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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. I want to add some static content to my website and was steering towards using SHTML files and the #include method, but hesitated on it. I currently have a big handful of .HTM files and don't want to convert them to SHTML (even though it shouldn't be much of a bother). I just like them to be .HTM files (use to it). Is there any way to do something similar like the Server Side Include method above, but with HTM files instead? Usually the SHTML code will have some line like the below in it: So if I just change that mypage.html, it will change it for all my other files using that line. Just FYI, one thing I want to use this for is the navigation menus - so I don't have to do this for every single file if I make some changes in my menus...and no, I don't use frames Thanks.
  2. A thousand thanks for that techocian. At first it seems to have made things worse. Double clicked on one of the icons (network connection properties window) and it went behind my browser instead But closed it and tried hovering over it...all fixed now
  3. This has happened to me several times already and I'm not sure what's causing it. It could happen when I'm online or offline. For some reason, the tooltips are overlapped by the start menu (taskbar) sometimes. Like just now when I was looking at my wireless network tooltip: What causes this and is there a fix for it? I usually just deal with it for the remainder of my computer session...it goes away probably after a reboot, but I want to know the reason behind this. Thanks.
  4. Hi, just encountered these problems recently myself and want to clear some things up.1. I had to work on a Lexmark Optra T610 printer today and it wasn't being picked up by the iMacs in the room. Replaced the system board and then had to configure everything. The problem was that only one of the iMacs have the driver installed (strange?). We thought auto detect would pick it up in Chooser (using Mac OS 9.1) but it didn't except for that one. Question is, is this just a coincidence that it has the drivers or was the driver downloaded from the internet at one time?2. For the Windows side...is there any major difference between the Postscript and PCL drivers (besides the advanced color options)? Just want to know...otherwise I'll just pick either one if they are both ok.Thanks.
  5. Didn't try connecting it to my home network yet using ethernet cable, but I don't think that's possible. Room where the router is and the computer is kind of far (too far for the cables to reach either way).I don't think it's a problem with the distance for the wireless problem. I have no problems at all in my Administrator account. Once I log back in the Power User account...havoc begins. I have to do so many things and hope it works. For example, I tried removing my network profile (with SSID, password, etc.). Then uncheck the box so Windows will not configure it. I tried using the program (TrendNet) that came with the wireless adapter and sometimes it works and sometimes not (don't know why). If all else fails, I try disabling the wireless adapter and enabling it again...hoping it picks up some signal so I can enter in my wireless credentials again. But the same thing again, it may not let me connect at times. Everything is installed properly...I'm 100% sure since I don't have any problems whatsoever with the wireless in my Administrator account.Power User can't connect at startup at all. I think it connected before (rarely?) and then stopped. Comes and goes...I actually just assigned the static IP like 2 days ago (was DHCP server assigned before). I will try changing those accounts back to Power User (they are admin. now).Read the Microsoft article...it seems to apply only to a restart. The problem here is on a cold bootup (but probably applies to restart also...didn't keep track of that).I'll try to change some settings here and there again to see what can be done. Read somewhere the other day that if I don't set Windows to connect automatically to preferred networks, then it may work. I'll try to post an update on this.Still open to any comments just in case this fails Thanks.
  6. There must be some way around this. I had no choice but to change those Power User accounts to Administrators It's not related to the power saving mode...since it worked without any problems with Administrator rights.I'm open to any other suggestions.Thanks.
  7. Hi, I'm looking for a script to add to my website. Either Perl/CGI or PHP will do. Just need to find one that's easy to customize. I looked around and found some but had problems with them. I have Google Search already but it's not exactly searching my whole site (probably because it didn't cache it yet). So I will most likely remove that search feature and add a better one that will do a more thorough search.Just a few things to mention. I read about this on one of the search script sites. So if anyone know of some search scripts that have these features also, that would be great.1. Can passwords can be retrieved from the files (PHP or other dynamic web page)? According to the script I'm testing with, I had to add my site to a perl file to prevent this from happening.2. Deny the script to search/cache some directories/files that I don't want anyone snooping around in.Will these search scripts still search my PHP Forum? Is there any point of letting it index my forum in the first place? I mean, isn't all my data stored in the database?I'm new to using a customized search script, so any pointers or tips would be great. Fancy or simple, I'm open to all suggestions.Thanks.
  8. Hi, for some reason I can't connect online to my wireless router in a Power User account. I have to fiddle around with it a lot to make it work (disable wireless adapter, uncheck box so windows won't configure wireless...then set them back again and again...). I don't have any problems connecting in my Administrator account.Is there a setting in Group Policy that is affecting this loss connection? Again, it seems to happen a lot in the Power User account...because I got it working and even restarted to log back in the same account - still online, so I said great. Next day, sister turned on computer again and can't go online again. I logged into Admin...there's the internet :DI'm using Windows XP Pro that's using a USB wireless adapter.Thanks.
  9. cyborgxxi, I set mine up exactly as techocian mentioned initially (that didn't work for him). Here's how I got it to work:Assuming you have XP:1. Check to see if all the computers are on the same workgroup. Right click on My Computer and go to Properties. Then go to the Computer Name tab. In Workgroup, see what name is there. By default, it should be MSHOME. If you want to change the name, hit the Change button and give it a new name...make sure to do this for all the other computers also.2. Then go into My Computer and on the left, click on Network Places. Next click on the link that says Set up a home or small office network. Follow the wizard there which should be straight forward. If needed, click on the View Example link for pictures on what they mean...then choose the one that represents how you're setup. When you are done, it will ask you if you want to make a network setup disk for this. You may do this if you wish and then apply the settings to the other computers or do them individually on the other computers. If you have Windows 98, then create the network setup disk to use on Windows 98.3. Share a folder. Just choose a folder you want to share and then right click on it and go to Sharing and Security. Under Network sharing and security check that box to share it on the network and give it a name. Do this for the other computers also...choose what folder you want to share in them.You should be all set up now. Go back to My Computer->Network Places and click on the View workgroup computers link. It should show all the shared computers foldernames. You should be able to share files now.
  10. Happy New Year...Installed Windows on it this evening. Ran into some freezing problems at first, but got it sorted out. Everything looks good now...just in time for the New Year I'll use that old ATA controller card from the old desktop.Thanks again for all the help...
  11. Linksys routers are one of the top ones mentioned by a lot of users. Take a look at Epinions for Linksys and other routers. My friend uses a Belkin F5D7230-4 router and like it. Read the reviews on Epinions to see what other users have to say. Getting signal in your house usually should be no problem depending on the environment. Will there be lots of interference like many walls between your laptop and the router? Remember, any interference like walls (especially walls with metallic compounds in them) can decrease the router signal. Try to put the router in a centralized area with the least interference (trial and error basically, test it out). Most routers today will allow you to change the Channel. This is very useful since the default Channel will have a lot of interference from the 2.4GHz range (like cell phones, microwaves, etc.). Probably best to get a 802.11g wireless router...
  12. I have the Barracuda 7200.9. Should have waited again...Have to cancel the auction with one bidder on it OK, I will stick with this HDD then. The main reason I was leaning towards SATA at the end was the fact that I will be adding 2-3 more IDE hard drives (that already had data on them) and a DVD burner.For the ATA controller cards, I always thought that they were used to support higher hard drives. I have one on my old PII machine since it couldn't see 120GB (or maybe 160GB) hard drives. Just want to clear this up and we can wrap this up...So can I use this ATA controller card just for IDE slot "expansion"? Guess it's worth it if it just occupies one PCI slot and offers two more IDE ports. I'll just yank it from the old PC...Thanks.
  13. Let's see if Ewido can weed out all the bad files. Download Ewido and install it. Check for updates. Don't run it yet. Boot into Safe Mode. Run Ewido full system scan. Remove whatever it finds. When it's done, restart and go back to Safe Mode again to run Ewido a second time. See if it still finds any bad files besides the usual cookie files. If you have an antivirus program installed, update it and see if it can detect anything. Ewido is a 14 day trial program, but if you go over the 14 day trial period, it will become the free version. I recommend keeping it along with the antivirus program you have as it's compatible with most antivirus programs and also a good alternative to have at your side.
  14. Just to clarify things here, you have two hard drives and 5 "partitions" Just FYI for next time Did you replace the motherboard just like that? A major hardware change like replacing the motherboard can be an issue on its own. OK, did you try installing XP again on that same partition? If you have another working computer, I suggest mounting this hard drive you have here into that computer as a slave drive. Power up the computer and see if you can spot a new drive letter in My Computer (that should be your hard drive). If so, see if you can access your data there. Just a word of caution though, if the data is really corrupted though, try not to work on this computer that much (or at all). This is because everytime you use it and data gets written to the drive, your corrupted data might get even worse - making it harder to recover. See if you can get the data back after installing XP. If not, try that method that I just mentioned earlier. Otherwise, if all else fails and your data is really crucial to you, then head over to GRC and try using that SpinRite program. Buy the program if it works. If not, then go to DriveSavers and get a price quote on recovering your data. I tell you one thing though, it's not cheap...
  15. I should have waited before I bought that hard drive. I basically rushed this PC building process and didn't even begin to build it until weeks later after I got the parts already. Well, I put up the hard drive for bids on eBay yesterday. Should I take it down?I really want to know if there will be any improvements in speed or performance. This is what the computer will be used for:1. Internet2. Gaming - probably not the very fast paced games, but my sister did want to play Counter Strike on it I think...3. Playing movies and music4. Some DVD and CD burning5. Transferring data from hard drive to hard drive from time to time for backup purposes (don't like DVDs that much )So is it worth it for me to get a SATA drive? If not, I will keep my ATA hard drive then. If it's helpful, the hard drive is a Seagate 120GB IDE hard drive. Didn't buy a bigger one as I didn't see that my brother or sister will need it. But if the SATA is worth it, I will look for a bigger HDD like 200GB or more. SATA RAID is supported by my motherboard, but I do not wish to create a RAID setup.I will look into getting the rounded IDE cables, but it's probably not needed. The case I have it kind of big...I think it's a 9 or maybe 11 drive bay case. It's the case with the Halo insignia on the see through side cover
  16. The thing is that I use a USB enclosure drive already and over time I have like 3 hard drives with data on them filled up already. The new PC already has a new hard drive (bought a IDE one already ). I should have went with SATA since it does have the ports for it. I just wasn't sure about it since I never used them before. I will get a SATA HDD for the sake of testing it out then... Transfer speeds are faster? Meaning from drive to drive? How about SATA to IDE HDD?For the 40 wire cable, can it be used for a DVD burner (not regular DVD ROM)? I think both of the IDE cables I used are 80 wired (main HDD and DVD burner).Thanks.
  17. Thanks for the ribbon info...just wasn't too sure, but pins are correct :huh:Yes, I know. Right now I have a hard drive and a DVD burner installed. But I will probably be adding more than 2 more IDE devices in shortly, so I want to plan ahead for this...I don't really want to create a RAID setup. I just want to have more available IDE ports to plug my devices into. Yeah, I plan to get a bigger hard drive, but what I want to do mainly now is to use the other drives that I already have data on already. I will be working with them, so I just want to make it easier for now and just install them as slaves if possible. Unless there is a RAID method that doesn't require striping or mirroring? I always thought that's what RAID was used for...
  18. I have noticed that also. Most printers don't include the USB cable anymore, unless the seller "throws" it in for the buyer. But the cable is usually the least of my worries as that piece. Although that cable is a necessary part for the printer, the ink is more important to me. From what I heard, the ink cartridges are barely filled up. As we all should know, printers these days are basically ...cheap to say the least. Ink cartridges cost more than the printer itself for some. To get back to your point, I totally agree with what you said. PC World also mentions this in their article: Prices have dropped for the usb cables, so it's not going to cost a lot nowadays. But read the paragraph above the one I posted...Excuse or truth? hehe...
  19. Link to full article at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. You should be able to use that new iPod as an external hard drive without any problems. site: https://support.apple.com/ipod Do you want to sell your mini or the new one then? If you don't use a lot of space, then sell the newer one. Otherwise, keep the new/bigger one and sell the mini instead. You can still get a decent amount of money back if it's still in good condition.
  21. Topic caught my attention...Man that's a lot of years... Was bored and tried finding more information on this person, but instead found these two other people: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/2543879.stm http://www.nbcnews.com/id/7090143/ If the lady from the first link is still alive today, she would be around 128/129... Yeah, I agree with you sagaxx. They definitely set a new guiness record...
  22. Hi, is there any way I can add more IDE ports to my computer? I'm building a computer from scratch and it's basically done. Just want to know how I can add more IDE ports since I plan on adding multiple hard drives to this computer and with the current setup, there will be no more free IDE ports.I did some searching before posting here and found some users mentioning a PCI IDE Controller card. I searched online and all I found are ATA/SATA/RAID Controller Cards instead. Are these the same? I know I had to use a controller card on my older Windows 98 desktop because it wouldn't recognize my huge hard drive, but not sure if the same applies here (if I only want some available IDE ports).Also another quick question. Is the BLUE slot on the ribbon cable specifically for the blue IDE port on the motherboard? Can I use another blue one if the pins match the ones on the other available IDE port on the motherboard? I have two IDE ports on the mobo...one blue (for hard drive) and another white (for burner). I checked to make sure the pins are the same and they fit perfectly...Thanks.
  23. Hi, I want to use filenames on my Excel Spreadsheet for the files I have in my folder.For example, let's say I have these in a folder:Reportdummy.docCharts102.xlsDecemberGraphs.xlsTestScrap.txtetc...And I have this in my Excel spreadsheet:Report1.docCharts.xlsGraphs.xlsScrap.txtetc...Is there an easy way for me to copy the cell's value to the file in that folder? I want them to be copied exactly in that order. So far I have to do this manually (copy from Excel, then rename and paste for each file).Thanks.
  24. Great link to that SC version inconnu I will definitely give that a try when I have time since it will save me all the headaches...For the last comments made by you though, is that just a general thing that I should follow? Or do I have to ask the other end-user to enable UPnP? This is in regards to if I use the VNC SC feature instead of the regular remote connection methods...Thanks.
  25. There are many sites out there that will have "good" prices. There is not a single site that will have the lowest prices, but do your research and compare the sites.... eBay - this is where you "may" find some good prices but be careful since the warranty may be more complicated than a stable online store like TigerDirect. http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.zipzoomfly.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222 http://www.crucial.com/ - memory http://www.kingston.com/us - memory http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.macmall.com/pcmall And then the usual Staples, BestBuy, CompUSA and CircuitCity stores may have good items (online or offline in stores). If you want, take a look at PriceWatch and DealTime also.
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