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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Not sure I understand correctly. You seem to say that 1 point is worth 1 cent.one survey gives you 100 to 250 points, and needs 10 to 30 minutes.This means that you do one to three surveys in one hour, so this gives you one to three dollars in one hour. This seems rather a lot of time for rather few money, maybe if you wash cars or sell sandwiches you will earn more money faster.However, you also say that you have one PayPal dollar for 10 points, which is ten times more.At least, you should review your own post to clarify this : cents to points to paypal dollars to dollars. I prefer stick to the simple rule : one dollar is worth 100 cents.
  2. Same thing. if you bought the distribution rights from the music houses, you can. If you did not buy the distribution rights from Columbia or from CBS or from the other music companies, you cannot put mp3's here. Except if it the music you composed by yourself and you play on your own guitar, and nobody else is trying to sell it ?
  3. I think the coookie could have simply a number.This number could be the numID in the numID column of a table (obtained for instance with an NEXT_ONE algorythm). The other columns would be the username (confirmation), the last read topic identification, and for instance the previous numID. Then, a single small info would be stored in the cookie, all other info's would be in tables inside the database.
  4. I suppose that, in this PM, you will explain that NOD32 is free to try, $39.00 to buy, and you will tell him to buy this software.Else, you cannot post this kind of things here at Xisto.
  5. Two questions : 1) Are all your PC's connected to your Philips router ? 2) Is your printer already connected to one of your computers ? Which operating system does this computer have ? I ask this question because I have already this kind of configuration, and all the computers in our home share the printer connected to my computer. If your computer's Operating system is Windows XP, then it's simple : click "start", "settings", "printers", and click "properties" on your printer, you will see a "sharing" tag, click "share this printer" and you will be able to add this printer from all the computers on the network, exactly as you can see the shared files. Of course, you will probably have to install the printer's driver on each of the others computers, but this is a classical job. If you don't remember how to use John's shared printer, let's suppose that John's PC has the "John_PC" name, you click "startup", "execute", and then type "\\John_PC\" (without the quotes") , you will see the shared printer and you will be able to double-click on it, and you will be asked if you want to install this remote printer, and probably you will need to insert the 840c printer driver CD. Hope this helped Yordan
  6. Ho problem.Ha-Ha, that's funny ! My High School English was useful for understanding your question, your High School French was useful for understanding the french website for the enswer, welcome on the international helping community !
  7. seems that filemakerpro 4 should do the job, maybe you could give it a try. Seems rather complicated, create topics and impor files, but would be possible. (According to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ )
  8. You are right, you cannot trust such sites. It's better than nothing, but I just lost all my files on anoter such free fileserver. I didn't notice that the files not used would be deleted after 30 days. So, it's interesting to have a backup on a remote site just in case you loose your computer, but you must have another backup system, in case of failure of the remote site. Especially free sites have no contract and have no penalty if they happen to loose your files. So, I would say, use a DVD for local backup of all your files. and add a remote backup juste in case you loose simultaneously your hard drive and your backup DVD. Which will probably occur, due to the well-known Murphy's law.
  9. In that case, you really have to look for hosting somewhere else : Xisto is not a warez site. You can sell here the software you wrote by yourself, or the tee-shirts you designed with your nice hands, or even the songs you sing with your friends, but you cannot put a warez site here.
  10. Probably yes. But I would like to know the way how to do it. I found nothing in the phpmyadmin menus, neither than in the phpbb menus. Seems that the import/export tools are for backup/restore purposes, the same way on the same system. They seem not to be intended as real migrational tools.Moreover, I would say that reading the sql file using notepad is not the correct way for dianosing these kinds of troubles. The best way should be to export one table, and import inside an empty table, and use phpmyadmin to browse the new table. And even then, the diagnostic could be false, you probably should also use your php program in order to display the new table the same way as the old one.
  11. OK, the strange character set is a very common problem.it's due to the way you defined the national characterset when creating the database.Probably, when you created the database, you created it with a non-spanish character set, probably utf8_unicode_ci.So, you entered some spanish characters with your PC which has a spanish keyboard and a spanish-defined national language, and mysql translated them in order to be inserted in the non-spanishly-defined database tables. When reading the data from your application, the characters where oppositely correctly converted from non-spanish database characters to spanish displayable characters on your PC. However, when performing an export, the data in the exported sql file were the in the database-defined character set.This means that if you have to re-create the database (for instance for installing your program to another site) you will have to re-create the database with the same character set as in the current database.This is my recommendation in order to be able to use your current export file.This is not very dangerous, as long as everything remains the same way - spanish people entering data in a utf8_unicode_ci database. this will probably be different if greek people or french people try to read your data.Of course, for your next customer, if you star from the very beginning, on a completely empty database, I recommend to correctly define the database characterset, probably utf8_spanish_ci, or utf8_spanish2_ci. Then everything will be coherent, spanish characters intered in a spanish database, the export file will also have spanish characters.I hope that you were able to correctly understand my explanations concerning this characterset problem.So, now, I mus confess that I am also trapped everytime with this kind of problems, and I am able to explain the problem but I was never able to correctly solve it. Simply, I tell my customer "ask your dba to correctly define the national characterset". And hopefully, I am not the concerned dba, so this is not my task. Else I would have to confess that I am unable to solve it...
  12. OK, two questions here, so, two answers. 1) Hosting files or showing links is the same problem. If you write down your own programs, you may post links to your programs here. If they are copywrited programs, and you don't own the copywright (for instance Crosoft Programs) you cannot put links to these programs. 2) Remember that your disk space here is 500 Megs. So, it will not save a lot of space from your 80 GB disk ! You can put some precious files (like the letter you are writing to your girl-friend) temporarily just in case of hard drive failure, but your account is definitively not really usable as a backup device.
  13. This seems to be an indication that people are interested by this kind of service : posting for domain name.Maybe we should consider this. Maybe Xisto should open an extra service : 2 credits every day for hosting + domain ? This could be interesting for those who want post-for-domain, they would have to post on a single forum : Xisto forum.
  14. You're welcome. I'm very happy having been able to be helpful. Have a long life with sql databases !
  15. you can also try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, you will able to choose between mysql and postgresqlI used it successfully for installing a phpbb3 forum on a server which offered php and did not offer mysql.
  16. Gosh, I just got trapped : I did "select all", "add to zip", transferred the zip file to my free image host, clicked "unzip files", waited a lot, and received "forbidden filetype". I know that only .jpg files were allowed, but they could unpack the .jpg instead of refusing the whole bunch because of the thumbs.db file !
  17. Hey ! that looks exactly like what I was looking for, since a long time. I need a working Oracle database in order to test my PHPBB3 forum with an Oracle database : I cannot use our production Oracle databases, and when I install Oracle on a test system, sometimes it works and sometimes not, depending from the install errors or the bugs in my php scripts. So, having an external and remotely accessible Oracle install would be really great. Thanks for having clearly asked the question, Jeigh, and thenks dserban for the info. I just registered, waiting for my request to be reviewed (and hopefully accepted). Regards Yordan ----------- Edit --------- OK, I just received my account, and now it seems rather different from what was asked in the first post. The apex.oracle.com is really a remote access to an Oracle database. However, you don't directly connect to the database, you have a browser access to the apex environment which allows you to create applications using an Oracle database. However, I did'nt see what Jeigh seemed to need at the beginning of the present post, which was simple, direct and pure access to a remote Oracle database.
  18. I'm not completely sure it's forbidden to use Xisto as a storage. Simply, you don't have so much disk space, and you will have bandwidth trouble, but as long as you store legit files (your own texts, you own Excel files and the pictures you took with your own camera) I'm pretty sure it's a legit usage of your Xisto space. Simply, a 500 Mb flashdrive is a simpler way to store your files, I think you should use Xisto as a public website in order to share things with your friends, show your pictures, moderate your own family/friends forum, and that kind of service you cannot obtain with a shared drive but you can have it with Xisto.
  19. Hi, OpaQue, nice to see you back !@Jimmy : there is no real limit to the number of points, except that there is a limit of the total lenght of a single post. So, if you want to talk a very long while, you will have to cut your post in two parts. However, if you want to really write down a long-long-long text, this would mean that you know a lot about a given subjet. Then, you should consider posting a tutororial. The tutorials are worth more than a simple answer to a question. However, they need to be reviewed. So, this means that, for a turtorial, you cannot just input useless blah-blah, because the guy who will review your paper can become angry and consider it as simple spam. So, as a summary, I will emphasize what all other people here said : if you want your post to be worth something, write down something interesting, with standard English sentences. And, by the way, may I hope that the present post will be worth more than O.5 credits ? Regards Yordan
  20. How do you map the Xisto ftp as a network drive ?I tried the trick with lmhosts, nbtstat -R and net use, it never worked for me.
  21. OK, let's explain something. What you show here is a liste of alphanimerical lettes, zero's and one's. this is not a binary file. A binary file is a compiled file, using a compiler. You cannot compile on a server like Xisto. By the way, even if you were able to submit a binary file, it would not crash the Apache server, it would crash your Microsoft Internet Explorer client. Which is not the only way to crash Internet Explorer, but that's another story. And, of course, an Apache server works with correctl html files. If you put garbage things in your html page, you will have garbage displayed on your screen. But this cannot crash the Apache server, except in case of severe bugs in the Apache version your server is using.
  22. I'm afraid he was in charge of making the cover, somebody else made the novel. This is usually the case, you know : a writer does the writing, and a graphist makes the pictures.
  23. Please read the rules.If you write down your own program (for instance I have a small C program saying "hello world" ) you may host it here at Xisto. If you are not the owner, if it's a copywrighted software and you don't have written permission from the copywright owner, you cannot host it here at Xisto.
  24. Don't worry. Read the first lines at the beginning of this topic. Only XIII wanted somebody to test his security. first of all, nobody wanted to do this for free. Secondly, he kept secret the URL to be tested, only available through PM. So, keep cool, nobody will do anything.
  25. Just try what I was telling you, you will see that your background image will be side-to-side reproduced downards and rightwards in order to cover the whole text displayed in your webpage.Simply choose an image whose border will with a weak border, so that it intermixes well.
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