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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. The 60GB drive I bought online is in tip-top working condition (*let's not jynx it *). I'm also not so worried about getting this online because eBay or another third party has a warranty that I can buy for this hard drive. It's just an extra $10 more...and well worth it to cover it for an additional 2 years.
  2. Never heard of Wise Wing before but the price sounds good. I saw some LCD monitors recently for around $100 even. These are not no name brands either. TigerDirect is selling an Acer 17" LCD for $120 after rebates. Cousins have used one of these before and I find them quite impressive for that price. Acer is also a brand I trust since my first PC (back in 1997) was an Acer and that thing is still working.For the stuck pixel, does that count as a "defect" in the LCD? Any possibililty for a return and exchange?Yeah, same thing here. These laptop LCDs, even regular CRTs I think, will eventually wear themselves out over time and have less bright effect.
  3. seec77, that worked perfectly. Thanks :DI tried it with 10 letters and left the old code intact to see if that worked also. No problems :unsure:For that other variant, you mean instead of having it "freely" selecting from the columns, you will have the option to choose the cells to copy the name? Definitely interested in that one. I actually wanted to have that originally, but this code makes it much easier already. If you have the time, please code it so that it will rename according to the selected cells instead. I have huge tables in Excel and would have to change the values each time I do this...I will test it out and report back on the progress of it :DQuestion on the renaming. Does it rename in the order the files were sorted in the folder or alphabetically? Also, how does it deal with files with different extensions? For the test, I had 4 JPG files and 1 TXT file. For some reason, it renamed the TXT file first and then the 4 JPG file.
  4. I have a PowerMac G3 that I'm working on and it's giving the kernel shutdown error from time to time. I have read up on this issue before and it should be either related to the Mac Operating System itself or the hard drive. The problem is that I tried to do a disk verification the other day using the OS 10.3 (Panther) CD and in the middle of the process, it showed me that kernel panic shutdown screen. In case you don't know what this is, it's the screen that's showing above the current window, asking the user to shutdown the machine (in a few different languages). It's something similar to this image. Is it possible that the system board could be causing this issue instead of the hard drive? I could be wrong, but when I boot from the CD and try to verify the disk, isn't that really working on the CD but checking the hard drive? If it happens when I'm booting from the hard drive, I understand.
  5. This infection has been spreading around for some time now and it's ever changing. It's really a part of the Smitfraud infection and came come in various flavors if you can call it that. Removing it used to be a huge pain, until some authors came up with a tool to help remove most of the infection and render it useless (except for a few things to clean up maybe...at most). For the instructions on how to fix this, read up on Grinler's article at BleepingComputer.
  6. It sounds like you hit it right on the money seec77 :unsure:I opened up the Excel file and then the Visual Basic editor. I left the row and columns alone for testing purposes. I changed the directory to my D: drive and then set the keyword to look for as leatherman. I have a few files beginning with Leatherman...1, 2, 3, etc. some JPGs and one TXT file. I left the first column alone and tried to test it. It didn't seem to work.Does it matter if I change the name of the VBA macro? I had to change it because it was half in Hebrew and it won't allow me to run the macro like that (it doesn't recognize the characters).What am I doing wrong here?
  7. The machine I'm working on doesn't show this UNBOOTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME error. I don't think I could try this out if the error returns because the user won't be happy if it happens every 2 months :unsure:The one I have seen this happen is on a network using Windows XP Pro.I'm with you on this one xboxrulz. I knew that network light in the back wasn't working under normal conditions. I will await your reply...hopefully soon. I need to help her fix the computer this week. Will try the hard drive if anything and test it for about an hour to see if it will restart randomly.
  8. I asked him before I posted here if he wrote it in a different language. He said no.Would page breaks cause those issues though? Shouldn't Word recognize it? Never seen this before if it does cause it...Yeah, I had to use YouSendIt. I thought we could attach it at first...after looking around the bottom of my reply messagebox and not finding it, I decided to upload it to that site.I will ask him if there should be anything in those garbled text.Any other suggestions?
  9. Someone asked me this question and I was stumped. He has a bunch of Word documents created in Word 2000. He said he could open them before in Word 2003 even. I asked him if he saved them in Word 2003 before and that's why it wouldn't work on Word 2000...he said he didn't save them. He even tried opening them up using Word 2003 now and it still won't work. The error he gets (even after installing the coverter) is asking him to select the proper encoding to open the file with. I will attach an image of the message he's getting. He's also getting a similar error with Excel spreadsheets...also originally created using Excel 2000. We both tried using the Windows (default) and all the other options there to no avail. He says the document itself is English. I could "preview" it using Notepad. I see a bunch of garbled text in the top and bottom sections. But I also see some actual readable text in the middle. What could be the reason for this and how should he open it? This is not just happening to one file. He has a lot of these and it seems to be happening to all of them. Same thing on my laptop.
  10. Doesn't seem to be any special formatting. For testing purposes, I opened up a new Word document and started adding borders to it. All four corners should be showing. But when I go into Print Preview, the right border is not showing.
  11. A friend of mine is having problems printing out the right border in a Word document. I took a look at it and see that it happens on my computer also. I open up a new Word document and go to File->Page Setup and change the orientation to Landscape. Then I go to the Layout tab and click on the Borders button. I choose the Box one and have the 4 borders there. I click OK and tried the Preview. The right border is not showing up in Print Preview. I tried changing all the margins to 0" and it still won't show it.I have tried searching all over online today and couldn't find a solution to this. I'm using Word XP.Thanks.
  12. I have specific filenames in my Excel spreadsheet that I want to use, but the files themselves are not the same. I have to change them to the spreadsheet one by one now. Hard to explain...just need the change My experience with VBA and FSO are very limited at best. If you can help write up a VBS or VBA script for this that would be great :DI could actually get the files by some numerical order. Say something like the following in the folder:Report 0701.docReport 0702.docReport 0707.doc....I want them to have these names (which are in the Excel file):Report1.docReport2.docReport3.doc...Quick question. Is it absolutely necessary to have these files in their own folder each time I run the script? Can I enter a "pattern" for it to search and replace? For example, if I wanted to do the same thing for:Budget 0703.xlsBudget 0708.xld...into:Budget1.xlsBudget2.xls...Maybe something like replace anything beginning with Budget to whatever is on the Excel spreadsheet?
  13. Sorry about that...thought I did mention the version. It's using Windows XP Pro. It's a Dell Optiplex GX270 machine and the ethernet is built-in to the motherboard. The red and orange light is definitely making me scratch my head. So that's why I'm wondering if it could cause that...I changed the motherboard and power supply already for her. I thought it was a simple task to do since I got both of them on hand already before I went and noticed the blown caps. But after one or two restart when I was testing it, it restarted itself at the login window (I was checking the back of the computer at the time so it wasn't logging in). Next thing I knew when it restarted, I logged in and it said something about the registry being corrupt...I just clicked ok and it repaired itself. Didn't show up again after another restart. She said it can restart any time (like you guys said earlier...even in the middle of a Word document). Only thing I can think of is hard drive now. Are there any tools that I can run to test out the hard drive's integrity?abhiram, for the UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME message, can chkdsk really fix that issue? I didn't take my chances last time and just replaced the hard drive for another user. I will try using chkdsk on this hard drive and see how it works. Bringing another hard drive just to be safe.xboxrulz, how would I fix this then? There is a hub or switch that the computer is connected to. From that hub/switch, it's connected directly to the LAN.I'm returning to check on that computer on Tuesday. Will look at the Event Viewer and see what I can dig up there. Already told the user to backup her data as soon as possible.Many thanks for the replies
  14. I have a computer here that seems to restart itself for no apparent reason. I took a look inside and see that the motherboard's capacitors are a little swollen on some of them. So I replaced the motherboard. There recently was a power surge in the area, so I also replaced the power supply. I thought that would fix the problem, but the next thing I know, it restarted again. This time it restarted at the login screen.Is it possible that a network could cause this issue? I looked at the back of this computer and see that the network port has one solid red light and then a blinking orange. It was giving her problems logging in before. So I just shut it down and then started looking at the back and jiggling the ethernet cable to see if the light would turn green. While doing that, I noticed that the monitor blinked...basically the computer just restarted at the login window. This computer is connected to a hub/switch which is connected to the network (wall jack). The strange thing is that I could login and go online even when the network ports light is solid red and blinking orange. I don't think this is normal though...should be green What could be causing this? I'm thinking hard drive now since I ran a memory test and it passed without any errors found.Thanks.
  15. Can I check the md5sum from the DVD instead of a single ISO file?It could read the DVD from what I see. It was causing all sorts of problems since it needed more memory allocated to it in VMware and also more hard drive space...both of which I gave it. This is now the furthest I have gotten and this error shows up now
  16. I just got a hold of Vista from my friend. He downloaded it from the Microsoft site and burned it on a DVD for me. Since I just installed VMware recently, I wanted to give Vista a try. So far it's only been giving me headaches.I've been getting all kinds of errors...most likely related to the amount of disk space I allocated for the install or the memory assigned. Well, I gave it all I got today. I set VMware to give it 15GB of hard drive space and 512MB of memory. It seems to work. Got up to the copying files and after a short file it gave me an error code 80070241. I googled this and see everyone mentioning that it's a bad download or the DVD disc is scratched. I doubt either of these is the case here. If it's bad, I would think that it would freeze me in the same spot each time.What else could be wrong here?Thanks.
  17. I would have to go with Windows XP just because it has the "prettier" GUI interface than Windows 2000. I was a huge Windows 98 fan, but when I switched to XP on the laptop, my mind was made up. XP rarely crashes on my system :(Vista I would have to give it a try. Didn't install it yet. Heard a lot of hype about this new version but in the end, it looks like they only added a few "new" features like the docking system and the 3D flip feature (which I heard is buggy in itself).Forgot any versions? How about Windows ME? LMAO. Now if I had a choice between Windows ME and 98...it will be 98 all the way. Too many horror stories with ME.
  18. Yeah, I actually changed every setting I can in VMware to see if it had anything to do with it. I installed it on my own machine and the same thing occurred After more digging online, I finally found the solution to it. It's was something simple. The burner's speed had to be set to a lower one according to the VMware site. So I just went into the CD burner properties->Recording tab. It was on Fastest...which I think is the default. I just set it to the max my burner can handle (8x)...no problem burning CDs now
  19. OK. Will back the Windows XP CD up. I need to try this CD on another computer to see if the same thing happens. Something tells me it might be the cd drive instead. This is a three year old laptop.It's a regular laptop hard drive as far as I know. 4200RPM.
  20. Hi, one of my friends is having problems with the VMware Workstation program (using version 5.5). After installing it he couldn't burn any CDs from Windows (outside VMware) anymore. I checked all the settings and it looks ok. Don't have any burning software installed in that computer except the default burning feature in Windows XP Home.What is disabling him from burning CDs? This is what I did. I selected a file to burn. Then clicked on write these files to CD. Clicked Next. Then it says "Insert a writable disc to continue". This is a good CDRW that I just erased (shocked that part worked). Tried searching online and guess this is not a common issue.Anyone has more experience using VMware that knows of a possible solution?Thanks.
  21. Ditto with what vhortex said. I have been using AVG for years now and absolutely love it. It doesn't use a lot of resources, pretty effective with frequent updates and has a free edition for personal use.I have recommended AVG to many of my friends who were previously McAfee or Norton users and they love the switch. I'm not saying that AVG is the best, which is why I usually ask users to go with a second opinion by running an online virus scan at sites like Panda, TrendMicro or BitDefender. All those online virus scanners are free to use and you can remove the viruses manually if any are found.Heard many horror stories about Symantec...tech support doesn't help most of the time since you have already tried whatever they suggest already.
  22. This is really great for those using InvisionFree. I have played around with InvisionFree in the past and found it to be ok since it was very limited. I have always loved the InvisionBoard Forum due to the simplicity in design and the controls.
  23. The hard drive was formatted...actually surprised if there is still a problem since I did a full format instead of the quick one.Yeah, I triple checked the CD...this is a pain since it always seems to give me problems whenever I want to do a reinstall. The CD is in pristine condition. I usually backup CDs that I use regularly, but since this is a Windows CD and I only use it once a year, I didn't back it up. It's in a safe place and no little kids at home...so it's safe :(Thought about the overheating issue, but this time I actually tried to install Windows the second I booted up the computer with this new hard drive.I thought it could be a bad cdrom drive so I tried using a external one instead...but using USB 1.1 ports on the laptop, the speed is devastating. I gave up and tried the cdrom on my laptop again. Did a quick format and this time it didn't give me problems installing Windows. All files copied over without any problems. This is after I tried to install using the USB cd drive...so I guess it rules out the overheating issue twice here :(I can never find a reason why this happens. I do this yearly and I think the same exact thing happened last year. I had to keep trying or do another format and install for it to work. Guess it's one of those strange things...
  24. What could be the reason why a certain file can't be copied during a new Windows installation? Had this happen to me in the past also and I think I kept reinstalling over and over again until it doesn't give this message.I just tried to reinstall Windows XP Home today and it said that it couldn't copy e:\i386\canvas.wm_. I double checked the CD and the file is right there. Retried over 20 times and still won't let me copy it. I hit cancel and let it finish the install. I notice things are not the same now...like msconfig is missing. So I probably will reinstall it again from scratch.What could be the possible causes of this problem that it can't read a file from the CD? I checked the CD and it's in perfect condition.Thanks.
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