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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Sorry, but why are you talking about invisibility? Everywhere I go, I find a guy shouting "Hey you, get out of here!" Isn't this your case?
  2. Maybe we can find an intermediate solution.The standard cooling systems have a cold source and a hot source.And the problem of computing centers is to evacuate the heat from the hot source.Usually this hot source is in the top of the building, with a lot of fans to refresh it.We could imagine an exchange system, with a fluid taking the calories from the hot source and bringing them to your home.This will be very interesting during winter.But during the summer, will you need more heat in your home?
  3. He first posted in the "Asta Answers" subforum, and I moved his topic here.the "Asta Answers" forum is the only subforum where non-members can post topics, and moderators move the answers to the accurate forum.
  4. You lucky man, my sql queries have a lot of syntax errors without driniking any beer!
  5. The problem is, that it depends from each guy.It's exactly like buying solar glasses. Some people will love green glasses, some other will love amber glasses, and some others will buy mirror glasses. It depends from eyes defects. Some people cannot see correctly far away. These people will love amber solar glasses. Some other people see perfectly far away, and they cannot see correctly the objects very close. These people will prefer blue glasses. All the other people will prefer mirror glasses.. Same thing with the comfortable font colors for reading on a display during a long time. Unfortunately, this is my own experience, other people certainly noticed the same facts and published it on the web. Unless only I discovered this, in that case I will become reach and famous very soon.
  6. Can you freely choose the fonts setup?I guess that black characters on a white background would be very aggressive for standard eyes.Could you try if amber characters on a black background are possible? And do you feel them readable?If you happen to feel amber characters uncomforable, could you please try green or blue characters?This a purely philosophical question, because I have no smatphone nor tablet, I love reading while I'm in my bed, and the books I love to read don't have e-book version.But I'm really curious concerning this font question.Some tens of years ago, people had great trouble working on white background terminals black white texts. And some smart devices allowed choosing the character colors.So, I'm curious to know if the modern devices have the same comfort.By the way, the only free e-books I found had a pdf or an odt "source" version, so nothing else needed on a standard home PC.
  7. Sorry, but I didn't understand how the engine works.Is it for text-based game?Or can you display an image (the room where the character is or the action scene) and wait for a word or a click?
  8. That's right.That means that you cannot sort, nor compare, nor index columns of a table if a null is present.Which is rather painful for real life applications.
  9. Simply suppose that all home PC manufacturers stop making that kind of computers, and everybody rushes on tablets?Then, most of communicating things will be like Androids or other such things, able to surf without .net or wind32. So, I would say, for our own purposes, let's "wait and see". Maybe the far future will see a lot of things disapearing, but the next monthes will probably see us continuing our current job with our current tools.
  10. Hi, toothamoxil, welcome aboard.I moved your post here, where most probably it's place is. Please remember to respect other user's topics, and don't give off-topic replies.RegardsYordan
  11. Did you try the trick posted by going nuts, two posts up? Namely the steps 10, 11 et 12 (the Shift-F10 trick when booting from the install CD) ?It's supposed to work, so simply try it. It's a security hole, so, it could work if no security update has been applied.
  12. Thanks, now I see.So, when I start reading Herbert's post, I stop reading as soon as I see "spoiler alert" and I skip to "End Spoiler". Thanks for that info. Is was not aware of that kind of talking, saying "stop listening if you are interested" but it's really useful for sending info without breaking the pleasure for those who don't know how the movie finishes.
  13. By the way, what does the "spoiler alert" mean ?
  14. Thanks a lot for that info.Till now I did not find any good software for free. And the commercial genealogy softwares I found were far too expensive, so I gave up.I will try gramps, hope that my learning curve will reach a reasonable level in a reasonably short time!
  15. I use no plugins with portable Thunderbird. That way, at any moment, I can catch the current version from portableapps site.
  16. I use the portable version of Thunderbird, on a USB flashdrive which is always in my PC or in my pocket.So, doesn't matter on which PC or laptop, mine or friend's, at home or at office, the software as well as the mail archived files are on the flashdrive, so no problem anywhere.
  17. Funny. I clicked the link, and it did not start the update. It first told me the plugins that would be deactivated, and waited for my action.So, I did not do the update, and I went to my test system and updated Firefox on the test system.
  18. Here below is the "big" pop-up I receive. I have also a quite small (one square centimeter) appearing during one second at the bottom righ edge of the Firefox screen and then vanishing.
  19. Hi, Rurbsooto, welcome aboard.By the way, I moved your text here, where it's place more probably is.Please avoid polluting other people's posts with off-topic texts. RegardsYordan
  20. You are fully right. Firefox 6 is available today, I received a pop-up suggesting to update.-----Edit---The topic title was talking about "Unix Version", and I am talking about Windows version, almost off-topic. At least we are still talking about Mozilla Firefox.
  21. Please do not post copied text without quoting. Remember that posting copied text is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban.
  22. I have two remarks.first of all, XAMPP is not necessary, it's not the only way for connecting to mysql.For instance, on a windows machine, you have other environments. Secondly, please, do not post lines of codes without using the code tags.
  23. This topic is rather old. However, the subject is still interesting.For instance the fact that new versions or newer browsers which are not compatible with the daily use in your office or reaching your banking account.However, the current Firefox is not version 4, it's Firefox 5.
  24. Why should the battle be between Mint and Ubuntu?I guess that RedHat is the only stable professional version on the market.And you can see a lot of topics around this forum expressing opinions concerning the free Linux versions. My favorite one remains Mandriva, and I see no reason to switch to Mint or to Ubuntu.The real question is, will the future be a free version or a commercial software? Today when you buy a computer for home usage it will probably have Microsoft Windows already installed; and at work, the computer in your office probably also has Microsoft windows. So, probably, the next question will be : besides Microsoft, what will be the future?And, by the way, what do you name "the future" ? Next year? Next century?I don't know if people will keep using computers as the one we know today, with a keyboard and a mouse. Maybe tablets will rule the world. Then, will a free Linux be available?Moreover, the world we know today strongly needs computer. But, imagine what will happen if the financial crisis makes that no more personal computers are manufactured, what will be your life?
  25. This is a choice : if a guy posting on your forum thnks what he says is important, he can add such a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in front of his topic, so people will see that it should be interesting.
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