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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Maybe he was thinking about Google blogger service, probably this site : https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=blogger&ltmpl=start&hl=de&passive=1209600&continue=http://www.blogger.com/home
  2. The challeng is typing in a standardized frame during a long time (like ten minutes) in order to see the numer of words you can type per minute. Typing five words in a short time is easy, typing five thousand words is less easy, at the end you type really slowly.
  3. Not sure this way will work. This will change only your internal address, inside your home network. This will not change the "real" IP address which is worldwide unique, and is assigned by your ISP, mainly by the settings of your Internet Proxy. So, the changes you will perform will only reflect the way you by yourself see your computer, it will not change your external address, like it can be displayed by showmyip.com, and as it is detected by your IRC server. You know, cheating with IRC's is an old game, a lot of people spent a lot of time on this, and a lot of other people spent even more time preventing people do do this easily. So, if you begin in this world, don't be suprized if several tricks you discover will not work properly. By the way, here at Xisto tutorials, you will see only standard legal features, which will not allow you doing forbiden or hidden things.
  4. In step 11, you have to type an address with your hands, you type let's say on the first PC, on the second PC, etc.. In step 17, you ask the PC to obtain an address of the DHCP server installed by your Internet provider.
  5. You should try installing your CD on another computer, and see if you have the same problem.I had this "corrupted cabinet" once, and the same CD on another computer had no problem, which means that my hard disk had bad sectors encountered when unpacking the cabinet. Regards Yordan
  6. And I guess that, when typing without looking at the keyboard, you type incredibly faster with incredibly more errors ?
  7. the is the "html simplified view" from gmail.If you don't want to remember this complicated link, you can simply connect "like usual" to gmail.com, you get the standard gmal screen. At the botton of the "bells and whistles" screen (the line before the last one) you see a clickable menu, on that menu you click on the "simplified html view" and you switch to the simplified view matthewk mentionned. When being in this simplified view, if you suddenly want to chat with a contact, you click on the "standard view" link, and you are back to the full gmail screen. Nice switcher, isn't it ? Regards Yordan
  8. shadowsurf.com seems not to work currently.Iphide.com gives each time the same IP address, which is not interesting if your IP has already been hit. shysurfer.com seems also currently down. surfundercover.com seems not to work with rapidshare.de Life is really hard today, for people wanting surf anonymously !
  9. Nice and useful tutorial, thanks.I particularly loved the Enox backdor password, which is Enox in the reverse order, adding an internal 11 in order to make it less easy to guess!
  10. Very nice tuto, MopargeekI love the steps 1-2-3-4-5.Usually I skip these steps when I have to change my IP address. However, these 1-2-3-4-5 steps are smart, because doing this you remove your IP address, so you start from a clean startpoint. Which is the most difficult part in a diagnosis work : starting from a clean startpoint avoids non-reproducible side-effects.
  11. Yes, and the trap is that C-only compilers won't compile C++ programs. So, if you prepare a system for somebody else, you should better verify it before calling your collegue, or you will have to pay an apologizing beer. By the way, I wrote this in the "How-To's" section, because there is no "Tricks and Tips" section.
  12. So, confidently, I would say : "if you do nothing special, the internal LAN PC's will have no access to the Internet."In order to give access to the internet, there are sevreral ways, some of them are rather complicated, you could not do the job accidentally.Your home LAN PC's have no default gateway. If you don't fill the address of the default gateway, there will be no way for the Ethernet packets from your internal LAN PC's to get routed to the external network. And, if you don't know how to create a gateway on your Internet PC, no chance that it starts acting as a gateway.Secondly, you will need to cascade your proxies. The main proxy, from your ISV provider, will not accept to act for the other PC's. So, you need to install a proxy server on your Internet PC. If you don't buy WinGate, or if you don't know how to configure free proxy servers as Privoxy, the PC's will not go to the Internet.Unless you ask Microsoft to do the job, and then you must ask windows to create your home network and put it on the Internet : if you don't enter these menus, no way for your home network to go outside your house.So, the best thing from a SI point of view : do nothing, everything will be OK.RegardsYordan
  13. If you already had the same problem I just experienced, you should probably be interested by this trick. I just installed a compiler, and I wanted to know if I installed the C and the C++ compiler, or only the C compiler. The answer is simple : let's use small sample programs. Everybody know the well-known "hello" world C program, it compiles with a standard C compiler. main (){printf("Hi, Folks, what s new");} And here is a sample C++ "hello world" program : #include <iostream.h>main(){ cout << "Hello World!"; return 0;}The second sample program compiles only with a C++ compiler, the standard C compiler gives an error for the "cout" syntax. So, using these two small pieces of code allows you to check that you have both the standard C and the C++ compilers. Hope this helps you as it helped me. Regards Yordan
  14. My mp3 player has 256 Megs, I joust bought it, I decidced it was big enouth. And I was very disappointed to see that this represented only two albums at decent compression. Two albums means only two hours music. And what happens if I have to travel during eight hours ? I have to quickly find a PC in order to read from a CD and put it on my mp3 ?Same thing with the cell-phone, if you store pictures you need a lot of space. And if you use your cell phone for professional needs, if your are able to read your mai on it, then you will have to store some PowerPoint and Crosoft Word documents too, and then 8 gig come rather fast.
  15. I had this problem several times. If you are still experiencing that, have a look at the Windows properties of this devices. You will probably see a check-box saying "allow windows to power off this device if useful". And, you know what ? You should uncheck this box, and the signal loss will stopp.Of course, this supposes that the signal loss is not a "physical signal" loss. That means, I have seen some homes where, if you happen to stand up between the emitter and the reciever, your own body stops the signal. Then, there is a physical layout problem, an you should change your physical implementation, for instance putting the emitter antenna hither than your head !
  16. That's exactly what I think. However, I would rather express it slightly differently.I would like to be able, everyday, to learn something new. When I will not any more be able to learn something different, this will mean I am too old. When I will know that I know everythin, no need to learn something new, this will mean I am getting stupid. Hope that I will keep learning new things many years from now.
  17. I would expect the result to be ordered exactly like the records have been entered in the database, or ordered by (ascending or descending) ID, but proably not ordered in the order you asked.Maybe a slight workaround would be to add "group by ID". So, you would have all the records for ID=1957 grouped together, all the records for ID=6628 grouped together, etc... Not ordered like you want, however grouped.
  18. Look at here : http://www.clubic.com/telecharger/ They say that Partition Resizer 1.3.4 (English) is a free alternative to Parition Magic. (Free, but slightly more complicated too...) Also, have a look at the gparted liveCD : https://www.linux.com/news/quick-look-gparted-live-cd Looks like what you need, isn't it ? So, simply wait until the end of the "50 days" you mentionned, so the real risk is neglectible, and try the gparted liveCD. If there is a problem, you were going to re-install, so you loose nothing. And if my trick works, you save the time of re-installing windows, and I will be happy to have been helpful today.
  19. It's not visibly affecting anything yet, fortunately. However, if the fan is dying, you will have to replace the faulty fan or you will probably run into some real troubles. Maybe the "beep" you ear is simply a warning "fan problem", problem solved because th fan restarts after a small time failure.
  20. Seems that you are looking for an accounting system on your Windows PC. Maybe this link will answer your question : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ More info are available on https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl, looking for "windows system accounting"Regards Yordan
  21. Not so obviously. Experienced users talk to Linux machines using ssh, which look and feels is ms/dos-like. However, 1) First of all, Linux is somewhere a kind of Unix, and Unix was here far before ms-dos appeared. We could even say that ms-dos uses unix-like command lines syntax (cd, mkdir, etc...), and that Windows somehow copied X-Windows and Mac-Os look and feel. 2) Most of non-experienced users use the graphical interface of the today's up-to-date Linux distros. A lot of people even don't know that they can access the command-line screen without entering the graphical display : when they want to perform an action in command-line mode, they first open the graphical display, and inside the graphical desktop they open a non-graphical text command-line window ! So, for a very beginner, entering the Linux graphical screen or entering the Crosoft XP or Vista screen is not a very different approach. And, if you are a real newbie, and you start really from nothing, learning that you have to click on the "IE6" icon or on the "FireFox" icon is a rather similar approach, same difficulty on both side. And, in case of trouble, seen a Linux "panic trap" or a Crosoft Bluescreean is identically disappointing. Regards Yordan -------------------- [EDIT] I also have an opinion concerning the "free or not free" question, which should probably be the full subject of a different topic. I just had trouble with drivers on a Linux distro : a disk named "sdb", turning to be "sdc" or "sdd" after reboot. Then, no chance to have automatic mount of the filesystems, apparent lost of data, etc... On a microsoft system, you have support, Crosoft has to fix the bug (if it's a bug) or teach you how to hande this. On a free Linux system, it's your problem, you can only ask your friends or forum-mates to help you, which needs time, which is sometimes very costly if you are a commercial site... That's why, some companies say "I stay with Crosoft because there is a support", or they say "OK, I want to buy a computer with a free Linux OS, but can you guarantee that there will never be a bug, or can you garantee that I will never have a system halt because of an unsupported feature ?" And of course the ansewer is "No, in case of trouble I can google and see if somebody else had the same problem and posted how to solve it". For instance, I know that HP customer service supports they customers when they have problem with MS-Windows. How will Dell support the customer buyin an USB flashdisk and being unable to use it ?
  22. If you still have this problem, I would like to ask a stupid question : can you boot from a CD or from a floppy or from a knoppix live-cd ? What does fdisk say about your disks ?
  23. Not sure. You don't need drivers if the drivers are already installed by the Windows or Linux minimal install. You need drivers if the drivers are not present when you plug the USB adapter. For instance, the USB Wifi dongle I jusb bought needed that I install the driver, else it did not work. Not only the driver, but the utility allowing to give the accesspoint SSID. Else, the network is not detected. So, USB means a commen, well-defined electrical set of conventions. But what you use it for depends from the available drivers. Same for my last USB flash-disk. On my XP system it worked immediately, on my Win98 system I never succeeded using it, and I will not even try on my AIX machine.
  24. 20 persons voted. So, seems that only 20 persons seems concerned by the problem.I would say something : suppose that the gaming forums turns to "no post count". I'm pretty sure that, then, no spammers will be interested.Then, no more spams in this forum. Unfortunately, the people with a gamer-mainly profile will loose the opportunity of earning credits.I see an intermediate solution : what about allowing a game-only profiled guy to be a moderator on the gaming forum ? He would be motivated to keep this forum clean and spam-free !
  25. That's the nice trick. If you don't know how to, simply ask somebody else to do the job for you. Very obviously the best solution. Unfortunately, this works only on the paid hosting plan, not on the free hosting plans...
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