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Everything posted by moonwitch1405241479

  1. I simply adore SMF, but there's gotta be a topic or something to have a board for I would run SMF if I had something to be forumming about. IPB is really nice, but too expensive if you ask me. SMF is free (it's no secret I love Open Source and Freeware)My very first skinning experience was in SMF and I love it. To be honest, I thought it was easier. But then again that may be because I didn't build a skin for SMF from nothing. For IPB I do start with nothing but a list of all graphics I need to make.
  2. That means, the error you received was there because the challenge hasn't been approved yet. This is stated in BIG BOLD RED letters on the forum description of Hacking Challenges.
  3. Hey El.I think MacOS uses a different Filesystem as windows, which can be the reason why you can't see it. I mean, I've had a similar situation but then with linux on the other drive... So it never worked. If the FS isn't FAT32, NTFS or even FAT16, win won't find it I think... Although I also doubt it would find FAT16 LOL
  4. Well, if you put stuff in the www folder, which is a link to public_html, you then have your phpnuke twice I would think LOL. Also check the tmp folder, it can get quite big.
  5. If you don't have experience in Linux and don't know your comp by heart, I wouldn't go with Debian to be honest. It's a pretty tricky one if you haven't done it before.My suggestion Fedora, an older Red Hat, Gentoo is nice too. You don't really *need* extra's, MIDI is fully supported in just about ANY Linux distro (although the textual only probably doesn't LOL). Just made sure you get the MIDI Player and Arts sound server for KDE, those are the best tools. XMMS is great, you don't hear me moan about that one, I use it. But for sound recording in MIDI and more options for channels etc, I think KDE sound players are your best option.
  6. ALrighty, heres the cavalry. The problem is simple, you uploaded the file using the File Manager, which works fine if you don't have FTP. FTP is prefered but that's your choice. Problem 1 : the URL you use to the file is wrong. link dead.. This is NOT the link to the file. The address spartacususta.astahost.com:2082 is the address to your cPanel. This is NOT the link you should use. So I translated your URL, from what I see the mp3 is located in your MAIN directory CONSOLE /home/ustasa/thesong.mp3 Anything you want to let the people (so show on the net or play in your case) should be uploaded to CONSOLE /home/ustasa/public_html/ So your file is in the wrong place, that's the first error, move it to the public_html folder and then the link to it is CONSOLE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Problem 2: the FTP error You are trying to access the FTP of your site with the anonymous account (see here's where the need for an FTP client comes in), the anonymous account is not enabled, that's something you have to do. But since FTP is not really your cup of tea, I suggest to leave it alone for the moment. If you FTP to your site, you need to connect to spartasustasa.astahost.com with your username (ustasa) and the password you use to log in to cPanel. Problem 3: That song. Did you make the song? Is it copyrighted to you? If you are not the creator of the song, you can not host it here. It's copyright infringement.
  7. Usually that group contains users that made complete idiots of themselves, got caught and then insulted some... Or something similar...They get banned for different reasons, but the result is the same, they're banned Basically it's names that have permanently lost their posting rights, lost shoutbox access, lost any chance on getting back. There's only one step greater than putting a member in the BANNED group and that's an IP ban, which is usually only used for members who basically post illegal material or seriously break just about every rule here and sign up with several names to do it again.
  8. Ok, I'll try to explain. I don't mean to sound nasty, but I will probably come accross that way, but know it's not my intention. If you reply, reply with something that is relevant to the topic. What you just did was hijacking a topic, you actually posted with something that is unrelated to the topic. When replying only quote the necesary bits, thus don't quote a long post and then reply with one line. That will give you a warning and credit reduction. While we know not everyone here is native English, try to use English. Posts in other languages are deleted, no matter what the content is, since English is the language set for these boards (and it is noted in the rules of the board) Don't post "ok" "lol" etc, that's considered spam. While it's not always possible to post a longer one, try to not have short posts too often. With a short post we are talking about something like this : No foul language is allowed, nor is links to adult sites. These boards have to be suitable for 9yr olds even, since we already have some younger members. No copying from other sites, if you must quote something, use quotes and provide the link to the article or source. No talking about illegal activities such as pormoting warez, how to "crack" a program etc. That's not allowed and will lead to a warning, if it is done again, a ban. I think that's about it, if I missed anything...
  9. Well to answer your question...Starter package "costs" 10 credits, while the Standard Package (the one with 150MB space) "costs" 30 credits. Now, when you apply for hosting, and you get approved, you will be sent a link to your email, along with instructions. You will then go to the Creation Page, where you enter the name etc of your site, you hit "create" there and then your credits will drop to 2 or 3 credits. Even if you have 40 credits and you only apply for the package of 10 credits. I myself had 92 credits when I applied for the standard package (Which back then cost 50 credits) and I saw my credits drop to 2.43. So after your hosting account is made, you'll have to post still We recommend to keep your credits at at least 7. I say 10 that's safest, in case you get sick and can't be on the computer. You will also lose one credit per day btw.I hope this answered your question.
  10. Hi Nakul,First of my comments will be more directed to code and all that, then I'll comment on the content :DI see you used Frontpage, also a template that comes with Frontpage. I really recommend changing that, it's a template that has been used so often, and because of that, there's little professionalism radiating from it. You could try to use images or a template you download some place Or just give it a try and make your own :DNow the first page we hit, the home/introduction page, this is one of the most important pages of a site, since on this page visitors decide whether or not they will read more or visit again. I suggest to use an indent on your page if you keep the current template. So that your text is on the white part only, not on the blue.Actually when going over all the code, if you want to learn HTML, I suggest using 1rst Page 2000, HTML Kit, Notepad even Frontpage teaches or allows you very little about web design. Also use a style sheet, because you use the same piece of code in front of EVERY line of text. So a style sheet would work much faster and easier. Ok, your content needs some work, but so does my site, so I am not going to really slap you for it (LOL I am joking here btw)... But you're getting there, slowly but surely. Just back away from FrontPage, because Frontpage inserts hideous code into your site.
  11. I voted for BlueFish, it's my first love on Linux LOL. BUT (yes, I always have a but in posts like this)I usually use Gedit and even more often VI, why is VI not in the list actually LOL... It's the best out there I used bluefish when I first started Linux, I've tried Screem, which is nice but I prefered Bluefish. Quanta is good too, but I prefer to use that one for other coding then HTML. Also VI is lighter than quanta for pure code writing I tend to stick with the text editors though. NVU is one I've tried and hated from the first minute it opened, I don't know why, it made me think of NetScape Composer and I uninstalled it swiftly. How about Glimmer? Or Kate even...
  12. Well, I tend to stick to Notepad ++, even though I do have Dreamweaver. I found I have too little patience to actually wait for DW to load up. I too am trying to get started on XML, and downloaded Oxygen XML and Stylus Studio Home edition. Haven't installed Oxygen, just Styles Studio, which I adore. (Mind you, I am using trial versions) If I find XML is working for me, I will probably stick to DW or just Notepad But I found it more of an issue to PARSE XML. I mean, Styles comes with some code examples... From what I understand IE should parse XML, sadly I don't even get a layout, just the code... Or is that what it's supposed to do, if so, then why do we need XLST LOL...
  13. Personally, I prefer WordPress, it's nice, easy and highly configurable. (in an easy way)..I am the type of gal that loves to configure theings, I love tweaking things LOL. I suppose it all dependson your wishes for the blog. ALthough I've seen some really nice things in Nucleus, I stick with WordPress. My suggestion, test them. Usually their sites have a preview going WordPress can look as personal as you want, but it can also be more professionally tainted *just saw Foamy, so I am not in my normal doings here LOL*
  14. You will have to maintain your hosting credits, in the positive (recommended is above 7). How you do that, is you choice.. But it means until you have a nice amount of credits, you will be posting regularly (at least). You lose a credit per day you're hosted. That should answer the question.
  15. Please check the Free Software forum here... this question has been asked about 6 times now So just do a search. Closing topic Notice from vizskywalker: Good call moonwitch. People, please do a search before posting a question, thank you
  16. Well, I suppose it depends on your personal flavour I personally do it this way.. current directory is public_html./images/ <all the graphics of pages in the root folder>style.cssindex.phpabout.phplinks.phpblah.phpLet's say blah is a page which also offers subsections. then my public_html will look like/images <all graphics of root folder pages>style.cssindex.phpabout.phplinks.php/blah /images <all images of blah.php and it's subsections> blah.php (I use the ../style.css) blah2.phpI hope this makes sense LOL.. But that's how I do it It depends on how you feel comfortable. I find this the easiest for myself to have a structure in my mind When I am really into a site, then I even dream in html LOL (NO JOKE!! ok? I am THAT crazy)
  17. When looking at your site I could only see your graphic, when trying to "drag" it I got the graphic only (where you have it hosted, the photobucket site)... (site background is black and so is your font) When highlighting the page, I saw different frames, one of which is obviously the menu, but instead of seeing the menu, I basically only have the text of the URL of the menu script (http://simplythebest.net/scripts/DHTML_scripts/dhtml_script_100.html) .... So my guess is your code is totally messed up... how did you make your pages, what program? (if you want you can send me the code in an email at moonwitch[at]skynet[dot]be) ok? I'll try to look at your code from in FF per frame. CSS, is not too hard. It's your friend really. eg. /*CSS Style Doc*/body {background-color : black;}p {color : white;} (I am not sure about p color LOL, but this *should* get your bg black and font white) EDIT!! I looked at header.html which is part of a frameset already. <html><head> <title>~*~Wykked Dreamz~*~</title> <frameset rows="100,*" border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0> <frame src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; name="title" scrolling=no> <frame src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; name="newsflash" scrolling=no> </frameset> </head> <body> </body> </html> OK You've made a frameset within a frame and all that. Don't do that, it messes up more than you can fix... Believe me, plus it increases the change that your site will be looking odd in other resolutions. There's no need to have a frameset in a frame Just try this (also in your original code of title.html you had 2 <body> tags.. I also highly recommend to not use the marquee, it's hard on the eyes. So try this as header.html frame (you can also upload this graphic to your Xisto account <html><head><title>~*~Wykked Dreamz~*~</title></head> <body bgcolor="black"> <center> <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/wykked_dreamz/January/WebPageHeader.gif"><br> <font color="maroon"> <marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" scrollamount="4">Welcome to the guild! The website is now open and I hope that it meets your expectations. Be sure to check out everything, we've worked hard to make this website what it is.</marquee> </center> </body> </html> Next part http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is your code <html> <head> <title>~*~Wykked Dreamz~*~</title> </head> <body> <body bgcolor="black"> <b>http://simplythebest.net/scripts/DHTML_scripts/dhtml_script_100.html</b> </body> </html> What you did, was simple making simply.script appear on your page as TEXT. So you don't have a menu. You need to follow directions on the page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I am not a fan of this method since it actually just slows down your page. But let's not overcomplicate this. Next Act : main.html <html><head> <title>~*~Wykked Dreamz~*~</title> </head> <body> <body bgcolor="black"> <b>Welcome</b> </body> </html> Again you have <body> in there twice. Your font is also black, thus making it invisible. The correct syntax of the page you want is <html><head><title> Wykked Dreamz</title></head> <body bgcolor="black"> <font color="maroon"><b>welcome</b></font> </body> </html> Now of course this is making it hard on yourself. Here's where CSS would greatly help you. Just read up on this one http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/stylesheets/
  18. I used HTML Kit in the past, I found it to be just as handy as DW, yes, HTML Kit misses some DW things, but for a free program it is extremely good. It's on my "need to download it when I got Windows back* list. ALways will be I too recommend this program.
  19. LOL good one there OneStep I read a long article about this, the author had tested Win 64 bit. Most of the trivial programs (even some windows native programs) refused to work. Some installed ok but then didn't work etc. I think I'll wait for a few yrs (judging on M$'s speed of developing STABLE environments) before I dive into a 64 bit version of windows. However I do have a 64 bit Ubuntu and FC3 lying here I also so little visual difference in the screen shots. So I don't think it's that awesome.
  20. We shall await you I hope it all went well in College for you, ya worked pretty hard.
  21. Using ttf fonts in Linux While working in Linux and wanting to work with the GIMP, I mainly lacked my fonts, the ones I had in Windows, so needless to say I had to fix this. So here is how I do it First you will have to make a folder to store your ttf fonts in, normally I use /usr/share/fonts/ttf/ as folder. You will have to do this as root, so CONSOLE su -(password) mkdir /usr/share/fonts/ttf/ chmod 755 /usr/share/fonts/tff What we did here, was with "su -" change the user to root, the "-" just gives you the path of your root account (I prefer it that way). You will then have to enter the root password. "mkdir" makes you a nice directory, you don't have to choose /usr/share/fonts/ttf, so in case you've used a different directory, you will have to change the directory path to the one you chose. "chmod 755" changes the permissions on that folder, 755 gives root all access, the first 5 is for users and the second 5 is for the public. 5 gives read and execute access, there's no need to allow the other users or public to write to the folder. Now I assume you have your fonts downloaded already, if not these are a few good sources. http://www.wantedfonts.com/ http://www.dafont.com/de/ http://www.highfonts.com/ If your newly downloaded fonts are compressed still, then we have to decompress. But to make it easier later on we'll first move the files to the right place. You downloaded them, and they are probably on your Desktop or in your home directory, I'll type it in for both cases. CONSOLE cd Desktop (if you downloaded them in your home dir you don't need to change dir)mv *.zip /usr/share/fonts/ttf/ What you did was move all files (the * wildcard) with the extension zip to our ttf folder, if your files have other extensions you can do it the same way. Now go to your ttf folder CONSOLE cd /usr/share/fonts/ttf Most fonts come in zip format, just stick to command line and do .. if it's a tarball (.tar.gz , .tgz) , bzip2 (.bz2) follow along. CONSOLE unzip file_that_is_zipped.ziptar -xvzf file.tar.gz tar -xvzf file.tgz bunzip2 file.bz2 It's simple isn't it? The options with the untarring, "xvzf" are also simple. x stands for eXtract, v for Verbose (outputs the actions and can be left out though I prefer to see it), z for the unzipping (if there's no gz in the extension leave out the z or you'll get an error) and f for file (I think LOL I always add this, don't know why though) Now you should have or lil folders with your fonts in there, or your fonts unzipped. In case you have the little folders, you'll need to move your files out of those folders. CONSOLE cd lil_foldermv font.ttf .. cd .. rmdir lil_folder The ".." moves the font to one folder up (in our case to the ttf folder) Now that your fonts are in the correc folder, we can actually work it This is what you do next.. please in this order!! CONSOLE cd /usr/local/fonts/ttfttmkfdir > fonts.scale mkfontdir Now you should see a file there called fonts.scale. But we're still not done. We still have to tell Xwindows were are fonts are. Here's where the distro's will differ. If you have chkfontpath (you can easily check this by trying the command - Red Hat and Fedora have these, that I did test) CONSOLE chkfontpath -a /usr/share/fonts/ttf If you don't have chkfontpath, you will have to edit a file in /etc/X11/xfs/config (or /etc/X11/fs/config). You need root access still for this one. I will use vi in the example, because that's what I find easiest, but you can use gedit (just enter gedit instead of vi in the console) CONSOLE vi /etc/X11/fs/config Find the line which starts with "catalog=", and add your directory at the end of the list, separated by a comma. This is my config file (note the last line on the catalog= ) ## Default font server configuration file for Red Hat Linux## allow a max of 10 clients to connect to this font serverclient-limit = 10# when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new oneclone-self = on# alternate font servers for clients to use#alternate-servers = foo:7101,bar:7102# where to look for fonts#catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo, /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1, /usr/share/fonts/ttf, # in 12 points, decipointsdefault-point-size = 120# 100 x 100 and 75 x 75default-resolutions = 75,75,100,100# use lazy loading on 16 bit (usually Asian) fontsdeferglyphs = 16# how to log errorsuse-syslog = on# don't listen to TCP ports by default for security reasonsno-listen = tcpYou're done You can test it, by running CONSOLE xfontsel it should display your ttf fonts (or just go to Prefs -> Fonts ) In older versions of XWindows you may need to restart the font server for it to register the new fonts. The easiest way to do this is to reboot. Adding more fonts. If you want to add more fonts (don't we all love fonts LOL), then just rerun this after you've put the UNZIPPED TTF's in /etc/share/fonts/ttf CONSOLE ttmkfdir > fonts.scalemkfontdir
  22. I don't need a SNES emulator, because I still have a working one I sadly did lose my old Sega Master System (the first one AND the second one) which I dearly loved..*cheers for Alex Kidd In Miracle World*Personally I prefer old Dos games But I am on Linux and I don't know if I can play Dos games with a emu?
  23. I'll reply to this first Let's look at this from the inside. (Try to follow my mind here people LOL) I do hear voices, and as far as I can tell, they are self aware, mainly because at times I "overhear" them having conversations with each other and talking about me as if I was a by stander. But that aside, some with MPD/DID (Multiple personalities) they actually have an inside world, a friend of mine even had maps drawn from her"village", where these alters lived, how the communicated. Doesn't that sound like self aware? Like a world inside a human being? Our minds are only limited by ourselves. If we dream, dream that we can fly and that we're soaring over mountains. Then we can see these things, are those less real? Because to US in that very moment it IS real. We are limited in ourselves only because of what WE believe or choose to believe. Everything is an illusion, because how can we be sure that what we see, hear, eat, feel, smell is there. (I know I am sounding like the Matrix) Our biggest limitation is language. I may see apple blue sea green, and you see grass green... while looking at the same object, someone else may see another shade of green, yet there are not words enough to desribe (successfully describe) each nuance of color, scent, sentiment etc. So is what I see reality? Or is your perception reality? And there it is... perception... it all boils down to perception. Another thing, previous experience may cloud our interpretations and perceptions... Some think of good things when hearing the word "father" while others will think of pain.
  24. Hey Solanky,I really like your idea there It's nice to see Also the design is simple, which is good. Most designers/newbies go wrong in that aspect, they shoot a site full of graphics and flashy bits. I hate that LOL.I do agree with Jet on the colours. Even though the greenish is nice, don't get me wrong, I feel there is not enough unity in the colourscheme you've used. For example, I would completely drop the pink link colour, it hurts.I may not always have good suggestions, so I am warning you ahead of time :DI say "go for a greenish colourscheme" I am serious, most companies use blue as main colours, be different go for soft greens But kudos to you, for undertaking a webdirectory (don't ask me what kudos means, but most of my friends use it as a pat on the back to say wow well done and good luck like)
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