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Logan Deathbringer

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Everything posted by Logan Deathbringer

  1. I wasn't trying to initiate a debate over the finer points of free speech. I was just stating that people declaring their right to free speech whenever and where ever yet not knowing what they are talking about. I appologize for getting off topic.
  2. I personally would suggest first going with a SuperG system. Then I would go with a range extender put in the building that is in the middle. Beyond that I'll have to do some research.
  3. OK just a quick comment on the freedom of speech from me...the peanut gallery.Free speech is taken for granted yet not fully understood by the public at large. If your gonna comment on it please study it and then make an informed statement. Freedom of speech DOES NOT give you the right to publicly insult someone or question their heritage, what it does do is give you the right to make informed statements regarding relevant issues without the fear of reprisal from the government. That is what I understand Free Speech to be, and it only extends to public publications, where as this is a service offered to us Free Speech only extends as far as the people that run it are willing to let it go. Seeing as how it is free and we did agree to the TOS then we really have no option but to let the powers that be here at Xisto, Xisto, Xisto, etc... decide what we can or cannot post.Although there are limitations to even their power over their own services. All of these must be balanced and I've seen that here at Xisto that balancing act is well maintained by the Excelent Staff, as well as the community in general.
  4. Ok here is My Opinion on this subjec.First off: When you notice something like a loss of credits, check your posts see if they have been moded for some reason, then if you still don't find anything wrong (in your own opinion) PM a mod or OpaQue. Keep it private, this is for your own personal privacy as well as the mods or admin. Lets keep our own personal embarrasment to ourselves.Second: DON'T FLAME THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU! If your in the wrong admit it and move on. The community here is very understanding but if you Continuously step outta line then the "leash" will, and should be, snapped. If it wasn't for the order and rules we would have chaos and a Awsome service such as is offered here can't exist.Without structure, support, and more then anything else RESPECT then nothing will work. Discussing what we see is onething but totally disrespecting those that are giving of their own free time, and at the end of the day their own Finances so that we may have a full blown Webhost with some very expensive extras, they might decide that it isn't worth their time and shut it down. For me that would be very bad concidering that I can't afford to pay for this kind of service, and I don't think that I'm mistaken that other here can't.But as with most of my posts this is just my opinion. Thank you for your time.To all the Mods, Admins, and OpaQue...Thanks for your time, work, and support.Logan Deathbringer
  5. Nybb if you noticed the post that I started this thread with: I've finished what I wanted to do when I started out...now I'm sitting back, enjoying the fact that I Completed what I set out to do...thus this version of the site is Finished. The next version of the site is in the planning, and when its complete it will be rolled out and then I'll once again say "Its done!" There is no doubt that this site will never be finished in truth, but this version is done!
  6. Without more information, such as the error your getting, the only idea I can come up with inregards to your problem is that maybe your forum is addressing the database/table/colum/whatever incorrectly and in doing so it causes corruption which in turn causes the database to "crash".
  7. Not a problem, happy to be able to help someone out after all the wonderful help I've gotten around here.If ya have anymore questions just make a new post and hopefully someone can help ya again. Feel free to PM me if ya think I can help out again.
  8. have you updated your video drivers lately? giving us your comp stats would help out alot:CPU and its speedVideo CardRAMetc..
  9. I once had a P3700 that was pure SCSI because I hosted a gaming server for a "clan" I belonged to for Q3. On the very rare occasions I had to reboot it I honestly didn't notice any real difference between its boot speed and a similar computer I had, it had very similar specs except it was IDE based. Now when I quit hosting the server after my main computer went to computer heaven and I canibalized both to have a "Hybred" IDE/SCSI computer I then did notice a major boot speed difference since trying to run SCSI/IDE on the same system is like walking along the top of a picket fence at times.Only then did I notice any real problems. I would still take a full SCSI system over IDE if I could afford to build one, even with SATA coming out I'd take the SCSI.
  10. Another way to go about it is thru the "preinstalled scripts" section under "CGI Center." When you get there look down the list for the "counter" link.When you click on that it will give you a lot of options on how to configur your counter, then click done and it will generate the HTML/CGI to insert into your page where you want the counter to appear.
  11. LOL man reading that F.A.Q. and what not gave me a headache...hold ont gett'n the Aleive......LOL sounded "to good to be true" from the get go and after wading through all the "if this" and "or thats" it comes down to "If your site is damn near perfect then we will give you the space you want/need and we will make money off it but you can't so 'naw."Where as Xisto says, "you contribute, we will help ya out with a 'realistic' amount of webspace and bandwidth given you follow some 'realistic' rules and have fun."Xisto rules, for the most part the rest are pretenders to the throne or 'wanna bes' thats my opinion.Long live Xisto and the team that makes it possible.
  12. When I went and visited your site it seemed to look the same in IE 6 and Firefox. Only it opened and was rendered faster in Firefox then in IE of course :DI must say your site is quite impressive, easy to navigate, and "pretty." Although I do have one small problem with it. Some of the Grammer and Spelling, which are my major nit picks, could use a bit of touching up. Other then that I love the site.
  13. The counter I used was created using the "Preinstalled Scripts /CGI Center" of the Cpanel. Its a pretty straight forward setup. If you have any problems with it start a new topic and then PM me with the url for it and I'll walk ya through it.
  14. LoL well I finished the site I set out to build. Now to put my code away and let my overworked mind take a break for a day or 2.Well at least untill I decide to put pen to paper, fingers to keys, and the asprin within reach and start the interactive php page I want to link to a live database...if that makes any sense to anyone but me...lolI think I will walk around the forums here for awhile and see if I can help others out like I got helped. I would like to thank the whole Xisto comunity for all the help I've gotten with this project, I couldn't have completed everything I've done todate as quickly, or possibly at all, without your excellent help and patients. My hats off to you and I hope to be able to help others out as much as you have helped me.
  15. I fell in love with the FF series with FF3, didn't much care for Tactics, Loved Diablo, D2, D2:LoD till blizzard stopped dealing with hackers. Now I play Guildwars and so far I haven't been all that dissappointed. It's starting out as a small Massive Multiplayer Online Co-operative RPG, but they are adding features, and new areas slowyly but surely. The graphics are sweet also.
  16. Ok I can't help this, energy consumption is always a main issue with processor chip, the reason for this is heat creation. The problem with heat generation is heat kills, not guns. Heat will ruin a processor almost as fast as water will. The more heat created breaks down the pathways inside of the chip its self. As for the AMD platform they fixed this problem and they run cooler then the Intel chips now. ok I have to say this....WRONG...the AMD 64 uses the old x86 instruction set so that it is fully backward compatible while offering the ablility to run 64 and 32 bit applications it does what Intel is currently incapable of, offering a bridge between the past and the future. By doing this AMD is giving us that want the added performance of a 64 bit system the ability to have a system that is Future ready and Past friendly. Please Read This if you have any disbelief in this statement I just made. Its the White Paper AMD put out regarding its 64 bit processer and its technology. Man you might be surprised to find that yes the problem was with the VIA chipset but that was honestly a short lived issue, with that said I'm sorry to hear that you jumped outta the PC world for 3 years cause you missed alot of interesting things by doing that, yet you got to experiance how much the PPC kicked the PC all over the map for that period of time, but now the PPC and RISC system is loosing ground to the CISC system, or to put it more correctly the gap between the 2 is almost nonexistant. That might be the reason that Apple is switching to the x86 processor, which is cheaper then the PPC they have been using.
  17. I think that making movies outta video games and comics is cool. The only real problem with this is that when they do make a movie outta them they don't bring across the writers that make the video games and comics a big hit.When the games a hit with a awsome story line, the people that made it should be able to go and have final say on the movie script. IMO the main reason that these cross overs don't work due to the weak storylines. Also they try to change to much of the "story world" as an example the batman series, they can't seem to keep the same actor and they keep changing the "vehicles" used by the main character and they don't keep the sidekicks around and keep killing off the "arch villan" at the end.A good example of a comic cross over recently is the Spiderman movie series. They kept the same actors for the second movie and kept with the main story line. Also they made the special effects seamless for the most part. Also the second movie didn't fizzle it rocked just like the first. Hopefully Hollywood will take a lesson from this and make any future cross overs true to the origianal source and we will have some awsome movies in the future. If they do and they work closely with the story originators maybe the movie will be a good pull into the comic or the video games so that it will be a sort of continuing storyline so that the comics, video games, and movies all fit together and be an even more profitable for all concerned and more enjoyable for us that play, read, and see the movies.
  18. Ok here is my opinion. Fist off for your comparison of the Pentium D to the AMD 64. There are 2 flavors of the AMD 64 as I understand it. There is the Single core 64 bit processer and the Dual Core 64 bit offered by AMD, this is to allow those that want to try out a next gen processor an entery lvl chip and a upgrade when they decide they like it, and they will like it I'm sure. As for comparing the Pen D to the AMD 64, there is no comparision IMO. Now my data could be wrong but the Pen D is a Dual core yes, but both cores are 32 bit while the AMD Dual has 2 64 bit cores. Now like I said I could be wrong with this but if I'm right your comparing a Dodge Viper to a Volkwagon Beetle. Both are cool, depending on who you talk too, but they aren't even in the same league. The Pen D is defifinetly a step up for Intel but its still a long way from touching the true 64bit power of AMD. While Intel does offer a 64 bit processor it is NOT backwards compatible with 32 bit programs, last I heard, while the AMD 64 is backwards compatible and will run 32 bit programs a heck of a lot faster. If I'm wrong with any of this please let me know.
  19. No offense taken, just a few points though from my point of view:The site is was origanally designed in FP due to the fact that it was origanally designed to be deployed on Angelfire, prior to my getting hosting here and I was using the FP extensions to get the most functionality possible within the limitations I was under. Now that I don't have to worry about that I'm slowly redeveloping it.I'm using the Frames due to the fact that some of the Guild members are still stuck using 56k modems and the frames seem to help them be able to view the site faster and easier since, for the most part, they don't have to reload the major graphics of the banner and the link bar.As I redevelop the site in my spare time, which is limited these last few weeks, I will slowly be losing the FP pages, and finish balancing out the sites fram/color/text/font schemes.Computerjoe thx for your input I will continue to hone the site and my skills.
  20. Looking good, can hardly wait to see what ya do when ya get your own theme up.
  21. Houdini,Congrats man its not everyday you walk across a deal like that. Glad to hear that you got sweet deal. Hope I can run across a deal like that myself...I need to get another comp to use strickedly as a linux box to experiment with.
  22. I personally like SMF myself, lots of mods and skins for it and it is easy to administrate. Also there are a few people here on Xisto that are very knowledgeable when it comes to SMF and are more then happy to help you should you need it.If you would like to try SMF I'd be more then happy to help you with it if you need it. Its real easy to set up and install on your website. All of the members of my forum like it.
  23. Well have done some big changes and hope that those who have helped me out and done some reviews for me will take a look and tell me what they think and give me their opinions on the new design and what not.
  24. The main reason there is a raised eye-brow to the fact that the US gov. has flat out stated now that they will not let the main Root Servers be moved, or pointedly replaced with new servers off of US soil is this. Some people beleive that there is more to what the so called "root servers" then just DNS work.In actuality think of this, not only are the master DNS records kept on these servers but they also keep stats on how many hits they get, where they come from (i.e. what country, state-province, ISP, etc..) and lots of other info; if you beleive rumor...and if you don't please take the blue pill...Also by having the very servers that "control" the major flow of data and "supply" the DNS's of ISPs with their master lists, under the control of one gov. then that gov. could send out conflicting data streams and really screw up the flow of info on the 'net. Thats what people are worried about, the fact that should someone really want to and figured a way to do so messing with the root servers honestly could mess stuff up for everyone. The real question I have is, how much damage would be caused if even 4 of the root servers went down?
  25. IMO Guildwars is the best FREE MMO out there, though you really can't compare it to paid MMO's like WoW and what not. GW isn't totally free, you must buy the client and then there isn't a monthly fee to play. If your really interested in it and have a mic for your computer go to Team Speak website, download the client. The reason for this is that alot of people that play GW use Teamspeak for VoIP chat, and then click on the banner in my sig, this will bring you to the Guild Site I have for my guild and then click on the Whos on our TS link and then click on the Public channel to get into our Teamspeak server. Oh and get the game client, cost about $50 USD. I can help ya get into the game and hook ya up with some good players. Whether or not you want to join my guild I'll help ya out with the game as you need it.
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