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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Yes, WinSCP is currently very popular.personnally, I prefer FileZilla client, simply remember to define your site as a ssh/scp site. Also, for Linux command lines (iostat, vmstat, ping, etc...) I use "putty", which is a ssh client.
  2. I guess that you should have no problem, if you are from Australia.
  3. OK, installing a driver is not a big lost of time. We were mainly talking about installing windows. When you re-install windows, you loose everything in your computer, and if you want to first make a back up you must backup your whole C: disk.
  4. yordan

    Best Freeware

    I would say ... no ! Linux is the operating system. this operating system sustains the freeware mentionned in the main topic subject : games, tools, third-party applicatins and other pieces of software.
  5. OK, nice topic. I didn't know about gparted, I was looking a tool like that (for people who don't want to install webmin). I would just like to clarify a small detail point. You say : Is this really what you wanted to say ? Usually a binary is an executable file, no need to compile it. So, usually, you either get the binary file you run on your computer, or you get the source file which has to be compiled.It's the first time I hear about a binary file which has to be compiled ! Also, for people as lazy as I am, maybe you could add the link where to download it from. ------------- Edit. Now I understand. I guess that the term "compiled" should be understood in terms of installation, meaning including it inside a Linux system. A first read it as "compilation" of a C program.
  6. That's the trick. You find a nice name (even if not a domain-name). And if somebody is successful using this name, you say "Hey ! This name is my property ! You cannot use it !"Imagine what would have happened if IBM had discovered that "PC" standing for "personal computer" was a brand name deposited by something else !
  7. Not necessarily. On some PC's I use a very old version, and I survive with it. On some other PC's, I put the latest version just in order to see the look and feel, and if my contact's can't see my image or can't receive a file I send a mail. So, we can survive without having to continuously change versions.
  8. Please, keep your answers in line with the main subject of this topic.Else, BuffaloHelp will say that we are spaming again !
  9. This is valid only if your old modem drivers are in your Windows install CD. If not, you lost both the installation time and your eventually precious files on your old installation.
  10. I guess that you, personnally, exactly as for myself, will have no problem.Your name suggests that you are from a country who will accept the name gmail.com because the domain name has been legally bought by google. I guess that in some countries like in UK, the new users will see theyr brand new mail accoung being created @googlemail.com instead of being @gmail.com. And that's all. Except if google accepts to pay 60 million dollars to the guy claiming he is the owner of the name "gmail" in UK, which I think is not the case. By the way, if somebody wants to give me some millions of dollars in order to use my own brand name "yordan.com" in his country, he is welcome.
  11. I simply think that OpaQue decided to give the free hosting people the facilities he previously reserved to the paid hosting plans. And we are really greatful for that. My only problem with Xisto was that my disk space was somehow small. This last problem disappeared, now I have plenty of space for my webpages and for my photoalbums !
  12. yordan

    Today's Freeware

    By the way, talking about freeware, remember that xnview also does that. Thinking about that, you have plenty of time, because, as far as I remember, Xnview is totally free all the year long.
  13. This is the correct syntax.the user named "root" would like to execute the sql script named "backup.sql" in order to upload into the "testDB" database. Now, the correct syntax gives correct result, we can startup talking about normal things. Now, next time, if the same syntax does not work, this will mean that the "backup.sql" file is corrupted. Or that the "testDB" database has a problem. But, right now, let's be happy that a correct command line applied to a correct sql script gave us correct results.
  14. Yippeeee! Effectively, my account has been automatically upgraded ! Now my disk space quota is 500 MB ! Great ! Thanks OpaQue ! Thanks Xisto !
  15. have a look a the mysql exact syntax. the error message says that you forgot givint the database name. I guess that "backup.sql" is effectively the name of your backup sql script, so the error message is correct, the database name has not been supplied.
  16. One way of doing that is, opening the Zone Alarm alerts, you will see that Xisto was blocked, click on the line where the blocked site is displayed, you will se a pop-up appearing, click in "add this site to the trusted zone".
  17. OK, I'm still disappointed, but for another reason.Now the ftp server works, everithing is fine, except the huge ads at the bottom of each page.
  18. "My network loacations" is only for Microsoft CIFS shared disks, not for Linux NFS exports.
  19. If your warez are smaller than 200k, you can store them on Kingofhosts. If your total warez are smaller than 150 megs, you can store them on Xisto, provided that nobody can download them ; else, it's againsth Xisto's rules, and you can loose your account.
  20. OK, the thing is partly clear for me : I use Netscape.If you boot on the Bouldows CD, you will see that firefaox also cannot use the shoutbox. However, as I prevously said, if I am the only guy unable to use the shoutbox, it's really not important. Yordan
  21. I also have popups, blocked or not depending from the browser I use and depending from my firewall settings.
  22. It's slightly different from 110mb.com, because they have forced ads and 110mb.com has no forced ads.Besides that, I agree, Xisto is the best provider I found till now.
  23. They have no ads on your homepage, but two text lines of ads on each next page. So, they claim it's ads-free, it's false.And I really think, 300kbytes per file is really small...
  24. OK, no way, either control-refresh or simply refresh does not make the shoutbox appear. the box is there, but nobody shouting inside.OK, I forget about it. If I am the only guy unable to shout, it's not a big problem.
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