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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I think that you should already know how hard it will be. You know how much pein you expended for creating your 16 last posts, and you know how much credits got for this, so you should know if it wil be difficult to sustain an average earning of 1 credit per day or earning seven credits per week. And only you know the effort you made, and you know what is easy for you and what si too hard.
  2. The email address I love is firstname@yourname.comUnfortunately, in order to have this address you must own your own domain name.Populis.com offers this feature for free. Unfortunetely, if you have a free account their server is often down.By the way, I heard that their paid hosting server is also often down.I think myname.com is a very nice mail address, smart enough if nobody boght the domain before you.
  3. Nicely said, tansqrx. a + ib is part of a large region of mathematics and physics. "i" is simply the particular case where a=0 and b=1.And remember, in light transmission an nuclear physics collision, "ib" is the "lost" part, for instance light intensity decreasing because a glass is not fully transparent, and material lost whan neutrons cross a wall. And we can come back to the other topic about time reversal if you are looking about emotions, all using the complex numbers!
  4. Does that mean that it works only with Mozilla, and it will not work with IE ?
  5. Thanks for the link. I didn't know this "repair installation" trick.I am very familiar with disk cloning. I do this when I have several systems of the same kind. So, I will try this method next time I will have systems which are not the same kind. However, I can proudly claim that I have something more. The pcstats.com article is based on the most efficient method, where you physically unmount the disk from the source machine and you insert it in the target machine. And the author warns you that opening the box in a brand new computer may raise warranty problems. Besides the fact that a disk inside a tower system can probably not be inserted inside a laptop box. What I do is slightly different, but far less dangerous. Of course, the laptop you just brought from the market is probably already installed. And most of these pre-installed systems have a menu allowing you to create a "rescue CD" or a "rescue DVD" which is a bootable device able to re-install your system exactly as when you purchased it. i strongly recommend that you create this rescue disc, it will be very useful if you happen to fail into a virus problem when surfint on the network, or if you are angry because of everyday slower surfing capabilities. Now, once you ave a rescue disk able to re-create your laptop operating system, everything you will do now is with no risk. Because, I can proudly announce that I don't need to open the computer box. What I will do is, slightly re-arrange your source computer. I'm pretty sure you already have several partitions on your old computer, let's say the C disk for the operating system and the D disk for the data. If not, you will need to use a tool like Parition Magic in order to create a second partition with free room enough. And, of course, if your personal files are on the C: disk, for instance your Crosoft Word or Excel documents, it's time to move them to the D: disk. And also move all your movies and pictures, move them to the D: disk so you will not need to back them up as part of the operating system. And also remember to empty the recycle bin and the internet temporary files and move all your downloaded file to the D: disk too. Now, you have only the operating system on you D: disk, verify that you have room enough (typicall one third of the space used on the c: disk). Now, use any backup software from the market, for instance PowerQuest Drive Image or Norton Ghost (10 or 12) in order to backup your system to a file on the D: disk. After the backup is finished, you can put it on a DVD. If you are lucky, you can even add your files to the bootable pqdi or Ghost 10 rescue CD ! So, you go to your laptop, you boot on the CD, you ask the restore software to remove your laptop initial partition and restore to the hard disk the backup files from the DVD. And that's all, you have cloned the old desktop computer system disk to the laptop computer system disk. And everything until now has been harmful, you used no screwdriver, you dismounted nothing, you did not open the box of your brand new computer, you just created a CD (or a DVD) and read it on your new computer. And if you did a mistake you can easily go back with the rescue disk you first created. Now comes the second part as esplained in the article in http://www.pcstats.com/articles.cfm : You simply have to insert the official Windows XP CD into the laptop reader, power off the laptop, and : As I already mentionned, the cloning methodology using a bootable CD or DVD I do very frequently, it works very well and is harmless. I did it only on identical hardware, and I am really impatient to test the extra "repair install" to include the new hardware drivers.Regards Yordan
  6. I'm afraid that you are mixing two ways of representing complex numbers, and that's why what you say is disturbing. You are talking about "complex" numbers, which have properties that "real" numbers don't have. It's what is teached in the so-called "modern" mathematics. Integer numbers were the first numbers discovered. However, if you divide an integer by another integer, you don't obtain an integer number, so were invented the rational numbers, which are a ratio of two integer numbers. The integer numbers were a subset of the rational numbers. Now, historically, it was a shame that the square of a rational is a rational, but the square root of a rational is not a rational. Then was invented the the notion of "real" numbers. The rational numbers are a subset of the real numbers. And the square root of a real number is a real number. then came another philosophical problem : there is no square root for a negative number. This meant that we needed a new extension to the old space of real numbers. We decided to think in terms of a two-dimensional surface, instead of thinking of one-dimensional line. Exactly like you think about the road in front of your house : you can think in terms of kilometers starting from your house, townwards (positive kilometers) or landwards (negative kilometers). But you can go out of this street by means of going through your garden till your neighbour's house. This situation is slightly more complex for describing where you are : in front of my house (kilometer zero accross the road) but two houses away perpendicularly to the road. Here come the so-called "complex" numbers. The "real" numbers are along the horizontal line of the complex plan. The other axis is perpendicular to the real axis. And what is exactly "not the real axis" is "the imaginary axis". The unit on the real axis is 1. The unit on the imaginary axis is named "i", like "imaginary". Have a look, draw the map : you have the real axis, unit 1. If you turn leftwards once, you arrive to the imaginary plan, on the "i" point. If you turn once again, you arrive back to the "real" axis, but oppositely to the "1" point, you are at the "-1" coordinate of the real axis. That's why if you multiply i by i you have "-1". Now, you see that a complex number is a point on the plan, represented by it's two coordinates on the real and on the imaginary axis. That's notated c = a + ib If another complex number is named d = e + if, if you multiply d*c you obtain (a+ib)*(e+if)=(ae + ifa + ibe + iibf) and because i*i=-1, d*c=(ae)bf + i(af+be). Another error is mixing both ways of representing a complex number. You cannot say that both ways are equal, you have to say that they are the coordinates of the same dot on the plan. a+ib is one way of representing this number, by his coodinates on each axis. r*exp(itheta) is the way of representing the same dot of the plan, where r is the distance to the zero of the axes, and theta is the angle with the horizontal axis. You see that you cannot say a + ib = rexpt(itheta), it's hard to see where a is and where b is. Except if you know that exp(itheta)=cos(theta) + isin(theta), you see that then rcos(theta)=a and rsin(theta)=b. The third error is that the "square root" relationship is not symmetric. The square of 2 is 4, "squareing" gives a single value. But "the number whose square is 4" is not necessary 2, it could also be "-2". So, this is typically an equation that has two values. So, if you are in your bed thinking with complex numbers (which were the nightmare of a lot of mathematicians) and if you mix two representions you fall into the case where simplifying notions start beint complacing things. Hope this helped. Yordan
  7. OK, I think that there are probably rather few differences.However, I'm fully convinced that this is a part of the standard way of managing commerical operating systems today.The rather old windows 2000 was rather good, some bugs were discovered. And some new functionnalities, new drivers appeared to be needed. Instead of correcting the bugs in the old version, and add new functionnalities in the old version, they create a new version. So, the new systems will need the new version. And the new version has improved wordprocessors, improved spreadsheets that are not compatible with the old versions. So, your friends, in order to share your documents, will have to buy the new software which will run only with the new operating system.So, I will say, if your new computer is sold with Vista installed, it's OK. But if you have to re-install your old PC, installing the win2k or the Win XP sold with your old pc will be enough.I would say that Vista is very good only for the things that don't work with win XP. And, of course, I would be very disappointed if I buy a new game for my PC and I discover that it's a Vista game and it does not work on XP. We experienced this kind of gamers disappointments some years ago when switching from WinMe to WinXP, I hope that we will not have the same angry moments du to the Vista irruption.RegardsYordan
  8. I like the look and feel, and the way the menus help you navigating, mainly the leftmost toolbar is self-explanatory enough.I also like the colour set, comfortable for my eyes.And, of course, thanks for all these quite a lot free php scripts !RegardsYordan
  9. Is it a really free sofwtare ? Their site says that it's a "freeware", does it mean that the download you install will work during a certain period of time and then will stop working and ask for money ?
  10. My scanner, as a lot of others, has a "pdf" button. When somebody asks me a copy of a document, my last phone bill or a business card, I put the paper on my scanner, it creates a pdf file, and I simply send the pdf file by mail.If this trick is interesting for a lot of people (like a nice postcard), I put it on my website. So, each guy who wants to see the postcard opens a pdf file. I'm not very sure that today we can survive without reading pdf files. I feel it like not being connected to the Internet because it's dangerous. Of course, it's dangerous, but can we continue leaving in our world without it ?
  11. Lucky strike, man !Of course, you can imagine, that, if you ask enough people, you will find the best solution.Unfortunately, I am personnally convinced that you will find the most popular solution, not obviously the one which is the most suitable for you.As a matter of fact, you are experiencing what is real life Democracy. Ask a lot of people what they are voting for, and you will probably obtain a solution with which you would not agree, but which is democratically elected.Let's wait and see, who know, I would be really curious to see what will emerge from this.For instance, if everybody votes for Linux, do you really need an antivirus ? Mc Afee says "yes, please buy one from us", of course, but some users think "no need".
  12. OK, in your home network, usually, you have an ADSL modem or an ADSL switch or router. Your PC, connected to the modem, has a private network address, usually something like Your PC reaches the external world through a worldwide unique official IP address, something like This address is affected to you by your ISP. Sometimes this address is fixed, sometimes it's given to you for a given period of time (typically 7 days). For instance, some ISP's give you a fixed address for free, some others change your IP address every week and ask you extra money if you want a fixed IP address. This fixed IP is related to your physical position for accountings and maintenance purposes (in case of trouble they need to know on which phone line there is a problem, or where is the house which is not reachable). That's why they don't want to change these date, if they change something in your accounting data they need to inform absolutely everybody : the customer service people in case you call the hot line for declaring a problem, the phone company in order to tell them there is an internet connexion on this line and care should be given when unscrewing the cables, etc... Thant's why you can use a fixed IP address if you want, but this fixed address is on your own network and is not visible from elsewhere. The proxy is the device between you and the internet, it helps saying where you are and where to send the internet packets. So, the role of the proxy is essential. That's why the most simple thing is, when you install your PC, to install it as a DHCP client of your DHCP server (your router), which will provide all the necessary infos, like name-to-IP translations. There is nothing really incompatible with a proxy server. Simply, some proxy servers are protected by firewalls. And some addresses are on the blacklist, by default, because they are known to be dangerous. If you want to access a precise given Java chatroom and you cannot, first verify that your own PC has no problem (my Mc Afee advisor on my own PC doesn't like some sites and prevents myself from surfing on some sites) ; then ask your ISP to unlock the precise forum where you cannot go, they will be able to check why you cannot go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. And, of course, trying to cheat on IP addresses is sometimes dangerous and sometimes stupid. Have a look at the IP address I just gave you some lines above the present one, suppose that you were able to configure this address on your PC, this IP address is the one of another computer somewhere on the world : your computer would be able to send queries to a website, and the answer would be shipped to the other computer, which would simply reject them as "this is not for me,sorry". Hope this helped. Yordan
  13. OK, you'r right when you want to install a dual-boot Windows/Linux, simply for compatibility with old-fashioned programs.And I think that RHEL is a good choice, especially if you are currently working with other people using this version.The only detail I would like you to pay special attention, is the Vista dual boot thing.I know that RHEL4 works in dual-boot mode with all Windows up to Windowx 2000 and Windows XP.I'm afraid the boot.ini is somehow different with Windows Vista, so maybe some older versions of Linux are not able to correctly handle dual-boot with vista.Maybe this post is an opportunity to precisely ask the question to some skilled people : "did you already install RedHatEnterprise 4 on a Vista system ? Did the dual-boot work correctly ?"If several people answer "I was not successful", maybe you should consider going back to Win2k before installing Linux.RegardsYordan
  14. You're welcome. Nice to have been helpful. Please tell us if your migration has been successful.
  15. And they may simply put a simple Greek or Aegyptian or German sentence, and you will merely not able to pronouce it (simply try to write down "OberSturmführer" without mistyiping !)
  16. when I type this, it asks me the Administrator password. So, if I don't know this password, it's useless. And, if I know administrator's password, I don't need to hack the system...
  17. Thanks. I just wanted to clarify this point. Usually I see U.S. English, like "Unitited States English", that's why I wanted to know if "us" was a mistyping for U.S. or was just simply stating "we", "ourselves".And, of course, I think the first language was invented by the first baby shouting in order to get some milk. That's another history, we will clarify this as soon as my time machine will start working correctly.RegardsYordan
  18. Please be somehow mor specific. Which informations do you need ?So, I already have two questions : 1) Do you already have an existing working PHPBB forum you want to move somewhere else ? 2) Did you already try my step-by-step tutorial quoted above, and which you wil find here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90536-topic/?findpost=1064350523 3) If you were not successful using my step-by-step, bad luck, you will have to read the documents inside the links provided by wedjarl in the present post. 4) then, if it's still not working, please come back here and tell us, we will try to help you overcoming this isssue. Regards Yordan
  19. Please ! Of course you are allowed to post links here !Links are not accepted in the shoutbox (see why here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92893-topic/?findpost=1064368291 ), but links are welcome in the posts. Moreover, talking about the forum rules, if the info you are talking about is somewhere on the web, you are kindly asked to put the concerned link inside your post. This is, first for completeness, just in case somebody would like more info ; and secondly it's for honesty, if you talk about something's work you should mention your sources ; and third, concerning this forum, posting the link inside your post proves that you are not trying to plagiarize, and that you are using your own words in order to explain what you are talking about. By the way, thanks for the info, I did not know that there was a 3.75 GHz quad cpu. Simply, when I talk about multi-cpu's, I say "four 3.75 GHz processors", I don't say "15 GHz processor". Same way, here at work I am using AIX systems which have 64 processors, 2 giga each, I say I have a 64-cpu 2Hz machine, I don't say that I have a 128 GHz machine !
  20. What do you mean by "arithmetic" ? Do you mean "add", "substract", "multiply" and "divide" and nothing else ?Because I guess that operations like "the square of 7" are forbidden because this would mean 7 multiplied by 7, which uses 7 twice ?
  21. OK, that's clear, you invented the language.However, which language ? Your language ? Please could you clarify a little bit ? When you say "us English", what do you mean by the "us" word ? - USA English (American English) ? - We, British People, speaking British English ? Because I'm afraid the people who invented the first language did not directly speak English, at least not exactly the American current one.
  22. You're welcome, Tavox. I hope that this version will work easier than the german version !
  23. @Tavox : have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and also here : http://www.tucows.com/preview/213160 More infos here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=frewall&meta= Regards Yordan
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