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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. Sorry for the delay...but I tried it out the same day I posted my last reply and it worked. I did what mastercomputers said and plugged the other cord (even though it was blue) into the green port on the new PC. Sound is great now.Thanks.
  2. Hi, I know this is an old game, but I tried running it on my new machine anyway. I installed it and had problems running it at first due to the resolution settings. I don't know why it doesn't work even if I set it to the correct resolution and color setting. I'm using Windows XP Pro with a Chaintech Volaris V3 (I think 128MB) video card installed.For the game, I have to set it to Software rendering for the video in order for it to work...I think this is the lowest quality setting too So I got it working now and everything is great...but then I see my cursor blinking constantly (flickering effect). I never had this problem when I ran it under my old Windows 98 PC. I even tried the XP Compatibility mode hoping that would work...nothing.How do I fix this problem? Maybe a patch?Thanks.
  3. @xboxrulz: At this time, I don't think it's the floppy drive issue anymore as I have already tried using TWO other floppy drives with the same result (asking me to insert diskette when one is in there already).More fun... I will try using Knoppix (hopefully has floppy drive) and see if it can see anything. Since you mentioned corrupted files, I will take a crack at using SFC also to see if it finds any files missing/corrupted.Thanks.
  4. Yep, tried testing out everything before I ordered the motherboard Actually didn't try the method you suggested (duh...). It looks ok from the top since only the hard drive is above it and it should have enough spacing there. But the side is a good question because this is a "swinging bay" where I can take it out to unscrew the screws from the floppy and hard drives. Then when I'm done, I hook it inside a little and "swing" it back to locking position... I hope that didn't apply too much pressure to is because that's just how these machines are built. Just one last question. Is it possible (very rare maybe?) that Windows could cause this problem? Software issue? I know I booted into Safe Mode, so it's probably not a third party software causing this. I placed an order for the motherboard already. Will post an update to this when I replace it. *fingers-crossed* Thanks.
  5. Hi, I'm working on a HP Pavillion 7955 machine with Windows XP installed. The floppy drive always asks if I want to format the floppy diskettes if I want to read them. So I thought it was just a bad drive and changed it. Now it asks me to insert the floppy into the drive...which I did already.The floppy drive light looks normal (turns on when diskette is inserted and double clicked on...). I tried Safe Mode and even booting from it, but all failed. It's seen in the bios though What could be the problem? Could it be the motherboard even though it's seen in the bios (maybe misreporting it)? I already tried another floppy ide cable from a working machine, so that is ruled out as well...Thanks.
  6. I will put the two jumpers back...Everything seems to work fine except for the sound. I installed all the chipset and sound drivers from the CD that came with the motherboard. Yes, the sound is built-in to the board.I want to use the speakers on my monitor only (nothing fancy ). The board does have 5.1 support...but I don't need it. Any sound is good now @unimatrix: nope, no sound at all (not just from CD). I know there's a cable I need to connect from the drive to the motherboard for that. I'm sure I know where to connect that after reading through the whole manual...just need to find out what's wrong with my sound overall.I looked at the back of the case and it has a Pink/Red, Blue and Green port. My monitor cable only has a Blue cable and a Red/Brown colored cable. I connected them accordingly before and didn't get any sound.@mastercomputers: So should I plug in the Red cable to the Green port since I don't have that port? I will try this out tonight or tomorrow to see if it works. Leave the blue one in the blue port though right?Thanks.
  7. I'll double check everything again tomorrow when I bring this machine back. It can't be a loose dvi adapter though since I tried it on another machine and vice versa...same problem.Yep, happened even after I swapped it with another video card (same brand and model).If heat plays a cause in that blue background and color distortion then I'll have to tell them that (it's in a tight office area) and figure out what to do. The insides look ok and should have more than enough ventilation. Strange it didn't happen earlier though because the user got this computer in November and the problem didn't happen till early last week.Thanks for all the feedback.
  8. I tried to figure out what connector is for the sound, but I finally give up. The PC case I bought didn't come with a manual, so I had to go with what I think are the correct cables to plug into the motherboard. The computer case I'm using is this one. The motherboard I'm using is this one. I just want to get sounds from my monitor (built in speakers). I already plugged the red and blue cable from my monitor to the back of the case already. Nothing. Also checked sound volume to be sure... The manual for the motherboard is found here. I looked at page 17 and 19 which seems to be where a cable should go. Or should I use the jumpers there instead to "activate" sound in the back? It has two jumpers there on pins 5&6 and 9&10. I also see on page 13, mentioning Speaker Connector... Do I need to connect all those cables from my PC case to the motherboard though? I was thinking that the extra 7 pins (one pin for each of those small cables) for the front panel (case) was only used for the front part (usb, firewire, headphone port, etc.)? So if that's the case, how do I enable the sound feature in this pc? Just in case it's needed, the 7 individual pins from the front panel cables are, as written on each pin, SpeakerOut L, SpeakerOut R, Return L, Return R, Mic In, Mic Bias and Ground. Thanks.
  9. Yeah, m^e, was going to do that as well, until I tested it out with another working monitor. Again, this monitor for the problematic pc does NOT cause any problems on another computer. So I have to rule out the monitor problem... @HellFire121 - that's definitely not normal though. Hopefully it won't happen again. I'll try bringing up the task manager if possible...
  10. Hi, I just encountered this problem on a site I was on. When I went to the site the screen color was distorted. The Autumn background (in XP wallpaper) should have RED leaves, but instead it is GREEN now. I checked the color settings and the settings for the video card (ATI Radeon 9600 or 9800 128MB). I compared the settings to another machine also.The computer is a Dell GX620 using Windows XP. It has a CRT monitor using a DVI adapter to plug into the Radeon video card. I swapped the whole monitor and DVI adapter by using another computer and the color distortion (GREEN instead of RED) is still there. The other computer is working without any problems when using the monitor from this computer. So it's definitely not the monitor or DVI adapter. I already replaced the video card and the same thing happens. The device manager doesn't show any conflicts either The more weirder problem is the blue background I get sometimes. When I boot up I get a blue background and a light, mid-sized, blue bar in the top middle of the screen. Strange thing is that I could actually move that bar. I could also right click and get a context menu (Cut, Copy, Paste...etc.), but other than that, I can't do anything else on it. If I press the power button to shut it off, it will actually show the window (middle of screen has small window) saying Windows is shutting down (still has that same blue background though ).I restarted a few times already and most of the times it will just give me that color distortion problem. The blue background however does return occassionally. I took it to the office and the darn thing won't give any signs of the problem anymore What could be the problem? They do have a heat/radiator on the wall which is where the computer is. But can that cause all these problems though (especially that blue background with a bar)? If they don't find anything wrong still on Monday, I'll have to take it back to the site. Hope someone has some ideas here...Thanks.
  11. Most of these emails don't do a really good job spoofing/faking the links anyway. If you are careful you will spot it very easily. Next time you get one of these suspicious emails, hover your mouse over the link (do NOT click on it) and look at the status bar (bottom right in Internet Explorer). It will most likely NOT say Paypal or if it does, it's something else dot paypal, etc... If you know how to look at the header information (make sure to set it to full header, not just the brief headers - at least that's how it is in Yahoo mail), then you should be able to have some idea if it's legit or not. I don't remember the details exactly, but this is what I see so far that helps. If you look at the Full Headers information, you should see a line for Return-Path: and one for From:. The Return-Path: should be the same as the From: line most of the times...If you are subscribing to newsletters and other similar services, there will probably be a third party in between with a difference address. Need to get another email from Paypal to see how it looks like... Best (and easiest?) thing to do is hover your mouse over the link to be sure it's a legitimate Paypal site. Also get one of those Spoof tools like SpoofStick (made for Internet Explorer or Firefox) to be sure you are in the valid site.
  12. Thanks Sarah81. Actually have mIRC installed also Will read up more on their FAQs.I will take a look at my current IRC program (IceChat) and also mIRC and see if I can find some of the solutions to the questions I have. Will post back if I'm still baffled by all of this :)Just wanted to be sure I know what to do before I dove into the IRC world :PThanks again.
  13. That is strange though because I actually took a look at my router settings and the last octet started from 15 up to 47. So I have no idea why the router would assign the same IP to these machines even though there's only 3 of them.At the end I just set all 3 machines to a static IP instead to keep them out of trouble All is working well now.
  14. Hi, I know that IRC is not for newbies, but we all have to start somewhere right? Well, I read and read...and read even more. But I still have questions on my mind before I dive into the IRC world. I have used IRC Chat before, but don't call myself a regular user I was never a OP before so this is a first... If anyone can answer these questions to get me started, that would be great I apologize for the bunch of questions. I hope it's ok to ask these without getting a response back. I will continue doing more searching and reading online, but it's endless to say the least I'm not sure if most channels follow the same commands (do they?), but just FYI, I'm looking into using the server at Wyldryde. 1. Is there a way to see a list of all the options (settings) for my channel? For example, the current modes set (voice, who can set topic, secret channel, etc.). This and others...(channel info, etc.). 2. How do I use the word filter? Any way to add them in groups instead of one by one? 3. For the mlock feature, is there any way we "append" to the permissions? Because it looks like if I forget to put all the mode settings, it will automatically reset to +r instead (and I don't want to configure everything only to make a mistake like that and have it reset everything). Also, do I have to use mlock in order to keep the mode settings? I tried using /mode but if I logout and come back to my channel all mode settings are reset to default again. 4. How do I add a description to the server for everyone to see (when they use /list)? Tried the desc already and seems to set only channel one (not in server list description). 5. Also, why can't I do some of the things (like /mode #my_channel) if I didn't join my channel yet? I registered it already though... 6. How do I add a rule/policy for my chatroom like I see when I first join a server? 7. Is there a way to hide the permission settings from regular members (like so and and so set +r for...)? 8. I read some of the topics here at Asta and see Auto-OP used. Is that a wise decision? What is Auto-OP exactly? Doesn't that just give you OP permissions once you login? You still have to use nickserv though right? I want to start a IRC chat room soon. Looking into how to use Bots now I'm sure I'll have some questions on those too. Thanks.
  15. WeaponX

    Best Forum System

    Yeah, have to agree with pyost on this one. IPB is probably the one I would choose for a paid one. vBulletin is more for the advanced user though...many more complicated hacks/mods from what I heard than IPB. But I'm a big IPB fan due to the user interface Just a few more things to add why I still like SMF better. SMF has free tech support and future upgrades. If a security flaw is found, they will patch it up ASAP. Free is not always better, but when it comes to forum, I have to put it on the top list of forums
  16. OK, getting mixed results again...I did exactly as you mentioned and got a SQL file that's 126MB in size. Did I try opening it? Heck yeah But it gave me a message (using Metapad here...). Yes or No yields the same result...a blank Metapad/notepad file What's wrong here? At least for the Backups I downloaded via cPanel, I can extract and view that 600MB+ file Sorry..wasn't clear there. I meant the tables I see in phpMyAdmin. They have backup_ in front as the prefix. Can I remove those from the database? They look exactly the same as the other tables (duplicates with the prefix backup_ in front) in the current DB. Sorry for sounding "noobish", but what is ACP? cPanel? I have no idea how to optimize the tables. All I see in cPanel->Database are buttons for Delete, Check and Repair next to my forum database. More questions...what's the check and repair for and should I run them?
  17. Do I need to select any of the tables listed on the upper left of the table there? I just left it and did the things you mentionend (only checkbox part was different).What was I downloading then (cPanel->Backups)? I saw my forum database there and have been downloading it from there for a while. I recall even doing a restore over a month ago (something bombed out on me and had to do it). It took a while restoring all the tables, but I got it up and working.I have 120 tables in the database I see half that say backup_...in front of them. Can I safely remove these? Are these making the database backup file larger and does it slow down my forum by keeping them there?Should I worry about the overhead time section? Saw a bunch that don't have any overhead, but some tables do.Thanks Houdini.
  18. I assume this is only if it's plugged and powered on right? The user usually turns it off at the end of the day... I usually replace batteries only when the time and date is not saving properly. We check whatever we can (and yes cable is plugged and tested to make sure it's good ). Usually it's the analog board failing when these old iMacs don't have power though. So this is a first for me also. Oh well, learned something new again Thanks.
  19. I usually use the cPanel backup option and go to download the database there. Is that ok also?I will install XAMPP back on this machine and see if I can import that database via phpMyAdmin.Quick question (had this on my mind for a while). When I download the database backup, it seems to save it as a .gz zip file. I actually tried unzipping it before...Winzip asks what file extension to use - I think I might have typed sql or just left it. Well, either way, it seems I got it extracted to a file over 600MB in size!!! I opened that sucker up... took a while. So is that the database itself or just a compressed one (the .gz file)?Thanks Houdini...
  20. Thanks for that short "tutorial" szupie. Looks great and absorbed the material I'm sure PHP should work properly since I have the SimpleMachines Forum installed already. But will double check the settings.It's in a way similar to the SSI method...Is there any problem using one method (SSI or PHP) over another? I want to make it as problem-free as possible because as I mentioned earlier, I did have some slight problems with my menu displaying properly when my index page was a PHP file (it's a .shtml page now). But I will definitely experiment with this and probably change all my HTM pages to PHP.Just one more question. Any way to direct all HTM pages to PHP instead? Otherwise, I'll post a message on the site asking all users to update their bookmarks.Thanks again.
  21. I wanted to use my live forum database (in another webhost) on Xisto for testing purposes. But I guess the free accounts we have do not support that restore backup option...tried it and got a message saying that.Is there any way we can do this locally? I will probably install XAMPP or one of the variants of those packages. I don't assume cPanel can be included also locally? If not, I just want to know how I can use the database from my live forum in my own computer.Thanks.
  22. Thanks for the reply szupie. I'll probably stay away from javascript for now.Yes, if you can provide an example on how to do this using PHP that would be great.The only reason I mentioned html files only is because Firefox seems to have problems with PHP files that have javascript in them. In my main page, I have a navigation menu in javascript and I remember changing my index.htm to index.php with some PHP code in it (used to pull my forum topics to display in main page ) and it doesn't show up at all in Firefox. Internet Explorer and Opera doesn't have this problem. So right now I think the homepage is really a shtml file using the SSI method.I know some of the terminology here by researching them online, but really don't know much about PHP nor more "advanced" SSI methods. A simple example should be ok for me...just so I have a picture of how it works.
  23. You just have to post enough to keep your account for x number of days. So if you know that you can't be online for 7 days, try to build up to like 10 credits (just in case...) so you know your account will be ok. I would wait for an hour or so and see if your account will become active as sometimes it takes some time for your account to be unsuspended. Just keep building up more credits... I suggest not registering for my accounts because it's against the policy here if I remember correctly. What do you mean you can't find where to sign up? Go to the Xisto Site and on the upper left corner is the Register link. Xisto should be easier for those who probably are not that technical since they will have more "loose" rules than here at Xisto. But keeping up with your posting requirements is still a must to keep your account active.
  24. Hi, I want to configure a laptop so it will work in both static and dynamic (DHCP) environments. I have setup my home network using static IP addressing but the college uses dynamic addressing. Home is using wireless and I guess if it's used at the college, it will probably be wireline.Was thinking about this over the other day and just want to verify if this will work (since the laptop doesn't belong to me...and I don't have access to it a lot of times). If I set the default connection (TCP/IP Properties) to be automatic obtain IP and the alternate connection to static, will that work? I have SSID and password for my home network...I just don't want to reconfigure everything again each time the laptop is used at home. The user is not computer savvy...so I would have to do it if there is no way around it.Thanks.
  25. Was just working on another one of these iMacs and this one won't even power up. Tested everything I can...had to bring it in the office and they replaced the battery. I assume this is that little 3.5v battery I've seen.My question is, does that render a iMac powerless if it has no juice left? I'm still learning about the Mac everyday, but from what I know the main thing that causes no power (can't even power up) is if the analog board is bad. I thought that small battery was only used to hold other settings like the clock time.Thanks.
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