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Everything posted by yordan

  1. If you are a mac user, you need to use safari when you are away from home and need to use a PC. So you don't care about performances of other browsers, because you never use them.
  2. Congrats, Manuleka! Once you have solved the problem, it appears simple.Including the drivers in the slipstreamed CD was a great idea.
  3. shipped with Vista? what about booting on a Vista DVD and see how it behaves?
  4. Look on the manufacturer's website if this laptop is usually sold with Windows XP.They probably have a custom XP install disk.
  5. Hi, Rizla, welcome aboard. Hope you will enjoy your stay here.
  6. I'm afraid the current system is already enough complicated for standard members, who need to post at least five interesting topics before having hosting granted. An extra barrier could make the whole system less attractive for newbies.
  7. At least I love the name. "Linkman" sounds as "Walkman", sounds like the thing you always have to take along when you have to walk a little bit far.
  8. Hi, Caniimunda, welcome aboard.Plese read our forum rules. Do not spam, no advertising accepted.Your topic was posted in a wrong forum, I moved it here.RegardsYordan
  9. No need of a free or a trial version.A mac is a very special combination of hardware and software. In the current industrial world, virtualization arises as a necessary mean of optimizing system resources. So, some "virtual" mac servers will have to arrive on the market. However, for most of needs, the customers will not have to be convinced, they know that they need a mac, and they will buy one. No need to test in order to be convinced. If you are not a mac user, too bad, we are sorry for you.
  10. VirtualBox has a "Mac OS X Server as VM type.If you have a Mac OS X distro, you can try it....I have bought no Mac, so I have no Mac OS X media.
  11. that's the point : you don't loose the mails, simply you can't read them on your usual device. That's the same problem as when you loose your phone network, because the antenna near your house is out of order for a couple of hours. No lost, simply you don't have the needed info at the needed moment.Of course, if you are at home and you really wait for an urgent mail, I guess you will accept to power up your PC as a help of diagnosis. Not quite true. Also for SMS, having a real keyboard is very useful. I prefer the BB keystokes mechanical "click" rather than the Iphone loudspeaker "blurp".
  12. As far as I remember, as soon as somebody answered your topic, you cannot edit it any more.
  13. I was really surprised whan I saw that. As a matter of fact, the two logos (the small mike and the small headphone set) were visible on the same place.Unfortunately, most of the devices I have seen till how have two jacks (one for the mike and one for the headphones).Just curious.
  14. How do you connect simultaneously a microphone and an earphone on a EEPC ?There is only a single jack entry ?
  15. yordan


    Hi, Maculam, welcome on board.I hope that you will enjoy your stay here.
  16. What is that, bluestack?It makes a bluescreen each time you type the word "Android"?
  17. No problem, you can be active in both sites, you will earn MyCents from both sides.
  18. Precisely as you said.The only thing you should keep in mind : you cannot post the same text both at Xisto and at Xisto. If you happen to do this, both posts will be destroyed, and you will loose MyCents from both sides.
  19. I also noticed this behaviour. It's quite comfortable if you have a small display device, it's quite ennoying if you want to switch back to gimp from another window. I remember that you can close this tool window, which could be a workaround. However, before doing that, you should find how to make the window come back!
  20. Please read our forum rules. We do not accept copied texts. All texts you write down here have to be your own text, not texts copied from somewhere else on the web, or texts written by somebody else. You already posted at least three copied topics. The warning means that you have been seen guilty. You are advised that you don't have to do this. It is harmful for you in two ways : First of all, the removed texts will also remove MyCents from your account, which can even turn to negative. Secondly, please remember that posting copied text is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban. If you are banned, you cannot post any more, so you will not be able to earn MyCents in order to pay your hosting plan. And, yes, the warning is permanent until a moderator removes it. I remove your warning, hoping that you really will stop posting copied text.
  21. Nice victory.However, be sure not to post copied texts or spamming text.You can experience negative cents when the copied texts will be removed.
  22. Please read our forum rules more carefully.Do not post text copied from somewhere else without properly quoting it.Posting copied text without quoting it is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban.
  23. Probably because you mainly post one-line posts. Try adding some content, posting text with several sentences.
  24. Things are simpler if both hosting and domain name are handled by Xisto. However, you can buy them separately.Simply, if your hosting is somewhere else, you will have first to buy your domain name at Xisto, second to change your current hosting settings in order to set the DNS values to Xisto DNS server names.Simply remember that you are a standard customer buying paid hosting and paid domain names from Xisto, simply you can feel free to pay using your forum MyCents instead of using your standard banking facilities.
  25. Hosting is due each month, simply be sure that you have credits enough for your "next due" date.The domain names are due on a yearly basis, and hosting is due on a monthly basis. MyCents are obtained while posting. If you post quality posts, you obtain a lot of cents. However, Xisto is a moderated forum. When a copied or spamming or offending post is removed, the corresponding MyCents are removed from your account. People who fail to negative values have to post again in order to go back to positive values.
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