert in order to warn the user that what he is doing is not exactly what you wanted him to do. For instance if you want him to enter his password and the program enters on some place where you need the password to have been typed in and it has not been entered, you can "alert" the user with a message gently warning him, like : "Sorry Sir, could you please type your password?" Then go back to the main loop getting the password and restart with a valid value.
  24. That's the way Philosophers manage a great question. They let you ask a question, and then they let you see that you are able to answer your own question.Another good explanation is the fact that, while correctly stating a problem, the solution arises quite naturally.
  25. The bandwidth is cut, each computer statically has one half of the bandwidth. So, the total result will be the same if you download each file after the other one. Simply, if you have two persons, this two guys will absolutely want to start downloading at the same time, so in real life you will have to let them run simultaneously and see the double time for double number files. This is partly the main goal of a personal computer security. If this computer has no shared folder, you cannot enter his files.If the computer has a shared folder, you can only see the shared folder files. If this folder is read-only, you cannot change the files, you can only read them. And of course you have to guess a valid username and password. If the guy knows a little bit about computers, he will set up a firewall which will allow only a couple of computers to access his PC. So, entering the modem will be useless, you will not be able to go further than the modem. Which is funny by itself, but remains useless for file reading purposes. And of course if this guy is stupid and leaves his computer absolutely open without any protection, then everybody can do what he wants on that computer ; however, there will probably be nothing interesting to play with.
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