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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. I'm sure there will be a bunch of free webhosts out there for you to choose from, but most will have some kind of banner ad on your pages. Why don't you just use your account here at Xisto to test? Will it affect everything hosted in the account? If you still want to find another webhost (since Xisto's policy most likely limits each user to one account only), then take a look at: http://www.thefreesite.com/Free_Web_Space/
  2. I never heard of that program before nor do I know what those commands in the diagnostic test mean. I suggest giving Pagoo a try: https://www.ringcentral.com/lp/pagoo.html It should be able to do what you want in this case.
  3. If this was a good drive and I wanted to take out the platter, how would I do so using the snap ring tool?Yeah, yesterday I was trying to pry the lid off...finally gave up. Then it occurred to me that there was probably something screwing/locking the lid down. Found two areas where it was covered with a sticker. One has a Torx screw and another one had a nut/bolt on it. Need to find something that will remove that bolt there since it's very flat and small.I'm only doing this as a learning experiment. I have a few people I know that had hard drive problems and I want to repair them. Depending on the situation I guess, it might require swapping the platter to another identical, good hard drive.Thanks for the pics wutske. Did someone take a bite out of that platter there?
  4. Nice finding swizzeron :DSigned up for the Gmail one for my domain. Hopefully will get approved.Can users sign up for the email accounts in your site or do you have to manually create a new account for them? How many email accounts do you have Sparx? I didn't want to over-do it and put like 1000 for now...hope it can be increased if needed.
  5. The link posted by XIII is not a valid address...it was just an example. If that was your site name it should have asked you for the cPanel login username and password. You are not hosted until you get at least 10 credits and submit your application for hosting. Posting here at Xisto will give you credits. If you don't find anything interesting to post here, it's suggested that you post over at Xisto instead...it's the sister site for Xisto.
  6. Hi, I want to open up some old hard drives I have. They are all dead drives and I always wanted to open up one to see how it looks like inside. Always learning From what I gather, I should need a phillips screwdriver, a few different sized Torx screwdrivers and some snap ring tool. I didn't know I needed various sizes for the Torx screwdriver so I bought a set ranging from T3-T10.Question on the snap ring tool. I'm not exactly sure what they look like but from the searches on eBay, are they similar to pliers? These are suppose to help me raise the platters inside the hard drive, but I have no idea how to do this. I only saw images of what the platters look like from websites, but no instructions on how to take them out using a snap ring tool. Like where to grip it so I won't physically be touching the platters.Do I need any other tools besides the three I mentioned above? I know I should work in a perfectly clean room and discharge any static from my body, but since these are all dead hard drives, it's not necessary Thanks.
  7. Found another service online...this one should suit us better (will become inactive only if no one touches the file for over 21 days). http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. Hi, I highly recommend using SimpleMachines Forum. The main reason for this is because they seem to have better security than phpBB. If you look around online you will see that phpBB has been hacked many times before. From what I heard, the updates they provide to patch up the security holes are not that fast either. SimpleMachines on the other hand, have less security holes and it usually gets patched up pretty quickly if any are found.I would say, play around with both of them and see which one you like better. Both have "hacks" or mods as they call them to give your forum enhanced features. phpBB most likely has more, but SMF has more and more mods added as time goes by.In terms of speed though, I find SimpleMachines a bit quicker
  9. That's the problem...I don't know how to make the two connections (wireless and wireline) work together. Whichever one was plugged in first, takes full control. Regarding the doubling internet speed, I don't think this is possible. At least not in most of the cases we have...unless you have a really high connection speed. From my understanding, most home users (all?) can not reach such high speeds anyway. Like my connection, it's only a 3Mbps DSL connection. The network cable is 10/100 Cat5e cable (100Mbps) and the wireless card is 54Mbps. So even if anyone can find a way to connect both, the internet speed shouldn't be increased in any way. I'm not interested in that in my case...I just want to have one line for internet (wireless) and one for data transfer in my home network (wireline). Using wireless is just too slow and when I want to transfer huge files over, I have to disconnect my wireless and use the network cable instead to do this.I still haven't got much time to play around with the crossover cable yet, but if anyone can verify if this can work while I have a wireless connection, that would be great. Otherwise, I'll try to do this when I have more time and report back what happened.Thanks.
  10. Yep, been using router for a long time already. But I'm mainly on wireless in my house.I don't think this is possible...using both wireless and wireline, at least not without changing some setting first (if that's even possible). I tried many times already...I plugged the cable in with the wireless turned on. It won't be able to use both. Both say they detect the connection, but when I try to transfer something it's taking a long time. I tested them more and from what I found out, the first device that's connected to it will be the main one it's using. So plugging in the second one seems to be useless.Any ideas if it's even feasible to do this?I have some other questions. On my router, I set an beginning and an ending IP address to limit the number of computers connecting to it at once. For some reason one of the laptops I have is set to an IP out of this range, but strangely enough it goes online without any problems. Why is this possible?If I want to use a crossover cable, what do I need to do on these Windows XP laptops in order to get them to see each other? Aren't they using TCP/IP to do this? I know when I was trying to network between a Windows 98 and XP computer, I had to use NetBEUI. But in this case, I have two XP machines and they won't see each other even when everything else looks ok. These are the same two laptops I'm working on now at my house that DO connect when plugged in to the router. Do I need to assign an IP address to the laptops? My current setup is manual IP addressing in the router...Thanks.
  11. I agree...that F11 key might have been for certain computers only. I also have never heard of using the F11 key for use during bootup time.I'm wondering if that admin account (specifically) has any passwords at all. There might have been more than administrator account and the one you logged into could have been the one without the password.If the account was truly password protected it shouldn't have allowed you access into Windows that easily without third party programs as mentioned earlier. Most of these programs will remove the password for you, giving you access to assign it a new password. Keep in mind that if you do this, any of your encrypted files/folders will still require the old/previous password in order to decrypt them. Otherwise, they will be encrypted...
  12. @kerouac, we probably don't need to do that at all if it works when the limited accounts are changed to administrator. He said that it's happening to all the limited user accounts so this will probably not fix it...he can just change them all to admin accounts. But since he said this was a office computer, they must have restricted the users for a reason. I'm not really sure how he's connected, since I rarely see a one computer office unless it's really small. But he said no server connected...So there is no such option in Group Policy then right?I will ask the user to reinstall the Windows OS as a last option if this all fails...
  13. I still didn't do anything on this yet. Don't have time to rip the DVD image and try to install it from the hard drive. But yes, I definitely agree. You will need at least 512MB of memory if you want to run it under VMWare. It wouldn't even go into the install stage if you have less than that.Got a copy of that Microsoft Virtual PC when I heard that Microsoft made it free to the public. Didn't know it supported only 2.2GB Still haven't got a chance to play with that also.I will let you guys know what happens on ripping the DVD as an ISO and installing Vista from there.
  14. You mentioned a meax speed of 9-11 Mbps. What type of wireless cards do you have in these computers? Are they 802.11b or 802.11g? The B series will run at a maximum speed of 11 Mbps, which may be the case here. The G series start from 54 Mbps and can go higher on some of the extreme G editions.If the wireless cards are 802.11g, then check for distance and any interference you may have inside the room. How far are these computers away from the router? Are there any interference around? Walls and other wireless devices may degrade the wireless signal quality. You might want to put the wireless router in a central location so that all the computers are in some kind of equal distance from it.Changing the wireless channel on your router may help sometimes. Go into your router settings (refer to your manual for the IP address or give us the exact make and model of your router there). You need to look for the wireless channel setting and change it to another channel. See if the speed improves. If not, change it again to a different channel. There are 11 channels to choose from.
  15. I started using the Mozilla browser a few years ago because I didn't want to use Internet Explorer. It was basically just like Netscape. Then I found out about Firefox and it became my default browser for a long time. Like other users, I like Firefox because it has that tabbed interface along with other cool features that can be installed called extensions.Most users will probably need to keep Internet Explorer since there are some sites that won't work properly without it. One main one is Microsoft's Windows Update site.
  16. I don't know why this is happening especially since he's not connected to any server. He already uninstalled the drivers, restarted the computer and reinstalled it to no avail.Does anyone know if Group Policy has this setting to reset the screen resolution?
  17. Hi, is it possible for me to use both my wireless and wireline connections at the same time? I'm primarily online using my wireless PC card for the laptop. But sometimes I want to transfer some big files over to the other laptop I have in the house. Doing this through the wireless card takes ages since I'm also using the internet and the wireless transfer is limited to 54Mbps...in the ideal world I want to use a network cable and connect between the two laptops using that method. That way it "should" give us almost twice the speed if this is possible.Can it be done? If so, what do I need to do?Both laptops are using Windows XP Home Edition.Thanks.
  18. I'm back... He has on-board video. It's an Intel ® 82865G Graphics controller. For those interested, I'm helping the user here. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
  19. Yeah, I mean the hard drive itself. Just asking because you said this earlier: But then at the end you said you were giving it to your brother So in your case, it wouldn't matter then since you will end up reinstalling everything again anyway. Just get Microsoft on the phone before you install it on the new hard drive and they will probably provide you with a new keycode or maybe reset your current keycode's hardware configuration.
  20. Please don't type in ALL CAPS. It's harder to read and is a form of yelling when you use it online. Besides, you colored it purple already, which should catch our eyes. You will probably be best off using a content management system like Mambo Server: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It will have a login box for users to sign in to their customized page settings. There are many other content management systems out there so try them out and see which ones you like. Mambo is just one of the more popular ones out there.
  21. Just changing the motherboard will wreak havoc since it's a whole new chipset. Try contacting Microsoft here and tell them about your situation. They should be able to let you activate it again with this new hardware setup. I did hear of a method "around" this, but due to the fact that it can/will be used illegally by others, I will not mention it. Call Microsoft instead...they can help you with this issue. So who's going to use this hard drive now? You or your brother? If you are keeping it, you might have to reinstall Windows. Either way, you will have to reinstall since you are changing the motherboard and cpu there. I have seen cases where Windows will crash on a user constantly due to the fact that they have incompatible chipset drivers. Not sure if you can uninstall the old motherboard chipset drivers and install the new ones without reinstalling Windows.
  22. Like most users said earlier, I too don't think it will ever be secure or bugless in the near future. They need to focus more on the stability and security of the operating system instead of getting another version out. I guess Vista could be one of the "better" Windows operating systems out there yet. They have put in a lot of time for this version and are still delaying it further...for more testing.10GBs of graphics LOL...no wonder it won't install that easily on my machine. Gave it 15GB and still having problems (might not be size issue now...working it out now ).
  23. I'm trying to learn how to repair hard drives actually and did quite a bit of reading on this subject. Need to take a look at that acrobat file and see if it's useful...Freezing the hard drive...I haven't personally tried this myself, but read about it many times online. It seems to be a 50/50 percent chance of recovering the data. Do this if all the basic methods fail like connecting it as a slave and it's not being detected.@kaputnik: Yeah, recovering data on your hard drive is expensive, but if the data is really important, people are willing to dent their wallets for it. The logic board on the hard drive might have been fried. Since you can still hear it whirling inside (I hope it's a normal whirling sound also...), the insides where the platters and heads are should be ok still. You will need to replace the logic board on the bottom of the hard drive. This should not be very hard to do. There will be like 5-6 screws on the bottom holding down the logic board there. Remove them and you should be able to get that board out. The tricky part here is not removing that logic board. It's finding another hard drive with the exact same model. It may work with other brands that look compatible, but I don't suggest doing that. I heard cases where it basically blew the chips on the logic board when an incorrect one was installed back. So make sure you get another identical hard drive (up to the revision number on the hard drive) and take out that logic board and use it on this one. Copy all your 8GB worth of data over to another hard drive as soon as possible. You can probably put the logic board back on the hard drive you bought and use it as a spare. I don't recommend using your old one since it was in a power outage before.
  24. It's the simple things that we overlook I actually need to do this myself. I opened up my laptop a few times already and do see lots of dust bunnies building up there :DSpyware and viruses may cause these problems, but I have seen one too many cases where it's not anymore...Now it's usually some overheating issue or users are just having too many programs running at startup. Disabling all those startup programs will help tremendously.@nathan2004: I did the same thing. Upgraded my 256MB RAM over time to have 768MB now. Also upgraded 30GB 4200RPM hard drive to a 60GB one...
  25. yordan made some great points there to follow. I would like to add using a memory scanning tool as well to make sure it's not the RAM causing this problem. Download the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Copy it to a floppy diskette or burn it to a CD (run the program and it will have these options for you). Once that's done, restart your computer and boot from the diskette/CD. It will run the diagnostic tests. Let it run for 10-15 minutes to see if any errors are found. If not, just exit out the program.
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