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Everything posted by moonwitch1405241479

  1. Well, I don't know about you qwiji, but GAIM, Kopete, aMSN, none of em will sign on on MSN, I constantly get the same error (wrong password) even though Nils could sign on with my login and password. So it must be something Linux-y. I honestly am starting to hate M$. (I am really trying my utmost best to not start tossing around insults) It's just so infuriating!!! And those patents you listed. THey even contradict each other. If you take the ICQ/AOL one as main one, then the second and third one are basically infringements as well. Take note of the BOLD section in the first quote! Then clearly ALL other messengers should be " punished" /sued as well. Because in MSN, Yahoo and all the others, you can see others present and communicate with them... If they intent to pursue this, and thereby shutting down all other messengers (Open Source) - then clearly I feel those patent holders should be forced to produce Linux equivalents as well. (isn't IRC the oldest form of chatting? And can you sign onto IRC with Kopete?)
  2. When you sign up for hosting and activate the account, your credits go down to 3 or 4. (I myself went from over 90 to 3, so don't feel bad LOL). As far as going on a holiday etc goes, to avoid suspended accounts, you would have to build up enough credits to be able to not post for some time (eg. I will be going away for a week, thus I have to make sure I have at least 7 credits or more). There is no way to freeze your credits, as this would definately get abused by people (saying they are going on a vacation for 3 months etc - believe me it does happen). Your credits shrink a little bit per hour, if you look at it day per day, then yes, you lose one credits per day. This is even mentioned on the index page, where you can read the amount of credits you have left. Mine reads: I can't say whether or not credits shrank when I wasn't hosted, but I think they do (since I am also a moderator on Xisto - sister site with the same system - where my credits do drop and I am not hosted there) I do believe all of this is explained in the TOS or rules (can't remember which one of the two, perhaps even both) It is also explained in a post in the announcements section
  3. I totally agree with you It's like a quest. Now I am working on a new issue, msn. Kopete, GAIM will not sign onto MSN (I get a wrong password error - yet Nils managed to use the same data and sign on with it ). And the printer indeed the printer. One of the things on my to do list as well I have a LexMark Z34 (some cheap middle thing) it prints ok in Windows, but there's no mention for it for drivers in Linux. So it's a search n find thing. Last time I got it, after 3 days searching. But yes, it is fun. And you definately feel like you've conquered a part of the world when you fix an issue that you've had for a while in Linux. What I love about Linux is the freedom. In windows you're bound by so many protocols, laws, paid software etc. You usually don't get much options. But look at Linux, I got like 7 MediaPlayers installed, several Browsers and they all work fine. Even together LOL... We are getting quite poetic here in this thread. Perhaps we should move it to a Poetry section LOL. Or remembrance Life is good, Life is Linux
  4. I solved it, strangely The issue is so simple that it's funny. See, I am on an IBM Thinkpad 390E. So FINALLY! I got the thought to actually google for this and specify the driver used. And BINGO! There it was, the solution. It seems that IBM sets the BIOS of their laptops to PCI Power Management, and my sound card/device happens to be PCI Thus, I disabled the Power Save Feature and rebooted. When K Display Manager kicked in, I heard the wondrous sounds of KDE starting. I tried carefully to play some ogg files And I heard the sweet tones of My Immortal by Evanescence (don't worry I do have the album here, but playing from an audio disc makes my cd rom become VERY hot - thus I rip the songs and then play from HD). Next, I installed the mp3 libs and much to my surprise EVERY music player on my machine works Though I found XMMS plays best, mainly because it's less resource hogging (Kaffeine, Juk and amaroK are staticy because my comp is too slow) But Kay is happy and in Linux, safe from all the dangers in the WWW (so I am esctatic about having sound in Linux - I have that right LOL - this is the second time in ALL my linux time I got perfectly working sound )Next issue up for solving for me ... updating FireFox (it's 1.0.2 and the newest is 1.0.4 - I can't install extensions - thus am in Mozilla)
  5. CONSOLE lspci -v 00:00:07.0 Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive (rev 02) Subsystem: ESS Technology: Unknown device 8898 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 5 I/O ports at fcc0 I/O ports at fc60 I/O ports at fc70 I/O ports at fc58 I/O ports at fc5c Capabilities: [c0] Power Management version 1 CONSOLE lsmod snd_pcm_oss -> 47652 1 snd_mixer_oss -> 16768 2 snd_pcm_oss snd_pcm -> 84872 2 snd_es1938,snd_pcm_oss snd_page_alloc -> 9604 1 snd_pcm snd_opl3_lib -> 10112 1 snd_es1938 snd_timer -> 23300 2 snd_pcm,snd_opl3_lib snd_hwdep -> 9220 1 snd_opl3_lib gameport -> 4608 1 snd_es1938 snd_mpu401_uart -> 7168 1 snd_es1938 snd_rawmidi -> 22944 1 snd_mpu401_uart snd_seq_device -> 8332 2 snd_opl3_lib,snd_rawmidi snd -> 50276 12 snd_es1938,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_opl3_lib, snd_timer,snd_hwdep,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device soundcore -> 9824 3 snd I lowered setting in ALSA, to no avail, I tried everything you suggested and still nothing I don't know anymore.... sigh
  6. thank you, I'll post here as soon as I rebooted into Ubuntu. My sound is embedded in this laptops mainboard. The driver is snd-es1969 from Alsa. I would switch to Fedora (due to it's similarity to Red Hat Personal, which I am fairly accustomed to after using it for about 3 yrs) but I need to download it and burn it onto a disc, and this laptop doesn't have a cd-burner, and for what it is hardware wise, it's not worth the money (also I am buying a new desktop soon). I have considered Gentoo as well (and will try it LOL)As far as Ubuntu, it took me ages to figure out that Ubuntu LOCKS the root account, so if you do something as root, you need to use terminal and do this CONSOLE sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hdax /mnt/driveI feel that is completely stupid, the reason for having a root account and regular user is to secure the system... sudo can be done from a regular users account (I disabled this feature btw)Anyhow, when I switch to Linux, later on I'll post this here. I now have to go, we're going out for dinner.
  7. What I find most confusing is the lack of organisation. The reason elements were aligned in groups was by type. This new lay out would make it harder to grasp the types, or to remember it. I think LOL. It's nice looking and I am sure the guy who made this spent a great deal of time on it, but I can't say I like it much. If you lose the "straightness" and organised things in chemistry, you get hopelessly lost Mendeljev had his reasons for making the table the way it is, to find data in an easy and fast way. I believe that the "new" PSE will make it more difficult. You would need several other pages with tables to find the atomic mass, electron configuration etc. (for me it doesn't matter much, I use a booklet with all those tables in it )
  8. I had ordered Ubuntu on disc from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, so needless to say, I could hardly wait to reinstall Linux. After some odd time working on repartitioning a 12GB HD (yes you read that correct), I started my install. Ubuntu is ok (not that great - sorry for those who like it), but the sound will NOT work. I read through their entire support forum, wiki page etc. It seems not working sound is a common issue with Hoary. I've tried updating my sound drivers, updating ALSA, changing settings etc. The only thing I get is noise... I have to say, the noise has the beat of the music etc, it's the music I try to play (only cd's or ogg format, mp3 will not work, not even after installing a whole bunch of extra) but then heavily distorted with noise. I've worked on the sound for over 10 hrs now, to no avail. I even tried going to Red Hat 8.0. There the sound worked to some extent, I could play cd's. Nothing else. But Red Hat 8 is no longer well supported and I'd have to recompile the kernel, download, update etc all packages (basically manually convert it to FC3) so I went back to Ubuntu.... No sound.. I honestly don't know what to do anymore.
  9. At the moment, jip, I can't really say much more. We only touched this topic briefly and are just getting started on there It's just discussion about where we're gonna take it. You could join up and make some good suggestion (I'll pass these on to Nils) Be good, Kay
  10. Nils gave me the green light on introducing you to the new site of the Xisto group (of which Xisto, Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting are part).... This will host the well known Army System, which was actively played on astahosts sister site, Xisto, as well as arcade games in the future. We are currently still in development phase, there's no skin made yet, not much posts, not that much too see, but it's an extension of our vibrant community here We are of course eagerly awaiting you, and your suggestions will be welcomed with open arms as well The sky is the limit people Future plans include Shoutbox Different skins selectable by the member long list of arcade games depending on the venture's success game hosting ... The old Xisto rule applies there, which means that you receive gold and soldiers per post you make. Other then that foul language, spamming etc is treated the same as it is here of course
  11. Well, soleimanian, I don't think OpaQue will grant even more bandwidth, if you put up Google Adsense or something like ads, you should be able to actually make some money and switch to paid hosting, which is my recommendation with your level of visitors I did look at your site, but I can't recall if you have ads or not (sorry). And I can't read it My best guess is that your site is in Arabic? Anyhow, I think it would be best if you switch to paid hosting with a plan that has more bandwidth.
  12. I've always had cheap CRT monitors, now that in itself is not a big deal, but my issue was that they'd give me headaches. And I do mean headaches to the point where everyone has to leave the house, I can not even tolerate people talking in the room on the oposite side of the house. (actually its a migraine LOL)Now, since I got this old laptop, it's got an TFT screen (of course). I haven't had this headache thing anymore. Which is why I want to stick with LCD/TFT etc. The major downfall for me is their price and the fact that aparently there is discoloration. Which needless to say is not the handiest thing if you're trying to get more serious about graphic design :(So a good friend of mine, who's a pro graphic designer, told me I should stick with CRT (The discolouration doesn't occur there) but need to make sure the refresh rate is over 90Hz. Any input on this? If price is an issue, I would stick with CRT. But I've been looking around and decent CRT monitors 19" cost as much as LCD ones of 19" here So that does have me puzzled (I am talking about 500 to 600 EURO!!!)
  13. Well I assume that would be easy If I am not mistaken it's just ... <iframe> contents </iframe> of course you can edit the style of the iframe with css
  14. Well, I am running Win 2k Pro, on a PII 333MHz, server software is Apache2 running on port 5000. Php is PHP 5 and MySQL is a clean/fresh install of MySQL 4.1. I unzipped IPB, followed the instructions that came with it, when I get to the point where I have to enter the data to connect to the DB (DB is made with user and all that - thank you m^3) this is the error I get Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Lost connection to MySQL server during query in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\forum\ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php on line 120 Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\forum\ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php on line 117 Any ideas?? EDIT -> found solution Ok so this was the original code in class_db_mysql.php   if ($this->obj['persistant'])   {     $this->connection_id = mysql_pconnect( $this->obj['sql_host'] ,        $this->obj['sql_user'] ,        $this->obj['sql_pass']       );     }     else     {  $this->connection_id = mysql_connect( $this->obj['sql_host'] ,        $this->obj['sql_user'] ,        $this->obj['sql_pass']       );  }   if ( ! $this->connection_id )  {  $this->fatal_error();  return FALSE;  }      if ( ! mysql_select_db($this->obj['sql_database'], $this->connection_id) )     {     $this->fatal_error();     return FALSE;     }         return TRUE;   } The piece that gave me the error was if ($this->obj['persistant']) I solved it by changing the 'persistant' to 'default'!! And it works
  15. Yup But that's more or less my goal. That way there has to be an ad that actually "speaks" to my visitors (or so I hope LOL)And uhm, putting it in an inc file and then including it through php worked like a charm. However copying it into each page not only created clutter code (yes, I am a girl and hate cluttered code) but didn't make the ads show So I switched to php (thank you OpaQue for pushing me in the right direction when I was considering this step)
  16. Ah ha! Well, it's not just in Holland that they're doing that crap. Belgium too. They (government) passed a law which puts extra taxes on computers, because of the piracy. So firstly, Belgium has taxes in 2 rates (for the non business people).. Luxeous thing - 21% and a non luxerious thing 6% (most stuff is 21%)...Now on puters and electronica they first passed a law for recycling extra's. So there's a list which says how much the recycling costs for the certain item and that's getting charged to the buyers (on top of the 21% taxes). And for computers, there's an extra 14% taxes to cover costs of fighting piracy!!!!)That makes 35% taxes on computers!!!!!!! And people wonder WHY Belgians are now getting their pc's in Holland or Germany (Germany is best)??? I HATE MY GOVERNMENT! And yes, this is a rant LOL.It's just, yes piracy happens. But is it fair to punish everyone?? And it's not just this. The Belgian government sent out a note to all Belgians, announcing that they've been working on deals with M$ and Adobe for special software to have ALL official contact (letters from the government, tax reports etc) go through the net ONLY!!! Thus, they first up the taxes on computers to 35%, then are going to force us all to buy a computer and have internet... Don't I have a nice government NOT!
  17. I have downloaded the spoiler, but in all honesty I have NO idea what I am looking for. This really is like the very first time in coming accross encryption. Thus I have no idea what to do or how to do it.. Sorry. Maybe I am too dumb
  18. When I was in school, which seems like ages ago LOL... Well, I used to study compy sciences, we usually used linux. While the other kids at school used Linux. As comp Sciencers we had more access rights on the servers etc. One day, after we had some lessons on system security etc, our teacher made a challenge, we were allowed to attempt to hack the school server. The one succeeding first, would get 10 extra credits points So we (the class group) felt we should work together and figure out how to do it together and do the hack together. Which we did. Each one of us got 10 extra :DNow, here's the thing about schools. I can understand you getting upset/angry about the situation with the system admin. But keep your cool, it will be far better for you in the end. Always remember a teacher, sys admin in school etc, is HIGHER on ranking (qua position in the school) than you are. It doesn't matter you know more or not. Play dumb, let that admin think he's smarter. Play his game and let him think he wins. Because in the end, HE has more power than you are. HE can be the reason you pass or don't pass. Remember that. After your grades are on paper and in your hand, sure do as you please, but while still there, he will be your superior. Let him have that.The day I got my report card, I went to EVERY teach that ticked me off, and gave them hell. They couldn't do anything, because I had what I came for
  19. pfft, m^e. You got me baffled. I had the same issue LOL I took the code off again though. Am going to try and put it back in. Perhaps it's because it's php (the board). Maybe you need to put it in a seperate file and then use include That's what I am going to do
  20. Firstly, I do not use FrontPage, I just installed it to take the screenshots and then make this tutorial on request Ok, so you use Frontpage to create a site, well, that's your choice, but I want to warn you as well. While FrontPage may seem nice, it creates horrible code, sluggish pages and well, it's M$ LOL. For full control without having to know all the code, you can try NVU, 1st Page 2000 or google for HTML Editors. Fire up FrontPage (I can NOT believe I am typing this).. Anyhow, if you use proxy servers to connect to the net you'll need to complete this step first Go to Tools -> Options On the General Tab, click on Proxy settings, and set it up, you should know how to do this, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this huh? So I am going to assume you've created your page already, if not, now is THE time to do it LOL... Anyways, here's what we start off with. Now you will want to publish it, aye? Well, if you at any point uninstalled your Frontpage extensions, then it will NOT work. So if you left those alone in cPanel, go ahead and go to File -> Publish Web Enter your domain name, but do not include http://. I don't know why, but then it will not work, you'll get an error. (Well it did on my end, but then again I hate Frontpage). Of course you click on ok Then you will get a wee screen asking for your username and password, this is your cPanel username and password. That *should* work ok, and you'll get the FTp screen built in in FrontPage. On that screen you click on Show All >> so that you can browse to the correct folder of your hosting account here. Of course, you'll need to go to public_html and make sure the files you want to upload are checked. Like this: Well when that's set, you click Publish and should get this: Now you should have your site up I know I am over explaining this one, but I just wanna cover ALL bases.
  21. Deviant youth, try the links Nils posted, if those don't work get back to us, then he'll need to change your password.However, I would be most surprised if it doesn't work, since I myself had never used cPanel before and haven't had the slightest issue.
  22. Well I have cable, which at the current moment is the fastest connection possible in Belgium. I don't pay that much, but yep, it's more than ADSL. In all honesty, I'd pay more for more speed if I could get it LOL. Well, not to $100 bucks a month, even though right now I pay almost $50 a month. Which is ok for me LOL.I am the type of person who likes it faster better and uhm yeah. The sad thing is, that Belgian providers limit the upload speed (I currently pay for an upgrade, standard it's 128 kbps and I have 196kbps) and the amount you can upload and download a month, which is purely a rip off. You have to pay for a little bit of extra speed, that little bit extra volume a month. See standard I have 10GB traffic a month (of which only 15% is for upload, thus go over 1.5 GB upload and they kick you on smallband) so I pay more for 18GB per month, I don't even use half of my download volume, but it's the upload that kills me. Like I said, all this to get more money...
  23. I've used StarOffice as well, but prefer OpenOffice (I prefer their logo and of course price ) I am currently running the beta 2, which for me works like a charm, but I also have issues with Draw and at times Impress crashes when I am using templates. I am quite sure it's because I am running a beta version I adore the Base component Yep, I am one happy camper about OpenOffice
  24. Well, I used the extension on FF. That's ONE.BUT you need something from somewhere that you can get easiest using telnet
  25. pffttt that was easy LOL....WAY easy!!! qwiji you're looking WAY too far LOLYou don't need firefox to do it, FF just makes it slightly easier. But FF alone won't solve the issue though.
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