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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. not as old as my Acer 5810TG - HD 4330 with a sh!tty Core Solo 1.4GHz and 4GB DDR3 RAM... CPU is a real bottle neck... although i don't really play games, it runs the old Warcraft III Frozen Throne on medium to low settings lol... and lags big time when i run it with more than 6 or so opponents
  2. its also just a great Distro... so many other Distributions are based on Ubuntu (Mint, ElementaryOS, SimplyMEPIS etc) so this means Ubuntu users together with Ubuntu based Distribution users makes up quite a number...
  3. are you referring to Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8) or Pakistan Standard Time Zone (GMT +5)? i'm on NZST GMT +12 so i'm way a head of you mate lol
  4. i'll try turning turbo off - it's on auto so it kicks in every now and then when it thinks the Network is slow... this is on Windows XP, i have updated the flash player so it could be just Opera being a b!%*h lol...
  5. I'm currently using the latest version of Opera 11 on my Windows XP system and i realise that playing flash videos on the browser tends to lag quite often...i reside to Chrome browser when-ever i want to properly view sites like Youtube...does anyone else experience this?Chrome seems to play flash files quite perfectly well...
  6. about 16 or so hours ago (3am this Morning NZ time) i tried to access the forum and got directed to the Apache default page
  7. i'm just curious if anyone can tell me if there is a direct link from the Forum to the Credit Page which use to be on one of the options on the right side of the forum before the upgrade?cheers
  8. i remember back when i use to have a machine that runs an AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Thoroughbred ... it was clocked at 1.8GHz but capable of keeping up with higher clocked P4 at 2GHz... the only problem i came across was when i try to swap heatsinks/fans... because the die didn't have extra covering like pentium4s
  9. unless you're CPU thermostat is not functioning properly and reporting inaccurate readings... but a good vacuuming would definitely help
  10. i find the mht format quite good for saving pages for later viewing (off-line) or to be stored on USB for later use... it saves to just one file instead of the normal html saving format where it creates extra folders for images and other media
  11. yea at that time Broadband was the thing of Business and Offices only, now it's a norm for home users to have broadband connections (ofcourse depending on which country and region you're situated)... most developed countries do have broadband as a normal Internet facility...
  12. ok ended up jail-breaking the device now it's used as a semi-portable hard-drive
  13. manuleka


    you seem to have or acquire quite a lot of portable applications yordan, quite handy having them available on the go and also less complications with the core System
  14. Avast definitely should have been on the voting options as well... I've been using Avast Free Edition for more than 5 years now and had no problem with it, only need to re-register every year... prior to that i used AVG Free Home Edition which is another great tool
  15. i'm just curious to know if anyone here uses an iPhone 4? or specifically uses a Jailbroken iPhone 4? I've been looking for a Media Player App that would be able to play compatible media file regardless of where they are in the Phone?I've turned my iPhone 4 into a semi-portable hard-drive, so i'm wanting to create my own folders to store Videos and Music and just play them when i fireup my Media Player?I use to previously own a Blackberry Curve and no matter where i put files on my SD card even outside the Blackberry folder the media player scans the device and adds every file to it's playing Libraryany such Apps available on iOS5.0.1 for iPhone 4?
  16. LOL or maybe just more Users which means more abusers and exploiters of the platform
  17. update: chucked ElementaryOS Jupiter os USB... layout is quite similar to Xubuntu with bottom bar holding App icon shortcuts... but it's really NEAT... first experience on live USB seems very slick and responsive... but i don't know if i'll choose it instead of Xubuntu...
  18. i remember having to run few games back in the days in DOS... including one of my old favorites - Doom
  19. trying it out now, from their site it looks like a very neat layout OS... i always find Linux to be a bit short in lay-out and theme elegance compared to Windows and Mac...Examples:Blank between window borders and window contents, I use Gimp and when i try and save my work there's always a big blank space on the menu of selecting file type and even other menu option selections on pop-up boxes...hopefully ElementaryOS will be the perfectly layout Linux OS
  20. Ubuntu tend to have a more prompt responses through their online Community Forum than most other Linux Desktop Distro forums...
  21. Mint is awesome... i highly recommend it too for new Linux converts or try-outs comes with all necessary codecs included... so out of the box you will be able to play most audio/video file formats if you're after speed try the xfce version, but gnome seems to run fine on my limited resource netbook 1.6Ghz, 1G RAM 120GHD
  22. It was Mac's default Internet Browser until Apple decided to make their own - Safari
  23. i guess it's also important to note that even with a simple site, if it's likely to grow or have a future of growth than wordpress or other popular CMS tools can save a lot of work in the future... even with a small website, unless it's you're own personal website which very much likely only yourself will maintain it for its' existence than creating you're own CMS would be fine... as for speed, i don't really think there's a much of a difference in speed using Wordpress for a simple website or using you're own home made CMS... i still think static pages (without database is the quickest to load) for a simple single page website...
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