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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. all is needed is for you to keep up with you're posting counts... (excluding spams)... if you're after a hosting service, you're very likely to spend time online so it only takes about 10 to 20 minutes to have a read through posts and make some responses or even post issues for the other friendly forum subscribers to respond to.... and also the myCents system is not limited to just keeping you're account active, you can also purchase extra products/services with it... for example - a domain name, or other hosting packages... Xisto (and Xisto - Web Hosting) have an awesome service... best there is in my experience...
  2. lol pretty funky... i did saw a google page the other day with some animated puppets or something, and with a mouse over they get struck (whacked) by the cursor lol... can't remember how long ago was this but it was quite amusing for a few seconds
  3. two possible cause of problem -1. Hardware issue - There could be a fault somewhere else in your laptop (knowing that you're hard-drive might be working fine) 2. Driver issue - Installation Media may not be compatible with you're laptop (as mentioned above by yordan) 1. Hardware issue - download another OS media (i recommend Ubuntu or any of its folks) and install it to see if problem persists. If so than it's a fault within you're system hardware2. Driver issue - download drivers from manufacturer's website and create a slipstreamed Installation Media (there's quite a lot of tools available but i recommend nLite... try googling on slipstream how-tos - it's quite easy)
  4. did similar setup a-while back... with a LinuxMint running a Windows XP on Virtualbox with WAMPServer on... all i needed was to setup WIndows XP to connect to the Router/Modem... so just entered it's IP on browser and loads up the WAMPServer index/default pageI did run Wordpress on the Guest and had same problem with stylesheet not working, at first i thought it was a VBox Host/Guest issue so i decided to run wordpress on local LinuxMint Server and visit the site locally from another machine on the network but the problem persists... i tried researching for a possible solution but didn't reach one...I hope you will get this issue resolved as i am quite interested
  5. did similar setup a-while back... with a LinuxMint running a Windows XP on Virtualbox with WAMPServer on... all i needed was to setup WIndows XP to connect to the Router/Modem... so just entered it's IP on browser and loads up the WAMPServer index/default page
  6. firefox portable... what do you use portable firefox on? and why? i'm just curious...
  7. i have tried a .co.cc domain before and i had some problems with it being down quite a few times... it was one of those free ones on it's early days... i'm sure they are more reliable now but they are exploited by spammers
  8. dual-booting would be another option, but just make sure you do some backing-ups first
  9. what do you mean the item was gubbed? when does this Authentication warning appear? immediately after post?
  10. just note that Google de-indexed .co.cc too many spammies
  11. go to the shop and if they try and be smart and all, just tell them exactly what you're after and how you're very particular due to bluetooth compatibilities
  12. if i were you i'd try opening it up and giving it a good vacuuming and dusting... another factor would be where you usually use you're laptop on, do you use you're lap alot? ensuring you use you're laptop on a clean surface most if not all of the time reduces dust inflow in to the laptop coolings
  13. theoretically it should manage to run multiple instances of you're applications.... judging from the spec of you're hardware it should be able to handle it fine, if it's just surfing and text editoring and other simple tasks... the question would be if the OS will handle these instances and operations smoothly
  14. thanks... yes i manage to install VLC Media Player... works fine, still problematic with HD Videos... SD Videos play fine.. hopefully the fix will be available soon, will look into GoodPlayer soon...
  15. i remember when i tried installing Ubuntu for netbook (where i first saw their implementation of the Ubuntu One like layout)... it took me only a few minutes after playing around with the GUI to remove Ubuntu hehe... i've Never used ubuntu since then, only tried out later versions on VBox for testing purposes...
  16. i'm in search of a FREE VLC alternative media player for iOS5 for my iPhone 4... i'm tired of having to convert files to mp4any recommendations?
  17. seems like a not so cool implementation but there's a future for smart TV... it's interesting to note that Ubuntu has interests in not just computer technology but others... i wonder if they have plans for the mobile market, ubuntu mobile?
  18. Does anyone know of a fighting game that allows two iPhones (or iPods) playing against each other? I've played Racing games with an iPod 4 and iPhone 4 paired through bluetooth... for instance would Street Fighter 4: Volt, would this support such setup for two players?
  19. aah sounds like a fun challenge to tackle... i'm interested in the outcome of you're approach, let us know
  20. i ended up using this tool:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ renamer
  21. lol @ yordan ... welcome Robin... add me to that list of Handsome-liciousness lol
  22. Welcome Enid... hope you enjoy you're stay
  23. this is bull.... hehe... thanks for wasting a minute of my time reading this rubbish
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