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Everything posted by yordan

  1. As far as I remember, it's in the settings menus, something like "X11 configuration".
  2. Maybe not simply send to Mike? Rather share with us in the current topic?
  3. I use it each time I have to play a video, in order to check that I have the codecs installed. Useful when for instance a friend comes with some vids off his camera and wants to show them on my home TV.
  4. Do you mean that you want to share the same partition? the whole c$ or d$ drive? Not only the \data or \movies folder?
  5. use gspot. gspot tells you which codecs have been used to compress a movie. Simply apply it to a movie file, it will tell you the codec. You get it from http://www.doom9.org/ download section, then "avi editing tools". By the way, +1 for VLC
  6. Ideally, you have to know which codecs have been used in order to encode your files, and then, install these codecs on your Windows machine.
  7. This means that you have the audio codecs but the video codecs ar not installed
  8. So, you need to get the matroshka codecs too, I expected it to be included in the first codec pack but sems it's not.
  9. All the codecs are included with vlc. No codec is included with windows, which allows you to buy separetaly each codec you need. This is the standard commercial choice for windows systems. If you really want to use Microsoft Media player, try the Windows 7 codec pack, http://www.windows7codecs.com/ I didn't try it yet, that's why you should perform a system backup before installing it, just in case.
  10. huh? Now you start a rather complicated process.In order to play mkv files, you will need to install matroska codecs. Don't forget to backup your operating system before that, because the new codecs may conflict with existing ones, making other parts of your natural windows multimedia usage fail.
  11. And my problem occured when I re-started my vm after letting it sleep a couple of weeks.
  12. I hate de-install and re-install, very often this leaves a lot of useless things where they should not be.My vm first worked and then stopped working, that's why I answered this topic which showed exactly the same pop-up.Of course, next time I will re-format my hard drive and re-install a fresh version of Windows, I will also re-install VirtualBox and check if the same problem will arise again. Two days ago the problem was on my 32-bit machine, next time it will probably arise on my 64-bit system.
  13. You are right, I am on a 32 bit platform, but I had exactly the same alert "Failed to create a virtualbox COM object".
  14. OK, now it works, with the help of some funny steps.1) The wutske trick was useful, but it simply showed me that my register settings were correct and did not need to be manually changed. 2) Start the network (there is a readme somewhere inside the virtualbox folders) 3) choose the appropriate network settings : in the vm settings, Adapter1, advanced, choose Intel4) The VM did not have the intel adapter drives, so download the drivers from intel site, put it on the shared folder, install them on the VM, and then, tadaa, the network works fine now.
  15. The shared folder feature works rather fine, no need for a network share.
  16. Why not, indeed. However, the initial question was "the administrator does not want, how can I do?"
  17. it is the full command! By the way, this trick will probably not work on each Windows SP!
  18. Ok, that seems to show that the computer did not really boot. At least it did not reach the point where wifi is activated and connets to the router.The only solution will be to connect a terminal and see what happens.
  19. Ho-Ho, so we don't know if the system is working correctly. We can't know if the system is working correctly or if it is showing a blue screen.Does "net view" from the working computer show this one up?Or if it has a fixed IP address, does it ping?Can you see it's mac address on the router?
  20. Just had a look in order to see if it installs correctly. I don't find it really user friendly, for instance the vmware tools did not install automatically. I sincerely prefer Mandriva or RedHat.
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