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Everything posted by yordan

  1. On each host do you have this problem ? is it on Xisto ? You know, some hosts refuse mp3's, they let the ftp client upload it and then delete it with an error message like "incorrect file type mp3".
  2. I feel this very agresive against IBM Microsof-oriented things. It's not at all dangerous for IBM Unix line. Seems they want to fight against IBM Unix and overall against the Unix/Linux way of life. Not sure this will stop customer's trend toward Linux.
  3. Seems to cost about 100 euros. isn't it a little bit expensive, especially for office work ?
  4. +1 for FileZilla server.You know what ? I used Filezilla server for creating a RedHat Linux install server ! My MS-Windows workstation is a FileZilla ftp server, and in RedHat and in Mandriva there is an option "install from a ftp server". Works really fine, allows installing several Linux systems simultaneously. Insn't this nice ? A Crosoft system helping installation of Linux servers !
  5. No, I cannot understand. And, unfortonuately, malayan language is not yet in https://translate.google.com/
  6. what I would personnally like to know is, how many times a structure change from amorphous to cristalline stat can occur.This means - how long will such a device be able to work ?Remember, how long a CDR-W can work and reman erasable - not so many times, indeed, compared to the number of times you write down and erase files on your hard drive. So, flascards are used as disk drives today. would yo like to see your flashcard endup behaving like a CD-ROM, ending like a scratched CD ?
  7. Do you have a kind of registry cleaner ? This could explain the loss of your settings, if you choose "save in registry" at installation time. Proably this could be solved by reinstalling anc choosing "xml type settings storing".
  8. +1 for FileZilla.Morover, it's standalone version, runnable from flashdisk or from CD, is really nice.
  9. Really looo....ong list! And I specially love Kanthari's answer on your forum :
  10. So, maybe I have a solution to that. I don't have this kind of problem at Xisto, but I had it on another free hosting site, which had a lot of forced ads. (namely I had this problem with lycos and with fr33host). I saw the ads, and I could never enter the administration panel. A funny workaround was obtained when I installed privoxy (http://www.privoxy.org/ ) Privoxy is a private proxy, which stops all the forced ads (you see "crunch" in the prixy main window). The ads are crunched, and you can see your admin main screen. Only the admin screens are affected, so your website users won't have problems accessing your non-admin pages, only you will need privoxy. Hope this helped. Yordan
  11. He reached 76, which is a nice age.And he did a really good job. So he had a nice life. I guess he died calm and satisfied.
  12. Sorry, I was probably not clear enough. You cannot install simply a Linux kernel on a system. Usually, you buy a Linux distro (from Redhat or from Mandrake for instance) or you download from the internet a set of .iso files, you burn them on CD's, and you boot your machine from the first CD in order to install Linux. When you boot from the installation CD, usually the installer asks you what you want to install, and usually, the mysql server is included in the installation media and is automatically handled by the automatic install program started when you boot from the install CD. So, usually, when you install a Linux machine from a "standard" distro, mysql is included and very often it's automatically installed. Of course, mysql is also available for Windows and for several proprietary Unix systems. Then, it has to be purchased as a separate product.
  13. if you are hosted at Xisto, you simply have to create your database using Xisto's cpanel. When you install a Linux machine, MySQL comes automatically with Linux, it's free for a non-commercial usage.
  14. The Belkin F5D6050 802.11b USB wifi device is sold with itâs Microsoft Windows auto-installing driver package. Letâs suppose that you are installing a dual-boot system, and that the windows installation allowed you to verify that your usb device is fullty functionnal and is able to discover your wifi access point and connect to the internet. Then, you installed Linux Mandriva 2007, and you have to configure the Linux wifi device. 1. CONFIGURING THE LINUX WIFI DEVICE Now your system is booted under Mandriva 2007 Linux, and you have no wifi device because you did not install the driver yet. Letâs suppose that you obtained the driver as you were priviously booted under Windows, and that the driver is available on a CD-ROM or on any other removable device or Linux-mounted NTFS partition. Now, in order to install the device driver, proceed like follows : Go to the KDE main Menu, and then Choose Configuration Choose Configure your computer (you will have to provide the root password in order to continue) Choose Mandriva Linux control Center Choose Network and Internet Choose âConfigure a new internet connection (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, Wifi) Choose âUse Windows Drivers using NDISwrapperâ (You will probably have to add you Linux Distro CD) When prompted, choose the driver you previously obtained The GUI will automatically recognize the available access point, choose yours, it will be configured automatically and you will be able to surf over the Internet. 2. OBTAINING THE NDISWRAPPER DRIVER Before that, obtaining the Windows driver in a format accepted by ndiswrapper is sometimes a little bit tricky. As explained in the ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php url (this address is provided by theLinux installer itself) , first of all, download the driver from belkin.com/us/support Then, you can see that the sourceforge site explains : Once you have already done this, itâs rather simple. However, the first time you have to do it, it has to be commented. By the way, only the first three lines have to be performed, the rest of the install will be done using the GUI. Of course, you first have todownload the driver. The ârealâ part of the driver is simply two files, a binary .sys file and a text .inf file. Unfortunately, these files are not simply visible when unpacking the driver. The files are embedded in the .cab and .hdr files. And standard Windows commands cannot extract the files, because they are embedded in the installshield cab files. But the unix âunshieldâ command can perform this. So, the solution is simple. You first have to install the unshield rpm in your Linux system. The unshield rpm should be on your Linux distro CDâs, otherwise get it from the internet âeasy urpmiâ or rpmfinder. Then, use the âunshield Xâ command to extract the files from data1.cab, then from data1.hdr and from data2.cab. The work is now almost finisthed. You have to modify the bkusb.in_ file, in order to uncomment the CopyFile.XP.Sys section Now the job is done, go to the first part of this tutorial and use the GUI in order to configure the usb wifi adapter using the ndiswrapper drivers you have just obtained. 3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. Itâs rather easy to install and configure the Belkin F5D6050 802.11b USB wifi device on Mandriva 2007 provided that you have the Windows driver (two files). If you are lucky and find the drivers ready-made from Internet or from another computer, you just have to startup the Linux network configuration GUI and click in the .inf driver description file. If you donât directly have the .inf and the .sys parts of the driver, it seems complicated the first time you do that, but you simply have to unpack the Windows driver in order to extract the .inf and .sys files, before starting the network install. This is the tutorial I would like to have had when I started this job some weeks ago. I hope it will be helpful. Regards Yordan
  15. I knew GMT. I even heard about Greenwich. Today is the first time I saw UTC.
  16. thanks for the link. I loved the "simplyBusiness" template, rather simple but looks very professional.
  17. Did not see the delay. If you can't wait, and have to wait some tens of years...
  18. yordan

    Asp Vs. Php

    so finally, the question "asp vs Php" leads to the real question : Microsoft-only, or everywhere including Microsoft ?
  19. There is a random.h file here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also have a look here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=raoogle&meta= Regards Yordan
  20. yordan


    So, you are familiar with thelping forums, so you will have no problems being helpful and earning credits.I hope you will enjoy your stay amongst us. Regards Yordan
  21. I love Microsoft's temporary workaround in the quoted link. Tomorrow I'll tell my boss that I did not open his word document because it's coming from an untrusted person.
  22. So, one more time, evidence that, once you master one kind of Unix language, you can survive with the other Unix flavors.
  23. just verify that the routed service is installed and started on you linux box. It's usually installed but not started on most of Linux distro's.The routed daemon is in charge of routing the packets entering a NIC card to the network at the other NIC card.
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