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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Several persons will probably think I am stupid, but ... what about Microsoft Word ?Plenty of people have been forced to used Crosoft Word, because this is the standard at their office. So, they know how to create a nice page (at least a page they like to see). So, for these persons, learning how to do a very simplicist website (yes, I know a lot of professional single-page websites)- you can tell them "just create a page you would want to see on the net", and save it as a html page, name it index.html and that's done.So, Learning how to create a simple website, a single page website, is possible with Crosoft word. So, using their current knowledge of word, you can push these kind of people to creating small family websites. Then, if they are interested, they can be convinced using more sophisticated tools, learning dreamweaver or learning html in order to create everything from scratch with paper/pencil or with notepad.So, I would say that starting from what people know, then driving them the easy way to the open world, can be a very interesting adventure.
  2. Very interesting topi. I would really know how hot a "usual family" solar oven effectively is, and how much time would be necessary in order to, let's say, cook a chicken or a couple of potatoes.
  3. Err... May I suggest you to read the vujsa tutorial here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82089-topic/?findpost=1064290424 first create his very simple first page, with a small text displayed. Then, add a second line of text and see how it looks. You will see that, as long as you add more lines of text, your web page will stretch down to fit whole text you want to display. So, the stretching downwards feature is a normal feature of a standard webpage. If the page you mentionned in your topic does not stretch down, then, there is a problem attached to your page, like forcing a fixed size to your page.
  4. Welcome aboard, hardc0d3r. Hope you will enjoy your stay with us.You will see that, as a computer student, is really interesting to be hosted at Xisto.You will be able, after having tested your webpages on your local computer, to upload them on a public computer and see how it behaves from a public site and how your friends feel it. This will be the first step to a very important behaviour while learning computer science : portability. You write something on a given hardware, with a given operating system. And it has to work the same way on another hardware, with another operating system, served by another webserver.Hope that you will soon be hosted and walk a long way with us.RegardsYordan
  5. I guess that it tests some well-known security holes based on some open-ports which allowed some hacking programs to intrude your computer. This tests means that, although you had open ports for your own usage, the intruding programs were not able to take control of your computer.
  6. @vidit : this post asks for a free security check. So, give answers for a free security check. Or say that you cannot help for free. But redirecting to a paid service provider does not solve the initial aks for help.
  7. Basically this fulfills the needs.However, the ininitial post was a request for for a free security check. And I'm pretty sure that acunetix will sell their audit, they will not do it for free. That is the main problem on our world. High-skilled specialists with a high degree of availability are also, unfortunetely, people wanting a lot of money for their work. Except on forums like Xisto, it's very hard to find accurate technical infos for free.
  8. What I hate on this server, is that you can easily upload a .jpg picture and insert it on your site ; but once your picture is uploade, you cannot remove it from the server any more. So, if you change your mind and don't want to make this image public, it's too late, no way to remove it.
  9. Alegis, could you please tell us your current home network speed ?Personnally, I have a very poor ADL line : 512 kilobits/sec while downloading from anywhere, and 110 kilobits/sec while uploading. This is true for myself from any Internet site (for instance downloading from Microsoft.com or uploading to Xisto.com). So, when I say that I reach also this kind of speed with uploadingit.com, this is meaningless. Does somebody here have a really fast link, he would be able to test uploadingit.com or the other sites mentionned in the present post. Regards Yordan
  10. Everything should work immediately. I am currently having four computers at home (mine, my wife's, my son's and my daughter's). Each one is connectet to the internet through the router. So, the router gives a DHCP address to each one (the address keeps continously changing). And I have no problem sharing files. Everybody shares my files and my printer. Two computers are XP, one is winME and one is win2k. If I did it, you should be able to do it too. So, please give us more details, tell us what does not work. Or maybe you already have the solution and forgot to keep us informed ? Regards Yordan
  11. The question has been asked exactly one year ago, I hope that saggi has already obtained an answer.By the way, ADSL modems are today very common, and now, if you have two NIC's, there is no problem having two IP addresses on your computer. Of course, I still see no interest having two different IP addresses on the same PC on the same network.Of course, having two different IP's on two separate network (the world wide web and your home network for instance) has an interest, having fast transfers between the systems or the printers or the disks on your home network, and having the normal (very slow in my own case) internet connection toward the open world.
  12. http://speedsmart.net/ offers 25 giga storage. 750 megs per file. No bandwith or upload limitation. And you don't have to "wait 56 minutes" like another well-know file-hoster. And I love their way of giving you your pictures as a link which shows absolutely no ads !
  13. $100 for a solution based on an old PC.$100 for a solution based on brand new material. Which solution is the best one ? Besides that, the current NAT devices are base on traditionnal standards for Ethernet networks : Microsoft CICS and Unix nfs ! So, it's the best solution for a team where PC's boot sometimes under Windows and sometimes under Linux.
  14. Now there are boxes arriving, doing exactly what you want. For instance, see here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This gives a usb disk or a usb flashdrive access from any PC on the ethernet (ou will probably need an Ethernet switch if you don't have one. Another way is this one : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you put your internal disk drive in one slot of the box, and this makes the disk available to any computer on your ethernet network. You still need to have an ethernet network (meaning one ethernet switch and three ethernet cables).
  15. WI-Fi and "Wireless Networks" are two different ways for saying the same thing : a network without cables, with a very precise protocol, which is embedded in most of recent laptops for example.If your main home router has no WEP encryption your network is exposed to anybody having no knowledge. The present topic explains that even if your network is WEP-protected, you may experience intrusions. Regards Yordan
  16. Very interesting topic, thanks for the info. I was very impressed, I learned a lot of things, explained in a very easy-to-understant way, which everyone appreciates in a tutorial.The only thing I would say is, the topic title is not accurate.the topic title is "Bash Tips and Trick". This is false, this is not related to bash. It is also not specially Unix nor Linux.It's simply on the "tr" command usage, which is the same on each Unis shell : ksh, sh, cs, bash.So, the title should be "tr usage, useful tricks from my own experience". People expecting to learn "bash" tips would less be disappointed.RegardsYordan
  17. Nice to see if works. May I suggest you to try FileZilla ftp client (https://filezilla-project.org/ ), it worked with all the sites I saw till now.I also was never able to put smartftp at work, and I'm not confused with that, I simply use FileZilla everywhere.
  18. Congrats. Wutske is right, the error you did was changing the default gateway when adding your second network. Basically, when you have a computer correctly connected to the worldwide network, like your PC which had a correct default gateway and a DNS, the standard thing to do is to leave that working part continue working. So, when you add a second network (that is what you do when you activate your second NIC adapter) you should not remove your default gateway, replacing the correctly working one by a non-working default gateway. The default gateway is your wireless router, your wireless router must remain your default gateway. So, when you manually add other NIC's to this computer, please feel free to give them private IP addresses, this is correct, simply write down nothing in the default gateway field, leave this field blank, and the new network will start working correctly without disturbing you old network which will continue working as usual. By the way, don't be confused having this problem : this kind of problem is the problem I am currently experiencing at office : my collegues continuously change their default gateways, and then start complaining because their network does not work any more !
  19. When I say "test on your own pc", I meant installing easyphp : http://www.easyphp.org/?lang=en easyphp is easy to install (one-click install), it does not spoil your pc, everything is in a single directory, and when you start it your own PC acts as a very complete webserver with php and mysql. You copy-paste your applicaton in the subfolder named "www", and you can play your game, or stat writing your code and see it immediately in effect each feature you add. The single disadvantage will be that you will be the only user. But you will be able to see how your code behaves, how your php programs work and how your database tables are populated. And when you will be ready for having several users, you backup your database tables, you upload your files to your Xisto server, you create your database, you import your tables, and you start your game in multi-user woldwide access mode.Regards Yordan
  20. Concerning Windows Internet Explorer, didn't you mistype or forget something ? Remember that in Internet Explorer the URL you have to type is : ftp:yourname@yourname.astahost.com You will see a box appearing asking for you password, so if you have pop-up blockers this box will not appear. Also, sometimes, this box is under another open window, so be careful not to have too many open windows hiding your password in-box. However, i'm glad you have a working solution, at least can start your real work, the other details will be solved with time and patience.
  21. I would say exactly the opposite.I would say that you first need your game to exist. If you intend to write it using php and mysql and html, you should simply install everything on your own pc, making the whole thing starting at a point named index.html.Once your whole environment is finished writing, start testing your game on your own PC, acting as a private server.When finished writing and testing, it will be a very sraghtforward job to backup all your files and backup each database table, and ship them to the public server of your choice.Astahost is a good public server, first make a beta-test site with a long site-name such as name.xisto.com If you don't like subdomains, then you may imagine buying a domain name, still hosted by Xisto.For a small game, the space and the bandwith allowed by your Xisto are widely sufficient. If your game starts being worldwide famous, then you can imagine switching to paid hosting, and probably at that moment Xisto will still be the best price/performance provider.You know, I am still at the step 1, I remain at Xisto because it's rather enought for my site needs. Of course I hope that withing the next few years I will reach so many visitors that I will have to upgrade my account.Hope this helped.Yordan
  22. He will get a neglectible amount of credits due to very few words. Moreover, if a moderator happens to see that, his post could be estimated as pure spamming, and he will be strongly penalized.
  23. As usual, the correct way to pronouce that is : my way.More seriously, as usual in such a case, people around you expect that you pronounce it a certain way, and you have to learn this way, until you switch to another room with other people and pronounce it differently.
  24. Easy to say. The right way is "Sir, look at the topic link here ". Saying "there is something better somewhere" is not enough.
  25. Do you mean that you would like to have Microsoft-like very professional tools for Microsoft products with a very professional design without having to pay ? That's very common in the opensource world, like for mysql databases. It's not so usual for Microsoft products like MS SQL
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