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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Not so simple. I had this problem some monthes ago : phpmyadmin needs you to be connected. So, if you cannot connect to the database, phpmyadmin will not allow you to examine the database.
  2. OK, clearly you have a configuration problem, probably the mysql database did not start, or the user does not exist yet.If you want to simply train yourselv, may I suggest an easier way ?I would suggest you to install easyphp. It comes with everything bundled inside (php, mysql, the web server), the install is straightforward (nothing to do) and when you ask it, everything starts automatically and is ready to be used. When you will have learned how to use easyphp, you will be able to switch to some more complicated (because not bundled nor packaged) environments.RegardsYordan
  3. I was afraid when entering the meebo site. Is it safe to give meebo both your msn username and password ? I would expect these kind of instant messenger credentials needing to be secured, and not directly sent to an unknown website ? Or am I slightly paranoiac ?
  4. Very funny, here is mine : Good job, this site helps you to create funny logos without having to work too hard. --------------------- Edit : I see that my logo disappeared, which is fully unacceptable. So, not funny at all, really not a good job, not a good site.
  5. No news since yesterday ? Does that mean that Chesso has no computer any more ? We told him that he could remove the old disk, remove the old processor, put the new processor, put the new disk, and everybody should work fine. Does his silence mean that we were wrong and he should not perform the changes we told him to do ?Ouch !
  6. What ? Do you mean that you know somebody who had more than 365 credits and did not use them ?
  7. I was just wondering on a phylosophical point of view. You want to create a game. This game has to run on a server which has php and mysql ? So, this will not be a home game, a standard person cannot install it on his PC, unless he also installs a php and a mysql server ? Or is it a online-only game ? Or is it only for learning purposes, creating a game as a funny way of learning php and mysql ? RegardsYordan
  8. Yes, I tried it, just for fun. My account was successfully created. However, I never received the confirmation mail. And of the "forgot my password" never sent the password renewal info's.So, it's probably interesting, but for me it's unusable. RegardsYordan
  9. Seems rather great. However, I see no real reason to change from gmail, so I think I will stick with mail which seems to have most of these features, and 2849 Megs storage, and is fully free.RegardsYordan
  10. I would also suggest that you install some apps from your Xisto cpanel Fantastico installer. For instalnce, install the phpbb forum or the 4image gallery, and then look at the .php programs to have examples on how to use, insert/query a mysql database. Learning by examples could be agood approach. RegardsYordan
  11. I have already seen $400 PC's in supermarkets. Now, it would be interesting if a big company as Dell sells computers with Linux pre-installed, instead of helping Crosoft making money.This would be a gread step frontwards on the road of Open Systems, I'm really happy with that.Linux people will not be any more some strange guys using strange computers, we will be normal people buying normal computers.
  12. Are you talking about your Xisto account or talking about your schools's computer ?If you are talking about your Xisto account, do you have a ssh access to your account ? Then you can start verifying things.If we are talking about your schools account, first of all try to access your folders when connected through ssh or telnet. You will see funny things with chmod. Simply create some Unix scripts creating directories, creating files ("touch myfolder/myfile" will create a file) and chmodding the files.I guess that the guy who is really creating the folders is the owner of the php binary files, so, his account is probably 99. So, this guy cannot chmod in folders he does not own, unless these folders have been chmodded previously. Moreover, probably the php program cannot change the files and directories permissions in a less severe way than allowed by wutske umask (probably 022).I think that all the things your gallery users will do, will be made by php, so you probably should think in terms of the php program permissions, and not in terms of wutske user permissions.Hope that I am right... If so, hope this helped !RegardsYordan
  13. Lucky man, you have 2000 customers ! I think the Xisto's way is the best one : you first try for free, so you can test, and when you are satisfied with the tests you switch to a paid hosting plan.
  14. So, it's $2 each month. I am curious to know the opinion of people using the paid hosting plans at Xisto. I see that at https://xisto.com/ it's 3.33 $ per month for the 2 gigabytes plan. It's 50% more money, but you have four times more disk space !
  15. If you just need a database for running queries on it, you could simply use your Xisto account and create a mysql database. You can simply create the database, and use phpmyadmin in order to query the tables, or you can create your own sql scripts and ask phpmyadmin to execute your scripts.If it's for your school and if you need to type purely (and barely) sql commands, then you can ask for a ssh account at Xisto, then you should be able to access your account in command line mode, without hte php environment if it's not to be use because in the next year's program. Regards Yordan
  16. I think he mant "how could I perform queries concerning tables in an Oracle datafile (like /data/users01.dbf) without having Oracle installed on my own system ?"I guess that an oracle RDBMS instance is the only one able to read inside an Oracle database file. Moreover, I'm pretty sure that the database file has to be created on the same system, I mean, a PC with Oracle cannot read directly from an Oracle database created on an AIX or a SUN machine. I already tried things like that in order to recover from system failures, you must have an Oracle installation in order to read datafiles from an Oracle database. Moreover, you must have all the datafiles (tables, indexes, redo logs, controlfiles etc...) Regards Yordan
  17. For testing purposes, you could imagine installing Oracle 9i on your workstation. Go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html , sign for a free Oracle registration. You will probably have to explain that you want to learn how to install and use Oracle. It's free for learning purposes. A standard Oracle can be installed on any standalone Windows workstation, it can be installed on your laptop if you have enough memory. However, remember that you can use it for learning, you cannot use a free licence for making money with an application ! Regards Yordan
  18. Yes, this topic is rather old ! When this topic started, people were wondering if the label of their mail address would change. Today, Personnally, I know, no problem. My old addres@gmail.com is still my current one, so nothing changed for myself. Did some persons here in the forum have their google mail address change due to the problem mentionned at the beginning of this thread ? Yordan
  19. More probably, you need a single database for everything.And for each game, or for each set of games, you need a single table.Eache player has a record in that table. The rows in that table will probably be the player unique ID, the player name, the player level reached, and the code for the game situation (an internal code, like 18AK16 meaning "reached level 18 wich one Abakus, one Keyboard ans 16 lives remaining).
  20. They think that putting a copyright protect themselves. they probably don't know that they are responsible of the content of their site. Even if their copyright says 'don't do that', htey are fully responsible of things having been done, so they should carefully monitor the content of their site if they don't want to experience legal problems.
  21. If you want to test things on your own machine, try easyphp. Like it's name says, it's easy to install, and everything comes bundles together, and the embedded php has everything set up to work correctly with the embedded mysql, I often do demos with phpbb and 4image to show how it works.Regardsyordan
  22. As soon as Fantastico will work again, I suggest that you install phpbb forum or 4image gallery, and look how the autimatically installed php program insert data into the mysql databas and how they retrieve the forum posts from the database and display them on the webpage.yordan
  23. http://www.kingofhosts.com/ seems currently down, since several days. Do they also have a reliability problem ?
  24. OK, let me try to explain a little bit more in details.On your traditionnal Canon camera, an exact amount of light has to go through the objective : too much will give a completely white image, and too few will give a full black image. The ideal image has to deal with the diameter of the hole the light goes inside, and the speed of the shutter : if the shutter is shut twice faster, you can open the camera hole twice wider. So, several combinations are possible : 1/125+F11, or 1/250 + F8, etc... If you choose the "programmed" mode, the camera will choose for you. This is the esiest mode, which is suitable if you want a "quick and dirty" picture. The light exposure will be correct, anywhat you are photographying.However, if you want to take a picture from a moving thing (let's say a tennis player) you will want to go as fast ast possible, then you choose the "S" (like speed) mode, fixing the speed to 1/250 or 1/500 and let the program choose the objective aperture.If you are taking a picture of a landscape, nothing is moving, you can choose a slow speed (set's say 1/100 of second) and let the program choose the aperture.The thing you have to know is that if you have a small objective aperture you will have the picture be nice over a broad range of distance, and if you have a wide objective aperture the picture will be nice on a rather short range of distance, which is nice for a portrait where you want emphasize the smile of a person, and is not suitable for a nice landscame (let's say the Niagara falls) where you wann e erything to be at the same level of definition.If you have a static model (a sleeping cat) you can try several combinations to see how divverent the look and feel of the images are. With a chemical film camera you will have to wait until the pictore comes back from the laboratory.If you have an entry-level digital camera, you have almost no freedom, the "S" and the "A" programs are not available, so you don't take benefit from the fact that you can see the result immediately. With and entry-level camera, you can only see the effect of the light, having the sun behind you instead of in front of you.
  25. Of course, a dba will earn your money in less than a day. And just for eating this dba will spend your salary in less than a day too... The best thing is just to see how much money you need for eating in a restaurant (here, about 20 euros you have almost nothing), how much your house will cost, and then see if your salary is enought for giving you food and lodgement. However, i know, the most skilled you are, the most your boss is needing you. And, of course, in a perfect world, the most your boss needs you, the most he will want to pay you. By the way, I am a dba, and I am not paid more than my collegues who are not dba's. Simply, during a database project startup, they need a dba, so people are kind with me.
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