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Everything posted by yordan

  1. that's exactly what he is doing right now : we hare his mates and he asks us to have a look at his code.
  2. Sure I wrote a lot of times on my USB flashdrive, it's a convenient for holding my data in my pocket. I did not imagine there could be a "too many times" limit. Like the kilometers on my car !
  3. My idea was not "moving" the database, my idea was forcing a lot of activity on your database, reading the whole database and writing on another database. If the server had problems, this test wouch put it in evidence. The place of the post is not really important, if we find where the error is we will consider moving the post. The most urgent action is finding where the problem is coming from, and I'm afraid it's in your code. Unfortunately I know nothing in javascript, so I cannot fix it.
  4. Guess what ? I just bought a brand new USB flashdisk because my 2Gb flashdisk simply stopped working. It worked at 9 in the morning, and at 10 it was not recognized any more.And I don't think it's something wrong in your uncle computer, simply you had bad luck. My girl had this problem with a mouse, simply stopped working. Such is life.All of us should always remember that disks can die, flashdisks can die, CD's stop being readable. So, all precious data have to be on several different support (in my PC and in my flashdisk), and you have to have money in your pocket in order to buy a new flashdisk.
  5. Just to verify that it's the server, could you do the following :1) Use mysql to do a complete backup of your database (which will raise a lot of "read"). 2) verify that you don't have the "drop database" instructio in the backup sql file. 3) Create a dummy database (name it sparkx_dummy), and re-load the backup into the dumy database, which will raise a lot of "writes"). If this is successful, this is not a server problem. If this fails, this is a server problem : give us the link to the backup.sql file, and the admins have to have a look and fix the problem.
  6. Yes, I just noticed that the Disk Management in Microsoft Windows does not allow you to drop the partition inside the USB flashdisk.Partition Magic does the job, no problem. Unfortunately, Partition Magic is not free.Let's see if other forumers around here know a free software which does the same job.By the way, why do you want to split your flashdisk ? Mines are never big enough, even my 4gig stick is too small today.Yordan
  7. Just a small question : on which server are you trying to install Jomla ? On tripod, I guess ?Yordan
  8. Just in order to fully understand : is your CD Ubunto for Mac ? I hope you don't try tu install the CD Ubunto for Intel ?
  9. Fexplorer is not a Microsoft native program, so it's normal that it's not in your C: drive. You have to get it from Nokia, if your phone is from Nokia.
  10. I would say that the initial question is a bad question. I think nobody here can answer the question "does god exist".The real question, and each one of us can answer it, is "do you believe in God ?". And of course, once the answer is "yes", the second step must be "do you think that this god is unique ?".Some religions have several gods (one of war, one for love, one for rain, etc..)Some other religions think that God is a unique being, although you might name Him in several ways (Yahve, Jehovah, Vishnou), he il all by himself, auto-sufficient. And of course he has te be allmighty, being everywhere at the same moment, albe to ear each of us but we should not disturb him too often for neglectible questions.I don't know why Science is systematically opposed to religion. Maybe because science is unable to prove existence or non-existence of any Divinity. Being unable to prove the non-existence of God does not prove that he exists. This simply proves that they belong to separate existence plans.
  11. Please ave a look again. When you do the ping test, if you see an IP address for Xisto.com and for google.com and google does not appear at the browser, then this means that your proxy address is not set correctly.
  12. Really $298 ? Or did you have to paid a small extra amount for Windows Vista and for the burning software ?
  13. I'm not sure that I really understant what happened, docduke, so maybe my answer will be "a cote de la plaque" (far near the target, some french forumers here should appreciate)Did you try installing a server, or a client ? This is the first part, I think a standalone person or home network cannot be a server by himself. Secondly, if you want to be a client, three things must occur simultaneously. . The client software must run correctly. . The total network must let you access the server. . The owner of the file you want to download must bu up and running. For instance, when, for my job, I need to install a new Linux distro, I cannot get it via torrent, because our company firewall blocks me. And, home, I cannot download some ... err... files ... err... because my ISP firewall blocks the server. So, maybe some of the bad conditions I meet at work or at home are also met at your side, that could be the reason for the torrents not to work properly. And, of course, at home I have a 512 kilobytes Internet access, so I don't really see the power of torrents, that's why I never use them. What I would suggest is first to test your home installation. Take a freshly installed PC (no firewall, no antispy, no antivirus, a quite sacrifyable system, for instance an USB BartPE system which you can easily reload from a backup. Then, take a good torrent client, a lot of them are advertised around here. Then, downlod something, what you download hos no importance. For instance download the last porn movie abstract from a high-rated site (most of clients rate the site for a precise file, saying the number of downloads and the current state (green - very good, yellow - maybe, or red - forget about it). Then, if you are able to download something, this means that your PC is correctly installed and your Internet provider lets you download. Then, add a firewall and see if you still can download the same file. Then add the antispy and the antivirus sofwares, and see where the error was. And, of course, if you cannot follow my insructions because you have no system you can sacrify, then... keep away from toorent servers ! Hope this helped Yordan --------------- P.S. Sorry having been so long. Maybe I should have written this in a tutorial section and put the link here ?
  14. By the way, this seems terrific. However, the biggest machine in the world today (single machine I am speaking) is the 64-cpu AIX system, it rates three millions transactions par seconds. This is really huge.Of course, google probably does not rely on a single system, it's safer to spread amongst a log of separate machines, but this also makes the administration rather complicated.
  15. I think you should give the link, or you should not talk about this subject. But posting that you have infos you want to keep secret looks like pure spamming.
  16. Brandon, I'm not sure that I really understant your question. If your neghbours settings are fixed to 802.11b, you may ask them to change these settings. If they don't agree to change their settings, you should not try to bypass their security settings, this is not honest.
  17. Hi, rahul, Are you alreeady able to put an ethernet cable between your PC and your room mate's pc and share folders ? If this is a case, I can explain you how to easily share your internet connection. Just put a private proxy on your PC and use this proxy on your rommmate pc. Tell us if you need more details in order to do that. Regards Yordan
  18. I had the same surprise with my first USB flashdisk, Crosoft told me that the disk was write-protected. I sent a mail to the manufacter, who kindle answered me with a drawing showing where the write-protect switch was. I find this very useful, to be able to write-protect a removable device before pluggint it into a friend's computer, so no bad virus-related events.
  19. OK, if now we start seeing more clearly where it comes from.If you can ping http://forums.xisto.com/ and you cannot ping https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl,'>https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl, the problem is not inside your firewall. The problem is in your gateway or in your dns. The dns is in charge of translating the https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl name to google's ip address. And the gateway is in charge of routing the IP packets from google to your PC. So, one of these changed, either in your PC when you touched your own IP, or at your Internet provider main site, althoug I thing the latter is less probable. when you ping https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl,'>https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl, do you see an IP address appearing ? Yordan
  20. I would strongly suggest to use Mc Afee free online scan, at least for diagnostic purposes. here it is : https://home.mcafee.com/StaticGenericPage.aspx?page=cookienotsupported&url=%2fdownloads%2ffreescan.aspx%3fculture%3dfr-FR%26ctst%3d1 Of course, if you use it too often, you will be gently asked to buy the product. But at least from time to time, it's really useful.
  21. Did you already have a look at the graphic tutorials forum ? Seems that I have seen some tutos concerning animated gifs or things like that. Maybe you could also be somehow more specific, I suppose you already have an idea of what you want to do ?
  22. Not sure I understant. system/manager can login, sys/sys can login, scott/tiger can login, this is the normal case.or do you mean that you type any username and any password (like whoknows/nobody or jeopardy/nothing) and it works ?
  23. before re-trying the google test, re-do the ping trick with "ping https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl;Then, in order to temporarily stop the Microsoft firewall, click "start", then "settings", "control pannel", or something like that, and you will find the firewall menu, and temporarily choose "stop the windows firewall". If then everything happens to work without the firewall, this means that the firewall is responsible of the thing, and now we know where the problem is coming form. If the internet does not work correcly with disabling the firewall, then, the problem is coming from somewhere else, and we will have to have a more careful look at the gateway address.
  24. OK, now, I suggest a simple test : install Firefox (another browser, simply not Microsoft, completely independent).I suggest portable firefox, take it from here : http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable It's sompletely standalone, you put the file somewhere on your hard disk, you double-click on the file Firefox_Portable_2.0.0.12_en-us.paf.exe in order to uncompress it, and you run the file FirefoxPortable.exe in the expanded folder. Then you have a fully working firefox web browser, you can surf with it. If this works, if firefox works correctly, this means that the problem is in Internet explorer. If further you don't want to use it any more, you simply remove the files from your pc, this software is a standalone one, it's not installed. If Firefox happens not to work, this means that the problem is inside your PC firewall.
  25. OK, now do just steps 1 to 14, and type the IP address you wrote down, but the mask at step 12 should be : then retry after step 14.Also, if it does not work, in order to help understand, do the following : 1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen2. Click on "Run"3. Type in "command" and hit okNow, in the "command" prompt, type ping http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ should have and answer like "Answer from"Please keep us informed.
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