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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Source: The Toronto Star This deal will not benefit many people including AMD and ATI, IMO. Especially, this will weaken our Canadian Economy as most of the sales and profits will divert to another country away from Canada. Furthermore, NVIDIA will now have the upper hand after the acquisition is completed. It's IMO of course. Comments? xboxrulz
  2. funny thing is that these lawsuits only happen in the US because it's just that easy to sue people there. In other countries, people would think you're a fool if you try to pull these stunts.xboxrulz
  3. I thought Kubuntu did that automatically because when I used it on my crappy old laptop, it detected ALL my USB ports.xboxrulz
  4. actually you can resize an NTFS partition, but it's just Kubuntu doesn't have that ability yet. However, the SuSE Linux installer disc comes with a partition shrinker and all that :unsure:O, and yes, it can shrink NTFS partitions.xboxrulz
  5. funny, you left out NVIDIA which is one of the largest card manufacturers in the world and they support Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD and even Solaris.id Software is one of the best developers in the world and they support Linux. Why? It's because it has potential and because more and more people are flocking over there.Linux is about choice and not about open sourcing everything. There are many propriety games out there for Linux: America's Army (dropped support), Quake 4, Doom 3, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and of course UT 2004. These very successful games have been supporting Linux for quite a while.Filesystem is not the problem atm because the Linux kernel handles ReiserFS, XFS, ext3, etc. all the sameThe RPM, DEB, TGZ, EBUILD problem is not even a problem. Just make an installer using the .run method (a.k.a Loki Installer) and it'll copy all the files required on to the system. To uninstall, just run an uninstaller script like they have in UT2004, Doom 3, Quake 4 and etc.Another point that relates back to choice and the point of the operating system, Linux is about choice. The choice for the person to customize their system to run anything and everything. Granted that gaming is part of "everything", therefore, gaming is part of the Linux vision. However, when you said that Linux was suppose to be an alternative, that's not really that true until it got popular. Linux was supposingly an open source project for Linus Torvalds to learn the x86 architecture on his computer and try to clone UNIX. The only reason why it's still in development under Linus's directions is because he finds making this operating system fun. It was never meant to be an alternative to Windows.To tackle the Direct X thing, there are many games that are going to be running on Linux (PS3 to be exact) and all of them uses OpenGL 2.0. Also, Direct X was just Microsoft's version of OpenGL. When I take a look at the codes for a Direct X program vs. an OpenGL one, they look quite similar.However, I do give you kudos about the marketshare, at the same time, you must remember, the only thing that's going to make an operating system popular is to have games running on it. In order to do so, you must have companies like id Software making that first move to make an operating system they think have potential with their technology.Also, you can also even say no operating systems were meant for gaming, even Microsoft Windows. It's just that you have extra layers slapped on to it to make it run games.xboxrulz
  6. sometimes these so called "emulated" games (eg. using compatibility layers like WINE or Cedega) do sometimes run better than on Windows although the game was designed for Windows.For example: C&C Renegade, C&C Tiberian Sun, Call of Duty.FPS: 50+Also, PS 3 runs on Linux and it is one of the best gaming machines out there along side with XBOX 360 and the Wii.xboxrulz
  7. I got the script from the actual Mozilla Firefox launcher which comes with Firefox, as I already explained it. It's the program launcher as I also explained. The script is automatically installed from the SuSE Mozilla Firefox RPMs and have been tested on Fedora and Ubuntu anyways.Also, I left out something. The most important part of the script I posted from my Firefox installation is the AOSS part.xboxrulz
  8. Open up the Firefox launch script (/usr/bin/firefox) using any text editor. Make sure the script looks like this: This is for Mozilla Firefox 1.5.0 xboxrulz
  9. Funny, because for me, it's just so easy to make choice with which Linux distro to use. For me, that'll be SuSE Linux and I have used it since a month after I tried my first Linux installation. It's the 3/10 distros I've tried. You're correct about choosing the correct app, but these app takes more time and effort to combine in order to make Windows stable. However, on Linux most of the security is installed automatically or part of the basic security. xboxrulz
  10. I'm using Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Beta 1. The engine and everything is faster than version 1.5 without the FasterFox extension. However, none my extensions and skins work. Plus, too bad there's no QT version only GTK2+ for Linux.xboxrulz
  11. nice tutorial, I really needed it for launching Java applications on Windows (). However, I prefer the BASH Shell Scripts. For example, I can do system service startup and shutdowns with shell scripts without typing the long command lines over and over again. echo "Please enter the root password to restart the network"su -c "/etc/init.d/network restart"echo "Done!" *This code only works on SuSE Linux. xboxrulz
  12. Nice tutorial, however, the FAT filesystem is no longer used for Windows, it's much better to use NTFS instead.xboxrulz
  13. couldn't it be easier to use AWT than SWT? Just a basic I/O script: import java.applet.Applet;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class finalinput extends Applet implements ActionListener { public finalinput() { } //Declare components TextField txtDept = new TextField(15); TextField txtName = new TextField(20); TextField txtPhone = new TextField(5); TextArea txaPhoneList = new TextArea(10,30); Button btnAdd = new Button("Add to List"); //Declare variables String strDept; String strName; String strPhone; public void init() { //Place components on applet add(new Label("Department: ")); add(txtDept); add(new Label("Name: ")); add(txtName); add(new Label("Extension: ")); add(txtPhone); add(btnAdd); add(txaPhoneList); txtDept.requestFocus(); //Add action listeners btnAdd.addActionListener(this); txtDept.addActionListener(this); txtName.addActionListener(this); txtPhone.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { //Actions for "Add to List" //Triggered when the user clicks the button or presses the Enter //Key in any of the text fields String strOutputLine; //Declare local variable //Assign the text fields to variabbles strDept = txtDept.getText(); strName = txtName.getText(); strPhone = txtPhone.getText(); //Concatenate the variables strOutputLine = strDept + "\t" + strName + "\t" + strPhone; //Append the concatenated line to the phone list txaPhoneList.append(strOutputLine + "\n"); //Clear the text fields txtDept.setText(""); txtName.setText(""); txtPhone.setText(""); //Place the cursor in the first text field txtDept.requestFocus(); }} xboxrulz
  14. Yes, the APT system was built for Debian, but you can use YaST instead, but I prefer the commandline way of doing it and so, I use APT instead because YaST doesn't have a command line system.xboxrulz
  15. Ok, No one uses YUM on SuSE. We use something called APT. Here's the repository for APT for SuSE here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also, you cannot use other distro's RPMs on SuSE. THEY ARE INCOMPATIBLE due to different naming of libraries and dependecies. xboxrulz
  16. ADSL providers usually use something called PPPoE for authencation to see whenever you connect the net and to monitor your bandwidth. Luckily, SuSE has the easiest tool to connect to an ADSL network. K Menu --> System --> YaST2 --> Network Devices --> DSL 1. Press Add 2. Make sure that the PPP mode is PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) 3. Device Activation can be set to whatever you want. 4. Choose your provider. If your provider is NOT found, press Custom Provider. 5. If you choose Custom Provider, enter in their information. 6. Press next again, unless you can type in customized parameters. 7. Done! Now try your ADSL service by going to Konqueror or Mozilla Firefox and type in your local Google URL. For me, it's google.ca To check if your internet is working properly, you can do these steps. 1. Open Konsole (or any shell) 2. Type in: ping -c 5 google.ca *You may change google.ca to any URL.* If it's successful, it should show something like this: Enjoy! xboxrulz
  17. not that fast, you also should configure your XDM to point to KDE too, but I forogt how as I haven't used FC since version 3.xboxrulz
  18. I still like HI5 better than Orkut and MySpace. However, I do check all of 'em often.xboxrulz
  19. I found this video off Google Videos called the Ebay Song. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Check it out! xboxrulz
  20. For me (from most played, as in longest hours spent in the lifespan of when I first got the game):- Freelancer (PC)- Halo 2 (XBOX360)- Need for Speed: Underground 2 (XBOX360) ... I didn't like Most Wanted- Command and Conquer: Gernerals (Zero Hour incl.; PC)- Battlefield 2 (PC)- Dead or Alive 4 (XBOX360)xboxrulz
  21. I'll try that... but I've also noticed something, this is a short report I wrote last night: UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME - affects Windows 2k+ - affects networked machines - involves hubs and router - users claim to see the UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME error - involves UNPROVOKED shutdowns or reboots - all cases involves users not touching the machine and used network-enabled software. - UNBOOTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME --> Windows may have locked the parition to prevent ANY damage. - Definition of the error also suggest that either the O/S cannot unmount the Boot Device or the O/S couldn't even mount the device. Those are my findings. xboxrulz
  22. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME can't be fixed, I've tried many methods already. Ironically, my good friend just ran into that error... interesting... actually, I'm still in the middle of solving the network mystery, now I have to go back and research on the UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. In both events, I believe it has been from a network issue as my friend didn't touch her computer and when she came back, her machine crashed with the BSoD with this error. Also, about the issue I said on the earlier post, that machine also rebooted, but never showed a BSoD.For me, to fix my friend's machine, I completely reinstalled her Windows over the old one. However, the UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME sounds like the partition has been locked down by Windows because of a serious error, try booting a "Ultimate Boot CD" (http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/) It is also best for you to download the original version of the UBCD and not its Windows spinoff. Then, change the partition setting to Active and Bootable.I'll have to go back to the drawing board again...Thanks for your report.*PS: You're lucky, I'm on my summer vacation, so I have more time to investigate on this problem, I still have to figure this out for my friend anyways and I'll handle this under Software Investigation priority*xboxrulz
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