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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Nice post, isn't it ?You can see that you ask that question to three people, you receive three different answers.OK, so I will also give my own opinion.I would suggest, use the 8 gig disk as system disk, the disk space is not a lost space because you still can give the Unix filesystems to samba to be mounted by the client PC's.I suggest the other disks to be used in Fat32 mode, so that they can be read, write and shared simultaneously by your Linux server and your Windows clients.And, of course, I say "Use Mandrake" because it's really easy to install and use for beginners. Create all your Windows partitions booting off an ms-dos diskette or use the pre-existing Microsoft Windows install for creationg the FAT32 partions. Then boot off the first Mandrake CD, which will install and configure everything on a graphic base, including Ethernet and the Windows sharing files.A standard install of such things will last about 30 minutes. If you don't like it, redo it, until it does what you want.Hope this helpsYordan
  2. by the way, if it's for your own purpose and if you have a small set of cheats and a slowly varying set of cheats, an Exchel spreadsheet would be enough. From times to times you sort the "game name" column, else the latest cheat is at the bottom of your page. From learning poing if view it's less smart thant a database, but it's easy to startup. And if you don't want Excel you can use the OpenOffice spreadsheet.Spreadsheet versus databases is a very funny philosophical problem. If you want to retrieve a single record, a dabase is more accurate. if you want accept to see a full page, the spreadsheet is faster and easier. And if your number of data start to be really big, a database is again the best solution.RegardsYordan
  3. Indexes are they way the database accesses the single recond you need. If I need to know something about vizskywalker, if I have an index on "name", I do a single disk access to read the index, and the index tells me where to do the second disk access to have the info concerning vizskywalker. If I have no index, I will have to read the whole database everytime I want the info concerning vizskywalker. So, from a philosophy point of view, if you want to read the whole database everytime you want to display something on your screen, you need no index. If you want to read the enfo concerning somebody (vizskywalker for instance) and only this info, you need an index.So, if you want to have fast access to your data when asking for a name, you need to create an index on the "name" column. If you want to retrieve records concerning year of birth, the index has to be created on the year column. If you never do queries concerning "studies and hobbies", do not index the column named "studies_and_hobbies".hope this helped.Yordan
  4. I use Xisto for hosting my phpbb2 forum. Xisto is free as long as you can post on the forum, it supports php and mysql. And if you log to your cpanel, you will see that it's really fast and easy to install and configure your phpbb2 forum.RegardsYordan
  5. Nice, now I know why I don't want to try gentoo ! I will stay to Mandrake.
  6. Bad question, or at least poorly formulated question. Mysql is a sql engine. Informix is another one. Oracle is the richest one. IBM db2 is another one. And I guess that the last part of your question concerned the MICROSOFT sql ?Nope, no one is better than another one. You are using the Xisto forum, the best one right now is using the databases offered free by Xisto. In your future real life you will have to compare the sql providers arriving : you will see if you need some details from the expensive providers (like $90000 for Oracle) or if you can manage with free softwares giving less comfort for less money.
  7. yordan

    MySQL Url

    loot at your cpanel at Xisto, you will see your limits.I am currently using 7 databases, and I am allowed up to 99. Of course, my free account will probably not have anouth megs for 99 databases, however you clearly can have several databases, as long as you don't exhaust the free space you are allowed. Regards yordan
  8. yordan

    Hi Guys

    Welcome, theinspirer, hope you will enjoy being with us.RegardsYordan
  9. sickgrrl723 mentionned that the file seemed to be a photo file. This means that the file was probably a .jpg or a .gif file, or a photo.html file. opening a picture file is what most of people send, and when they receive a photo they want to look at it. the question is : how is it possible to send a virus in a photo file ?The only way I see is the file being name picture.jpg.exe, and the default explorer options being set as "mask the extension for known programs", and then "photo.jpg.exe" appears as "photo.jpg"
  10. @cloud28: Yes, it seems that the evaluation version of WS_FTP is only for Microsoft Windows. And, because it's not an open-source product, they do not maike public the sources in such a way that you could compile them with linux... Which is fully normal for a commercial product.
  11. We need some more info. How big is the database ? Are the five drugstores on the same network ? Can the five drugstores access the same central database ?
  12. I tried Oracle 10.2 on AIX, and I had no problem.Have a look at the $ORACLE_HOME/something directory, where the isqlctl settings are, the port is written explicitly.Then have a look at /etc/services, to see if the port is in use. Also try netstat, you should see this port busy or listening.RegardsYordan
  13. I'm still rather surprised with all these kdeinit's. Are they present if you reboot your system ? Yordan
  14. try starting "ps -f" instead of "ps -e", in order to see also the parent process ID. Then you will be able to see which process started your kdeinit, and you will be able to debug more indepth.RegardsYordan
  15. Hi, tluu, try speaking english here, it's more polite. By the way, this post is about firewalls. Mozilla has a pop-up blocker, it has no firewall. Mozilla will prevents an unknown window to pop-up, it will not prevent an ad-ware program to start installing on your pc.
  16. Just try using fantastico in your cpanel environment, it will install coppermine automatically, you will not have to provide the path for imagemagick.
  17. Maybe you tried to enter Xisto's cpanel instead of yours.Your cpanel url is probably something like yourname.astahost.com/cpanel.
  18. This is exactly the message when you tried to copy a copy-protected game, and the copy did not work.This means that you probably tried to copy the game CD using Nero and this copy is recognized by the software as an illegal copy. Nero copies only the non-protected games. Most of commercial games are protected against copy. And Warkraft 3, Frozen Trone, is protected. So, there is no way for copying with standard tools. That's why some people see some ISO files where the original game is replaced by patched games which can be copied. And, of course, using patches in order to workaround the copy protection is trongly forbidden in most of countries. Of course, nobody here at Xisto does such illegal things. So nobody here will help you for that purpose.
  19. I expect it to do the export on the host where your database is. The export will tell you the name of the exported file. Then you probably will have to use ftp to get the file on your pc, if you want to put it on a CD-rom in order to protect it from a general failure.I did not do that part personnally yet, but I expect it do work that way.By the way, performing the backup is not at all a risky operation, you can test it without problem. Only restoring a bad backup could be risky.Regards Yordan
  20. Are you sure it's PATA ? Isn't it rather SATA ?
  21. Depend from what you have on your old server.I just did it this week, I simply took everything from my old server (I used FileZilla as ftp client), put it on a directory on my pc, and then uploaded everything from my pc to Xisto. And the new site worked fine.this worked fine because I first had only standard html files.If you have php programs it works the same way. The only problem can come if you have webpages with full absolute paths to 100WebSpace.com, you will have to convert them to absolute paths on Xisto.com. and if you have database date, you will have to backup your database and restore the backup on Xisto.
  22. Nope, people don't really burn ISO files. There would be no use of putting ISO files on a CD. ISO files is a way of shipping a whole CD in a single file. Suppose that I have 1000 pictures on my CD. And suppose that I want to send them to you, or to put them on my site so that you can get them. I could send you 1000 files, which is not very comfortable. But I could also put everything on a CD, and create and ISO image of that CD. So, I put that ISO image on my website, or on my ftp server, and you get it. Or I put it in a mail. this is a single file instad of a lot of separate files in separate directories. Then, you put this ISO file on your hard disk, and you ask nero to "burn from ISO image", and Nero creates a CD from the ISO image.
  23. Maybe you are talking about this tutorial : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/79591-topic/?findpost=
  24. I tried using these proxies, and I was rather unsuccessful. They masked my proxy address but they showed my IP addrress! I did not have this problem when working with tor. Tor is described in another post on this forum : tor worked fine, it started an anonymizer program on my own pc, and I could surf anonymously as seen from https://www.whatismyip.com/
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