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Everything posted by yordan

  1. On old machines you have rather few resources, so FC5 is probably more suited for a PII.
  2. Using these kind of tools on your own machines is of course allowed, and the info is very important for you, you are right.But, showing a guy - who does not have the admin's password - how to crack the admin password is against the site rules : if an admin wanted to give you his password, he would give it to you, no need to hack it. However, you are right, this depends probably from the country where you perform these things, there are probably a lot of countries where overcoming admin's password is quite legit.
  3. @turbopowerdmaxsteel : great idea, disabling and re-enabling error reporting !@Sten : I touched your topic title in order to make it more specific, feel free to correct it if I misunderstood it.Yordan
  4. I just made a slight change to your topic title in order to make it more specific to your problems.
  5. No, no, please no. And, yes, I muss confess, I just wanted to have fun with polemics. However, your way of thinking is very interesting, I thing it's the best way, looking at the future and looking if things are useful instead of seeing if they are used.and, no, I did not test the C compilers by myself, because I am currently working under AIX so I use gcc or the manufacter's C compiler.
  6. We are just warning you that, if in your contry the Police Department has people watching the BitTorrent users, you should be very careful, you will need to justify every piece of software in case of physical control, as well as every movie or every music they will find in your home. It's the problem of internet, it's the world of freedom, and some people abuse, some other think that it's legit because it's easy.
  7. That's right, your international IP address appears as being the IP address of your proxy. However, reliable proxies are not so easy to find.
  8. The softs I didn't see in your list, and which I use every day. a) putty (ssh or telnet clients for PC's) Filezilla (ftp client)c) Miranda (MSN, MIRC, etc..)d) XnView (for capture-to-JPG, image crops or resizing)
  9. Not sure that Google offers this service. Of course, for giant companies it's something very easy : I remotely connect to my computer in NY and starts my query, and then I remotely connect to my computer in Vancouver and start my query. Unfortunately you are not a worldwide company. However, you could do something funny. Post here the query you want to perform, and let's see if an Xisto member from NY reads your post and posts the query result. and let's see if a guy from Canada does the same thing and posts the query result.
  10. Hi, You are right, here at Xisto we have our own database and then the hosname is "localhost". If you connect to another database server, which allows accessing from other hosts, in the connect string the database server is simply the DNS name of the database server. I used this frequently some years ago, before being hosted here. Usually, you must have an account at the database server name, and when you create the database, the server automatically gives you the connect statement. Here it looks like : On a remote database server the name will not be "localhost", it will probably be a dnsname like dnsprovider.host3
  11. Congrats for having solved the problem all by yourself. --- P.S. I added the word "solved" in your topic title, so people having the same problem will immediately see that you found a solution.
  12. The topic starter post was a question about C programming.And I think that C programming is sometimes a must for serviceability purposes.If you write down a program for somebody else, it can be maintained by any guy who learned C programming at school, and there are lots around the world.So, the first step in a self-training plan should really, in my opinion, starting with C on any hardware you have, Windows if it's your current Operating system.When talking with other people in your profession life, first say "I propose you to start developping the thing programming in C", and then you add "a nice alternative would be using Python but I must warn you that I will be the only guy able to help you for future software evolution".
  13. what about this one : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/I found it here : http://www.bigfoto.com/ Even more here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=frnload&meta= And always remember that "google is your friend"
  14. Sorry, but could you explain a little bit more ?You don't have to worry about hosting credits if you are only interested in the forum, your forum account never expires. The hosting credit is only critical if you want to keep your website up without often visiting the forum. If you are only interested in the forum, keep going on, and don't bother about your credits going up and down.
  15. Seems that GL is not installed. I guess you should install it from the original Quake3 CD.
  16. the gcc for windows page : https://sourceforge.net/projects/gcw/ Look also here : http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/ and also here : http://gcc.gnu.org/install/binaries.html and of course https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=%2nload&meta=
  17. Depends probably from the printer model.For my Laser printer, I had to pay 150 euros for an ink cartridge, more than ten times the price you say. And I see that, around here, if I want a coler inkjet printer it costs me about $50. A monochrome laser printer costs about $100, and a colour one starts at $200. So, I think that the inkjet era is not finished yet, as long as people need cheap printers. --------------- By the way, I slightly changed one word in the topic title, I guess you wanted to say "inkjet" instead of "injet" ?
  18. As Sten explained, please read the rules. I close the topic.
  19. @ethergeek : take care, read the forum rules once more. I'm afraid you are at the outer edge of legal things with the things you write. If a mod happens to come around here, he would probably delete this post, at least.
  20. Isabel, my first question is : are you allowed to make a hole in the wall ? Because it's the best solution, you make a small hole in the wall, and through the hole you can have a standard Ethernet cable between your PC and the router.In each real case this is the best solution, and in a lot of very old house you can find a way (through the ceiling or over the door) in order to push an Ethernet cable.
  21. With a slight bemol though. Servers like asta give you a lot of freedom using php and mysql. It's less easy to have a ssh access, and I'm pretty sure you will not be allowed to compile and run your own C programs. So, server-side php programming for public accessed games on public servers. C-programming for private games on your own PC, or ship your program to be installed on other player's PC.
  22. You should be more explicit. You answer to saneax's post, which trick works correctly provided that you are on a Unix or on a Linux system. The "rm" mentionned commands definitively removes the file, so it could lead to unwanted restults but that's another story. Now, let's come to your problem, explain slightly more what you are doing. The "xls file" seems to be an indication that you are working on Excel files, probably with a MS-Windows system ? And what are you really trying to do ? Are you using a shell-script ? Could you show us the most pertinent lines in your scripts ? Regards Yordan
  23. Nice topic, docduke. A little be short, but very efficient, I like it.And I guess that you want to re-open the philosophical subject : why do people choose a language instead of another one ?Why do a lot of people speak English instead of Esperanto ?Two facts. Unix is designed in C Language. If you want to surf on the Unix wave, enforced by the Linux tsunami, you need to learn C language, else you will stay on the sand.So, now, here is your challenge, docduke : try to make me switch to python.
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