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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. No, they don't cover the return shipping costs. It's not a lot to ship back, so I really don't mind as long as I don't get a "defective" one.Yep. That's the main reason I buy it online since they are often cheaper.Didn't have any hassle returning it. They shipped one back and should be arriving on Monday.It wasn't a big deal, but since I paid for a non-broken item, I don't want it.
  2. Was just going to say that. Yes, use the SymNRT tool that was mentioned above. It should remove it successfully. What version of McAfee do you have? Take a look here for manual uninstall instructions. It mentions using the Add/Remove Programs Panel to do this. Since it doesn't work in your case (try again to be sure), just use the registry batch file to remove all traces of it in the registry. Then look for all the McAfee related files/folders and delete all of them. That should remove them all. Not sure if there could be any services for it running also after running that registry batch file, so go to Start->Run and type in services.msc and hit OK. Scroll down and see if you can locate any McAfee services. If found, you can double click on them and click on the Stop button. Then under Startup type, choose Disable. You may delete them also. You need to find out the service name first by double clicking on it. Look at the first field where it says Service name. Jot that information down. Then go to Start->Run and type in cmd and hit OK. You will be in the command prompt. Say the Service name was McAfeeAV. You will type something like this in the prompt: sc stop McAfeeAV sc delete McAfeeAV exit Hit enter after each of those lines. That will delete the service. Do this for any other McAfee service found...if any. You may also apply this to Norton if it still has leftovers after running SymNRT.
  3. Never had problems re-activating Windows XP Home Edition here either. Did it for many years now since I reinstall Windows yearly. What I think must have happened is that there were some major hardware changes or you are using this Windows XP Home CD on a different computer than it was on before. Since you said you never used it before, check and make sure the CD is an authentic Windows CD. It will have that rainbow/silver color effect on the cover when you tilt the CD. Does it come with the authentic Windows sticker? You can call up Microsoft or contact them via other methods at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If I remember correctly, Microsoft might charge you a small fee for giving you a new key code. Beats buying another copy of it at full retail price though.
  4. I will see if I can return it. Bought this off of eBay and they had a return policy. Thanks viz
  5. I bought this 60GB Toshiba hard drive for my laptop and found a small crack in the upper left corner of the chip (underneath the hard drive). Will this affect anything or is it harmless? I looked around the top and bottom as closely as I could and don't think there are any "wirings" that were part of the cracked area.Thanks.
  6. Yep, exactly what Chesso said. All my other hardware are new. I custom built this computer with the intention of getting a new monitor (possibly LCD) in the future. But for now, I have this ancient CRT monitor that doesn't support higher than 800x600. Asking this question because I was afraid that the newer video cards will not support 800x600 (maybe 1024x768 minimum).I don't have top of the line hardware, but they are good enough for everyday use and light gaming (usually tycoon games ).Thanks for the offer nightfox I'm just one of those cheap guys who won't let go of a working hardware until it breaks down. Saw a LCD for around $150 the other day after rebates. Not a top name brand, but I might get that if anything. Then I can push it to 1024x768 and higher Many thanks for the replies.
  7. I have a very old (9 years) CRT monitor and hate to throw it away unless it's life is all used up So in the time being I'm thinking of getting a better video card than what I have now. My question is, is there a minimum resolution size for video cards? I'm asking this because this old CRT can only support up to 800x600 resolution.Thanks.
  8. Found it...got a good luck on Buy.com. I guess they are one and the same.
  9. Took a quick look at the Office Live site. It says it will always be free? Microsoft will renew it for us annually without any fees...which sounds very suspicious. Was going to sign up anyway, but then saw credit card being mentioned. They want us to submit it to make sure we are a legitimate entry...NO thanks.
  10. Welcome to Xisto Florent Do you mean putting banner ads on your site? I assume this is the case since most web designers will want to generate some revenue to host the site. If that's the case, then yes, it's perfectly fine to use ads on your site. It doesn't violate the terms of service here at Xisto if I remember correctly. Couldn't find that post now but I recalled it being said to be ok. If you want to advertise your ads/site at Xisto, there is a section here for price quotes...
  11. ganeshn11, are you sure it's not yabbse instead? Seems like after version 1.4, it's called yabbse now... Simple Machines have converters that you can find here. The first one might be the one you need. To be safe, I suggest that you backup both your database and your YabbSE forum files (the whole directory) before performing the conversion to SMF. Do you have a problem creating new topics? You could have created one in this forum as it's for SMF. If you are having problems, contact one of the mods about this issue...
  12. Hi, I'm looking for a video card to replace the cheap one I have. Been looking around and found the PNY Verto GeForce FX5500 128MB AGP Card. My question is, is this PNY Verto brand the same as the nVidia FX5500 that I have been seeing or are they totally different cards?Thanks.
  13. Hi nightfox, it took a little digging and thought there wasn't a driver for this printer also...but then I bumped into the problem called TurboPrint. It should/will work with the Canon PIXMA iP 1600 series, but the price is a bit steep as I have heard ($40.00) - might cost as much as your printer. You can give the Free Edition a try instead if you want. I think it prints out with the logo for that free version.
  14. Logan, if that charge port in the back (for the AC adapter) is loose/damaged, will it still be able to provide my laptop with power though? I'm asking this because all this time I have been using my laptop by plugging in the AC adapter. Never really bothered me without the battery working until lately. Need to bring it with me to work sometimes and it's not so convenient carrying that big charger. Never soldered anything before, but if that area is broken, I would be willing to take the chance (and hopefully learn how to solder ) to see if this can be fixed. Any detailed information on how to solder the area near the AC adapter? I did some searching and found some beginning tutorial on how to solder here.
  15. Was just going to mention Dreamweaver. It's one of the best WYSIWYG editors I used. If you have that already, stick with it. Otherwise you might want to give First Page 2006 a try. It's freeware, so download and install it. If you don't like it, just uninstall it.
  16. It's a Prostar 6194 laptop. The warranty expired like two years ago already.
  17. What kind of ethernet card are you using? Not a huge Linux user here, but check to see if they have drivers for Linux on the manufacturer's website. It's been a while since I last played with Linux. Isn't there a way to configure GRUB through the CD repair option to change the order? If not, take a look here. They go into some details there. If you get lost or confused by that post, reply back. Or your parents could always just choose Windows from the GRUB boot manager when it starts up... Do you have high speed internet? If you do, you can just download the Linux distros directly from sites like Linux ISO here. I don't know of any sites that will ship the Linux CD at no additional cost.
  18. I'm not saying this site causes spyware issues, but there have been a lot of cases where users were getting excessive popups from this site...be it directly related to that Paypopup site or exploited by others trying to earn their payments "illegitimately". Google's Adsense program usually doesn't provide any hassles. It doesn't intrude much either...as long as you don't over-do it. A banner here and there is ok.
  19. m^e, no luck with that either I don't know why it doesn't work. Tried it in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera. None of them would allow me access to cPanel using the port 2083 or the /cpanel at the end. Nothing was changed from the last time I could access cPanel till now. I even tried setting it to allow Xisto domain in my firewall...still no change.What is the FTP server name that we use to login? Is it just ftp.astahost.com or our username.astahost.com? I remember trying both with my login and neither would let me in.
  20. I think I have a Torx #6 screwdriver that I bought last time for opening up my cell phone. I remember opening up the laptop as much as I could and don't recall seeing any rubber screws though. This thing should come with a manual on how to open it up I removed all the screws on the bottom and surrounding area last time and still couldn't get it to remove the motherboard area. I even checked the top part underneath the keyboard to make sure it wasn't bolted down from there.Could it be the charging port if I can charge my battery? It was at 0% full and I charged it for a few hours (took longer since I left the laptop on) and it eventually reached 100%. I'm thinking it must be the bottom connector for the battery bay. I took a look at the bottom bay for the battery and it has two metal prongs and on the side it has like 8-10 flat pins for the battery connector. They all look ok. The connector for the battery looks like it's connected to one end of the motherboard there.I checked the battery price on eBay and elsewhere already, but have no luck. They are all around $100 or more. The battery model is 87-D618S-4E8. It's 11.1V and 6000 mAH. If there is a replacement for this at a cheaper price, that would be great. I don't need the exact model back as long. As the alternative will fit snuggly inside this laptop, I'm a happy camper I'll try to see if I can find a local computer shop nearby, but I don't think there is any in my area.Trying to find out the part number for my motherboard but not having any luck. I found a number in huge characters - 71-D6100-D02 but didn't find anything on it online.
  21. Opened in Notepad and got these first few letters - 0&²u. I see WM Track, WM Year and other WM listings below the notepad file. I'll leave it as is and try to convert to mp3 when I can. Thanks for all the help.
  22. Just checked the battery prices this evening and it's going to set me back about $100 for it. I'll take a look at the bottom of the laptop and see if anything is damaged or out of place. If worse comes to worse, I'll try taking apart the laptop again...was a pain last time when I tried to do this (couldn't remove the whole thing).
  23. Noticed this a while back already. I'm usually helping users remove spyware and many times I have stumbled to some "spyware removal" sites which is in fact spyware themselves. There must be some way for search engines to detect these sites...possibly by blacklisting them from the searches. But this might take too much work on their side...so the cons probably outweigh the pros in this case... ganeshn11, do you still have that spyware/popup issue? Try running the steps outlined at the tutorial I wrote up here and see if it helps.
  24. Took perl over a year ago and wasn't really good at it :DDon't know why I didn't try this earlier, but I went into the file's Properties and checked out the Summary tab. It seems to have the Audio data in it. So I guess it was originally a wmv file after all.Yep, I played it in Windows Media Player already. It was the only one that worked since Winamp wouldn't accept it (when I thought it was a mp3 file originally).Just need to convert this song to mp3 now and I'm a happy camper :PThanks.
  25. This doesn't make sense...both of these seem to be down. Can't remember the exact address for ftp, but I tried a combination and none of them work (tried ftp.astahost.com and also with my weapons.astahost.com). My cPanel doesn't seem to respond at all when I type it in the address bar.Not sure what's wrong, but my test forums are working without any problems. I want to upload some files but can't do so with these problems.Any idea what's wrong?Thanks.
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