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Everything posted by yordan

  1. OK, Emma B, let's start the diagnosis.First of all, what did you do exactly ? And, when changing things, did you write down (on a piece of paper for example) the previous settings in order not to forget them ? Secondly, I guess that you did what is written in the first topic, the one with the steps 1 - 2 - 3 .... Where did you stop ? You probably stopped at step 14, am I right ? Please tell us this first, so we will be able to know what to do in order to go back. Regards Yordan
  2. Please be more specific, give the real name of what you are talking about, and the references or link to where to find it. Don't simply tell us that something you don't remember was nice. What are you exactly talking about ? Are you talking about Microsoft Sharepoint Services ?
  3. There already a lot of posts about this subject. And you expressed clearly the truth. Stealing software is illegal. Torrent clients make it easy and comfortable, but it's still illegal.Except for the few ones using it for downloading legit things. And you are not one of these legal users, because you proudly claim that you download "movies ,music,soft". downloading movies is forbidden. Downloading music is forbidden except if you are the author of the music which is probably not the case. And I'm pretty sure the software you are downloading are not opensource ones.So, stop talking about illegal things here, read the forum rules again. And shame on the pirats.
  4. Hi, tudor, welcome aboard. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here.
  5. This topic is not really a tutorial. That's why I moved it here, where is more probably it's place;Talking about site designing, don't you think that your bold charactes are slightly aggressive ? RegardsYordan
  6. ssh is not offered any more on the free hosting plans at Xisto.ssh is available in our paid hosting plans, if you really need it.
  7. Probably the disk has been removed from the bootlist.Have a look at your bios setup (usually it's obtained by pressing the F2 key after powerup) and have a look which hard drive is defined to boot. Probably your hard drive is not in the boot list and you have to define your hard drive as allowed to boot from.
  8. Do you have another computer, which could act as a file server ? then we could attempt a network install, you only need the files from the ISO distro's, and a boot floppy or flashdisk.so, please, first tell us if a second computer is available in your home network.
  9. So, two candidates voted for halosphere, nice and sounds like heliosphere.Let's see if other forummers could fine even better.
  10. The fact is not that it does not work, it's simply useless. When you don't use your PC, there is almost no reason that dust enters.When you are using your PC, the PC's cooling system starts aspiring air from your room. Which means anywhere a piece of dust is in your room, it will be forced going inside your PC, directly on the CPU's radiator. Of course, if you like your small blanket, maybe it's nicer to see a blanket than a stopped PC, so you can keep going on for artistical purposes.
  11. have a look at what I obtained with the asta shoutbox : http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act=Searlite=%2Bsniffer and more precisely at this topic : http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?showtopi&hl=sniffer Regards Yordan
  12. Correct, that's also what I do, although the +s permissions could be sometimes dangerous.However, if we are talking about public servers like Xisto, the user can only use ftp clients, so he connot directly access the +s option. And the users which have ssh access here are probably jailed in a rsh sheel, i'm event not sure chmod is allowed in a restricted shell command line.
  13. Seems that miggi's computer definitively refuses to boot : his first post and last post was a desperate call for help.
  14. I'm just curious. Is your green curve a predictive calculation, or is it just a drawing ? Do you have a mathematical description of your best fit, wich parameters becoming usable for long-term predictions ?
  15. Does somebody remember the first posts in this topic ? People said that this topic is useless, no interest, mods were asked to remove it. And now this topic is 15 pages long, proving that a lot of people want to express themselves here.Also, I think here we should not post about our professional computers, only concerning family computers. Else I would also post about my 64-cpu's Power5 system which 200 gig's memory and 140 terabytes disks.
  16. yordan

    Hey Was Up

    Hi, Halo3fanboy, welcome aboard.
  17. what about "hello, what's up tree ?" (halo wasa 3)By the way, I would like to make a suggestion : please change your main topic title, put something more specific, like "help me finding my website name", so we will understand that it's a call for artistic creativity, not a question about php programming.
  18. I think that you cannot have a real problem with the AC outlet power.However, the noise coming from the fan or the freezing could be a dust problem. Have a look around your PC's box, see if the air cooling outlets are not filled with dust, preventing the air cooling from freshening the processor.By the way, which kind of PC is it ? A laptop, a desktop, a tower ?Yordan
  19. Just guessing. I would like to give read, write and execute permissons to everybody (user, group and others) to images/profile where the image has to be moved. Give 777 permissions first, then, if it works, try to raise the security level.
  20. Some techniques need hours of training.That's what a lot of homeworks are made for. Pupils need to learn how to read, write and calculate.For instance, addings or mutiplying : you need to sepend a lot of time practicing, in order to ge really trained and be ready for real life.Also most of adults need to write down some text explaining what they want : want a job, ask for recover from unjustified fines, or simply technical report after one technical job. So, all children need to spend a lot of time writing things on a given subject, and being corrected by their teachers.there is no way to avoid that : even doing this in front of a computer remains home work.
  21. Have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/95089-topic/?findpost=1064385295
  22. Obviously, this is a protection against copy. If you simply copy all the files to your hard disk and run the .exe file and it does not work, that means that your software absolutely wants to fverify that it's running from a CD. I would like to warn you that modifying the exe file without his author's agreement is forbidden in most of the countries, so, forget about it, or at least don't try to ask here : reverse engeneering for hacking purposes is against our forum rules.
  23. this message is self-explanatory : the listener is not running. If it was working previously, go to your server system and have a look at the services (Start, control pannel, system, services), and check that the service is defined to auto-start. You can also check that in a command line window. On the server, open a "cmd" window, and type : "lsnrctl status" (without the quotes). i'm pretty sure the answer will be an error message, saying that the listener is not running. Then, simply type "lsnrctl start" you will see the listener starting. then, type again "lsnrctl status" And you will see things like "service blablah has two handlers", which means that your database remote access services are handled by this listener. Hope this helped. Yordan
  24. this is false. the number of allowed users is defined by your licence. If you paid for a 200 users licence, 200 users can connect. Of course, you should not change the "processes" value in the init.ora file if you did not paid the corresponding licence, this would not be honest.
  25. This is not an Oracle issue. In this case, Oracle gives an error message like "connexion refused". In your case, it's a Windows 2003 systemwide problem, probably not enough memory, or out of disk space for windows virtual memory. So, you should have a look at the Windows system logs, especially concerning the services.
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