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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Well, ArkLinux isn't the best choice, IMO, SuSE is the best bet, but if you seriously need a supremely fast Linux distribution on an old laptop and without all the iCandies, then go for Damn Small Linux. Xplote: The reason you can't stand it is because you're used to the Windows world where Billy Gates creates a chauffeur for you and make that chauffeur do regular tasks that a computer does. Linux actually lets you "drive" the computer. It hands you the keys and you actually use it! You're just a bit ignorant on computers. -- Linux Is Not Windows, oneandoneis2.org Here is a nice article: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm xboxrulz
  2. Reiser FS 4 is still experimental and soon to be stable, stick with 3.6 if you important data B)xboxrulz
  3. fdisk only writes your partitions, if you use SuSE, Fedora or Ubuntu, it can also do the partitioning and formatting for you.xboxrulz
  4. well, you can try: Knoppix & MEPIS: http://www.knoppix.org/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. well, Cedega can only be free if u get their CVS version, else, use Wine, most of my games are DirectX (3D) based, so it won't work. It'll only work if it's OpenGL ;)xboxrulz
  6. you may need Fedora Core 4, which it has the xorg X11 server, which is easier to configure. If you do have Fedora Core, install the Linux drivers for it. Then configure with nvidia-settings.xboxrulz
  7. You may want to get a Cedega subscription from Transgaming, they developed a Windows compatibility layer for Linux from Wine. The problem running games on pure Wine is that it's DirectX implementation is poor. https://www.transgaming.com/ xboxrulz
  8. Based on Jabber protocols and VOIP technologies, Google has pionnered another IM service to expand their available services. A GMail account IS REQUIRED to use this service. Their client is currently only for Windows 2000. and Windows XP. For UNIX and Mac users, please use your normal client and connect to talk.google.com, port 5222 using your GMail email as your username Here's a screenshot of their client: https://www.google.com/hangouts/ xboxrulz
  9. Hey all, KMess is a KDE and QT based MSN Messenger for UNIX based OS such as Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris. It is fast, but it doesn't have much features as it's competitor, Mercury Messenger. Here's 1 screenshot from their website. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  10. yup, have been a Mercury Messenger user since it was called dMSN.It's a great piece of software, except that it does take too much of my memory, which annoys me. I have 512 MB RAM, 2.5 GHZ machine and it still lags it. Damn Java!xboxrulz
  11. SuSE has a great configuration tool called YaST2, it is very modular too, it's easy to configure your machine. YaST can also act as an autoupdater, that updates your whole system.SuSE comes with KDE and GNOME, you can choose between themSuSE is opensource and open-development, it's like Fedora Core, but it aims at everyone. Fedora Core is mainly for high-end users.SuSE is powerful at gaming and has a kernel that is for your system.SuSE is available as a paid package, with a large manual and support or for free without large manual and support.It is a hybrid of Windows and Linux smashed into one great package, the ease, stability and customizability.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <-- get more info hereSuSE Linux is backed by Novell Inc.xboxrulz
  12. wutske, u have lost 90% control, just by using Windoze, it's closed source, and you don't use the full potential of your computer already, go opensource!xboxrulz
  13. lol, haven't u tried using WINE to add a lil' compat layer?xboxrulz
  14. I would recommend SuSE, but if u really want customization go for Gentoo. SuSE is great, it has everything you need, in 1 DVD or 5 discs.xboxrulz
  15. Well, sorry empty calorie, but I didn't want to waste space on my desktop so I shrunk it so it looks like Windows XP.xboxrulz
  16. it's not an emulator, like what the name says. WINE is Not an Emulator.I have a couple games working perfectly on the WINE technology via Cedega.xboxrulz
  17. I have Netbeans and Eclipse, both looks nice, and both works perfectly, the good thing about Java IDEs are that they actually correct your spelling when you spell something wrong. Which I usually have a problem when programming in Turing. The only way to know I spelled something wrong in Turing, I have to test the app in order to notice the spelling mistakes.xboxrulz
  18. the lower the resolution, the faster it goes.Can you paste what the glxinfo say?xboxrulz
  19. the command is fdisk (but it's really supposed to be called fdisc, but the programmers are Americans, so o well), anyways, it comes w/ Windows.Just launch cmd then type fdisk. SuSE Linux, Fedora Core, Ubuntu Linux will help you partition when you insert the installation disc.xboxrulz
  20. It's controlled by the DirectX interpreter, you might need to change some directx settings, I don't really know how to set this. This will interprete from DirectX to OpenGL. Anyways, if you want to shell out a subscription fee, you can use Cedega. https://www.transgaming.com/ xboxrulz
  21. The Sims 2, C&C Renegade, Freelancer, Battlefield 2 (DVD Edition), C&C Generals (moved to Linux now), Need for Speed:Underground, Guild Wars, C&C Red Alert 2That's all I can say, until I rummage the whole list.xboxrulz
  22. I have the game on PC, it's great cept that my Windows crashes whenever I load games.xboxrulz
  23. I told u, it's ASUS, please re-read my system specsalso, I dun use the cipset, it's Intel...Thanx,xboxrulzPlease don't double post .~SpaceWaste
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