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Everything posted by yordan

  1. "My controls" are only for members already logged in.By the way, some people (and some computers) hate pop-up boxes, these guys would never be able to log in.
  2. Portable VLC is avaible from portableapps.com I guess that you were rather wanting to talk about VLC for Mobile phones ?
  3. This is an Eglish speaking forum. So, even if your English is poor, please avoid using Chinese characters inside your topics.So, you want free webhosting, here at Xisto you are at the best place for this. Xisto is a post-for-hosting site. Simply post interesting topics, or interesting answers to technical topics. Avoid spamming, avoid copied text, this will lead to a ban. If you want more info about this way of working, please tell us.
  4. Look at the name of a file in that folder. Then, as root, issue : And you will see where this file really is.
  5. earthquakes and tsunamis are signatures of a young planet, so nothing to worry about. The only problem is human's comfort, but this is a small detail on a planet's timeframe.
  6. If you go to http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login you have only the login frame, it's loaded rather fast. Try it and tell us.
  7. It's not a "single user logon", it's a single-user boot. You change the default mode from multi-user to single-user in /etc/inittab and reboot. Or you login as root on the console (not on the graphic thing) and you type "init S" And when you see "single User mode" you type "who -r" to check that you are still in single-user mode. And then you type killall this will kill everything except the ascii console (fortunately you are on the ascii console) And then rm -rf /something/yourthing. These are standard unix administration tasks, and a lot of Windows users have to learn this again.
  8. What is that VM folder? Is it a Virtual Machine? Is that virtual machine down? Seems that a process is using that folder, so the smart way is to stop this process, or tell this process not to use this file.The desperate way is the standard Unix method : boot in Single User Mode, remove that bolder, and then boot again in multi-user mode.
  9. The srt format is rather simple, simply have a look at a movie where you already have the srt file.And, yes, the srt file can be edited with a text editor. For instance, you can use a wordprocessor in order to find all the mistyping in a given file!
  10. Should be easy in C, but you could try my trick with php too.If it's an online game, people need to connect to your server.I would say that a character has to log in a file that he is present and his IP recorded.Your program reads from your server the value of a pointer, and branches to this pointer at a crucial moment of the game.A premium game will not connect to your server, so the pointer will have another value and at the crucial moment the game will go to a stupid demo instead of branching to the interesting part of the game.Cannot be found easily because this is not a bug, the game will be functional, simply your free users will have a nice game and the persons who bought the stolen premium code will have a useless long-lasting demo.Of course, in order the trick to be not so obvious, the pointer should be initialized with a read value, for instance "time of the day", and your moving algorithm on your server should take this into account.What do you think about that? If it works you should invite me for a cup of coffee.
  11. This is a very nice feature. How may times I had to first input all needed info and then had to wait until all the rpm's were coped to disk ! All the mandatory actions can be performed in the background, while you are typing the user-side infos and local data as system name and DNS or IP settings. I really love this.
  12. This subject is slightly off-topic, but I will try to put my own five cents ont it.Each guy has his own feeling on the speed the cents accumulate. And your own opinion is the only effective one. So, sit down and think : do you feel that it's harder to earn cents this month, do you feel that it was easier three monthes ago? My own opinion is that if there is a bug in the accounting algorithm, this bug will be found and solved.
  13. You are a standard customer buying paid hosting. Simply, instead of using your bluecard, you use your MyCents account balance.Simply go to the Xisto client area, click "order a domain", give your domain name, and see how much it costs. It depends from the domain type (.org, .net, etc..)
  14. Yes, it parks domains.And it will cost you precisely the monthlee fee for your hosting plan, no more. Plus the yearly fee for the domain name if you also want to purchase a domain name.
  15. Have a look at the mint site.I had a good experience with other environments, their USB installers were really smart (at least from my point of view).They give a you a zip file, you run the thing on your PC and it installs everything on your USB in order to turn it into a bootable installer. Usually they create a bootable Linux loader which is able to start the installation on your PC.
  16. Don't forget to have a full backup of your notebook. Just in case.... And please keep us informed.
  17. You can also install a private proxy on laptop a : I suggest privoxy, it's free.Then, laptop b uses laptop a as proxy.This works fine : laptop b will be able to access the web, and privoxy will act as an ads filter and popup blocker.
  18. Like Mario Karts without Mario?
  19. Are both PC's identical ? Same browser, same add-ons, same plugins ?How are they connected? Directly or through a proxy removing all jpg images ?
  20. Each guy should have a LiveCD in his emergency toolbox.Also this emergency box should also have- A Ghost recovery CD- A CloneZilla CD- A MS-Dos CD- a DiskPart CD- A GParted CD- A Windows XP install CD And maybe nothing more because my 10-CD box is nearly full, and I still have to take a CDR-W and a DVDR-W
  21. If the partitions were created under Linux, then things seem normal. The owner is root or another Linux standard user.You should try booting on a Linux LiveCD and "chmod -R ugo+rwx" these folders. This should solve the problem and, when booting again under Windows the folders should be writable again for any user, including your Windows user. If my trick does not work, boot again with a Linux LiveCD and remove the files you don't want to keep while you are under Linux.
  22. Try loggin as administrator and on the folder you can't modify try going to "advanced" and then choose the user and click each permission (read, write, etc...)
  23. Have a look here : http://www.image-line.com/support/FLHelp/html/app_underrun.htm They have a nice underrun optimization topic, depending from your audio drivers.Maybe this can help. By the way, did you change something in your hardware, namely your sound card or your sound adapter? Regards Yordan
  24. I loved Death Rally, it costed me some keyboards.
  25. Have a a look in your cpanel file manager. Look where is your home directory. It's probably something like /home/yourusername Then, look if http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ points to the www folder of your account.
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