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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. Hi, I keep getting this VGA Mode Not Supported message on the LCD monitor whenever it tries to go into Windows. I have read up on this online and it seems to be a problem with the refresh rate. The problem is that I can't boot into Safe Mode to change the refresh rate to a lower setting because it either freezes or also shows that VGA Mode message again.This is a Compaq that I'm fixing for someone and they just have the 5 recovery discs that came with it. I tried putting the first one in and selected to do the format and recover option. It goes through the recovery progress and then just shows the same VGA Mode message once again. It never asks for the second recovery disc even.Is there any way I can go around this and change the refresh rate somehow?I'm sure the LCD monitor itself is good as I connected it to a laptop and also could boot into the BIOS settings.Thanks in advance.
  2. But it's only $0.41 more than Xisto - Web Hosting? I pay around the same for my webhost now which I want to switch because they have been having some down times lately and I want to avoid that as much as I could. 1AND1 offers 100GB of webspace though compared to Computer Host's 2.1GB. I know I will probably never use that much space, but 2.1GB is just kind of small for the long run.I mainly want to use the new host for hosting some downloads and running my site and forum. I have heard how some users love their service, but just wanted some personal feedback from those that have used it before. I need it to support SSI since I use that throughout my site. Seems like 1AND1 Home package does not provide this though, which I hate. I don't want to upgrade to the Business plan just for SSI support...this seems ridiculous.
  3. My contract is almost up with my current webhost. I'm looking into using 1AND1 but want to know if anyone has used their service and if they like it. I want to get the 1&1 Home package but have some questions.I don't know much about Server Side Includes. I just use it since I some content that I want repeated on every page. Is there any way I can add this service in without the need to upgrade to the Business package?How about the size of the databases? If my forum database ever reaches over 100MB, what happens?How would I import all my current data over to the new host? I have my whole site, a forum and a few email accounts with my web host.Thanks.
  4. This iPod was out of warranty already and I just wanted to fix it since it was having problems. It's actually still working now, albeit with the louder than normal spinning sound from the hard drive.Yeah, I got the 5G iPod Video already but wanted to fix this one up since it's still good. Will try the new iTunes 7 soon. Haven't upgraded yet because of all the problems I heard users ran into.
  5. No problem vujsa. You cleared up a few points that I was confused about earlier by reading that article.The person hasn't asked me to take a look at his system yet, but if/when he does, I'll see what happens.What you said earlier makes more sense. According to how he said it, it sounds like he wanted to keep the two old drives and have the two new 320GB to be used as the main ones for mirroring and striping. This was where I was lost as it doesn't sound feasible as you said earlier (unless he actually does have two 320GB currently...which I also doubt).If he asks me to set this up for him, I will report back what happened...whether it's IDE and SATA or just plain IDE/SATA instead.Thanks again for all the help.
  6. Thanks for the reply vujsa. I just got more information from the user. He said the motherboard supports RAID already, so hopefully that saves us an extra step. Will that require those SCSI drivers that I saw mentioned? Or does that only apply to actual SCSI adapters/controllers?He already has two hard drives on his computer. He wants me to setup up RAID with the two existing ones and add these two new 320GB SATA drives onto it. I asked him what the size are of the other two drives...still didn't get back to me yet.Is it possible to create a RAID setup where they are using different types of connections (IDE & SATA)?I like the RAID 1+0 setup that you mentioned there vujsa. I think that might be what I'm going to be leaning towards from what I see here. So if the user has Windows on the existing hard drive, I can "copy" the data from that drive into the two new 320GB drives as striping? If so, how about the second hard drive? He has another existing hard drive which I assume is for data storage only. What happens if the existing hard drives are smaller than 320GB? I know it won't be pretty...Let me know of any problems that I may run into when doing this as I don't think his two existing hard drives are at the full blown 320GB like these two new SATA ones are.EDIT: Just got more information from him. He wants his current two hard drives to be using mirroring for data backup. How would I go about doing this (put original on first channel as master and slave and the two 320GB SATA ones on secondary channel as master and slave?)? Also, what happens if they two current hard drives are smaller than 320GB? Will the rest of the extra space be wasted? What's the best way to handle this without wasting the space?Thanks.
  7. Hi, someone asks me if I can setup their computers to use RAID. I read up on this as much as I could since I have never personally done this before. I read the article here but am quite confused how it worked in the example given there. They had two 74GB hard drives and at the end they have one 70GB partition and one 34GB partition. How did they get that and is there any space left after those two partitions are allocated the space? From what I see, it's 35GB from each hard drive to make up that 70GB for the striping right? The other 34GB is just for "one" of the hard drives, which makes it 78GB total (70+78=148GB which is the two hard drives combined size). Am I thinking this out correctly? I always thought it required 4 hard drives if you want to do it this way. So now, with the setup they have here, is the whole machine set for striping and mirroring? Would there be a problem with the mirroring since the RAID1 volume (78GB) has a difference size than the RAID0 volume (708GB)? Are there any major differences on how to setup RAID if they are using ATA/PATA or SATA? I see that the article mentioned installing the SCSI adapter drivers. If the computer has RAID support already, is this step necessary or can I just go on using it without the need for any additional drivers? The BIOS itself will have an option for RAID if they motherboard supports it right? I'm not sure if he has Windows installed already, but if he does and he wants to go with striping, I assume this will mean I have to wipe out the drive and reinstall Windows once the RAID 1 is setup correct? So many questions...just learning Many thanks in advance.
  8. Will QuickTime Pro do batch conversions and is it very quick compared to other programs? I'm doing this for someone else and don't want to buy the program and find out it doesn't do the job for me.I would burn them to CD and rip them, but there are two issues here:1. 3000 songs is just overkill to be burning and ripping2. The user wants the converted files to be in M4A format
  9. Hi, is there a quick method to convert a lot of m4p files to m4a? These songs were bought from iTunes and are in the protected format. I want to covert a few thousand of these files to m4a in batches as quickly as possible. Is this feasible? I know, it also depends on the processor my machine has, but is there a known program out there that will do a speedier job than others?Thanks.
  10. Yeah, just waiting for the prices to drop. I always use the internal drives as externals by hooking them up to my USB enclosure drive since I'm working mainly on my laptop. Just got a 400GB Seagate hard drive for a good deal this week. That will be my starting point for transferring my files back and forth since it has the most space
  11. I'm with Mark. I have been a very loyal AVG user for many years now and it's saved me from a few infections already...which I usually don't get at all :PAbout the firewall, I'm definitely voting for ZoneAlarm. Even though the Pro version have a few more quirks in it, the free version does a fantastic job with incoming and outgoing connections.It could be that ZoneAlarm is blocking the install since McAfee is there because of competition. But then again, it could be for stability issues. I have always told users not to have more than one antivirus and firewall program on their computer. Try to decide which one to keep and use that one instead. I suggest doing this because there have been many cases where a user's machine will slow down to a crawl because they have more than one firewall or antivirus program installed. These programs will either conflict with each other or use so much resources that you can't do anything else on your computer without the huge delay.McAfee and Norton are two of the more popular programs, but I don't like either of them due to their resource usage and problems I have seen using them. I say AVG and ZoneAlarm all the way
  12. Thanks for the replies guys :PYeah, my idea was to go full on IDE but with 5 or 6 total hard drives, that would mean I have to swap it in and out.I'll hook up three hard drives at a time. If I need to transfer data from the two hard drives on the secondary channel, I'll deal with the slow speed. It's time to keep my files more organized. Need a 1 terabyte hard drive
  13. Hi, I have a few hard drives that have various media files in them. I have been wanting to do this for a long time but didn't have the time to do so. What I want to do is separate the contents into their own separate groups, but I have gigs of data on each hard drive and want to find the best way to do this.I have a USB Enclosure Drive for one of the hard drives if this is necessary. My biggest concern is will it slow down my speed considerably if I transfer from the Primary Slave to the Secondary Master and Slave drives...and vice-versa? How about using the USB Enclosure Drive for this? Or will it be even slower, so I should stick with the IDE connected hard drives?I only have one hard drive in my current desktop, but have like 5 hard drives that I want to organize the data. I'm thinking of connecting like 3 hard drives to the desktop and use one in the enclosure.What's the best (and fastest?) method to do this?Thanks in advance.
  14. Thanks for the reply. Will these also have real time transfer speeds or will they be faster? I have a few of these mini DV tapes and hate to sit through 1.5 hours waiting for them to be transferred over to the computer.
  15. Big fan of these tycoon games. Rollercoaster Tycoon was one of the first tycoon games I played and I never seem to get tired of playing it. Still have it on my computer and play it when I have time.Same here. I think the first Rollercoaster Tycoon series was the best of them all. Nothing beats the original
  16. Same here. Mainly a Firefox and Opera user. Opera's simplicity got my hooked from the beginning (back in the old days - about 8 or 9 years ago).I remember getting this new version 9.0 when it first came out and didn't like it. Anyone found a way to turn off the torrent feature? I don't want it to launch automatically and try to download the torrents for me using Opera.Also, does this update fix the problem with viewing emails in Gmail? If you have a lot of replies back and forth from a user and you try expanding the windows, Opera will crash on you. At least this happens on the older version I'm using now.
  17. Not with Windows Explorer you can not update Microsoft only provides updates for Internet Explorer. The one doudou is talking about is where you use to move/copy files. Right click on Start Menu and choose Explorer. That one
  18. Ditto...asking these kind of questions (if you are asking for a illegal key that is) will get you in trouble here. I recommend using either GIMP or Paint.net, which you can get at: https://www.gimp.org/ http://www.getpaint.net/ They are not Photoshop, but can probably do very similar things.
  19. You might want to run a system file check first to see if it can repair any system files that are missing or corrupted.Go to Start->Run and type in sfc /scannow and hit OK. Let it scan. If it finds any files missing/corrupted, it may ask for the Windows CD.
  20. Depends on how the service is now I used to use XDrive for storing some of my files, but dropped it after they went to paid. Page to signup is at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It asks for your AOL/AIM screen name to do the signup. While searching for this XDrive 5 gig info, I bumped into MediaMax: https://www.idrive.com/ They offer 25GB of online storage, but there are restrictions (like only 1GB download per month).
  21. I have a handful of mini DV tapes and couldn't find a quick way to transfer them to my laptop. I found a free program to do it (forgot the name) and it seems to do the job, but it was really slow. I think it was real-time video transfer.Is there a program out there that can transfer video from a camcorder to computer without taking too long? I mean, real-time is just a killer Thanks.
  22. Ditto on using AVG over Norton. Friends and colleagues were amazed how AVG has an advantage over Norton. I'm sure AVG will miss things that Norton will catch, but nothing is perfect. I have used AVG for years now and only have good things to say about it :)I have seen one too many times when a user has more than one antivirus or firewall program installed. This will most likely bog down the system a lot. So if you are one of these users, try to keep it to one antivirus and firewall only. Security suites in my opinion are one of the worse things created. Most are not good and only end up hogging up more system resources. I recommend using separate antivirus and firewall programs. Don't forget your antispyware programs also :)All you really need to run at startup are these three programs:antivirusfirewallantispywareThese will keep your computer protected from hackers, viruses and other malware related infections. The rest are most likely non-essential startup programs and may be run manually to save resources.
  23. Reinstalling the operating system back on this computer is no problem at all for me. The thing is that the user probably has data that needs to be backed up. I already have images made for these machines already and will use them accordingly if needed But yeah, it looks like the hardware did cause that problem, strangely enough. I don't see how they could be related since it's only happening when she's checking emails though
  24. There is no one answer for this question. It depends on what parts you need/want and how high a model you want for them. The video card and processor will probably be the most expensive part of this if you intend to go with a more high-end system.Laptops? I don't remember seeing any companies selling barebone laptops. I too have thought about building my own customized laptop but couldn't find sources to supply the parts for it. I don't think there are any, at least that I can find.Anyone finds one, I'm interested also
  25. Never heard of that Linux distro before Mark420. Looks good though.I will ask her if she uses the features in MCE or can survive without it. If so, I will ask her to just put Windows XP on it instead. This darn machine has been giving her nothing but grief the day she got it. I told her she should have returned it. She called HP tech support countless times already...
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