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Everything posted by Jeigh1405241495

  1. I assume google wouldn't sue unless they started making money off the site without any revenue going to google. Google "does no evil"...until evil is done unto them
  2. I'm psyched for it as well. I'm a bit worried about my machines abilities to run it well, but I guess I'll have to wait and see. Otherwise it looks insanely addictive. Just the creature editor could waste away hours of my time trying to make the coolest and most functional alien I can imagine.I also like the idea of many of the other creatures in the game being from other users that get downloaded from the net. Seems like a cool idea, especially since you can choose which creatures you like or dislike so you can basically not get creatures from users who make *BLEEP* aliens heh.Overall I think spore is going to be fah-reaking massive. Hopefully it lives up to all our expectations
  3. Homeworld was indeed an amazing game. From the huge map that allowed you to try to flank enemies on a grand scale to the small firefights that occured between low level fighters, everything felt "right". When you brought in a huge capital ship it tore apart the little fighters BUT if you had enough they could swarm a larger ship and take it down. Everything had strengths and weaknesses without being too generic or boring.The graphics were impressive at the time and ran on hardware without it having to be bleeding edge, which is something thats always stuck in my mind about homeworld.The game was awesome, even the storyline was pretty cool...and I usually hate RTS storylines hehe. All in all an amazing game.
  4. They actually have built in packages now for XGL, its a big draw for new users to 6.06. They are planning to have it even more integrated for 6.10 since that release is apparently going to focus alot more on the interface and making the distro more appealing at a glance since they've put so much emphasis on making it usable up until this point (this is not to say they are going to ignore issues that don't relate to the look/feel, but they are going to try to make it snazzier for 6.10). SHould be interesting to have an option like "You have ____ video card, would you like to enable XGL?" right in the installer.
  5. Theres a handful of laws snuck into the patriot act about cyber crimes, but the ones I know of wouldn't apply here... most just cover the governments *bottom* if they want to take someone down for a "cyber" "crime"
  6. This is an interesting situation. I know I did a report on cyber crime last year, but I didn't hit on this topic too precisely unfortunately. However, based on the various things they've done I would say you could get them on some charge or another. If they are specific about who they are referring to (on the blogs or wherever) then you could possibly get them on harassment charges. The hacking of your website is trickier but would probably fall under general cyber crime laws that state that any intentional invasion of privacy (hacking your locked account) is cyber crime. Another thing to note is that, as far as I know, alot of the individual states in America have their own variations on what is considered various cyber crimes. Checking into your states' cyber laws would be a worthwhile activity, possibly contacting someone in the law department of a local university? Obviously everything I've said is based on year old memories of information form a project... they've done a good job with improving cyber crime laws over the past 3-5 years but they still don't have them all ironed out to a perfect form. Definitely worth checking into furtur though. Websites I would reccomend checking out from when I did cybercrime research include: https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ccips http://www.nw3c.org/ (I think...) http://www.cybercrimelaw.net/
  7. I had heard about this back in the day, but I mean I can't see how this would make people respect either company more or less. Nintendo wanted to move into a new technological arena and went to Sony, a strong technology company. They ended up disagreeing on issues so the partnership split (as business ventures do from time to time) and both companies went forward with their own visions of the next gen console.As far as the Wii is concerned, I won't be impressed with Nintendo even if they do manage to win this round, since they managed to completely screw up the gamecube regardless of how many good chances it had. Also I think the Wii will do way better then the gamecube but the longevity of it will be the question once the novelty wears off.Just my opinions.
  8. It is more then likely that posts you created were edited or deleted, thus causing either entire posts or chunks of content to be considered null and the credits for them would be removed from your account.I'd reccomend taking a look through all your previous posts and finding out where the changes occurred.
  9. I would have to agree with pyost. I don't see it as being elitist to simply expect our user base to be limited to those willing and able to make coherent meaningful posts. To call that elitist for not allowing young children onto the board would be the same as saying we should let a 5 year old on the board as long as they do their best. In most cases, the best attempts of a 5 year old wouldn't exactly be up to par. If you want to keep a forum professional and of a high quality you need to make choices and those choices do not need to, and will not always, be the choice which allows everyone to participate.Not all environments are appropriate for all people, this one is not appropriate for those who cannot make decent posts, no matter which factor is limiting their ability to do so.
  10. I've heard rumors about people contacting microsoft in similar situations and M$ hooked them up with a new, genuine, cd key to use. How legit these stories are I'm unsure. As MC mentioned there are ways around the genuine check if you don't want to legalize your system, but discussing details of those does indeed break rules here (and what kind of mod would break their own rules). If you want to get legal you'll probably either need to get ahold of a genuine cd key if you have the cash or try to contact microsoft and see how they handle such situations.
  11. Haha yea, I have 100 per account apparently.. not sure how many gmail accounts I have kicking around tho. Two that I actually use, a handful of test ones for various things heh.
  12. Ah yes, the "brown, brown, and more brown" motif haha. Honestly, for BEING pretty much all brown it's really nicer then I would think haha. I mean, I never keep the default theme more then the time it takes me to find one my usual one... BUT its still not too horrible. I think it also does a good job at distinguishing them from the normal windows-esque blue and silver sets... sure I would have personally picked a different color but they're crazy for earthyness over there haha. At least it comes with the common gnome themeset so you are only moments away from clearlooks and other non-brown themes.And yea I'm not surprised they don't ship Xubuntu yet, since it's the first release they probably want to see how it'll do before firing up the cd burners.
  13. Oh yea, completely forgot about ordering the cds for free from them. Plus now they are offering cds of kubuntu and xubuntu where before it was just straight Ubuntu which is nice. (well I'm sure they do kubuntu now, not 100% sure on xubuntu but I'm too lazy to check...)
  14. On the first day of this month Cononical released the latest iteration of their linux distribution, Ubuntu. Now to revision number 6.06 they have achieved many of the necessities to having a desktop linux distribution that is useable by the masses. Originally intended to be released in April (I believe) it was delayed to polish up a few things and I think it was well spent. I have seen numerous threads on this forum about choosing a linux distro to try as the first distribution, and hopefully this review will entice many to choose ubuntu for this purpose. For more 'hardcore' linux users I hope it makes some of you see it as a viable platform (although I'd never bother trying to sway you into switching from that which you are loyal to heh).Being touted as an LTS release (Long Term Service - the first release that they will support for 5 years instead of 6 months so that it is more viable for server use), the first noticeable difference in 6.06 is the fact that it has a live cd. Ubuntu, no matter how user friendly, has been harshly criticized for its stark text based installer even though it only ever asked very simple question and then handled everything itself. Now you can boot into a fairly robust, quick responding live cd to explore ubuntu and simply doulbe click the icon 'install' on the desktop if you decide its right for you. A quick jump through a graphical installer will now take you through the choices the old text based installer asked. The only thing I didn't love was how the partitioner worked, felt a little counter-intuitive to what I'm used to, but might be fine for people not used to partitioning hard drives. Either way the install is quick and painless. Probably under 20 minutes for the entire prodcedure from putting the cd in to rebooting into the new install.Another nice touch is that Ubuntu has always been great at setting up grub. I've had up to two windows xp installs and 3 other linux distros installed (including gentoo, slack, etc) and ubuntu set up grub to see all of them automatically and all were bootable. This is great for new users just trying out linux since if they partition up their drives or install ubuntu on a seperate drive and want to keep windows then ubuntu doesn't even expect them to have to worry about it, it simply sets up everything for them.Booting in you'll start noticing why I think Ubuntu is getting so close to what the desktop linux experience needs to be. The basics automatically just work. A normal install has everything I own working at least to some extent. Graphics drivers are installed (albeit not the optimal ones... but they work for maxing my desktop resolution and still having perfect performance in that respect), my monitor rates are set properly, keyboard special keys work (some of them), etc. My printer and webcam are recognized properly but there are a few issues I'll need to tinker through, but for the most part they are already working better then they would having just installed a windows xp install (both my printer and webcam are kind of weird ones so its not surprising they dont work off the bat).It comes with a healthy set of applications, including Open Office (MS Office near equivalent but free), firefox web browser, email client, handful of desktop games, media player, music player, and other essentials. Basically the only issues I had in getting my day-to-day activities set up was getting video and mp3 codecs installed, but a quick search on ubuntuforums.org and a quick search through Synaptic (more on that in a sec) allowed me to install some other media players and music players and codecs/plugins. Now flash, video, mp3's, etc all day fine on my system.Synaptic is the graphical frontend for at-get. Apt-get is what made me stick with Ubuntu. Other distros have similar abilities (Emerge in Gentoo or example) and what this does is allow a user to simply type "sudo apt-get install _____" at a command line or search for a keyword and click 'sintall' in synaptic and it will install the program. It takes care of everything. It's easier then even installing things on windows where you need to hunt down the software from websites or disks. Now some people who are more hardcore linux users don't love using this method for all things since it doesn't always install the latest and greatest software version but for a user new to linux Synaptic will make your life very easy.Things just work in Ubuntu. A new user might have some issues but on the whole they can quickly, and more often then not easily, check into the issue at the ubuntu forums and find someone who has provided a solution. If not, the community as a whole is amazing and would be happy to help them work through the problem. Frankly I can't think of a distro that would be more appropriate for someone who has no experience with linux, and I still use it as a primary distro at home even though I've used numerous others. Some may be faster, some may have more in depth controls, but overall Ubuntu has a great mix of control and ease of use.Overall this is a great update to a great distro. The largest 6.06 specific changes are the live cd/graphical installer, updated packages, better recognition of hardware, redesigned gnome theme, and a handful of smaller changes that really just make everything feel more 'right'. I Highly reccomend checking out Ubuntu 6.06 (OR Kubuntu for KDE fans, or Xubuntu for xfce fans)
  15. I ahven't played either, but observed the patterns of people playing both. They seem to gain equal amounts of entertainment from them and when they start talking about them I am equally bored and confused listening to either haha. Therefor I'd have to say Guild Wars has it right. WoW expects people to pay EXTRA on top of the price of the game just to be able to play. To me this is retarded. If they CHOOSE to make a game that is an MMO I can't fathom why we decided it was reasonable to let them charge us for that choice. They are trying to make money off a game in a new genre, fine, but they should take the cost not us. But then again this is more general MMO bashing then straight comparison of the two.From what I've seen, both have loads of depth and playtime. I think the feel of guild wars is more my style simply because it seems less intense... you don't need to drop as much time in to get full enjoyment whereas WoW seems like it'd suck if you only played once in awhile.Oh, and last I've seen Guild wars looks/plays better then WoW... but the settings on their comps could have been not set properly (the two I see playing these the most have pimped gaming rigs so it'd have to be an issue with settings then with capability unless I'm correct in assuming GW just looks better).
  16. YES DOGPILE! I knew I knew one of these types of sites but I couldn't remember the name (and you know me, too lazy to actually...uh...google... for it) haha. But yea, dogpile is pretty cool I've used that before. I always come back to google tho
  17. Haaaaaaaaaaaahaha thats awesome, stop illegal immigration (well lower it), help against hurricanes, AND get the gators out of Florida hahaha. Nicely done lol
  18. This is kind of too bad, I was hoping at least some other people would be able to get in to try it out. Seems like we're bashing the tech now but really not being able to try out a search engine does imply its got some downfalls I also agree with yeh on how it'd probably be better to simply try to different SE's by yourself rather then using a multi-engine such as profusion.If you can actually access it though and it works great for you, our opinions should be irrelevant and hopefully some others who can actually access it will show up and give it a shot.
  19. Yea there have been issues in the past with the scripts used for credits, for the most part it's pretty reliable so just make sure to keep an eye on it. If it ever drops you into a dangerously low range or worse, below 0, I'd reccomend sending one of the admins a PM to let them know and get them to check into it. I don't, however, see this as really being a problem.
  20. But I mean China might just be a shadow government for the american controlled east :| hahaha. VIVE LA CONSPIRACIES!!!
  21. yeh, you are implying that if they have a "manned mission to mars' that they wouldn't just fake that one too I mean if they didn't actually go to the moon, why would they be any more likely to go to any other planet? Nothing out there but rocks anyways hehe No oil
  22. Nice theory, but as long as google's results stay relevant I won't be switching off. Upon looking at profusion I can say even if I did switch off I WOULDN'T switch to it, sorry. The theory is sound but the execution isn't my style. I like Google because of the lightweight super fast access page/search and relevant results. Profusion took longer then average sites do to load... JUST to load the main page haha. Then the actual search took a long time... like 30+ seconds or the site keeps timing out. I don't care if I can get slightly better results if it takes that long. And if its not taking that long for you and just isn't working for me... another reason I wouldn't want to use it, I want a reliable search engine.Like I said, great idea. Even though officially it just steals from the other guys who have created well programmed search engines, it would still be a useful tool especially if you couldn't find your result on your usual search engine. However after 10!!!!!!!!!!!! Tries it has not returned me any search results and keeps saying to try again. I'll check the site again later if I remember, but right now I'm sorry to say a non-functional search engine just won't be winning any awards from me
  23. I know I've seen that and frankly I put as much faith in it as any other conspiracy story. They are fun to listen to and awesome to get into debates about but I mean, you can make almost anything LOOK like a conspiracy if you try hard enough. It's just a matter of determination hehe.Frankly I don't see any reason why they would have faked it... I could understand if it was at a time when the U.S. was hurting for money and needed some huge cash cow so they could give that as an excuse to the populace for where the funds are going and then in reality just hoax them and siphon the money off... but the U.S. wasn't in such a situation lol. Also there has been various technological advances based on research done originally for space exploration... which wouldn't be getting done if everything was a hoax. I dunno, I just don't buy it heh.Like I said though, its fun to think about and talk about There are other conspiracies I enjoy more, like the various secret societies and old school big brother stuff (before it was technologically easy to believe it was possible), area 51, other myths claimed to be fact.
  24. Sarahs post inadvertently reminded me of another reason I had wanted to switch to linux back in the day. I had older systems kicking around that I wanted to make use of but newer windows were slow as crap on them. To resolve this issue I had hoped to throw linux onto them once I learned its basics on my main machine which is exactly what I did
  25. I haven't switched, I mean I dual boot and use linux almost exclusively at work, but I basically started it because I can't stand programming in windows. I just prefer coding in linux 10 fold... of course I didn't know I would at the time but I knew I hated it in windows so gave it a shot just to see why everyone liked it. Now I like it for tons of reasons, but my main reasons for trying it was to get programming on it. That's MY story.
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