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Everything posted by austiniskoge

  1. Looks pretty cool. I would never have the patience to do that kind of stuff.I think they use that sort of drawing in old RPGs, no? That's what the characters look like, at least.
  2. use iTunes. seriously. Even if you don't have an iPod, even if you're never going to get one, even if you hate Steve Jobs to the core. Just open your songs up in iTunes (wait for it to load if it's a big library) and then select as many as you want and right click. There is a choice that says "convert selection to mp3". Click that. Wait a little bit (or a few hours, depending again on the size of the library) and iTunes will save all of the files separately as mp3s. Find where they're located, (usually under My Documents>My Music>iTunes) and then move them somewhere else if you like. Actually, maybe disregard all of that. I think iTunes may actually convert them to mp3 as they are being added to the library. You'll wanna check that out for yourself.
  3. This is easy for me. My used programs are used a lot, and my unused ones are NEVER used.1. Firefox- Use this daily, several hours a day. Essential.2. Photoshop CS2- invaluable for the graphics work that I do. and to think I used to use Paint :)3. Audacity- great for recording demos for my band. The longer you work with it, the better it sounds.4. OpenOffice- amazing reproduction of Office. use it for school all the time.5. iTunes- use this a lot too.That's about it. My computer's not really full of much except 1300+ mp3 files. haha
  4. Yeah, I'd have to say around $200 is a pretty good price for that kind of quality. I really like your style.I'm sure after a few clients, you'll get some word-of-mouth going (if not, at least you'll have a good portfolio) and you can start charging a little more and getting more high-profile customers.It's good money, if you can work it out right.
  5. Yeah, pretty good one.A bit old though. They put up an announcement a few weeks ago that they fixed it.Funny how that works out.
  6. Yeah, it's like that one guy who worked with grizzly bears all his life, doing research and documentaries and whatnot. Then one day he just got too close, and a mother bear just ripped him up.It's sad because you put your whole life into work with the animals, and they are the death of you...
  7. I was having a lot of trouble with this before. I scan hand-drawn pictures that are in black ink, and then I would want them to be color.I tried this method, but to no avail. I may have been doing it wrong, or maybe it's just messed up. I have no idea.Short version: I use the Fill Color Bucket tool. It's like fill color in Paint, but it's not Paint! It took me forever to figure out that you have to hold the click over the tool icons to get the rest of the tools :)But when I finally found out, I rejoiced the fact that Photoshop has Fill Color! It seemed like the most basic thing any graphics program should have, but I really couldn't find it until recently.
  8. well that's pretty cool. I like how simple and easy it is- you don't have to run out and get any of those animated GIF creators.The only thing is, I'm working way in the future with Photoshop CS2. Anybody know how to do that in CS2? I've never seen that Animation window. Does it only pull up with GIFs?Most likely nobody will know... this thread is pretty old.
  9. hmm... sounds interesting.Maybe I'll try that- it would be fun to mess around with the famous Google bots. hahaBut I'll have to look it over again some other time.
  10. Yeesh! Eye pain much?Haha, sorry. Just had to take a jab. It's really pretty good, just minus what everyone's already said about the text. The "ransom note" thing just isn't working on a cutesy manga cover.I really like the white splatter idea, though. It stands out and it's not the cliche stuff you usually see on manga covers... ech.Nice start, keep up the good work.
  11. You probably want to PM somebody...I would say OpaQue, but as he will be doing less forum-ing because of recent events...Maybe PM a mod, at least they will probably know what to do.Search the terms "delete account" in the search box, I'm sure I saw a thread about it a few months ago.
  12. Alas, I only have ".67" credits!I run it verrrry close. Partly because I am busy and forget, and partly because my site gets a minuscule amount of hits anyway...Oh, well... I am replenishing my supply now. Who knows how long that will last?
  13. Hey dude, sounds cool... but some problems. First, the legal side of this is iffy at best. Second, I hope you don't think bands like the Killers, Arctic Monkeys and Bloc Party are still considered indie. They've both had their breaks. Kaiser Chiefs- that's a good one. Also, I pretty sure what you listed as "Eating Glass" is actually "Like Eating Glass". Plus, Oasis and Franz are pushing it on the "indie" tag. I think this is more appropriately named "Alternative and Indie Mixtape". I'm not being a spoilsport, it's just that the term "indie" gets thrown around so much. I like to keep it to the roots. Other than that, this is a really cool idea. Keep up the good work!
  14. I personally don't think that it's important to know these things. I mean, sure the astronomers need to know but it's not really vital information.We've gotten along fine for years without knowing what else hangs around us. :DI'm fine not worrying about any of it.
  15. Sounds nice, but SUPER MARIO BROS. DELUXE for GBC rules my world. You can take it everywhere! It's like playing SMB in the arcade, except the arcade goes wherever you go.I haven't gotten one of those new handheld things. I'm fine with my PS2 and occasionally my GBC or something.
  16. I know that most people who use IE just don't care. Many barely know the difference if you show them, just that it looks different.I don't mind IE too much, but I can see that it pales in comparison to Firefox. I love tabs, because IE hogs up space in the window bar (and probably the CPU) by opening an entirely new program. YAY firefox.Even that awful Linux one is better than IE... what was it called? Konquest I think. Ech.
  17. I was bored at school one day... supposed to be doing internet research but I didn't feel like it.So, I visited the school's website and noticed a hit counter at the bottom. Then I rallied together with some other bored kids and we decided to raise the hit counter to its limit - "99999". It started at something like "01500". We got to about 8500 when the teacher noticed and made us stop.Very stupid, and also very entertaining.
  18. Nice story. I mean, interesting, not amusing. I live in America, and I see how privleged I really am. It's good to have what I have, which is public libraries with good internet access, internet cafes that only charge for drinks, a good setup at home.I can see how it must be frustrating for you... I would lose my mind.
  19. Well I know this is pretty true for about... everyone and their dog.But I am SO addicted to myspace. I'm in a band, and it's the essential resource for everything I need. I could spend all day (if I could) talking to people and checking stuff out on Myspace. It's genius, really.Then, there's also other good stuff like getting free stuff (hard to sort through the pyramid schemes but usually worth it), checking out music, checking out art, finding other resources for my band...The internet is the real world times ten, with higher connection speeds and a nicer interface.That's how I see it.
  20. I agree with not having background sounds.Also, don't have quirky little sounds when you scroll over certain things and stuff... it's very annoying.If you want music, put a player on your page, or have a downloadable song. Integrated sound is awful.
  21. Yeah, my friend got it. Brought it to class, we were watching music videos!It's BEAUTIFUL. I mean, for a tiny screen.Big things in little packages, guys. It's great.But for me, not worth $300. Sorry, Apple.
  22. You mean conversion from mp4 to mp3? iTunes will do that for you. Right click the name of the song in the library and one of the options is "Convert Selection to mp3". Creates another file and doesn't replace the old one, in case you just wanted an extra.If you mean from mp3 to mp4, iTunes does that as well.Not a problem, Apple's got you covered
  23. Okay, I hope you've solved your problem by now... But if not, here you go. The iTunes folders are still intact: GOOD. There's no way you'd be on Easy Street without those. But see, you are on Easy Street. Go to Edit->Preferences and poke around that kind of stuff (sorry, can't remember exactly and don't have iTunes on this machine) until you find the part where it shows your file directory. It should say something like "iTunes Library Location". Browse through that until you find your library and select it. iTunes should load the library automatically. If not, close the program and open it again. It ought to do it right. As for deleting your library, just use Windows Explorer to find where your library is located, and delete the folder. If you have to, do Edit->Select All and then right click->Delete.
  24. SHEESH!1400+ mp3 files?!?!?!?You don't need to worry about bloated programs, you need to worry about all the song files you'll be dealing with!My C drive is almost gone because I have around 750 mp3s. It's like a 10Gb drive!!!
  25. Well, you'd think Google execs would have those unlimited credit lines...Platinum level or whatsit, right? They're frickin millionaires...Oh well, s*** happens to the best of us.
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