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Everything posted by yordan

  1. So, let's take it like a game rule. We can post, we cannot edit.So, today I am smart and I know something, and I post about it.Then I feel sleepy (it's rather late here now) and I go to bed. Tomorrow I will read my post and I will see that I said something stupid.what should I do then ? I could first ignore my error, nobody will see I did a mistake. I could imagine editing and deleting the stupid things I said, and now nobody will know that I said something stupid.And there is a third possibility : I post again saying "sorry folks, I said something stupid, forget about my previous post". Unfortunately, this third way of reacting is the most difficult, I don't know if I will do it. So, if you see something quite stupid in one of my posts, simply forget about it, it's due to the fact that I had no "edit button".
  2. Nope.I would say that, if you want people to come to your forum, you should give them some freedom.So, may I soggest opening a new subforum and see if this subforum starts being successful.If this subforum starts growing more and more, it can become your main forum, why not ?And if nobody posts in this subforum except your friend, doesn't matter, she will be satisfied. On my own forum, I just want that nothing illegal is posted. Everything else is not really important, provided that people like posting in my forum.By the way, I would like to open a special subforum on AIX in Xisto forum. However, it seems that we are only two people today interested by that topic, so this will not be done.
  3. Maybe it's right. Depends on what you want to do.What do you mean by "I can see the computers", and what is "I can't access them"? Probably "I can see the computers" means that you can see that they are present on the network. However, what did you want to access ? I guess you want to access files ? In a folder ? Did you activate "sharing" on that folder ? When activating sharing on that folder, did you choose "allow anybody to read and write any file in that folder " ? If not, you will receive that "permission denied", it's standard permission things. By the way, how is your network organized ? Did you choose by yourself your IP addresses ? Then, try adding the IP addresses and computer names in the etc/hosts file. HTH Yordan
  4. He needs two guns because his two eyes don't collaborate : each eye goes to a different direction, so he needs one separate gun for each eye. So, the thing is : stay just in front of that guy, he cannot shoot you!
  5. Basically, transferring things from old_server to astahast shold be rather simple. I did not do it recently, but it should be rather straightforward.1) On old_server, make a full database backup. Your server probably has it's tools for making the database backup, else you will have to learn how mysql does it.2) Backup your whole site on your own pc, including the database backup. By the way, you should have done this every day, because in case of crash of your server, you need to have a backup.3) Transfer all your files on Xisto.4) Create your database on Xisto. Remember your administrator names. I would suggest create on Xisto new administrator names with the same names as on your old_server administrator names.5) If necessary, check your php installation, probably some config files are false or need setup.6) import your database, look your cpanel or read the mysql docs.Hope this helped.
  6. Also, remember that the first thing to do is to have a look at the Linux sound control mixer. I was trapped with Mandrake, I had no sound, I thought I did a big mistake until I look at the sound mixer control, and saw that all the volume controls were pushed to zero. I pushed most of them to maximum and everything worked correctly.
  7. +1 for Fedora. I suppose your father's office people are not experienced administrators, else you would not ask this kind of question.So, they are satisfied with Redhat, I would also suggest stay with redhat. If you change to another distro, you will see people ignoring the advantages in the other distro, and keep crying for features they liked in RedHat.You may like a distro or not, but once people learned RedHat, don't force them to learn a new one.
  8. @computerjoe : I am interested by your suggestion, I will give nvu a try. From their main page it seems to be easy to use, easier than FP. From your own experience, is it able to modify directly the files on Xisto, without download-uploading ?
  9. $40 a single-user licence, $170 a 5-user licence, I would not say that it's cheap. I would rather say that it's at a price similar to Mc Afee or Norton Anti-virus. Personally, if you are not sure wanting to buy this software, I would avoid installing the trial version. Because of time limitating things, a trial version often installs things on your PC which prevents competitor's software from running correctly.
  10. Besides all that, I would be afraid carrying a tank with hydrogen in my car. It is very dangerous to handle hydrogen, even if in case of disaster it would be a very clean disaster : no pollution, only making water when burning hydrogen will combine to oxygen.
  11. You need a gmail address for using gtalk. So, you will not be able to talk with MSN people.MSN works with people having gmail accounts. gtalk does not connect people havint hotmail accounts...So, on that particular point, MSN is opening the communication, and google is restricting to gmail users.
  12. Welcome on board, FantasyFootballGuy. Hope you will enjoy with us. Good luck with your site, should be great!
  13. You are right, I really feel bored.But just think about something. Within some years, you will see a very nice girl. you will mary (or maybe not) and you will have children. And at that moment, you will see that you are with them exactly like your father was with you. You have problems with your dad ? Ten years after your children will have problems with you. This looks a little bit like philosophy, but such is life.
  14. So, I would say that problem is rather simple. It's exactly the same problem for people who like driving nice cars.If you like the look and fell of Microsoft Windows, you have to buy a legal copy of the software, else you are stealing money from the guy who wrote the software.If you don't want to pay for that software and you only want to surf on the web or write down wordrocessing texts, free Linux versions are available and start being rather easy to use.Nevertheless, the info is interesting : you say that Microsoft has means to prevent people having an illegal copy from having the last software updates. This is a good reason for avoiding using illegal copies of WinXP.And this should increase the number of satisfied Linux users !
  15. @qwijibow : you are right when you give a full tutorial for Linux users.I just wanted to point out how standard Windows users should do if they have the same kind of reader and do not want to loose date. Few hardware knowledge can sometimes avoid big software trouble.Sorry for having disturbed your nice post, that was my first error and should be my last one.
  16. I have only 4 readers, 2 types of cards each, also on a single USB slot. Do you really know people using multi-slot card reader with several simultaneous media ? I only have one card in my multi-reader, but I am sure if I had several cards I would have the same behaviour. I use the cards in my photo camera, in order to cleanup my camera memory card and put it on the disk. Notice from username: Here is the way I proceed 1) I remove the memory card from my photo camera.2) I insert the card in my multi-reader. 3) Windows XP opens a explorer window. 4) I click on my pictures directory. 5) Edit, select all, edit, cut. 6) Go to my hard disk, my_camera subfolder. 7) Edit, paste. 8) Go to the windows taskbar, "safely disconnect a peripheral", disconnect my card reader. 9) Remove the card from the PC reader. 10) insert the card in my camera. 11) Remove the second memory card from my camera. 12) go to 2. So, I never had two cards at the same moment, and I cleaned the Windows cache in order not to have things in cache when removing the card. I guess it's the only safe way, so everybody should do that way, no matter how many how many memory cards you own
  17. OK, wutske, thanks for the link.By the way, what is bitdefender ? Is it also a kind of antivirus ?ThanksYordan
  18. I am using Filezilla, it's at least as goot ad CuteFtp. It's specially comfortable with Xisto, because it allows you correcting permissions settings with some programs where you have to add write execution permissions on the uploaded files. I use it for writing down my scritps and for making backups of my sites.I would say try it first, it's free and you don't have any risk (no 30-days-left or de-installing problem). You will find it here : https://filezilla-project.org/
  19. By the way... I first answered your question, how to install Linux and which linux, and dual-boot, and so one. However... If you only want to use a terminal-like window, in order to learn how to run terminal command-line commands, you don't really need to install a full linux distribution. Moreover if you really like Microsoft Windows, you may use a linux environment inside of a Microsoft Windows window. You will find cygwin at : http://www.cygwin.com/ cygwin is a fully compatible Unix environment. People use it at the university in order to show their student the standard Unix shell commands syntax. For instance you can see how the standard commands work : CONSOLE # time find . -print |cpio -omBdv >/tmp/mybackupfile.cpio Moreover, it needs rather few space on your disk (you may keep your F:/ disk and install it in f/cygwin/, it will use only about 100 megs. And telnet and the other standard communication things will work. You will even be able to "DISPLAY=mypc:0.0 ; export DISPLAY; oclock" and have the x-windows o-clock from the remote host displayed on your PC. And there is a way of using your PC like a standard X-windows terminal. So, with cygwin you have a real Unix machine on your terminal, needing very few space and nothing installed (if you don't like it anymore, remove the f:\cygwin filesystem). You will of course be able of using the standard Linux commands, and write down your own Linux scripts, saving them, modifying them and running them, and then correcting your errors. So, I think it's really the first thing to do for you, and after several monthes using cygwin you will be able to really decide if you need a native Linux or if you can continue like that.
  20. Maybe Google is out of it's testing time. However, the "send invitations" menu is still there on my user's page, so it's probably still possible to invite a friend. And, effectively, I see no menu for registering without invitation.
  21. Not so bad. Is it really your style ? Do you like westerns ? Or is this trial only in order to see if you are able to do something live-like ?
  22. Lot of questions, let's try to answer them. I will try a logical order, which is not the natural 1-2-3 order. Question 2 : I would startup with Mandrake, not with Suze ! Question 1 : Of course, this is my own opinion, but I'm not sure that Suze ist the best choice as first trial for a beginner. Of course, a lot of people have different opinions, so read some posts around here to see the different opinions. I think you should startup with Mandrake. Question 3 : Dual boot. If you have free space on your disks, Mandrake will install everything by itself, and make a dual-boot on your system. This means, when you power-on your PC, you will have the choice between Linux and Windows. moreover, you will be able to change the default (if you prefer Linux or Windows). Download the free distro from mandrake, burn the CD's (I hope you know how to burn a bootable CD with Nero if you have a bootable iso image). Then boot from the first CD. The install program will see if you have free space on your system (which means non-partitionned space). Unfortunately you have no free space. You will have to remove one of the partition, I suggest your F: partiton. Prior to that, of course, you have copied all your data from your F: disk to your E: disk ! You first ask Mandrake (or a Windows tool like Partition magic) to remove your F: partition. Then you will ask Mandrake to install Linux, standard install, on the free space left on your disk. Most of the default answers are OK, accept them for all the questions. Remember you may restart your install from scratch as many times as you want, everytime you think your install is not correct, you may restart it. Only when you will start writing down Linux programs, you will have to stop re-installing. Question 4 : Why Linux ? The questions is not why Linux instead of Microsoft Windows. The difference is between single-user systems and multi-user systems. Single-user system are now rather often Intel Pc's. Microsoft has a quasi-monopole on that field. You like or you don't like it, but such is life. If you buy a personal computer in a supermarket today, you will probably obtain it with windows. So you will not really chose Windows, you will get it automatically. On the other hand, multi-user systems (like the huge accounting or payroll printing machines) are nowadays mostly Unix systems. AIX on IBM unix systems, HP-UX on HP Unix systems, SUN-OS on Sun systems, etc... So, smart people have to learn how to speak Unix language. And, of course, Linux is a Unix operating system. Not so different from the other ones. And if you need to buy a professional system for profession use with a lot of users, most probably the cheapest solution is a Linux solution. So, learning Linux is a rich idea. And if you already have a PC with 18 gigs free, learning Linux on your own system costs nothing. Moreover, having installed it will help you understanding the bindings between hardware and software. This binding is the part which is ignored by pure Linux (or Unix) people because only at installation time it's important, but it could be useful for you to learn how it works. Hope this helped. Yordan Notice from m^e: DON'T use the NOTE tag to pin-up notes in your posts. That tag is meant to be used SOLELY for ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES.
  23. OK, so, you need a free hosting for your polish site, on a web server having php and mysql.And you need this site to have a polish name, ending with plock.org, like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ see only a single way to do that.Find somebody who will give you a free domain name (I heard that you can find one for 2 dollars, maybe if you ask a lot of people you will get two dollars).So, you wil have a polish domain, let's say it's named marcin.plock.org. Then, you ask Xisto to host your site, and your collegues will connect to marcin.plock.org/ and they will be hosted by Xisto without knowing it, and everybody will be satisfied.
  24. Notice from Yordan: Not Debian for a beginner! If it's your first try, I would say don't use debian ! Debian is very interesting for security reasons, if you want to prevent people from accessing your computer whithout your permission. If you are a beginner, I would recommend Mandrake. The mandrake distributions are fully functionnal, and easy to install. Download the iso's from the Mandrake official site, burn them using Nero, boot on the first CD. Installation is even easier than installing Windows XP ! And you will have a fully functionnal system, including the KDE deskstop (really useful if you want to configure things) and you will have the Linux standard console, several versions if you want to taste the differences between ascii-like and X11-like consoles. You can download Mandriva 10, the free version of mandrake 10, here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you want a really stable version, maybe you would prefer Mandrake 9, the full version is still free and has everything included : the web server, the mysql database, etc... Hope this helped Yordan
  25. I tried without and with being connected under my own login, same problem. it simply seems that the user named demo/demo disappeard from the account list.Maybe we should signal this fact to a moderator. By the way, isn't the "pleas signal this" button for that kind of usage ?
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