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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. We already checked the Device Manager and the internal wireless card is listed there (working status). Need to ask my friend to get into the properties if more details are needed (don't have it with me).They had McAfee Internet Security there and I think it was disabled when we went into the settings. No changes. We enabled it back.It shouldn't be an issue with the router as my home wireless router supports lots of users. It also didn't work in two other routers, so I don't think this will cause it as well.I told him to boot up with a Live Linux CD and see if it can detect the network card at least. If it does, try connecting with the cable again and see if it connects.He will probably just reinstall Windows though if anything to make sure it's not Windows causing this. The laptop is still under warranty, so if anything, they'll send it back to Dell.
  2. I'm leaning more and more towards software since everything is working on my other computers. He even tried connecting the laptop from the regular network port and that didn't work either. Will try disabling those Dell apps and security programs to see if that helps us shed any light on this.
  3. Yeah, I'm sure I tried everything already. After a few network cards (both PC cards and USB wireless adapters), configuring the IP manually and setting it to automatic, nothing worked. No pinging since it gets the 169.254.x.x IP address :DI actually didn't think about that Mark420. I will see if I can disable all the networking or security features it has. Perhaps Safe Mode with Networking may help out even since it will disable most programs and still allow internet access.Will post a followup on what happened
  4. I have a friend who's trying to connect a Dell Inspiron e1505 laptop to the internet. We tried almost everything I can think of including using a wired cable to connect. It won't allow us to connect to the router no matter what. We already tried using another working router, reparing it (ipconfig) and even using another wireless card/adapter for it. All fail to connect successfully. Running some spyware and virus scans now to be sure they are not causing any problems.The laptop has a built in Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network card and is using Windows XP (Pro I think).Will a bootable Linux OS like Knoppix be able to detect the built in wireless card or wired network card to go online? We want to try that next but need to download it first.
  5. Thanks Viz. Tried searching for more information on this online but couldn't find more details on it. I won't be going back to his house (aunt's friend), but this is a good thing to keep in mind for next time if I see this problem again
  6. I usually go to eBay for most of the electronics I want. I know most people will say eBay is not good, but from personal experience I haven't had much problems dealing with items there. I always buy from a reputable seller and don't recall having to deal with a bad seller. They have the original/bigger models for around $100 or more with games included.
  7. ROFLMAO. Thanks BuffaloHELP. Will be switching over as early as tomorrow.
  8. I'm a Windows user but am quite fond of the Mac myself. I bought an old iMac that was fast enough to run Mac OS X (aka Tiger) and love it. Still need to learn more on the inner workings, but I think it's a good Operating System to work in. If money is not an issue, you might want to go with the new iMac desktops like the one here. But since you are just starting with a Mac, I recommend getting the Mac Mini instead. It's small and compact. You will need to buy your own monitor and keyboard/mouse for it though. This has been talked about a lot, but you might want to wait for Apple to officially release a copy of the Mac OS that will work on Intel computers (that's the computer most of us are using to run Windows on ). This should be the least expensive since it's just buying the software and using it. I haven't heard much news on this, so I'm not sure when Apple will release it to the public. I think some of the new iMacs have it running already.
  9. It's most likely not repairable with the firmware upgrade, but I will give it a try since I installed the new iTunes over a week ago. I'm sure it's a hardware issue since all my other iPods are not having this loud spinning issue and they are using the older firmware software.Just have these iPods laying around for testing purposes since I repair iPods as a side hobby
  10. Thanks Yordan. That was exactly what I was looking for earlier. I just need to get it to play nicely with my other script that I have on the main page.
  11. I found out the problem. After returning the computer back to the owner in working order, I installed everything back for them. I asked the guy how they go online and he said his daughter will set it up. I said ok and let her do it. Then I noticed that she wanted to change the resolution. The second she changed it to 640x480, the whole thing just collapsed. Back to the VGA Mode error. I had to boot into Safe Mode and tried to set it back to the higher resolution, but (as I guessed), it's running at minimal settings.I memorized the order of the settings there in the display settings and booted back into Normal Mode. Then with the keyboard only, navigated through all those settings to change the resolution back to 800x600. Everything is working great now :)I asked her why she wanted to put it on 640x480 and she said she didn't want the icons to be so big. Told her it's actually going to make it bigger by setting it at a lower resolution. Upped it to 1024x768
  12. Thanks for the replies. I will be adding one soon but don't have it setup yet. Will there be any extra fees for using the add-on domain feature?
  13. Thanks for the replies guys. OK, I think I will switch over to Xisto - Web Hosting in that case.I just have one more question. I might be getting another domain soon. How does Xisto - Web Hosting separate the two domains from each other? I never had more than one site before but I read up on this at 1AND1 and they seem to be using a different control panel (not cPanel) that can handle separate domains.I want to switch over soon since I will probably run into problems during the migration of files and the database for my forum. I see that link for live chat support and will use it tomorrow.Thanks again. Hope to enjoy the new host
  14. vujsa, how do you use that CheckRank service? I just entered my site and it says 4/10 only. Is that what it's suppose to do? It's still on the main page, only the number on the right changes. Thought there should be more detailed information than this
  15. Hi, is there an alternative method that's similar to Server Side Includes? I remember there was one but forgot what it's called. I need someone to help explain what SSI is because I think I'm using it but don't know if it's as simple as what I think it is. I use it mainly for repeating text on my site (like the copyright stuff on each page). Is there another purpose for it? Just asking because I'm going to switch web hosts soon and it looks like the plan I want does NOT include SSI support. The package plan includes PHP support but I have no idea why they don't have SSI also since I think they both rely on an Apache server to work (correct?).If anyone knows an alternative way to do this that would be great. I forgot why, but I was playing around with SSI a while ago and changed all my web pages to have a PHP extension now. Hopefully the possible alternative method won't be affected by this.Thanks in advance.
  16. Searched on the site that yordan gave above. So you even tried this one and it still won't work? Try using another PCI slot for that Firewire controller card and see if the outcome is the same.
  17. One major thing you need to check is the port that your BitTorrent client is using. Did you go into the BitTorrent program and see if the ports are properly forwarded? Go into your router settings and look at your BitTorrent port (you probably should have created this yourself earlier already when using the older version). Make sure the port there matches what you have on the BitTorrent client software. Otherwise, change either the client software or the router settings to match the port.
  18. @knight17: Do you have a dual-boot or some multi-booting environment setup already? If so, you will need to go into that boot loaders setting and change the boot order from there. If Windows is managing the boot menu sequence, then you can try changing the boot.ini file. Go to Start->Run and type in msconfig and hit OK. Then go to the BOOT.INI tab and you should see all your different Operating Systems listed there. Set the Windows XP one to be the default and then hit Apply and OK. Restart the computer and see if that did the trick for you.Linux is not a power hungry operating system as far as I know. The newer versions may require a bit more resources, but with 512MB of RAM, you should be able to run Linux without any problems. I would also add that a Pentium II (preferably higher for newer Linux distros) or higher will be ok.
  19. It might be more convenient to install Linux under Virtual PC 2004 instead since you can run it directly from Windows. Otherwise, you will have to work in a full Linux environment if you install it on it's own drive/partition.Install them on the same hard drive. You will need to get a non-destructive data partitioning program like Partition Magic (I recommend using this as I haven't tried others...like the free ones even). You will need to create a partition for Linux and the swap partition. Then install Linux on it and use a boot manager like the GAG Boot Manager to create a boot menu.
  20. I have searched around for a new web host and will trim my options down to Xisto - Web Hosting (since it was recommended by one of the Mods here) and 1AND1. I want to use 1AND1 because of all that space they give me (I know...all that space will probably not be used, but I want to have it anyway since it's part of the package ). But the thing I don't like is that they don't have SSI support for the Home Package and their database limit is 100MB.Now my questions...1. I looked and saw that the chart says that MySQL databases is unlimited. Is that unlimited in terms of size or databases? I'm sure my forum will hit over 100MB over time and I have no idea why 1AND1 has this limit which seems ridiculous unless there is a way to split the database in half or more automatically once it reaches the limit - if someone knows if this is possible, please let me know as well.2. Will Xisto - Web Hosting provide domain registration or will I have to use a domain registrar service to do this? If no, does anyone know of a domain registrar that will not give out my private information without having to register with their service to hide my information? I hate GoDaddy's service because of this. 1AND1 has an edge over them already because of this even though it's a one time yearly fee.3. I will most likely need help transferring my data over from my old hosts to the new one. This especially includes my database which is not my specialty. If someone could help me set this up as soon as I'm registered that would be great.If anyone has used the Xisto - Web Hosting service before, please post your comments here as well. I want to know if they are really reliable before signing up for the service. I love Xisto but have to be sure that the paid hosting is just as good (should be better ).Thanks.
  21. Sometimes it's not browsing those suspicious sites that cause these infections. Even if you type an incorrect web address by mistake it can take you to a site that has some malicious script that will run once you visit it and drop files into your computer. But I do agree with Levis that with the proper software it will be safe for the most part. Nothing is guaranteed...such is life. Something new can pop up and unless these security software programs are psychics, your computer will become infected at that moment.
  22. That's cool that you have your own custom built enclosure drive. Are we talking about Firewire II here? Otherwise, USB 2.0 should be a bit more faster than the original Firewire connection (assuming that you don't have other USB devices sharing the resources).
  23. I have my laptop and an old Pentium II desktop that's not used anymore. Sister has a new Pentium IV PC that I built and brother and his girlfriend has a Dell laptop. I also have a iMac 700Mhz all-in-one machine in the closet. Only played around with it a couple of times
  24. Yeah, I had to take it home with me because they don't have another spare monitor that I could use to test it with.After playing around with the recovery disc at their house, it corrupted the OS somehow already. I actually have another question for this. If I use the recovery CD and choose the option to wipe out everything first before doing the restore, why does the LCD monitor show that VGA Mode message again after the first disc is done? Shouldn't Windows be wiped out already at that point and the resolution or refresh rate settings be reset?I did the install on my old 15" monitor and it didn't give me any problems. The recovery went without a hitch. After disc 1, I inserted disc #2 to begin the Windows installation (very similar to the normal Windows XP install screen).So, any idea why it wouldn't work on the LCD monitor? My guess is that recovery disc #1 should have already wiped out Windows XP as I couldn't get the machine to bootup from my house once I brought it over. Had to do the recovery/repair from the beginning again.
  25. Are we talking about the original external hard drives? Do those that use USB enclosures count? I have a USB Enclosure drive and also a IDE to USB adapter that I use to connect my internal hard drives to make it act like it's an external one (which is basically how they are made anyway - break one open and the inner workings should be identical in a sense).I personally have over 1 terabyte of data ranging from 120GB to 400GB in size. It's been 8 or 9 years now and I have accumulated more data than I could imagine. Mostly backups of DVDs and everything else I can make a backup of. You can never have enough space
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