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Everything posted by yordan

  1. The first one.However, the second one probably works too, because they probably already have seen people making this error, and provided the second one as a link to the first ore. ;)Just ping them, you will see that they point to the same IP.
  2. Have a look at your your Xisto clientarea page, look at "My Services", you will see the details of the plan you ordered, and you will see that it's probably a subdomain like yourname.astahost.com
  3. Have a look at your account at Xisto - Support.Look at the status of your hosting plan.If it's "pending" you still have to wait.As soon as it's approved, your site should be available.Your original request asked for the account settings, so it will automatically be set up with the username and the password you supplied, nothing more to be done.
  4. OK, it's slightly hard to follow the increase in MyCents depending how the sequence occurs.Let's say you have 30 MyCents at the beginning.Then you write a tutorial which is worth 50 MyCents.Then, your account will be updated to 80 MyCents when the batch jobs will finish crawling the forum (this can last several hours).Your tutorial is still not visible, but your credit is 80 MyCents.Then a moderator reads your tutorial and approves it. Your tutorial is now visible. However, nothing occurs on your credit balance : it has already moved from 30 to 80, it will stay to 80.And of course, if your tutorial is estimated being a spam or a copied text, the 50 MyCents previously granted will be removed, and your account can decrease to negative values.Concerning the topic you mentioned, the topic is visible, so everything is OK. Simply you did not see the credit increase, probably because you did not record the value before posting the topic.The trick is that the credit is granted at the topic creation, and not at the topic made visible.
  5. First of all this is an old topic, the topic started ages ago.Secondly, the topic subject concerns computers where you cannot install things (at school, at work, in a public library for example) so you also cannot install a plugin in the browser. This topic has not been removed because some people (like me) are interested by this feature. I still would like to have a web-based version of MSN, in order to use it on friend's computers where I don't want to install things, or on small old computers where nothing more should be installed.
  6. There is a "mobiles" section here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/198-forum/ There are already topics about android there. I think it's enough for current purposes, a single subforum should be enough for iphone, android, google phone and other phones. Of course this is my own opinion, probably because my own mobile phone is only able of phoning.
  7. OK, looks like a network permission problem. I guess that you have a shared folder on your vista system? First have look if you see the vista computer on the network. In a command-line window, type net viewand check that you see the vista computer. Then, use the following command line syntax on the XP system : net use * \\vystacomputername\vistasharedfolder /user:vistauserOf course you replace "vistacomputername" by the network name of your vista computer, and "vistasharedfolder" is the name of the share on the vista system, and "vistauser" is the name of the vista user. The system will ask you the password of the vista user, and then you will see an answer like "the Z: disk is now mounted"
  8. this is a generic page, it's not your site page.Have a look at your order status in your Xisto - Support account, probably your hosting account approval is still "pending".
  9. yordan

    Need Help

    You don't need the client PC admin password, you only need his IP.At least you don't need the PC to send his password through the network, you need the customer to tell you his password through a secured way (while having a coffee together for instance), you only need the current IP to be sent at boot time.And on the gentoo system I was not talking about the root password, I was talking about a dedicated user's password, this user owning the transferred files. Such a user cannot touch the system files, he can only touch the transferred files.
  10. yordan

    Need Help

    I am not talking about the PC's admin password.I am talking about a password on your gentoo system for the customer filesystem transfer.Let's say I create a user named "spawned" on your gentoo system.Then, the PC makes a scp myfile.txt spawned@yourser:myfile.txtThe only password which has to be sent is the spawned's password on the gentoo system. And this gentoo user spawned is a user which is only allowed to store the text files received from your customer's PC. And of course this text file should have nothing secret, so that if some spy is listening to your customer's phone line he can catch nothing precious.
  11. yordan

    Need Help

    This is perfect, and should work with your gentoo system.Just have a look at the resulting file to check that all your infos are there, manually check the scp syntax in order to validate your hostname and username settings, and then add the scp line inside your script.
  12. The procedure was correct, there was an error when performing it.If you want more bandwidth, you simply have to open a ticket saying "please I need more bandwidth".If they also give you more parked domains for the same price, no problem. Just add a comment in your ticket, saying "Is there an error? I wanted more bandwidth and I obtained more databases".
  13. yordan

    Need Help

    OK, now we see what you want to do, this can be done very easily. You can do this very easily in a bat file. This bat could be something like this, and could be easily sent at the end of system boot. ipconfig >myip.txtscp myip.txt remoteuser@remoteserver:myip.txtecho ip sent to remote serverOf course, you will have to install scp for windows on your customer system (a free version), and setup scp signatures for unattended send, but this is a standard system administration task. Regards Yordan
  14. yordan

    Need Help

    Sorry, but, this is quite not clear.the wget sentence is easy to put in a .bat file.What we cannot understand is what you want to be done. Why do you need a mysql database?And what is the operation that has to be performed. Do you want to save on your server the contents of the whole PC of each guy accessing your website?Why do you need to store the IP address, password and start a wget remote backup?You know, we cannot fully help you if we do not fully understand what you are wanting to be performed.
  15. By the way, are you sure that you ordered from Xisto? Seems that you ordered from forum500com ?
  16. If you need your subdomain to be "Xisto.com" you should open a ticket explaining that you mistyped and want the error to be corrected.
  17. From time to time, have a look at your status.After a reasonable wait time (let's say tomorrow) if your status is still pending, use the "submit a ticket" in the Xisto - Support menu in order to submit a ticket asking if there is a problem with your hosting activation.
  18. Sorry, not sure I fully understand the problem.Were you saying that you were successful purchasing the basic plan and that you see not it is pending?then, you simply have to wait until it is approved.I hope that you mistyped and the subdomain is "Xisto" and not "rap17" as you wrote in your post...Simply wait a reasonable time, you should recieve the mentionned mail confirming the website creation.
  19. Hi, Zeroxtrpo, welcome aboard.I moved your topic here. Please avoid double-posting, and take care posting inside the appropriate subforum.
  20. Of course you can simply purchase your domain name at Xisto too, have a look at the prices when you will be browsing the "orders" menu.
  21. First have a look at the logic plan, here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's probably the most suitable plan for you. You can also rumble around, clicking the "Packages" button or the "Order" button, you will see more details about each plan. And remember that you are a customer, so you can switch from one plan to another one, or you can addons to a plan (more disk space or ssh acccess for instance). Regards Yordan
  22. This should be easy if you know the IP address of the remote system. With command line it looks like : net use * AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD\mythings /user:mynameOf course, the same thing can be done with the mouse-click things, simply give the IP instead of the machine name.
  23. All my systems purchased with Windows XP are still working like a charm. So I am satisfied with that and I will continue until big hardware failure.I will probably have to switch to Windows7 when I will buy my next PC, but till now I stick to XP as long as I can.
  24. yordan

    I'm Back :)

    Hi, Manuleka, welcome back.Don't you think that people will be afraid by your avatar?
  25. yordan

    Need Help

    Is it really necessary to use a .bat file? More precisely, isn't this a homework you have to do at school? Isn't it simpler to let the php program do the job and insert the result inside the database? This topic is not a tutorial. So, you are right, you should not have posted it in the tutorial section.
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