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Everything posted by austiniskoge

  1. Google sure knows how to get its billions... Of hits, that is. I don't think it's much more than a toy, though. Yeah, it's fun to play with, to check out, but it's not really a practical tool. Oh well, it's fun to mess around on. I'll just stick to my favorite Google invention, Gmail.
  2. well the human genome is a lot more complicated than that of a sheep or a tomato...sure, we could probably mix and match DNA to see what comes out (if Bush/everybody isn't opposed) but that wouldn't yield very precise results. Unfortunately, that's pretty much what we do with our "genetic engineering" of plants.To pinpoint the exact codons and sequences of certain phenotypes (brown hair, big feet, etc.) we would need to have a working template of the human genome... which we currently don't have. Yes, we have an overview of the basic construction, but how does that apply when you're trying to figure out what sequences are what phenotypes?So, no. We're not even close to that kind of genetic engineering. We could theoretically "guess and check" but that would be considered unethical to most and very time-consuming.
  3. Yeesh... that does sound bad...Well, you could call one of those toll-free help hotlines... I think MSN has one.Of course, the people on the other line never know what they're talking about.
  4. musician's networking.hands down, the best idea I came up with.see, we (us?) musicians are constantly in need of services. we need new equipment, used equipment, business advice, creative advice, legal help, gigs, other musicians, groupies (lol)...the list could go on and on and on.If you cater to the needs of musicians by creating a sort of Musician's CraigsList (yes I know craigslist already has a musician's area) then your site could attract lots of unique visitors.Put up a forum for musicians to talk, or have easy-access links to lyric and notation websites, link to current eBay auctions of instruments and gear...The more you offer, the more will come.There's a big market for that kind of stuff nowadays. More musicians are taking to the internet (cough, Myspace) as a new way of promotion and communication. You can help them out by giving them another portal to all the things they need....or if that's not your type of thing... or if you have no clue how to do any of that, don't worry about it. but for anyone else, that would be a cash-flow-extravaganza, let me tell ya.
  5. hah, there's a funny (parody?) one at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you're into that.But if you seriously want to play a text command game... sorry, I can't help you there.
  6. for a limited amount of popular songs...and low quality...GO TO http://xanga.com/ popular one with many songs.yes, I know it's already been said, but someone's just not getting it.
  7. If you know how to use good keywords and go for the most relevant results, you can really milk Google for all it's worth: a lot.It's an invaluable tool, especially if you're precise and can hone in on what you're really looking for.Ask.com is a bit weak in my opinion, suited more for users that are new to search engines or just inexperienced. Google is much more powerful and "intuitive" for each individual user.
  8. Yeah, that makes sense.Does anyone know of any lawsuits that Google filed for copyright violation? I know there's hundreds of those Google rip-offs around, but...Yeah, they probably wouldn't do anything unless it was getting some serious hits.
  9. definitely the Gameboy Color one.So fun, you know? simple ol' fun.There was this cheat/bug that let you have unlimited eggs, and then another one that let you sell eggs for the price of chickens! Unlimited cash money, yo.
  10. quite fun! I don't completely understand all the physics, but whatever...I don't feel like reading 2398472 pages of scientific information about a 2-minute game.
  11. eh, looks okay.what's the big deal about a new face? it probably works as crappy as ever...I'm not wowed. most Microsoft-loving consumers will be, though. It's no surprise.
  12. unless your library is going to have thousands and thousands of songs (that you will want access to on your mp3 player) I suggest the iPod nano.aesthetically, it's amazing. it's "pencil-thin" - actually thinner - and beautiful. also very lightweight and compact.and you can't go wrong with Apple's great interface for everything they make. So simple and eye-pleasing.You really can't get any better... except for the price. Sure, there's better values by space, but iPod is easy and good-looking.
  13. ehhh...I've seen better...can't Google sue for copyright violation or something?they just ripped the logo...
  14. yes, hex is much more versatile.does anyone know a good way to sort of "memorize" hex colors?there are thousands...maybe some little jpeg or something that serves as a guide.
  15. Yes, every state/country has different laws...Unfortunately, many are very loose and unspecified. Thanks to the weak (at best) Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Lots of internet- related laws are based on Clinton's DMCA.*sigh*I wish lawmakers would... well, for a lack of a better term- "get with it."
  16. Ok, here's an expensive but very helpful book-type thing that covers slander and libel in GREAT detail...If you're going to court seriously, the money's nothing compared to what you'll be spending. If you're making idle threats, it's a bit much. Basically the advice it gives is "You might be able to win your case, if you spend lots of time and money. So you ought to have a good case."http://www.dancingwithlawyers.com/ publications/fighting-slander.shtmlIt's long, but extremely thorough and good for any scenario.I recommend the book, but not suing anybody. After reading it, you'll understand the implications that go along with this type of thing.If you really want to read it, but don't want to fork over $20, I'm sure you can find it for free somewhere.
  17. Audacityaudacity.sourceforge.netOne of the most amazing programs I have ever used for free!And the large base of code writers just keeps growing.
  18. umm... does BattleOn.com count?It's an RPG, but I'm not sure about the MMO part.Check it out.
  19. Hey, hey! That sounds amazing.I've been looking for something like this for over two years now!I could be of slight assistance if anyone needs me...Let's see... I have expertise in music, I could help with the audio. And references to other games. Yeah.pm me for my email if you want.
  20. yeah, I thought this was common knowledge...Anyone else read Game Informer? The mag produced by GameStop and Babbages?Lots of game history-type things in there.
  21. wow, I can't believe that nobody has named MegaTokyo!I love that one. I've been following it for a long time. It's quite funny, aside from the over use of l33t and stuff...
  22. I don't know which flavor you should really use...But if you're into games, RedHat usually comes with some great games.Of course, my version is really old...
  23. ooh, cool! I never think of things like that.so that means you can do that with... a pretty much unlimited number of programs?Yes! *rubs hands together* I've got some fun planned.
  24. eh, I don't mind it so much. its fun sometimes to have a button-mash war...But its also fun to use strategy and technique. You ought to throw in a little bit of that sometime, to keep him going.
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