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Everything posted by yordan

  1. At least I am happy, firefox5 works with the Xisto forum, even the "rich text format" does not have the missing cursor bug, now it works fine.The look and feel is very similar to firefox4, so the things I did not like are still present.
  2. Hi, Welcome aboard.Please be sure posting in the accurate subforum. For instance introducing yourself has to be in the "Introductions and Welcome" part of the forum. That's why I moved your topic here.Hope you will have a nice stay with us.RegardsYordan
  3. Now, Firefox4 users receive a popup asking them to upgrade to Firefox 5.
  4. There have already been a lot of answers to this question, have a look at the other topics in this forum.You will see that the answer depends on what you name "best".If for you "best" means "cheap", the answer will probably be "Microsoft windows because it's bundled with the PC I just bought in the supermarket near my house", or you will say "Linux, the free version" because it's free.If "best" means really reliable, and able to sustain several millions of TPMC transactions with a huge number of simultaneous users, you will choose a proprietary Unix system, probably AIX on a 64 processor machine with a terabyte main memory.And you will also notice, while reading the topics on the forum, that there are some people who say "You definitively have to use a Mac!"
  5. That's right.But you will probably not crash your computer the same day when forgetting your USB stick in a cab. You loose your USB-stick but your computer is still alive, so you rush to the next shop, buy a new USB-stick and backup your files again. You can also imagine having two USB stick : one for monday, the second one for tuesday, in a round-robbin mode.
  6. You can fix that if you look at the "options" menu, and switch back to "standard" mode.
  7. Hi, Zenia,Congrats for this 200th post. Hope to see you writing a lot of more posts.
  8. I would not say this that way.The risk of loosing the computer is high, but in that case you can remove the hard disk and read the data on another computer. Your data are on one physical disk, and if your backup is on another physical disk, the probability of loosing simultaneously both hard drives is negligible, you will loose one disk and the date will be available on the other one. If you loose your backup disk, your main disk is still there. If you loose your master disk, replace it, re-install the operating system, and your backup data are available on the second disk. The only risk is if the backup is on another partition of the same physical disk, then you are protected against an operating system failure but you are not protected against a hard disk failure. And, of course, a NAS disk is probably the best solution, backing up your files to an independent disk located somewhere on your home Ethernet network. Not so safe as a fully remote disk (in another town for instance) but very interesting because not attached to your computer and readable from any computer connected to your network.
  9. yordan

    Mycents Update

    Seems that your myCENTS are updated, but they are not converted to $$ myEarnings.Did you submit a ticket to Xisto - Support?
  10. A new standard seems to emerge. For devices which don't need a lot of instant power, USB charger seems to be very comfortable.The same charger for the phone, for the GPS, for the mp3 player. A single charger in your handbag, a single 12V charger in your car, it's perfect.
  11. Altavista was there before Yahoo.
  12. I would not say "almost all of us". I would expect, in the SI field, a lot of people are honest workers. We give our work and receive a salary. A salary increase is negotiated once a year with our boss, but I would not say that we "would do any thing to increase our chances of earning money".I do a job, I have a salary for that, I cannot work twice more, so I will not ask for twice money.
  13. No need to share your passwords. You set/edit permissions for each file : me, some friends (enter the name), all your friends, public.So, you preciously keep your account and password, and you share your files with the people who have to use them.
  14. I don't understand the purpose of these airplanes in each of your posts, Zenia. Is this a way of testing the mod's patience, or checking their ability of deleting images inside text posts?
  15. I don't use Live Sync.I think that the most interesting feature is that Skydrive can be reached from any PC running a browser, having LiveSync or not. This means that, from my computer at home I put a copy of my precious text (which costed me a lot of thinking effort) on the Skydrive disk. And then, I o to my cousin's office in Canada, and my files are readable. I find this very useful as a short time security feature.
  16. Have a look at the server status here : https://support.xisto.com/serverstatus.phpYour site is probably hosted on the "gamma" server. This server has 172 days uptime. this means that the server was not down since more than six months! So, if your site really had downtimes, moreover on a regular basis, you should open a ticket at Xisto - Support and ask them to fix that. Remember that, today, at asta, you are not on a free web hosting site, you ordered a paid hosting plan, so you are exactly like all Xisto customers, you simply have to be satisfied and experience no trouble with your servers.
  17. 71/100 or 81/100 means a way of measuring commitment to google critera.Which is not really what a real user wants.If a page on the web needs 4 seconds to load, I go out immediately. And faster than that if I see "waiting for ad_something".On the other hand, it's true that having a fast-loading webpage makes people happy to visit your website.However, most of webmasters today create "nice" pages, with a lot of graphical effets, which makes the page load slow.Several seconds for loading a nice picture is supposed to be a neglectible time.Several seconds waiting for the end of the image loading in order to read my text makes me angry.So, always, think about your visitors, do you think they are looking for nice things, or do they simply want a text info, with immediate access?
  18. If you are a standard Windows users, you can install almost nothing.So, giving only windows standard-user password limits such problems.
  19. I don't see why. With a Linux computer running a gnome graphic interface, a standard user can start browsing the disk files and start deleting, copying, moving files while surfing the internet. So, a standard, non-root user, will mess the Linux machine exactly as a non-admin Windows user will mess a Windows machine. I mean, if you think that a Linux standard user cannot do anything dangerous on a Linux machine, you should also think that a standard Windows user cannot do anything dangerous on a Windows Machine. The only problem is that, as a Windows user, you want to be admin of your own PC. And then you start to behave dangerously. On my Unix machine I want to be root, the Unix super-user. And then, I am very dangerous for my computer. But I'm aware of that, I know it's my fault, I am the only guilty guy, Microsoft is not guilty if I behave stupidly on my computer.
  20. I moved this topic to the "Introductions and Welcome" section.Welcome aboard, natabora. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.
  21. Of course please remember that you should never download a video.Most of the time, downloading a video is forbidden if you don't have the original DVD in your hand.And if you have the DVD, you don't need to download the video. However, if you bought a video, you can proove that you paid it, you can put it on your hard drive. Read the user's guide of the video compression software you use, and you will see how the fps and kbps work.576x288 looks like a strange format, looks like 18/9 which means 16/9 with black stripes left and right.
  22. A similar one, or exactly the same one?At least take care, look if the voltage is exactly the same (it's written on the box) and if the +/- cabling is the same (usually + inside the hole, but cleck this).And take care when opening the box, usually there are condensers inside, can be dangerous if you touch one end of the condenser you could have an electrical shock, and if your screwdriver touches both ends (touching the wires for instance) you could have overheating, melting, or ever worse.
  23. pa and pd are short names for tables, for that nice query.ON u.ID = pd.user_idpd.user means the colum "user" of the "pd" table. AND pa.ID IS NULL"pa.id IS NULL" means there is no value in the field "ID" for this row of the table "pa". From a history point of view, "SQL" means "Simple Query Language".This was supposed to be a very simple language for querying data, a language supposed to be simple because it's near the natural (English) language. For instance, selecting the names of the employees being overpaid should sound like "select * from employees where salary greater than 2000;"
  24. As I previously said, If you need too much time typing login.html you can imagine using a bookmark!
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