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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. I wish it was always that "easy" to just pop in the CD and do a reinstall everything I get problems with the computer. Too many times here we have hardware related issues, like in this case with the motherboard. A format will only waste our time in my case. The board was defective...took a look at it when I went back (it was locked down, so I didn't open it the first time) and found that the motherboard had like 5 swollen capacitors.
  2. Welcome aboard to Xisto. The forums here are basically computer/technology related only. Other misc. stuff are usually no post count which means no credits. If you want to talk about other stuff, I highly suggest going over to Xisto's "sister" site Xisto at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Forgot to post a followup to this :)I replaced the motherboard for the machine last week and it seems to have done the trick. She used the machine for about 10 minutes casually browsing emails as she did previously with the "power outage" from the monitor. This time, no problems
  4. Is it possible to downgrade a Windows Media Center Edition computer to use Windows XP instead? Someone is having so much problems with this machine and I think it's the Operating System causing the problem. I told her to reinstall Windows MCE, but I don't think they gave her any Windows CDs. I think she got it burned from a recovery partition after I told her to look for one. But that doesn't seem to work. So I'm thinking of downgrading to XP as a possible solution. Isn't Windows MCE very similar to Windows XP, aside from the extra media features?The big question is, will XP work on a computer built to work with Windows MCE?Thanks.
  5. I love my wireless from the moment I set it up over a year ago (yeah, it took me that long to get in the flow ). I think it's safe enough for me to work in. Nothing is 100% safe. As long as you are transmitting data, it can be intervened and "stolen". Having some encryption will help a bit:WEP is basically very weak and can be broken into without much work with the software we have out there these days. WPA is a bit more difficult to crack, but again, not 100% safe at all. I have WPA enabled on my router once I updated the firmware (supported WEP only before).Like you said initially though, if there is a hacker that's determined to attack you, they will be able to do this...eventually.These are the things that you might want to do:- disable your SSID from being broadcasted- change your SSID to something different than what it came with originally- change the login password for your router- enable WPA encryption (or at least WEP if you don't have WPA)- enable MAC address filteringDoing all these will stop a newbie "hacker". There are tools available that can get all these information from your router very easily.
  6. I didn't get a chance to work on that computer today. I will probably work on it tomorrow...I have to scratch the uninstall and reinstall of Outlook in that case. We're definitely not allowed to touch their data. They have to back it up...most of these users are clueless when it comes to backups also, which makes it even worse. We'll have to send someone to help them backup if anything.I will try the motherboard first and see how that works out. Will post the results
  7. I will see what happens tomorrow when I go there. Reinstalling will probably be a last step...got the motherboard already (just in case). I never reinstalled Outlook before. Do I have to backup their emails if they saved it locally? Or will uninstalling Outlook not affect them? It doesn't seem to mention anything about the emails in the Microsoft Article.
  8. I had a problem with my 40GB 4th Generation iPod. It was giving me the sad iPod icon. I tried restoring it to factory default but it wasn't even detected. So I opened up the iPod and tried reseating all the cables. I wasn't paying attention and forced the hard drive cable in (I know, stupid thing to do especially for me). I'm usually more careful, but now the extra "pin" (maybe a ground) at the end is broken and stuck into the wrong side of the hard drive. I put it in the correct way now minus that "ground" pin at the end (which is still stuck on the other side). Is this "pin" important? Everything is running ok now after I reconnected the cables...no more sad iPod icon.I connected the 40GB iPod to my laptop and ran iTunes. It says that it's updating the iPod...I set it not to sync with the iPod automatically but it still does this. The problem here is that after a short while it freezes my laptop. The iPod goes from the charging state to the running state (with the iPod menus). I have to push the power button on my laptop to shutdown (nothing else works). Why is it doing this? Does it matter what version of iTunes I get for it? I tried to copy songs from my Library to this iPod and it won't even go that far...says song 1 of 10 and doesn't go any further.Thanks.
  9. Yeah, Azureus may be a good choice also. It was the first program that came to my mind actually since it's built using Java like tommy said. I wasn't sure if it was compatible with the Mac OS. Checked out the site earlier and saw only Windows downloads...Mac OS must be in separate section
  10. Do you have a video card that you can borrow? I'm almost positive it's the motherboard also, but if the hard drive is spinning also, I'm hoping it could be a video issue instead (since that will be cheaper to replace).Otherwise, get a new motherboard - preferably an identical one to the one you have now.
  11. Yeah, I'm with Grafitti on this one. Does the computer power on at all though? If you hear the fan spinning at least, then there's power coming from the power supply. The motherboard might need to be replaced.Can you hear the hard drive spinning also? Open up the side case to be sure. If it is spinning, I recommend trying another video card on this computer and see if that could be the problem instead of the motherboard.
  12. I'm sure there are a few out there. I'm not a Mac user, but it looks like the original BitTorrent program has a version for Mac here. Google and you should be able to find a bunch more for the Mac OS.
  13. Using a third party program is out of my hands. Their computer may only use Outlook (policy).I will check out the battery and see if that caused it. If not, maybe a reinstall.Would these cause this kind of problem though? Like the battery...shouldn't it not power up at all if it's the battery? If it's a dodgy install, why would it just power down the system, leaving the fan spinning and the power light on the computer still green?
  14. I have a Dell Optiplex GX 270 computer here and the problem is that it shuts down randomly when viewing email in Outlook. It doesn't seem to do this when doing anything else online. Could a network cause issue this kind of problem? I'm going to see if the other machines are doing this as well.The funny thing is that the machine itself still seems to be running. The light on the monitor is orange, but the computer's light is green and the fan is still spinning in the back. These Optiplex machines have the 4 LED lights in the back to show any error alerts (if any). But when it randomly shuts off (meaning, screen is blank), those 4 LED lights are blacked out. Fan still spinning though and keyboard light is even on. But I can't toggle the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys.I'm narrowing it down to a motherboard issue now, but have a question. How is it possible that it's only happening when viewing emails from Outlook?Thanks.
  15. I think you mean advertising your site in search engines right? If so, there are many out there and you might want to explore all the options and see which ones you like best. Google is probably one of the best choices: https://www.google.com/ads/ Click on the section for advertisers for more information. Most major search engines will have advertising sections, so look for them. Yahoo is another one...actually it's more of a directory, but it also has a huge audience.
  16. Do you by any chance know the BIOS manufacturer name? Or maybe the exact model of your motherboard? It might help us narrow down on what BIOS manufacturer you have there. Otherwise, take a look at http://www.pchell.com/hardware/beepcodes.shtml and see if you can figure out which one is the cause of the problem. It seems likely to be a power supply or system board issue according to the site (look at the first table there in the site).
  17. Yeah, I wouldn't open a perfectly good drive just for the heck of it. I just want to see if I can recover some of the damaged drives. I read up a lot of this and you don't have to be in a perfectly clean room to get all the data off...although it is recommended to prevent any dust on the platter.I have some hard drives that I still couldn't get to open. Need to find the proper tools for it. These have a hex bolt/nut but the darn thing is like 1mm in thickness (...and I use that term very loosely LOL).For those who wonder why I want to do this, it's basically curiousity and also can be useful if I encounter another failed drive.
  18. Some users install this 3721 Chinese keyword program on purpose. Others got it installed without their knowledge and can be a pain to remove. Try the suggestions mentioned by the others first and if they still won't remove this pest completely, you will have to do some manual removal on your part. DoxDesk has a good step by step guide on how to remove this, but they took it down. Google still has a cache of the site before they took it down though here. So take a look at it and see if you can remove it completely.
  19. I hope I understand your question correctly. Basically what you want to do is let others download the files from your webhost right? Why not just upload it straight to the server and post a link to it for others to download? Careful what you upload though...if it's anything illegal your webhost has the right to take it down and even terminate your hosting account with them.You can do this locally on your computer using BitTorrent...not sure if it's possible to do this on a webhost server. You just need to create a .torrent file and give that out to those you want to share the files with. Then open your BitTorrent program and let it run so others can download off from you.
  20. I used Trillian as one of the multi-IM programs and have used it ever since. I have tried both GAIM and Miranda before and didn't like them. Usually I will keep those since they are very lightweight programs, which I like. I don't need anything fancy. But Trillian still caught my attention and I have been loyally using it for years.It would be great if I could get Google Talk for Trillian also. I actually have found a plug-in for Google Talk on their site, but couldn't get it working. Could be an error on my end...
  21. Yep, if you are using a wireless network, then enable the WEP feature (or WPA if your wireless card/router supports it). It's also recommended that you change your SSID and password to something different than the default one provided. Disable it from being broadcasted. If you want to go with more of an overkill, enable the MAC address filtering also. That way it will only allow those computers with the specific hardware (MAC address) to use your network.
  22. Here's another anonymous vote for Xisto...I have tried many other so-called free hosts in the past and none of them were really good. They either had annoying banner ads or very limited bandwidth usage.Astahost all the way...
  23. Welcome aboard to Xisto. You will need to transfer that home video file to your computer. Then upload it to your myspace account (if it can hold that big file) and insert the HTML code to display the video file. You will most likely need to use the EMBED tab to play the file in your myspace site: http://html.com/tags/embed-tag/
  24. Looks like they don't allow just anyone to sign up right? You have to create the account for the members in your site?That is a long address. Will the email address still be at yourdomain.com?EDIT: Just created an account with Microsoft's Hotmail service. A bit of work but finally got it working and all. I really hate the fact that it requires users to run Internet Explorer in order to use it. Also it's the same thing that sparx said earlier. It's also a long name followed by your domain name. The one for Microsoft is even longer and more confusing than the Gmail one :DWe all love how Gmail was designed...simplicity in mind. I really want to get that account instead if I can.@sparx: How long did it take for you to get approved by Google?
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