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Everything posted by yordan

  1. So, unfortunately, Microsoft thinks that you follow the Microsoft history, and you install the newest version over the older one.So, if you install windows 2000 first, and then install windows XP, the Windows XP installer sees that there is an older version and does everything necessary in order to let you use the older or the newer.So, now I would say that you have two problems :1) first of all, do you know how to make a backup of your current Win XP installation ? If not, it's time to rush to try Ghost 10 and backup your XP system on CD or DVD.2) If your XP installation uses your whole physical drive, you will have to shrink the C: disk into two smaller ones, one partition including the current XP install, and a second for receiving Win2k server install. If you don't know how to do this, you should rush and obtain Partition Magic or one of it's competitors.Now comes the trick.a) You install Win 2000 server. The installer will ask you where to install it, you choose the empty partition. At this moment, at the end of the installation, you will have a single system able to boot, the Win 2k server.If you know how to modify the boot.ini file, good luck, it should work. I would personally do something else :Simply boot on your win XP CD. If you are lucky, you will be able to choose the "repair" installation, and the installer will repair the boot.ini file and create the dual-boot thing.If not, reboot just in order to see that Win2k is still working, nothing has been destroyed, and boot on the XP CD and make a basic install. This is a 2-hours job, which will destroy your previous winXP install ; no problem because you have a backup (by the way, it would be a good idea to have previously tested your backup on another machine). At the end of the very basic Win XP install, you will have a dual-boot situation, where you will be able to boot from your new Win2k system or from your new winXP system.c) Now comes the trick : restore your old WinXP backup on the partition where you previously had the new XP install. The old install with old your data will replace the new empy install.d) Now, you have a brand new system, with a dual-boot with the new Win 2000 server operating system and your old Win XP system with it's date.This a job I do very frequently. Every time I work carefully and do no mistake, I loose no data.However, in case of mistake, especially during the backup, if you do mistakes, you may loose your data. So, what I would also suggest is put on a CD or on a network server all your personal files (your Word files, your Excel spreadsheets, your personal pictures and all the programs you wrote by yourself). So, in case of general catastrophy, you will be able to restart on a brand new machine with all our precious data on a DVD.Hope this helpedYordan
  2. That was the case some years ago. Today, the scott/tiger demo is not automatically installed. It is not installed but can be installed in the Oracle 9 systems : the database administrator has to manually create the scott/user and start the demobld.sql script in order to build the demo.In Oracle 10 installations, the demo is even not present on the Oracle 10 cd. If the administrator wants to create this demo, he has to type "grant connect to scott identified by tiger" in a sql window, and then he has to ftp the demobld.sql from an old computer, connect scott/tiger, and "start demobld". If the database administrator does all these things, that means he really wants you to connect to his database. And, by the way, you can connect only with scott's privileges, you can only see your own tables ; and if you do a mistake, you are the only damaged guy. So, the scott/tiger username/password allows you to access only to sites where people like me allow you to go, in order to help you play with Oracle before being grown enough and be independant.
  3. This is already the case. If you post in the "tutorial" section, your post will be reviewed. You will immediately earn your credits, but your post will remain unvisible until it has been read by a moderator. Then, the moderator will appreciate your work, and of course will give you extra credits. But if the moderator decides that your post is purely spam or if he finds out that your post has been plagerized from somewhere else (including from your own website) you may have a very bad experience.
  4. Also, I would say that it depends from the amount of money you have, the Mac is rather more expensive than a PC. And, I'm pretty sure that, for the same amount of money as for buying a mac, you could buy a PC with the professional softwares for doing the same things than on a mac.For instance, my brother uses his Mac only for Microsoft Word, I'm sure he could do this on a PC.
  5. I would be a really great idea. Because, in a windows ftp folder you can cut-and-paste. But with a network drive you could also open a document, modify it, and save it.
  6. OK, if you look a their site, they clearly say : So, they frankly explain that it's an anti-autorun system, no more. Sorry, ethergeek, but I think that the number of posts is not an argument.You know, when I wrote my first post on this forum, I already had 20 years experience in computer security, simply I never heard about Xisto before. So, some experienced guys are probably existing somewhere in the world, and never postesed here. I'm pretty sure that Bill Gates never posted in the present forum, and I would at least hear what he would say. So, the number of posts is not a good criteria. However, the content of the post is an independent criteria. And the content of the current topic has to be improved, and at least his author has to learn how to talk with us, and the type of arguments we are ready to acccept. And, nevertheless, simply posting a link to a website is woth nothing, neither from the content point of view, nor for the earning credits point of view, the credit system does not really love short meaningless posts. I hope that all our comments will help wear428 learnong how to express himself a way we want to read him.
  7. Also you may use TrueCrypt. TrueCrypt formats a file in a special way and mounts it, making it visible as a new hard drive (g: drive for instance).The disk cannot be mounted without giving your password, and if the password is "somethingverycomplicatedeven4meor4you", almost nobody can crack this password in a reasonable time.Moreover, TrueCrypt has a portable version, so you may put the portable version as well as the file on your flashisk, you mount your flashdisk file using your flashdisk portable version of TrueCrypt, and when you unmount it nothing remains on the PC. And if somebody steals your flashdisk key, he will be unable to use the file.Hope this helpedYordan
  8. I had this problem some monthes ago, the problem was inside my own PC. May I suggest you to boot off the knoppix LiveCD, this will be independant from your hard disk settting, and try to reach your cpanel. If you are successful with knoppix, this means that your browser settings have a problem.Please try surfing off the knoppix operating system and keep us informed.RegardsYordan
  9. Please, be slightly more explicit. What is this ? Did you test it ? Does it work like it's supposed to ? Are you satisfied with it ? Please let us share your own experience, or simply your good or bad feelings.RegardsYordan
  10. Don't worry. This is a rather old post. At the beginning, people were afraid because of this problem. But almost nobody had is gmail address changed.Probably, in the states where there was a problematic situation, newly registered people had got their new accounts with the googlemail name. However, the currently users have no problems, and probably no new registration in "standard" countries have this problem.
  11. Yes, you are right. A lot of (rich) customers have a lot of applications, written some tens of years ago, purely cobol on proprietary systems. And now, these customers want to switch to Unix. But they want to re-use the same cobol applications. And there are not so many cobol specialists nowadays. Today, young people just coming from school learned C programming, but not cobol programming. So, situation is clear. If a company needs to start a new application, they write it in C language, and they easily find new developpers. If a company needs to mantain an old cobol application, they have to find cobol specialists somewhere. IBM may provide them, but they have to find them.
  12. I just tried it today once more, no way. Maybe that's why it does not work for most of us. It is probably not supposed to work with any ftp server, probably it's supposed to work on servers running NetBUEI. So for the other ones it will not work. I just tried it today, no way.You can guess this when you type nbtstat -R followed by nbtstat -n. If you don't see the server you just added inside lmhosts, forget about it and use the old way, creating a favourite ftp site under Crosoft Windows explorer. Regards Yordan
  13. May I suggest you to open a new topic concerning your duo core machine booting slow ? This is a very interesting topic, and will probably be felt interesting by hardware people who would not look at the present "avg antivirus" topic.Regards Yordan
  14. Exactly what I am personnally thinking. Referring to the initial question, which concerns "Linux for a Windows User", I would say that a Windows-only user can be consedered as a noob when he starts working with Linux. That's why I would personnally recommend Mandrake, (or it's free version named Mandriva), because it's really user-oriented, you have nothing to think about simply accept everything (except if you don't use a qwerty keyboard of course) exactly as you do when Installing Crosoft. And I love their way auto-configuring Ethernet. I have a small regret concerning the Wifi adapters, where free Mandriva says "I see your device, I know this hardware, but the drivers are not in the free version, buy the commercial version". Of course, you can still get the drivers from the wifi device manufacturer's website, but I feel this way of working slightly unfriendly. But, Definitively, I say : Windows users should switch to Mandrake, or at least taste the look-and-feel using the "Mandriva One" Live-CD : you simply boot from the CD-ROM, nothing is installed on your hard drive, you surf on the web with FireFox, you write down your documents using OpenOffice. Then, if you don't like it, forget about it. And if you like it, you install it. By the way, when you install Mandrake on your hard disk, I love the way it manages the Windows/Linux multiboot, letting you easily choose or modify the default one (default Linux of course, and you temporily change it default to Windows if your grandmother needs to use your PC during a week-end).
  15. OK, the problem is twofolds, let's clarify each one separately. If we look carefully, we see that ElfoReal want simultaneously two things : - interconnect his two computers using wifi. - surf on the internet on the the second computer which has no direct link to the external network. So, let's first look a the interconnect thing, it's the easiest one. The internet-capable computer has a not-used wifi adapter, let's use it. Configure this adapter as Ad-hoc (meaning not slave from an accesspoint), and give it a fixed-ip address. Give the IP address the following value : This means that your PC has now two networks : the "external" network, which can reach Internet, and your "very private" network, where it has the address Now, configure your second PC's Wifi adapter as Ad-Hoc, it should be able to see the other adapter. Give this adapter the following address : This means that the second PC has a single Ethernet adapter, it is on the "12.3.4" network and it has the address 6 on this network. And it can ping the other PC which has the addess 5 on the same network. In order to verify that, open a Windows command-line window, and type : ping -n 3 Now, the first step is finished, the two computers are interconnected, they can share files using the Microsoft sharing system (for instance in a command-line window on the second system you type "net use * \\\myfolder" and the shared folder named "myfolder" from the will be usable on the computer. Now comes the second very interesting point. On the first computer, which is able to access the internet, the one which has the very private address, you can install a proxy. The easyiest to use is privoxy, it's free and powerful, you can download it from here : https://sourceforge.net/projects/ijbswa/files/ You insall it very easily, you will see it working imediately. Simply it will serve only the local computer. But you can ask it to serve the very private network. Use the privoxy configuration tool, click Edit configuration file, look at the line saying "listen" something, and add the following line : listen-address Do not forget to save the configuration and restart privoxy. Now, on your very private network, you have a proxy server. Then, this proxy server can be used for your second PC, the one which does not have access to internet and have the IP address. On this PC, open Microsoft Internet explorer and go to "tools", "Internet Options", Connexions, network Parameters, choose "use a proxy" and give as proxy address and proxy port 8080. You see that your first PC has a proxy serving listening for queries queries on the 8080 port of the address, and that the second PC will send it's queries to the server at the IP address, port 8080. Now, you are able to surf on the Internet on the second PC ! type https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl on the second PC. Then, rush to the first one, go to the privoxy console, and you will se "request for https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl;, accepted. Of course, this will work for the "normal" sites, the ones your grandma would see you surfing on. If you happen to go to f, you will see at the Privoxy console "request ****.com : crunch", and at the client PC you will see "proxy error, could not reach this site". Hope this helped, I like this way of doing this because you have two different operations on two different problems : you first interconnect the two PC's, which is a very basic thing which should have no problem. Then you install privoxy, which console will explain the problems related to safe-surfing rules. Of course, you should also have a look at the firewall settings, generally what I do is disabling the firewalls while testing my things, and then re-enable the firewalls and see which system or which processes cannot cross the firewall (like"ping") and allow the concerned systems or processes to work correctly using the firewall. Hope this helped. Yordan
  16. I totally agree.I think also that my website (as any website I shall find nice) should be reachable by any mean. And, when I am on a Windows keyboard, I very often have no (or very poor) antivirus system, so I don't want to install things if I am not the owner of the system. So, when the host asks "do you want to instal blah blah blah" or "your version of Flash is out of date, dou you want to upgrade it ?" I sey "no!" and of course I cannot watch the website. And I say "this website is bad, I will not go there any more". So, too bad, it could be an interesting website, so if the way it's designed makes me refuse to reach it, I say it's poorly designed. Of course, this is my own opinion. Regards Yordan
  17. Thanks, folks.And, yes, I confirm that xb's French is perfect.I was joking, of course. I don't really need help in french language : Xisto's forum language is English, I accepted it, I think I can understand the topics and I hope that I make myself understood.Thanks again for that nice topic, Feuing. Personnally, i use Privoxy on Win98 (shame on me!), but I serously think about switching to Linux, so this topic will be very precious to me.RegardsYordan
  18. I guess that Feung could also have done this by himself, using the browser "search" (probably F3) and replacing each <quote> by
  19. I totally agree with this, this is the main purpose of a LiveCD. Also, there is almost no way for adding a driver to a liveCD. So, if you happen to have a sound or video device whose driver is not included in the livecd, you cannot use your device. However, in a hard drive installation, you will probably find somewhere the linux driver for your device as well as the installation guide, and you will be able to use it.
  20. Do I really have to type service squid start </Quote> or are <Quote> and </Quote> mistyping for ?Regards Yordan
  21. Personnally, I like the way PHPBB3's installer works. It looks what is available, and then suggests you what it thinks is better, but lets you choose something different. This allows me to use phpbb3 with an Oracle database, just for fun.
  22. Puppy Linux does that. It works fully in memoy for performance purposes, but writes down it's things to be saved on a next session of the CD. It does this with regular CD, so no need for a DVD-RAM device.
  23. If you want a "learn-by-example" set of sources, may I suggest that you use your Xisto's cpanel and install the phpbb forum, you will then see how they use php and a mysql database in order to let people create their accounts and then login using username and passwords.
  24. For instance, the last LiveCD I installed told me "your Wifi adapter is detected, but the drivers are not in the free version, please buy the commercial version". This was a good reason for not installing this version on my hard drive.By the way, the competitors even did not detect the adapter, which was worse.So, this was a "no-linux yet" PC.So, you check using a live CD, if you like it you install it. If you don't like, you save the installation time.
  25. You know what ?I just started using Notepad++.I needed to have a look at files created on a Unix system, and look them on my PC.I used portable Notepad++, and I found it really great.I am not currently writing C programs, but I have seen that Notepad++ is also very useful, it helped me a lot when embedding /*'s with */'s.
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