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Everything posted by yordan

  1. that's right, this concern the forum hosting. It's a post-for-hosting plans, as long as you post interesting things you earn credits. Hosting costs one credit per day, one post gives a fraction of credits or one or two credits, depending from the quality of the post. And you are right, it's really great. Regards Yordan
  2. March 14th is the pi-day for the only people who use 3.14 for this date and who name "pie" this circular piece of pastry.The people who say (in their own language but I translate brutally) "the fourtienth day of mach" and write down the date 14/03/2007 and who say "une tarte" for that piece of pastry never heard and never could imagine a "pi" day.
  3. Try asking your local network security people. I would not be surprized if your domain account user has some limited administration permissions, but is not able to fire scripts modifying the Windows registry, and is unable or starting scripts creating network services.In a perfect world, your domain network security people should be able to enhance the rights of the local user, allowing him to perform these extra administration tasks.I am currently experiencing these kind of problems, I am supposed to be administrator of my local machine but I cannot read some files owned by the domain administrators (who don't want to tell me their passwords, I can't guess why )
  4. Why ? If it's a laptop, you can put it close to your router and connect through the Ethernet cable. Because I'm pretty sur that the Ethernet adapter of the laptop will be detected, and you will be able to connect to the Internet using the DHCP on Ethernet, which is the default mode for most of the Knoppix versions and most of the routers. It worked for me everytime I tried it (it's precisely the usage for which knoppix has been designed for). So, you may surf on the net all the time long. If this first test is successful, you will be able to do a second test, verifying that you are able of safe surfing : the viruses and the spywares will not be able to spoil your Operating System disk because it's a read-only CD, so viruses and spywares will only be able to disturb themselves...
  5. I love that way confessing that you edited your own post.When I edit mines, I try integrating the modifications so that it seems as natural as possible.
  6. In order to see if the mother board is faulty, I would rather boot on a Linux LiveCD and let it run a whole day to see if it continues rebooting.If it does not reboot while booted under Linux with the LiveCD, then this means that the motherboard is not faulty, then the problem is software.I also had this problem when bad events occured on the network, poorly formed client request killing wy wyndows server. This kind of events is still a software problem (the server PC crashing due to a client PC problem) and so, changing the motherboard would solve nothing.
  7. Funny, this question gave two answers : Save and Restore and Norton ghost. And both are are part of the same toolset , see https://us.norton.com/?pcid=br
  8. OK, glad to see that there are no more 10g install issues, and everything is working fine now.So, we learned something from your adventure : we have to be system admin when starting and Oracle install on a Windows system.Which is not fully the case when installint on a Linux or on a Unix or AIX box. On a Unix box, you prepare the install as system admin (rootpre.sh has to be fired by the "root" user), then you perform the whole installation as a standard user, and only at the end you have to become the system admin "root" user in order to fire the last install scripts name "root.sh".Now, we are happy for you, enjoy your Oracle on Windows install.Yordan
  9. Sorry, Aka_Bar, read the rules. Here are only honest people, no one uses cracks. By the way, you seem not to know what is OpenSource. A program is OpenSource if the author allows anyone to use it's source. If on my site I put a program I wrote by myself, with an OpenSource readme.txt, it's usable by anyone. If on my site I put a warnint "You must pay a licence for using this software", like Microsoft puts ont it's CD's, it's not OpenSource, even if you find such a CD on the Internet. If you install a program, and the downloaded program says "you must have a legit licence you have paid for it", then this program is not OpenSource, and you cannot use it without paying it. I love one well-known ftp client, after the trial time it says "the 30 days trial period is finished ; if you are a student you may continue using this program ; if you are not a student you must purchase this program". That's a smart way of explaining things. So, every program claiming "my software is free" can be legally used. Any program saying "you must have purchased this software" is used against the law if you did not pay it. Sorry for having been so long, but sometimes things have to be told clearly. Some persons write down programs for their own pleasure and want to share them with otther people, this is called OpenSource. Some other people try to sell the work they did, they need this money for having food, you should not use their programs if you don't want to pay them. If you want to use AVGFREE, it's OK. If you want to use the paid version of AVG without paying it, it's illegal. It's as simple as that.
  10. I totally agree with you, Pyost.We can compare a free software to a paid one, and sometimes the free one is better than the paid one.But nobody can say that a software is bad because you have to pay for it.By the way, I like the PHPBB2 look and feel, and I don't like the one of SMF. Moreover, I like the fact that it's free, and it's ads-free on ads-free hosts. Some servers give a "free" IPB forum, with a lots of ads, I hate these.Of course, I use forums for fun, so there is nothing important on my forums, so I don't really have security issues. Maybe I could change my mind if I had important professional secrets in my forum, then I would have to look for security first.
  11. yordan


    Hi, Ishbir, welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.Yordan
  12. Yes, sure ! You must be the local admin of this computer, and not a domain user.Moreover, I'm afraid you cannot install it in a domain, maybe you should (just for testing purposes) try to install a standalone Windows system and try installing Oracle 10g on it. You know, a RDBMS database server must be installed on a server system. You can cheat, installing it on a standalone Windows system, the standalone system emulating a server. But I'm even not sure you can install it on a client machine. Oracle server is traditionally installed on server systems, and Oracle client is installed on client system. Please, keep us informed, if you were successful loggin on your own system as localsystem administrator, and if you were then able to correctly install Oracle. If not, I strongly suggest you to restart everything from scratch (even on an old machine) just for learning purposes. After installing on a brand new Windows standalone system, you will feel more confident for installing it on your client system. Regards Yordan
  13. Yes, the install is fully automatic and straightforward, and you don't need to go outside the Oracle installer. However, if you go to the Windows Operating system control pannel in order to understand things, you should see the Oracle services started in automatic mode. If not, something was wrong in your installation, for instance if you do the install without being the Windows administrator.
  14. and also, how do you connect to your ftp account ? ftp.yourname.astahost.com ?
  15. The tns error means that the listener does not work.there are no default passwords on Oracle 10, you must give a password like "nobody" or "mypassword", but you have to give one.The winXP install for Oracle10 works exactly the same way as on Linux ! Simply the way the services are managed are different, in XP they are started from the Control Panel.
  16. I bought a Poloaroid Digital Camera from Cdiscount.com, it costed me 30 euros. It's not really too expensive.Of course, more expensive cameras do more sophisticade things, but my 30 euros one does most of the job, helping me to be on the right place at the right moment.
  17. You probably missed the part of the installation where you give the "system" and "sys" user passwords.this means that you should restart (more carefully) the database creation part.You can choose the database creation assistant in order to do that, you reach it by clicking somehow like "start", "programs", "oracle orahomeXXX", "database creation assistant".You may also consider de-installing oracle, (click on the "runinstaller", choose "installed products" and click "deinstall"), and restart the whole install from scratch.
  18. Very nice tutorial !Now I know how to hide my secret documents so that my boss cannot see them if he happens to power up my computer when I'm not there !Of course, I guess that this is a trick all real hackers know, so my data are not really protected. But this is a really noce tutorial, because unexperienced people (like I am) are anable to know that my D drive exist, they will simply open Windows Explorer and they will see that I only have my "standard" c: disk, with nothing special in it.Really nice !I will try this next time I will go out on holidays, I will hide my D disk and see if my collegues will continuye spying my PC.
  19. I even did not know that a IE4 version existed. I always thought that IE5 was the first Crosoft Internet Explorer !
  20. it's not so obivous, because, if you go to the gmail "register" page, there is a "check availability" box, and currently you check if "yourname@gmail.com" is available.
  21. yordan

    Asp Vs. Php

    I guess that huge database systems use more sophisticated systems, and I'm quite sure it's not pure php. I would rather bet on something like ProC programs near a huge Oracle database. Unfortunately, Google engine is probably something very secret.
  22. Really impressing.I'm simply curious. Is this a "real life" picture ? If I were Superman and I could go walking there, would I see this exactly like on this picture ? Or are the coulours an electronical effect of differenciating electronical wavelength signals ?
  23. Unfortunately, I think that it's not free.
  24. I'm afraid there is something bad in the partition table, due to the dual Windows install. Remember that Windows puts things you don't master (like boot.ini) in places you would not expect them to be. However, the freezing looks more like a hardware problem, bad blocks on your hard disk and/or too many retries on the Ethernet adapter. Remember that simply a faulty Ethernet cable can cause a system freeze ! In order to evacuate the hardware hypothesis, may I suggest you to boot on a Linux or a Windows LiveCD, and see if the problem remains ? If the problem remains witth a liveCD, this means that the problem is not from the Operating System nor from the Hard Disk. I would also like to suggest you to read this topic : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92272-topic/?findpost=1064363523 It's from the "Similar topics" section of the forum, and I found it effectively very similar. Seems that a lot of people canot have a correct dual-boot with both XP and Vista.
  25. Each day, one point less. One day you have ten points in your account. Five days later you have five days less. The trick is, you should earn enough points (let's seay earn five points) in order to be able to stay several days in case of being too busy, or using a lot of time for writing correctly an interesting topic, with correct sentences and being easily readable and interesting enough to make people keep reading you. What this topic says is that correctly written topics make you earn more credit than useless spam or blah-blah.
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