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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Nicely said Really nicely said, I like it. So truly expressed.
  2. You're partly right. The trick is on their website, for people having their own all-purpose CD in their pocket. The interest of a CD is that usually it cannot be contaminated by viruses.So, the trick is that way : you have portable clamwin on your CD, you copy the files to your friend's hard disk (a small folder, this goes fast), you run it from this folder. If the definition file has to be uploaded, it's uploaded on the disk. When you finish your work, you wipe off the directory, or you leave it for your friend if he is convinced by clamwin.
  3. Strange indeed. It works with my own account, but it does not work with ftp.mediyama.astahost.com !
  4. Thanks for the info on portable clamwin. I just tried it, I love the way it's installed on your USB stick and run from there. So, before using your stick you can scan the memory of your friend's computer, it's nicely safe. I find it rather slow, compared to other things like McAfee or Norton, but I like the idea of running from an USB disk or from a CD.
  5. Have a look if your software has a blacklist or a quarantaine zone.Imagine that you have two movies detected as spywares, both could be quarantained, 5 giga each...
  6. This simply seems to be a reminder of the need of standards. If you don't know how it works but you know it's standard, have a look at the standards. If you want to learn how to create a program based on database usage, and want to be independant from the database provider - using Oracle for big professional databases using a very expensive RDBMs or mysql for a small home database using free software - you have to learn how each one confirms to standards, and then you can use standard sentences (select * from mytable where myfield="myself"), and avoid unexisting features, or even use the standard features of a given RDBMS in order to boost your queries. So, what is supposed to be taken from this ? Simply the link to the document you must keep in mind, as well as a general philosophy in the way you design your own work ; or the way you have to check that you work you pay for is really done. Regards Yordan
  7. I guess you aren't familiar with the command line interface. Our current goal is simply to see if the Unix guetty will accept your user login and your password.A second thing : when you arrive at the console login prompt, try typing "ifconfig -a" #(without the quotes) in order to see what your current IP configuration is. Regards yordan
  8. I agree with this way of diagnosis. This will allow us to know where your problem comes from : unix problem, graphics problem or network problem. If you can log in to the ascii terminal (by mean of ctrl+alt+f1) this will mean that your Unix has no basic problem. Did you happen to change your IP network address recently ? or did you happen to manually modify your /etc/hosts or /etc/inittab file ? Yordan
  9. uploadingit.com (http://speedsmart.net/ ) allows hotlinking without problem. I'm not really sure I know what hotlinking is, but they title page says "hotlinking allowed", and they give you the codes to insert into your html pages or the bbcode for your forum.
  10. Personnally, I prefer PHPBB. I find it rather easy to install and administrate. I hate ads on my own forum. That's why I don't want to use a forum provider like invisionfree. Besides that, some "free" forum providers warned me after some monthes that it's not free any more, some other ones simply suppressed my forum without any warning.So, I prefer to use my own site. Xisto has no ads, and the account lasts as long as I can post on their forum, if I cannot post any more I will have to switch to a paid hosting account.Some other providers give you a free account with a very small and acceptable text-based link at the bottom of your web page, I think that I could accept that.However, my favourite remains PHPBB freely hosted by Xisto.Yordan
  11. I am also very interested by this question. I have very important things I want to be worldwide know on my site, the info being widely distributed by Google.And I also have things I would like to keep private, for my family or for my friends, and I would like those things not to be indexed by Google. Is this possible ? How should we proceed, in order to remove an information from Google ?
  12. OK, let me give my opinion.Xisto people are kind with us, they allow free hosted people to make money with their site.So, I would say, start with a free plan at Xisto, in order to see if you are good on Internet, if people come to your site and if people appreciate what you do.When this site starts being an important part of your business, if people connect to your site and ask you to do a paid job for instance, or if they buy something you want to sell, you start making money with your website.As soon as the money coming from your website starts being more than the expenses for a paid site, you shoud go to a paid hosting plan.Personnally, I don't have $3.33 a month for paying for my website. That's why I ame here, hosted by Xisto free web hosting.As soon as my site will start growing, and the revenue coming from my site will be bigger than $3.33 a month, I will switch to a paid hosting plan.Inbetween, I will have tested Xisto's technical team, I am satisfied with the uptime, I am reasonably satisfied by my own graphical skills and website designing, so as soon as my site will give me a stable $3.33 monthly revenue I will switch to a paid plan.Hope this helped.Yordan
  13. If you are talking about ftp to your Xisto account, you have nothing special to do. As soon as you start being hosted, your website is something like yourname.astahost.com . Just verify that you can reach your cpanel using your Xisto account login and your Xisto password. Then, at the same moment, ftp will be enabled from ftp.yourname.astahost.com with the same password as for your cpanel login. Hope this helped. Yordan
  14. Err... which scripts do you want to install ? Maybe I know these scripts and I can help you, but if you don't tell us which scripts you are talking about we will not know if we can help you...
  15. yordan

    Best Freeware

    I'm currently using Ad-Aware SE Personnal Build 1.06r1, and I'm very satisfied with it. I will give aaw2007 a try, and I will let you informed.
  16. I completely agree, uni.cc is great. They give you no space (except for storing index.html), but they give you a really free domain name, and they put no forced ads.In the same spirit, if you are looking for a job, send your curriculum-vitae by means of mentionning yourname.webcv.com webcv.com is fully free, simply they accept only a link to your cv. Regards yordan
  17. I think 240 is really fast.Could you please test your speed with the standard test all of us use, a few pages before in the present post. For instance, I type as fast as people talk with me, and it's measured only 72. So, try with our standard test, it will ask you to type a normal text, with normal sentences during a few minutes, in order to have an average value of your speed during a sustained effort and the nomber of errors, corrected (which makes you slower) or not corrected, and we will have a reasonable measurement of your spead, at least a measurement with the same standard as ours. Regards Yordan Yordan
  18. Very nice point. I hope that they get a lot of money from their paid hosting plans, which give you some more features than the free hosting plans. I guess that you start with a free plan in order to learn how to create your website, and once you prooved that you are a good designer you switch to a paid hosting plan.
  19. Didn't you simply forget your password ?I had this problem once. I never write down my passwords on a piece of paper (simply for security reasons), so when I forgot my password I still have a valid account but I simply cannot connect.
  20. I completely agree with you on this general point. Usually, these peer-to-peer sites are not agreed for officially selling software, they usually steal a software and give it to you. So, they help you stealing software. And, of course, if you accept that they steal from the software manufacturer, you should accept that they steal from your own computer.I think that the only way to work safely is buying your computer with an original software, and buy each piece of additionnal software you put on it, and reading the warranty terms concerning this. Even in the freeware world, there are sometimes bad surprises, which make me recommend that you have an efficient backup/recovery methodology in case of bad software install leading to minor or major system troubles.
  21. You are partly right, this topic should not take place in a "What's New" section, because it's quite not new. By the way, traditionnally (and this is inherited from the old-style mechanical typewriters) the "TAB" key was designed to move to the next pre-defined tab on the page. And of course, the back-tab was for going to the previous pre-defined tabs. In computer applications, of course, this feature is used or not. In some apps, which use pre-defined fields, "tab" goes to the next field. And if you want to go back to the previous or two fields back, you use the back-tab. Of course, on unix system, the "tab" character must be defined (usually ^I) and has to be associated correctly with a key on your keyboard, and has to be used by your application. For instance, Microsoft Word uses the "tab" key, and does not use the "back-tab" key : if you want to go back you use the mouse. So, this topic is quit not new. Neverhteless, I think some old tricks could still be published, simply we should put them in a "oldies but goodies" folder.
  22. The biggest Oracle system currently tested (with a huge AIX machine) performs three million transactions per minute. I don't know if you really realize what this means. In order to sustain such an amount of users concurrently perform transactions, the system mainly needs a lot of CPU power (64 procesors on the same motherboard). But the system also needs a lot of disks, because the transactions have to be written on disks. Do you know how many disks need to be used, in order that the system never has towait for the disks : several tousands of disks !Of course, Oracle hasto be fine-tuned in order to perform this. Have a look a the tuning guides at technet.oracle.com Of course you have to tune sessions, processes. And a lot of other parameters : if you allow enough sga (system global area) and enough pga (private global area), each user will use a lot of memory and the response times will be short. If each user has less memory, more disk usage will slow down the performances. If each user has enough memory, the total system usage will be greater thant the physical system memory, and swapping will occur, and response time will become disk response time instead of memory response time, so performances will be about one hundred times worse.So, tuning an Oracle database is a nice game, where you have a lot of resource tu tune, according essentially to the money you have : if you buy less disk, you will be slower ; if you buy less memory, you will be slower ; if you have enough disks and memory, you will have to buy more cpu's in order to go faster. So, the real game will be to achieve the exact degree of performances you want (how many users doing how many things in how much time) for the exact money you have : if you buy too much hardware you loose your money, if you don't buy enough material you don't reach your performances. Of course, your questions was about the ultimate Oracle database performances. These performance are also obtained on the ultimate system, where the database system is a small part of a big thing (involving the web servers and the application servers providing service for the customers), whe whole thing being several million dollars worth...A nice job, a nice dream, a long experience needed, and of course not each detail will be explained here in five minutes while wathing my movie on the TV...RegardsYordan
  23. Huh ? What are we talking about ? Here is what I see with my browser : Is this thing we are talking about ? I really nothing, only sixteen smal rectangles. What was I supposed to do ? If I click on one of the rectangles I higlight it, that's all ! Or is my computer not designed for viewing this site ?
  24. You know what ? this is exactly what is written on this key. Namely, when there are two signs on a key (like ÂŁ on top of $ for instance) you obtain the upper sign by means of pressing the shift key the same time as the main key. Same thing with the =+ : if you simply press the key you obtain =, if you press Shift and the key, you obtain a +. Of course, this depends on the keyboard you are currently using, german keyboards or Catalan keyboards have some differently located signs, but a almost universal rule is that, when there are two signs written on a key, the upper one is obtained by depressing simultaneously the "shift" key. And, of course, when there are three signs written on a key, the third one is obtained by means of depressing the AltGr key. Nevertheless, I am sincerely wondering : did we really need somebody to explain us these things ? Some tens of years ago people had to learn how to use a standard keyboard. I would imagine that, today, most of people are naturally familiar with keyboards and don't need to learn how to use it. By the way, do you know where is the "halt" key on a Sun machine terminal ?
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