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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well I beg to differ on the problems you have with firefox 3:-With the address bar it works with the bookmark system and using keywords from your book marks you will no longer have to open your bookmark folder and then click on a website. All you have to od is type in some keywords and your website will show up just like that, and thus the reason why it seems bulky like that since it is using keywords from the title and whatever else info is on there. Of course if you don't want to see your history all you have to do is clear the cookies, history when you close out, and that solvs your problem right there.-I will agree that making the add-on's work the moment you install them they work right away, and the download window is bad as well. As for the interface you need to keep it as simple as possible so people who download the software don't have to spend much figuring out where everything is. However, if you want to design your own theme there are several websites out there that teach you how design one.As for sucking I highly doubt it FF3b3 is the most complete version of the browser, since the web standards are near perfect, it uses less memory, and it even gives your more info about the websites that you visit when you click on the favicon.
  2. No the cpanel is updated just not the skin because of how expensive they are and the last time the cpanel was giving a new skin people where having account problems. Last I know the current version of Cpanel is version 11 and so cpanel is updated just not the skin; which I don't think is really important when trying to set up your website.
  3. I know that if you make a illegal Myspace account aka making a celebrity myspace then it will get deleted, but when creating your own stuff there are no rules against it. Of course anyone claiming that they are from myspace saying that they informed your hosting about illegal content those are lies as well since everything on the internet has creative common license for most stuff. So unless your friend has proof of this then the rumor does not exist so you should be fine.
  4. Well to put it bluntly the playstation 3 pretty much revolutionizes what the PS2 couldn't do effectively. The use of a hard drive although started on the PS2 was very expensive and kind of pointless since Final Fantasy XI used it effectively, and lets not forget you can install an operating system through the playstation, and the hard drives are interchangeable and so like a computer you can make it bigger. Also connection only is more effecient since now you can drop a WIFI router in your house next to your computer, and then be somewhere else playing games online. Although backwards compatibility is spread to the playstation, most games cannot handle the PS 3 and so they don't work as good as they should on the PS2 or the playstation. However, to effectively use the Playstation 3 you need an HDTV otherwise your playing a playstation 2, even though you can clearly see the difference on a regular TV though.As for NFSPS I would say it is a lot better for the online mode then the PS2 but other then that no real difference, although I haven't bought a PS2 game in a long time even though I got my PS3 when it came out. of course I have slowed down on my gaming needs since I am a bit older and not like those kids who think playing video games is a career, except for those who test games out as a career .
  5. Interesting idea OpaQue maybe it will give a fresh perspective on potential problem, and give new members an idea what to expect if they do have problems in th future and what not. Should be interesting how the non hosted members will do in the hosted forum, but I would assume this is on a trial basis just to see what happens.
  6. and that is victory for Saint Michael at 4-1 and thank you to the people who participated in voting.
  7. I assume everyone has seen the Matrix and the Terminator movies and so I put it like this regardless if they have emotions or what not it is all about the AI. If they can do and think for themselves without our interfering with their lives. Of course the question is how far will humans push to make robotic life be like that? Although we are at the point that some computer AI can think for themselves I don't think humans will allow sophisticated AI to have control of stuff such as nukes. Due to the fact that computer technology is hackable and so anyone with the right skills can change the AI's line of thinking and then program them to think EVIL like, but still we are years from pulling off the AI that the Matrix and Terminator movies are at.So even if we got to a level like that, I would think giving robots some rights to start off with will keep them from going Borg on us.
  8. MY MY MY I wonder what that teacher was thinking about when she was asking this kid those questions .
  9. Well although that data is 2 years old and especially since 2005-06 were the rough years of trap I would say it was impressive, of course I uploaded that script and tested it out on my account and the lowest score I got was 42 for the benchmark with a spike of 127ms, but since I don't have accounts for those other hosts I don't know if it is bad or good thing. However, compared to the data of 2 years ago trap has slowed down a little bit, regardless though Xisto is still number one.
  10. Well I think the termination script has always been buggy as I have seen a few people over -40+ credits still active. OF course a small reminder, might have missed this in reading the posts, but if your in the negative the credit rate changes and so you earn more credits to help you get out of the negative quicker.
  11. When you log into the Cpanel the menu on the left side tells you all your stats: MySQL Disk usage is what you would look at to find out how much of your hosting account you have used MySQL wise, but like haslip says it would take a very large forum to start affecting your account. I would say depending what kind of activity your website has that you could have at least 100,000 posts, depending on content, before it would be time to move on to paid hosting. Of course it could be less depending if you put a lot of forum mods or something or if you building a website you could get at least 1000 web pages on your site if your website code is clean and other stuff.
  12. Saint Michael FraKture Best of 7, and give a reason for your vote.
  13. WOW!! I think the guys of cutenews need to update and design a new version of cutenews, but I am surprise that it took this long to find something wrong with cutee news, especially something as major as that.
  14. I feel spunky especially after designing this sig. whoever accepts this challenge design what you want and it is a best of 7
  15. Well since the big internet crash of 2000-2001, companies are only looking for experience and experience only on top of that a college degree. Of course during the internet boom almost every who knew how to run a computer was hired and then train to develop websites and what not since the internet was just breaking ground and stuff. So not only do you need real world experience, you have to have some sort of degree to even get into a interview these days, because companies don't have the time to train people and trust beginners with millions of dollars and what not. Nonetheless, if you plan to get into the computer field spread yourself out, because you can't rely on getting a web design gig without knowing everything on designing websites, applications, databases, security, and a few sever side languages.
  16. Well wit hthat particular pop it's not so much of the ad/spy/malware being installed on your computer, it is rather websites you visit that particular pop up shows up. You will see that pop up in torrent sites, porn sites, and any other "immoral" website you can think of, however, since that is were you most likely picked up that spyware as quoted by this website, removing it shouldn't be hard by following the instructions for removing it. Although that is the long and tedious way like buff mention update and run spybot both in normal and safe mode and see if spybot picks it up or not, and if not then the long and tedious way it is.
  17. Well on top of the gaming and software issue, Mac computers were always bulky in size and of course that stupid "pwong" sound when the OS had an error and you had to reboot the system every 5 minutes and stuff. OF course I was never fond of the Mac OS GUI, and it was also it was limited in itself. Of course there are other things that haven't been mention that someone can think of as to why Mac's are horrible computer's to have.
  18. Well sadly this computer is being given away for free, however, I would replace the keyboard with an Optimus LED keyboard instead and thus pushing it to about $33,000 dollars. Since that keyboard has a $1500 price tag to it
  19. Keyboard & Mouse Kensington 64365 Black USB Wired Slim Keyboard w/ Kensington Orbit Optical Trackball 64327 2-Tone 2 Buttons USB + PS/2 Wired TrackBall Orbit Optical Trackball Although I wouldn't mind getting that sweet LED keyboard the $1500 price tag is a bit to much, although I don't even know what the hell I was thinking when I order that mouse EEEW, I be replacing that with my USB wireless mouse, but I guess I can give it a trial run but the mouse was ugly back then and still is ugly right now. Tower COOLER MASTER Centurion 5 CAC-T05-WW Black/Silver Aluminum Bezel, SECC Chassis ATX Mid Tower Computer Case Floppy Drive Diablotek 1.44MB External USB Floppy Drive Hard Drive Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 (Perpendicular Recording) ST3250620AS 250GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive Processor & Motherboard Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 Allendale 2.0GHz LGA 775 Processor Model BX80557E4400 BIOSTAR G965 Micro 775(Vista) Micro ATX Intel Motherboard DVD/CD-ROM Drive LITE-ON Black IDE DVD-ROM Drive Model LH-16D1P-185 RAM A-DATA 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model ADQVE1A16K Monitor HannsĀ·G JW-199DPB Black 19" 5ms DVI Widescreen LCD Monitor Power Supply APEVIA ATX-CW500WP4 ATX 500W Power Supply So that is my build and I will post pics of it when it is complete for you all to drool over
  20. I saw this white paper and I thought I bring down some interesting information that has come from 2007 and leading into 2008. I have to say though that the information on this white paper is pretty darn mind blowing as I bounce some facts to everyone. Of course since I been getting into this since last year it is not all that surprising since I posted many topics about it as well. -Sophos currently sees 6,000 new infected webpages each day -One infected page every 14 seconds -Only about 1 in 5 of these sites is a hacker site -83 percent are hacked sites, or legitimate websites that have been compromised by an unauthorized third party. -Biggest form of Malware is Mal/Iframe --Has hit over 10,000 legitimate websites from Italy alone -Hosting of Malware comes From China (51.4%), USA (23.4%), and Russia (9.6%) -Servers that have been affected the most --Apache at 48.7% --IIS 6 40.6% --nginx 3.4% --GFE 3.9% --Other 3.4% Of course, not surprising enough most of the malware written has come from China but interestingly enough it would seem Brazil is a big Malware writing country as well. Even though a few articles are saying Russia are the King of Malware producers. EMAIL THREATS -2005 1 in 44 -2006 1 in 337 -2007 1 in 909 As you will notice with that number, you actually see a decline in threats via email in the last 3 years, and yet billions of emails are being sent out daily though, but people are becoming more aware of the threats that come from these unknown emails. Although, the attachments are declining the links to bad websites are on the rise though, and that is where people are becoming victims because they would trust the website, but in fact they are booby traps. Of course their was an article out saying that malware designers have been google bombing last few months trying to spike the rankings to infected website as well when people search on google. Worm of 2007 If some of your remember my topics on the Storm work way, way back it would seem that the Storm Worm has been the most destructive worm of that year. TIME LINE Of the Storm Worm The main goal of the creators of the storm worm was to use topical news stories, electronic greeting cards, videos and fear tactics so gt people to infect their computers with this worm, and if I remember my numbers correctly it was well over 20,000 computers that got infected with this worm. Sadly though I don't they found a way to break this worm yet and officially defend against since the Storm Worm keeps on changing as the months go by. Root kits have made a big come back as well last year, but of course always the big one is detection evasion in which designers code their stuff to hide their presence from Security suites. However as it comes with producing the stuff finding malware, spyware, viruses have made huge improvements as well; the following list shows the successful rate of detection by security companies: So as you can tell the big names able to dectect more as their software has improved over the years. Spam Facts -95% of email is spam - Top 12 producers of spam are: -Since 2005 US, South Korea, and China have been the top spam producers in the world, and that has not change statistically either. Of course now articles are coming asking for design who know several languages to help virus and malware writers to design website in specific languages besides English. - Pump-and-dump spam is the biggest type of spam sending, you usually this in when you get stock tip emails or the Viagra emails as well. I thought I end on that note, and attached here is the full report on security stuff that has gone on since 2007 and what is expected in 2008. So check out the document and see what the computer underground has been doing since last year as the report talks about Apple, Mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices, Social networking (ID Theft), Securing the business network, State-sponsored cybercrime, and of course big time arrests of big timer spammers and malware designers. sophos_security_report_08.pdf
  21. Ok a friend of mind who will remain nameless believes she is a horrible singer, but if fact she is good but needs a lot of practice to hone her voice and she will be better then ever. Of course she doesn't believe so she ask me to ask a few people what they think about her voice. Now this isn't American Idol so I don't want stupid remarks saying she is bad because that would be insulting me and my friends, and I don't like it when my friends or I get insult. So keep your Simon Cowell comments to yourself, and be helpful by saying how she can improve and all that stuff. She has a good voice but with the right practe and maybe singing the right songs that could help match her voice might be useful as well. She is doing a brief part in Piano Man: so here is the original just to get an idea how it sounds. Here is her singing
  22. I would assume that you park or added on a domain if so then halsip is correct and that you contact support. Since there seems to be a problem with WHM registering proper migration, and so you have to have the admin change the numbers around for it to work correctly. Use this as a reference to your problem.
  23. Heck why don't I buy everyone one instead, all I need is every to donate money to cover the $124,777,968.50 tab , and yeah if I had this I wouldn't even connect it to the internet I leave it as is I only watch movies and maybe do some designing on it .
  24. There is a contest right now for this computer, and I have to say that this beats the $20,000+ Mac Pro computer by a whole lot in terms of hardware, software, and other stuff Also I providing links to all the stuff just in case someone wants to buy the parts seperately and junk TOTAL ESTIMATED RETAIL VALUE: $30,904.76 For the most part I drop the games since I don't play PC games, and I would unplugged 2 of the hard drives since 600GB is a lot to fill up even though you have Vista Ultimate and Adobe Master Collection taking up a HUGE!! portion of that first hard drive though. Either way I don't think I would even set this computer up and just keep it in the box just because of the hardware that is involved and the fact that it is a tri-monitor set up as well. So I will break this down as best as I can based on my knowledge of computer hardware and junk. Case Built in Water cooling system, oh my god, that would save people the headaches of trying to patch one together. If you look at the picture I would say this is like the ultimate computer case and not caring that its plain white either. Power Supply I think they ment 1000W power supply because a 100 power supply would just blow up to all that hardware power right now, but of course even I think 1000w isn't even enough for what they are offering, I wonder if you can set up a dual power supply in someway. Processor, Motherboard, RAM Ok first why bother dropping two dual cores when you could drop a quad core or the fabled 8-core processor into this, but thats after seeing the specs for this brand new processor, and I say FREAKN SWEET! Of course you need to have a matching motherboard to go with it, and it also supports this dual CPU set up as well which is interesting in itself. Of course when your dropping 8 gigs of real specific RAM into this computer I would say that this would rival computers that monitor satellite systems and junk. Of course the motherboard can support up to 8 cores which means that you would get a very ultra fast system without any lag whatsoever, because of the fact this motherboard is server base meaning that you oculd run a large scale computer server on this thing with no problems of lag. Graphics Card I will say this though I am somewhat disappointed that they didn't drop any 9000 series graphics cards, but of course 8800 series is still top of the line, especially since the motherboard can support SLI because of the Nvidia support as well. SSD With what I know about solid state disks, a person wouldn't have ot wait for a mear 2 seconds for this computer to boot up, and since SSD is still relatively new. In which I am referring to the fact it would cost about $15 a gb to own one of these and right now the biggest SSD is 1.6TB, and so that SSD if I got this right a cool $240,000 to have. However, I say 5-10 years expect that price to drop as the computer industry starts converting to this technology. RAID As I mentioned earlier I would drop bigger hard drives in because with RAID support in this computer, I could spread out the computer's resources more, and maybe help reduce the lag Vista is known for. Especially since they are using Vista Ultimate here the SXS will be needing a lot of room to work with in order to get a smooth running of vista. Hard Drive Ok now I retract everything I said about replacing the hard drives with something bigger after looking at what these hard drives are packing. Still though I would rather pack in a bit more into the hard drive besides speed, but I guess I would have to see the system in action in order to get a better opinion about it. OF course a thought occured to me on the way home and that even at 10,000 RPM's I highly doubt you would see any difference, but I would think you would see a slight difference with a hard drive at 7200 RPM's though. DVD/CD Floppy Drives Well first off now that Blu-Ray has won the war these drives would be very important to have in storing, movies, videos and other multimedia stuff, and interestingly enough it has HD DVD support as well so it's the best of both worlds in DVD formatting. As for the floppy drive I don't really see the need for one although this floppy drive comes with several technologies (SmartMedia, MultiMedia Cards, MicroDrive, CompactFlash, MemoryStick, SecureDigital Cards and floppy diskettes). Now to figure how to use all that stuff now. Mother Board Protection Interesting idea to cover up what isn't used with the motherboard with it's own dust protectors, but I would think the heat that get's generated by this computer would melt them on to the motherboard itself though. Tuner Card Well with a Tri-Monitor system I can watch TV on one monitor and use the others for computer related things. Either way I think that piece would go to waste as I wouldn't want my system to be connected to the TV cable for some reason. Sound System Who want to buy my DVD player, thats how bad this sound system looks right now. Monitors Remember that ultimate computer furniture topic I made last week? Well you will need that to work this system properly although I think you would have to make some customizations in order to fit these behemoth's together properly. External Hardware Well I start with the EHD, and I have to say is that desk of yours has to be huge or rather the area around your desk because you will need it on top with the baack up power supply. Which I think is a bit excessive especially since the back up power supply is huge in itself. As for the keyboard I rather have the all LED keyboard for $1500 just to make it more high tech. As for the mouse it looks nice but really though why spend $150 for a mouse? As for the rest of the external hardware I don't see to many problems with it, I wish I could get my Star Wars Tie Fighter Game to work and I be happy. Software Like I mentioned before I don't want the games just because I never got into PC games that much, most likely I sell those off along with hte controllers and stuff. As for everything else I got my drool bucker ready if I do win this computer (ahahahaha). Labor I do question the labor though just because it would seem that it would take at least 20 hours to get the hardware installed, and at least 10 hours to get the OS's installed to dual boot, and about 5 hours to get everything else installed. Of course since most of this hardware is brand spanking new, as in just coming out new, I would add maybe 5 more hours to setting that happen. So yeah I would think it would take less then that, but of course I am not complaining since this is going to be built already for me to go nuts over. Overall I would say there are some things I could change out or not have at all, but since it's a free computer (I think), WHO CARES!
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