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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Not really. Simply, some years ago, being a dba needed a lot of efforts, so nobody could pay the correspondig salary. Now, simply knowing a little bit Unix and some Oracle commands, you can become a dba. So, you can get the job immediately, instead of waiting until you get skilled. Of course, after several years you will become more and more skilled, you will ask for more and more salary (because you will start add clusters, or you will start optimizing). So, the more things you can do, the more necessary you will be for your company.
  2. this post starts being rather old, but your question is very up-to-date. There are a lot of books about photographying, a lot of them have been written at about 1950 ! The trick is, dont look books about "not using Program modes", look for books about standard photographying techniques. If you have a digital camera, especially a Reflex one, you can have a look imediately on what you have done. This is the mean difference between digital and standard chemical film camera. With a standard chemical film camera, you have to remember what you did, and wait until you obtain the paper version, in order to see if the effects you wanted to obtain is really the visual you see. With digital camera, you see immediately if you are wrong or if you succeeded. Simply look what happens, even without shooting. Put your camera in "S" mode, look at what you want to shoot, and look what happens. If you are on "speed" mode, if you are photographying a landscape, you want the smallest acceptable aperture. But if you watch the speed related to the aperture, you will see that the smallest aperture you have, the langest necessary time arises. And, of course, remember that you cannot shoot at a speed lower than 1/100 second. Starting at 1/50 of second, your camera will have a "moved" effect. Same thing when you are photographying outside, with day lights, something you can place somewhere and think of the effect you want. For instance you want to have a picture of your girl-friend near a flower, think about something simple : "do I want to emphazise only the girl, or also the flower ?". If you want only the girl, you will have to have a high speed and a wide aperture (F4 or F2.8 and 1/200 sec for instance). If you want to see both the girl and the flower behind her, you will use a slow speed (tell the girl "now don't move") and use a slow speed (1/100 sec) and a narrow aperture (F11 or F16 as allowed by the "S" or "A" mode). And then, something funny. If the girl faces the sun, the photo will be nicer, but the girl will close her eyes and she will not like the picture. Such is life ! So, a lot of technique is mandatory, and a piece of chance is always necessary for having a nice picture. Hope this helped. Yordan
  3. Fantastico was very useful for newbies, too bad it disapeared.phpmyadmin is almost necessary, I see noo other tool easily usable for easily browsing tables. I am also experiencing "cannot connect to the database" problems, rather disagreable.
  4. The Oracle dba, like other rdbms dba's, is in charge of starting the database, backing up the database, creating the users, adding tables, modifying tables, implementing new applications.Some years ago, learning how to do this was rather complicated. Typically, a dba needed several weeks training, and several years practice in order to be really performant.Today, Oracle 10g has a lot of very funny features already embedded with the RDBMS.I was rather suprised when I had a database fully overloaded with too many users, the disks were 100busy, only reading. The Oracle perfomance embedded toos suggested automatically that we should create a new index, we did it and the disks went back to 20% busy instead of 100% busy, and the disk response time came back to 10ms insted of 2000ms.So, the new features are really impressive, and very helpful.However, I would not say that you need no dba. If nobody does any backup, nobody knows the table names and how to add new users, the system will simply stop working.For instance, last week I installed a phpbb3 forum with my Oracle 10g database. Of course, the install program asked me the name of the image gallery owner, I went to the Unix machine, logged in as the oracle user and type "grant connect, dba, resource to forumowner identifed by mysecretpassword ;" This kind of things, only a dba can perform it. So, I say that Oracle 10g, like other database systems, need a dba.However, probably, any Linux or Unix administrator, with rather few training, can accept the extra work (for an extra salary if he is smart enough) in order to act as a dba on his system.Anyhow, I still say the same (polytically incorrect) thing : . each Unix/Linux system must have a Unix administrator (usually named root).. each Oracle/mysql/postre database must have a database administrator (usually named dba).RegardsYordan
  5. OK, something must be clarified.You should not installed Ubuntu (neither any other Linux) on an existing partition like F:You should install it on a non-partitionned part of your hard drive, and let Ubuntu create it's own partitions and filesystems on the unpartitionned disk.If you want to use this region which you named f:, you should first destroy this partition (after backup) or reduce the size of this partition, leaving a big part of the disk unpartitionned in order to let Ubuntu create it's paritions.If you already had another Linux distro installed and you don't want to use it any more, you may also allow Ubunto to install itself on the existing Linux partitions, this works rather well too.Hope this helps.Yordan
  6. When you post on the present forum, you get credits at Xisto. You can use these credits for hosting at Xisto. If you prefer Xisto, you should rather post on the Xisto forum. Xisto is from the same group, bot not totally the same objectives, or post spirit. These two forums are different, and independant. It's not the same things, it's two rather similar however slightly different things. Post on the present forum if you want to be hosted as yoursite.astahost.com Regards Yordan
  7. I have also been trapped, but the image is there. You simply have to click precisely on the words "Click to view fill image".
  8. I cannot, my site simply does not respond. Hope that, as promissed, this will not last a lot.
  9. This would be a nice reference for people asking "which Linux do you prefer?" and having "you should use Suze" as answer.My experience with FC6 was rather bad, on a machine where Mandriva 2007 ran fast and agreeable.So, maybe you should try every available Linux distro until you find the one whose defaultdrivers match all your physical devices.RegardsYordan
  10. Finally, I would say that the title of this topic is not quite accurate.You shold not talk about the "best" antivirus, each one has his advantage and what is good for me is maybe not good for you.I would say that the correct statement would be "which antivirus do you prefer" ?On the computers where I have a lot of money, I buy McAfee.On the computers where I have no money, I prefer AVGfree.This simply means my own preference. and I understand that different people with different experience could prefer differently.
  11. This means that mysql support in php for Jomla is not available on your computer. This means that you forgog some libraries or dll's. I would suggest you to try an easier way. Try using easyphp from http://www.easyphp.org/ It installs a very complete apache + php + mysql, all packages ready for use and compatible with each others. I did not try it with Jomla but it works fine for installing PHPBB3.
  12. Really nice.It's the dream of each cell phone owner : an easy way for saving my whole contact list, every day, in case somebody steals my phone.There are some cable links who are supposed to interconnect your cell phone with your PC in order to do that, unfortunately not for every cell phone, and after some years your phone is too old, you have to buy a new one, and the new phone cannot connect to the old cable, you have to buy a new cable (new 50 euros out).So, having a way to let your cell phone communicate with your PC and with the outer wolrd through the web is really great. I would like to talk with somebody who tried this.
  13. Have a look at the "about" of your Internet Security. Sometimes it comes "first year free" with the hardware, then you must purchase the next year support.
  14. Welcome aboard, Imtay. Hope you will enjoy your stay among us.
  15. Seems that this red background is a part of the whole phylosophy of the thing. It seems that the calendar itself has the same background (at least for the two pages which are visible on the website).
  16. Nice Tutorial, Pyost, thanks a lot. I found it really simple, clear and understandable. Waiting unpatiently for part 2.Concernint the C comments, I heard that Pascal is more useful if you want to do hardware-oriented things (acting on switches or on relays, measuring external temperature or watching for intruders in a home and reacting when necessary) and C is more useful for big calculations.
  17. I like the "shared folder" version. And I really love the option "embed this folder in your website, which gives you a html line you add a clickable widget on your webpage, which gives ou access to your shared folder with a "preview or download" button. I lide rather less the "mail" version. Seems that, for sendint mails containing a link to a file, box.net needs each guy you want to share your files with, to be registered at box.net. I would prefer sharing files without forcing people to register to somewhere.
  18. I like PHPBB2, it's easy to install and easy to administrate. Of course, also have a look at PHPBB3, more security but also more things to configure.I prefer the look and feel of PHPBB2. The IPB I find it less agreeable. And I hate most of the templates in SMF forums.Of course, this is only my way of thinking.May I suggest you to try your Xisto account, in your cpanel there is an automatic install for phpbb2, look how fast it installs and how easy to use it is, and if you don't like it use your Xisto's cpanel to simply remove it from your website.Hope this helpedYordan
  19. yes, you should give us more infos.I guess that you want to create your own application, using a MS database. And you want that application to first check the user password.However, we need more details. What else do you have ? Do you have a webserver ?And do the people directly type on the keyboard attached to your PC, or do you have a webserver with a PHP application ?RegardsYordan
  20. Have a look at the C language programming guide, looking for the syntax of the rand() function.You will probably have to get a random number between O.0 and 1.0, multiply it by 100 and look for the nearest integer. Yordan
  21. I am often using grisoft avgfree antivirus. I was really thinking that Grisoft was the only official distributor of avg. You seem to say that I was wrong ?
  22. OK, now I see. You have "sygate personnal firewall" settings problem. Next time you will see your firewall asking you "Do you want to allow this accessing the network ?", click the "remember my answer" box before clicking to "yes".I guess that, like all standard firewalls, yours ask the question during a small laps of time, and then says "no" until next time, so if you try to access during this "no" period you are evicted. Else, your way of connecting is quite correct. Regards Yordan
  23. Yeah ! I'm happy ! One single answer post is helpful for two people ! Today is a nice day ! Also, have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90135-topic/?findpost=1064347377 Regards Yordan
  24. You are a lucky man, you are hosted at Xisto. Just do something easy. Connect to your Xisto cpanl.Go to the Fantastaco section, you will see that there are two Wiki preinstalled environments : TikiWiki and phpWiki.Just try each of them, in order to get familiar with wiki administration. Then, you will be able to choose.RegardsYordan
  25. It's really firstname.familyname.com and your mail is firstname@familyname.comso, it's really your family name domain. This means that Populis probably bought the familyname.com domain. If you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, you arrive to populis.com site. If go to firstname.familyname.com, you arrive at your own site. And you have adds until you pay for removing the ads.
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