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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well if it helps I went to the SIIA website and looked through the companies that have joined this list and it would seem Microsoft is not part of this group, and one would think that Microsoft has their own anti-piracy division just because of how widespread they are. As for acrobat, I believe that is the program that is used to make PDF files and not the reader itself. Since making PDF's is a proficient way to make online reports instead of spending hours creating a website for it and stuff. As for the companies that actively participate in the the Anti-Piracy program I think the 10 top lists would make more sense: As for game makers I say that is a tough call because of the fact that most of them don't use the CD Key format such as BIOWARE does with Neverwinter Nights.
  2. This information is based on the Software & Information Industry Association Report for 2007 and not overall statistics. 2007 Software Titles Most Frequently Pirated By Companies 2007 Software Titles Most Frequently Pirated on the Internet I will say this though at the Corporate Level that I am a bit disappointed that the Adobe products are not top 3, and the same at the Internet Level as well. Of course I am really surprised at the fact that Symantec is covering most of the top 10 in both lists, but of course what is really shocking that their is not one Microsoft product even though Microsoft products are the most pirated software across the world. Last month they netted $900 million dollars worth of pirated software across the world and so I think their report is lacking even though these are members of the SIIA and not overall.
  3. I start with the nav menu first: -Put the render behind the text -lower the opacity to the CD4 layer -Shrink your nav layers a little bit because the menu is to big in my opinion. Banner: -Get another C4D render as this this one doesn't work since you have you chop parts of it off and fit it within the banner itself -That blur effect isn't necessary or rather it's more distracting since it look low in quality Footer: -Reduce the size of the footer because your wasting valuable space by making it that big Overall: -Need to work with coloring -Need's separation between content, header, footer, and nav I recommend going to pixel2life.com and check out their tutorials for graphic web layouts, and the only tutorial gimp has for web layouts is here. So you can use that to get some idea's especially the text reflection as well. Your off to a good start but I suggest finding gimp tutorials that deal with web layouts, and I would check out the photoshop web layouts at pixel2life to get some idea's as well.
  4. Well first what kind of forum are you running? Since there are several popular forum software that have download scripts in them, and so let us know which forum your running before we continue.
  5. Although I don't have a Xisto - Web Hosting account the open_basedir still a little confusing even after reading the FAQ, and so I try to break it down this way base on the info from the FAQ. Say if your using several scripts say like a counter, download script, and a gallery, I would have to put everything under one folder in order for everything to work instead of separate files?The next part that confuses me is the user folder and so I try to break it down this way. So basically if your doing mini hosting under your account the admin is literally locked out of those folders then? Or are the people outside the cpanel admin unable to log in and unable to get into the account without the password?
  6. Well to bring out the amber I would say get contact's that make them even darker or brighter, but in your case you would want to make them complete amber since the outside of your eyes are not complete amber. As for the make up method no idea but you could check out those make up counter places.
  7. As for the laptop it is top notch since the 8000 series Graphics cards from Nvidia are some of the best including the 9000 series. As for your question no it's not replaceable in the sense that you can't remove the graphics card, but you would have to send it to the company and they replace everything. There are some laptop graphics cards that are interchangeable but since laptop graphic cards are integrated its a matter of replacing everything connected to it. As for RAM and the hard drive you can almost double in size depending on whats available for your laptop, best example would be my laptop I have the option of putting a 200GB hard drive or 320GB hard drive and I am running a 60GB hard drive right now. Of course going to to the laptop's website usually they don't display that info and so you have to call tech support on the phone to find out.I save that overall the specs are good, not big on Acer computer's though but they are reliable from what I heard. So if this computer is the one you want best thing to do is contact them to send you more information.
  8. I use the interactual player since it actually maximizes the screen usage and doesn't force you to watch at a fixed screen sized. OF course when I watching stuff from other sources I usually use WMP or DIVX plaer which are loaded in codec's and stuff that way I can read the subtitles and stuff.
  9. For the person who use the trap feedbacker I would say do a system restore to a point after you made those changes, and if that doesn't work you might have to uninstall Kaspersky 8 and then reinstall it again. OF course I would also suggest contacting Kaspersky support and see if they can tell you what the steps to reverse the process.
  10. Yesterday was the biggest milestone in Firefox history they just hit 500 Million downloads of their most famous software the Firefox web browser. All I have is WOW! and such a short time to of course when you create a program that is more advance, more secured, and just plain out more better then everyone else's, that number isn't that surprising because of the popularity it has receive in under 4 years of being out there. Of course with Firefox 3 on it's way out I would be surprised if it hits 1 billion in less the time though. SOURCE
  11. Well it seems this is the first major problem for Vista SP 1 in the sense for those who have the following Secuirty Suites installed on your ocmputer that is running Vista. They block the following programs; Zone Alarm Security Suite 7.1, Trend Micro Internet Security 2008, BitDefender 10, and the 2008 version of the Jiangmin antivirus. As for the reason why these programs don't work, Microsoft says "they are incompatible and so they must be block". Well not exactly like that but you get the point they also mention that other small programs might now work either but didn't give much detail on those, but of course their is more to SP1's rocky start. Earlier Microsoft had to pull a prerequisite for installing the service pack or they might have some problems, however, the problem with that file is that it constantly rebooted systems, and soexpect more delays and stuff like that to mid-March. However, the problems continue with SP 1 is that if your have problematic drivers then SP 1 won't install at all if your drivers are incompatible. There is some good news out of all of this SP 1 will contain over 300 hotfixes which include some interesting ones such as "a fix for a problem in which optical disks turn blank after being formatted with Vista's Live File System." Another good point would be that Norton and McAfee are not affected or we have even more problems, but it makes me wonder though which drivers have those problems though so I can, but it should be a interesting experience though to see what fun stuff they did to Vista though. SOURCE
  12. Then after going through the read me check out the forums to see what you might be interested in posting in, and make sure you don't lock yourself into just one forum in posting or you will have a difficult time maintaining hosting credits once you are hosted. So spread yourself out to as many forums and topics as you can and then start posting good posts and you shall have a good time here.
  13. Yep I saw it as well including saturn, I wish I a telescope to see it though because it would have been awesome to see. I saw a dull red on the east coast and not a complete red though, but still waiting for that blue moon though . Now we get to wait a whoel two years for next one so it should be interesting what cosmic events happen till then.
  14. ***waits for everyone to recover from the shock** I have to say that is pretty big news and I smell some big stock jumping in the tech industry on that. We all remember that last year Microsoft was ready to go to war by suing anyone associated with Linux, and of course their war with the EU on the use of open source software. So what are their plans well first they are going to provide over 30,000 files related to their software, or more specifically Windows client and server to the MSDN group, and they will no longer try to sue the open source community. They will also publish many documents for it's API's in the following software: Windows Vista (including the .NET Framework), Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, Office 2007, Exchange Server 2007 and Office SharePoint Server 2007. On top of that they will not require anyone to pay royalties on this info either which is even better for those who want to develop on the windows platform and such. Microsoft also plans to develop API's for it's Office suites as well, and not to break to far off topic I am glad I got office 2007, yeah the interface takes time to get use to and setting it up properly but it's worth it though. As the added features make up for that ugly interface, but anyways I am still recovering from the shock that Microsoft did this and wonders how many new programs will becoming out this year based on windows and open source technologies. SOURCE
  15. AHahahaha well first off the very first email you got was already spam before it even started, because which profile did they find you on and how would they know your email address as well? Also another tip is the first name Goodness is a very uncommon name to have especially since the last name is of African/Middle eastern descent as well. Also that second reply s"he" sent you already tells you it is a scam because really who would be on a computer in a refugee camp that would only provide the basics as well? Of course the real big tip off is the phone number, on top of that fact she wants you to move $7.5 Million dollars, which begs the question why would a complete stranger ask you to move that much money? Simply enough they want your account information so they can steal your money and that answers your question of what would they do to your account. Of course really why would someone in Africa have money in Europe besides dictors and those kind of people? No one, and on top of that if she has all this money why is she in a refugee camp? I won't even go through the bad english either because it is there, and like everyone has mention it is a SCAM and SCAM need to be placed in SPAM!! These Nigerian scams have been going on for at least 10 years now, and knowing how yahoo profiling system works they wouldn't be able to get your email anyways. So do what is suggest and tell s"he" to find another sucker to steal money from. As mentioned in a previous post some people are duped in given these strangers their person info and junk, and so listen to us SHE IS FAKE!
  16. Well that is the question, and several sites are comfirming that story last week as the last of the major distributors of High Def decided to drop the HD DVD format. With that single event happening it would seem that Blu-Ray has won the war, and that being said, how will the prices fair on that little event? Since that was the major problem problem in this war is that those dvd players where very expensive, and I still believe that the big name players are about $200 a pop, and the movies themselvs were about $30 a shot. Since I started with the DVD format back in 2002 I have collected my fair share of movies, tv series and all that stuff, I don't feel like replacing them, which of course I won't, but the question that comes to mind how long before the low def dvds are discontinued and all that good stuff? Of course one website just bunked my price range of these players: So that just answered my question that the low def dvds will be here for quite a long time till these HD players are like less then $200, but of course getting these movies won't matter much since I don't have a HDTV and that answers that little problem for awhile.
  17. Yeah I am in total agreement with that although Ford is old as dirt he still has it, and I could only imagine what he had to do to get back in shape just to play Jones again. Since its been almost 20 years since the last movie came out the stunts he did in the past movies and from the trailer looks like he's doing some good stuff, but I wouldn't doubt they CGI him in a few scenes. Although, we won't find out till the movie comes out. I would have to disagree though on Shia being a bad actor, lohan is a very bad actor, and although I saw him just in Transformers I think he did a good job. In closing I have to say thank god it's not about Nazi's this time, since Jones is going against the Russians this time.
  18. OH NO!!! (sarcasm there) Although kind of out of date in the sense with firefox since everyone should have upgrade to 2.0.12 by now, but of course I am surprise people would still be working in bitmap files after all this time though; I guess they are still used to this day still. Although stealing information and baiting people with images is a pretty old technique in the computer underground, and so I wouldn't be surprise if people still fell for this one. Since it is rarely used these days. SOURCE
  19. AHA!!! that is the second person that can confirm that google applications have some serious memory issues, me being the first. The last time I had a BSOD I had installed that google pack and my laptop kept on BSODing on me so I had to uninstall it. Well shadow is to something without getting to specific so I help fill in the gaps there, the first thing you want to do is defrag, and clean out your computer of programs and files you no longer use. The next thing I would do is reboot the computer go into the boot menu and select the diagnostic program and do a full run making note of any errors you might have and search for them later. This takes up to an hour to run but well worth it to see what you might have to do and stuff.Next it would be a good time to get a registry cleaner and clean that out as sometimes a clog registry can lead into problems, as for a good software I would go with Glary Utilities as it has some good modules to help clean up your computer.Sometimes a simple system restore will clear that BSOD, and usually you want to go a couple of weeks back before the BSOD start to happen.Also it would be wise to go into safe mode and then when your security suite to see if it picks up anything, and same with spyware and all that good stuff. When you go into safe mode your computer is literally cut off from the internet so you will be able to find something a lot better.Also depending on the type of user you are from simple user who checks email and thats it. to a user who beats the crap out of their computer with hardcore use. You might look into replacing parts and in this case its usually the Hard drive and the RAM that you would replace.Of course worse case scenario and sometimes it is recommending after 1-2 years of years of use and that is to completely re-install the operating system to really clean up the errors and erasing all that good stuff you accumulated over time.
  20. No that would be ridiculous because your not earning anything unless you have adsense, and in tht case it would be very illegal to force its member to give xisto cash like that. However, I add a small note to this and say don't make it a habit because not everything belongs on trap and on your site, like a blog for instance because I doubt people would be interested in hearing that you bought a new pair of red shoes or something like that.
  21. Well the outage xisto had everything would be down, and as for your problem it oculd be some after effects of this outage since it happen a day and a half ago. Like I mention in the other topic I would say be prepared for this just in case it happens again.
  22. Another reminder I like to toss in to the hosted members if you log into your cpanel you can check the server status of your website at the bottom of the left menu. Also like shadow mention this could be some after affects of the outage xisto site had on sat/sun as well so prepare for that as well.
  23. I would say so, although, I would think you could post almost anywhere in the forum about youtube, especially if the website forums.
  24. Well thats the thing if you have them on your website first then you have to quote them here thus negating the credits you would receive. However, there is a loop hole to that rule, yes a loop hole, and I have done it many times before and that is if you plan to have something here on trap and on your website, post it on trap first and then post it on your site. Time stamp is the key word through this loophole, since it would be a few minutes after you post on trap before posting it on your website that will get you both the credits and of course getting your material on your site.Like I said earlier if it is on your website first then you will have to quote it because regardless if you claim it is yours the mods are not going to believe you unless you did that post first and then put it on your website.To sum up post your material on trap first and then on your website.
  25. Well the issue back then if I remember correctly is that the ad's were plastered every few posts in the topic. Now the problem is that is more or less two things 1st more bw would be used up by these extra posts, and 2 people would have to do extra scrolling just to read everything as well. Like bk I do click the ads from time to time I think I generated about $2.00 for xisto on all my clicks , but the issue would be ad placement though and I will tell you why. The ad's would have to be place in post format and then like ever 5-10 posts you will see a generated ad thats the major issue right there. As for other places I would say and ad next to the imagefilez upload would be a fine place, just because the ads would be small enough to fit there and or add a few more pixels in space. Thats it though because you want to make most of your money off the posts, but if you go to Lofi version of the forums you see ad's all over the place. So the question is not why should we bring them back but where should htey be place without ruining the flow of members posting?
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