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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. I asked him what kind of graphics card he has. Still waiting for a reply back from him...Doesn't active directory require the computer to be connected to some sort of network? I actually told him to unplug the ethernet cable also before he starts up the computer or logs in to see if that affects anything. It's still happening
  2. @CyberReaper, I think it's already in an ISO file format for the public to download. The license expires in about one year (next year around June/July). This promotion is over already from what I read. I just checked to make sure...they took the page down saying they have reached the limit of users they wanted. You can probably get this from someone else you know that might have downloaded this already. But you will need to get a keycode from Microsoft...I'm sure they stopped that service also by now. So see if you can get another one from someone who's not using Vista or have an extra one they requested from Microsoft. I'm not sure if you really want to get this at all I went through the install like 7 times now and each time it's failing. The problem I had earlier might have something to do with the amount of memory and hard drive space I allocated for it. This "should" probably be the minimum specs to run on your computer: Hard Drive space = 15GB Memory/RAM = 512MB Most users are installing Vista directly on it's own partition, but I was using VMware, so I had to allocate these manually. For you, try running the Vista Upgrade Advisor before you even attempt to get it from someone as it may have issues for some users: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Would use this myself...but don't know how in VMware I got the furthest last week when I tried to install it again. During like 50% of the installation, an error message 80070241 popped up. This seems to be a common issue when I plugged it into Google for a search. If this image is bad, why would it freeze/abort in different places? My friend actually installed his already and it's working fine. I will try to mount the DVD as an image on my hard drive and install from there to see if it works.
  3. I tried searching all over online for a setting that might do this, but to no avail. My only guess is that it's easier to do it through group policy (if there is an option to do that in there).Yep, already tried that. I went through all the common troubleshooting methods and it still won't work. He set it to an administrator account and rebooted many times. The resolution stays. But once he changes it back to a limited user account (even if it's at 1024x768 resolution), after a logoff or restart, it reverts back to the 800x600 screen size.
  4. WeaponX


    I definitely would love to get my hands on one of these when the price comes down. I bought myself an iMac just to play around with the Mac OS and learn more about troubleshooting it (need it for work).For the $2500 price tag now, I would have to turn it down.
  5. I think I read somewhere at Xisto that they don't do backups, so you have to back up all your files and database (if you have any) manually. It looks like the backup feature for you to get manually will work though. Click on the link to download the backup. It should popup a box asking you where you want to save it.
  6. No problem. Re-uploaded them... Excel Image Word They should be able to be opened. Probably just needs that converter that it asks for in the beginning. I just choose Other and then select the Western USA entry there. It will show gibberish on the top and bottom still...but around the middle area it will have English text. Thanks.
  7. I'm not sure. I don't think I ever encountered a problem when there were files at the end of a partition. Or maybe my partitioning program moved them for me during the partition process. I use Partition Magic though... Did you back everything up already? If not, I highly recommend that you do so now. I never trust the partitioning programs (free or paid) to always work perfectly. So if something goes wrong, my important data won't go down the drain with it See if that Partition Manager program will work for you. If it doesn't, then give NTFS Resize a try. This one sounds like it should be able to handle the resizing without any problems.
  8. What could cause a limited user account to revert the screen resolution back to 800x600 when it was set to 1024x768? I have a user who says it's only happening to the limited user account. If he changes that account to have administrative rights, it will stick at 1024x768. If it's just the limited user, he could change the resolution to 1024x768 and it will stay that way until he logs off or shuts down the computer.He's using Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2 installed. He's not connected to any company network. Just home computer on DSL.Could there be a setting in Group Policy that can do this? I asked him to check and he couldn't find anything on it.Thanks.
  9. CyberReaper, you should probably post in a new topic if you have questions. Heard of Kubunto several times already and decided to look it up...it's actually just another Linux version out there. A partition is basically just an allocated amount of space. You can get rid of it, but it will most likely get rid of the data in it as well...unless you merge it - I think it will create a sub folder in that case. If you still have questions on this, create a new topic and post in it instead. nightfox, for Windows XP, I assume it is using NTFS and not FAT32 right? If FAT32 is ok, take a look at Partition Resizer. If you are using NTFS instead for Windows XP, then try out Partition Manager and see if that program can handle resizing NTFS partitions. It listed Windows XP as one of the operating systems there, so hopefully it will be able to do that also.
  10. This is just a problematic machine. It wouldn't boot up at all previously until I replaced the power supply. After doing that it went on and started the boot process. I thought that was an easy job. Then after it finishes loading the Windows 2000 progress bar, I get a window asking me to run chkdsk. At this stage, whether I run it or not, it will freeze in this screen. Then after a short while, the famous blue screen of death will come out with the following error code: c000021a Unknown Hard Error I tried to find this error but can't. Googling only shows that c000021a message for Windows XP and that unknown hard error has some other stop message instead of the c000021a. Could a corrupt operating system cause this problem? Or is it a failing hard drive or motherboard? Thanks.
  11. Welcome aboard to Xisto. Good, short summary I also studied computer science at college and graduated with a bachelors. Not much of a "decent" programmer though, but I get around.Hope you enjoy the stay here
  12. Welcome aboard to Xisto
  13. What's with the duplicate lines there vicky? This is actually a "repost" from a topic I posted before here. Microsoft do tend to give some of their software away. I can't remember exactly what, but I think they gave a very old Visual Basic program away before as well. Might be VB 3.0.
  14. Funny your brother should mention this. Yesterday some co-workers at the office actually said the exact same thing.That would be awesome to have a phone like that, but I see one main setback here. That headset/earphone hanging from your ear will most likely not feel comfortable after wearing it for an extremely long period of time.If this "new" phone is made possible in the near future, hopefully it will have a speaker function also. That way it will be really handsfree and you don't need to keep it hanging on your ear for many hours throughout the day (say at home even - ears needs resting ).
  15. WeaponX

    A+ Certification

    Yeah, I heard this exam is not that difficult at all too, but I want to take it since it's just a one time deal. Don't we have to take these exams in order to take the higher ones like CCNA later on? After taking A+ I was thinking on going to Network+ then the Microsoft ones (MCP, MCSE, etc.).I'm sure most of the questions on the exam will be easy, but since this is my first time taking it, I will get one of those books recommended by CompTIA (maybe the Sybex one).Thanks mc
  16. Hi, I want to take my A+ Certification Exam some time this year. I have a question on the study materials though. I took a look at the CompTIA site here to see what study materials they recommend. I see that some of the books they recommend from Amazon are very old. Will they be good to study from? I heard that the A+ exam changed a few years ago and I'm not sure if this will have any impact. Thanks.
  17. Hi m^e, that's exactly what I thought I had to do also. I actually started doing this but then was stuck on some of them. 1. How would I deal with "' from the '[url' tags and any other tags that require a link inside. 2. How do I make it so each new line only counts as a single line break? I'm using a richtextbox now and every enter (new line) I hit, will create a double new line in the HTML window. I tried everything that I can think of (using DIV or no HTML at all, but just hitting Enter). Still skips two lines down.
  18. Thanks seec77. That worked perfectly Just one last question. Can I undo the rename manually (ctrl+z) if I find out that there was a mistake? I just tried it and don't think it's working. I just posted that other question on VB6 over here. If you can help me out on that one also, that would be great Thanks again for all the help.
  19. I'm using Visual Basic 6 and want to know how (if possible) to create a program to preview BB code. Like the codes here using InvisionBoard with the "" tag for bold as an example. I want my program to allow the user to enter BB code and convert them to formatted text. Is this possible? Thanks.
  20. Yeah, that's the bad part. It supposedly only supports the Windows operating system. So Linux is probably a no-go. See the chart here. I always wanted to play around with Virtual PC, but never had a chance to...Like you, I'm a VMware user. I will test this out when I have more time and see how it fairs against VMware.
  21. So you are not really sure what's causing the disconnect? It could be either computer or modem...Usually it's the modem/router causing the problem. You have a router connected to the modem right?When you get disconnected, look at the lights on the modem/router. Are they all ok (usually green)? If you see any red/orange lights, something is wrong. Make sure the green lights are on the usual places (internet, wireless, ethernet, etc.). To be sure, take a look at where all the green lights are when it's working properly. When you get disconnected again, look at the router/modem and see which lights are on/off.If you know someone who has a modem/router that you can borrow from, try using their's and see if you can get a connection. You might have to configure the settings on it to fit your ISP if a login/password is required for the router.Have you tried contacting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) yet? They can usually run a quick test and determine if the problem is on their side or your side.
  22. Did you download or install anything new recently before this problem began? Perhaps Windows XP Service Pack 2?When Windows crashes, you should have an error report window popup. See if you can find any details on that error or post any filename or error code listed in that window.Do a ctrl+alt+del and go to the Processes tab. See if you can spot any process that begins with drwatson.exe
  23. Just found out about this after browsing through some sites. Microsoft is offering a their Virtual PC 2004 program for the public at no charge. Just downloaded now...it's under 20MB in size. This program allows you to install other versions of Windows "inside" of Windows itself. So if you are worried about messing up your system or don't want to format and create other partitions for Windows, this program should do it for you. You will be running in the Virtual PC program, which in turn, will run the other Windows operating system if you installed them. Let's see how this will fare against VMware The link to the free download is here. Have fun
  24. How do I use this on my own Excel spreadsheet? I just created a blank macro and tried copying the code in but it gives me an error: Compile error: User-defined type not defined I was comparing and see what's the difference between the file you created and mine. The one I have has the code inside a Module. The one you attached earlier doesn't have this but something else. I do have a separate question. You might be able to help me out on this one. It's VB6 related. I will open a new topic for this if you can help me on this one. I want to create a VB program that will allow users to preview BB codes (like the ones we see here at InvisionBoard). So basically it will recognize the BB tags and display them in formatted text.
  25. It looks like you are right on that file name sorting. I checked the order and it does seem to go according by name. That's ok...I was just playing around with it and noticed that part. I don't think there will be any filenames that will be the same.For the VBA file, what I do I need to in order to use it on another Excel spreadsheet that I created already? I tried copying and pasting the code directly into my other spreadsheet and it gives my a FileSystemObject error.Yeah, if you can make it so it doesn't even ask, but just checks to see which cells are selected that would be even better :unsure:Thanks.
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