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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. i think firfox sucks i tried it out but after 4 DAYS it frozed up on me and then it would not even start up go figure on that and i have a cable modem i will stick with IE because its more reliable yeah it may have its proble due to the fact its been out longer and so many ways to hack in it but reguardless IE ALL THE WAY
  2. yeah i would have to agree graphics look kick @ZZ for lego style i would recommend it 2 a ten year old but i wouldn't buy it rent maybe
  3. should i spell it our or not you tell me
  4. well you could doing in several ways some websites have cgi scripts that you could use to set up a poll http://hosted-scripts.com/ http://www.bravenet.com/ thier are some javascripts or you can go full metal jacket and go php i would recommend the cgi or php but its up to thats my recommendation
  5. even though i have never read the books I knew that the series was one of the best in world and when it came out on movies i was hooked yet i still havn't read them i know they should be interesting to read
  6. well for me just maybe their is something out there but do to fact we are a dangerous species we might consider them hostile terrorists and start killing them for kicks.but who knows maybe just maybe
  7. im a big fan of tetris but i have to say that the very first one for the arcades is better why because its the original and you can't beat that all no matter how many times you change it
  8. yeah same yeah i like strategy games but the problem is for one they are too easy to figure out most of the games have the same concept and is just boring right thier plus it takes forever just to finish even if you do it in a matter of minutes it just takes to long. thats why i prefer fighting games where you go head on against couple hundred bad guys .
  9. head phones are head phones their is so many different head phones out there that do different thing yet when it comes to putting them on they hurt your ears after wearing them for awhile.
  10. really how could a hoster support that much for an email account really is it that necessary to have that memory for email yeah it would could for email music but you shouldn't be doing cuz da man might finnd you and through you in jail.
  11. Well i have to say those are some of best graphics i seen for zelda since the first one to bad its the cube i only can imagine what the sound will be like but i may never know well yeah i actually i could but don't want to
  12. from my understanding of how the <div> tag works its always a good idea to use tables to get an idea where you want to you text to be position at. Also it is possibl to use negetive numbers to help position your table but that is use most of the time with the ABSOLUTE POSITION -div style=left, right, center: basically this tells you where you info will be positioned on your website -width: this tells how wide you can make your table so to speak where text wrapping begins -height: this tells you how long the vertical postion will be and how far down you can go on your website with infomation -absolute: top, bottom, : this tells you where you would like to position your area of infomation on your website it is <div style="left: 0px; width: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; height: 0px"><div style="right: 0px; width: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; height: 0px"><div style="center: 0px; width: 0 px; position: absolute; top: 0 px; height: 0px"> when using mutiple div tags you want to close it each time EXAMPLE: <div style="left: 0px; width: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; height: 0px"></div><div style="right: 0px; width: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; height: 0px"></div><div style="center: 0px; width: 0 px; position: absolute; top: 0 px; height: 0px"></div> and then when you want to completly close it just put a </div> at the end of the document like this </div></body</html> if i missed anything left me know
  13. clean coding you mean by less errors will show and that it will actually display the info correctly? and i have a good idea what programs you mean (php, mysql, running an online store etc etc.)well i guess i have to look at websites that have xhtml any recommandations on websites that actually use it if not that ok but the thing i don't get xml is when i look at coding it comes up looking like your look at the code.so is xml more data base like php and mysql cuz from what i see about xml in order to use it you have to create a database then implment the coding. and the tutorials that i seen some use javascript so is it also possible to use it as php and mysql?
  14. DAMN i can tell you i got list so here it istrigunblack jackpatlaborlodass warbig ogundam seriesvampire hunter dand so many more if i were to list them all i bet set for life in credits on Xisto lol
  15. tell you the truth i just prefer what i get install yeah its stupid but why pay more money for somehting that will eventually get hacked into really?
  16. whats the question your asking about everquest who has it i don't
  17. i don;t don't know how the coding might go but why dont you use the <div> tags to seperate everything and then create navagation menu from thier that would make sense.
  18. yeah i was about say wasn't this done on a poll or something 1 gig on yaoo damn that should be interesting.
  19. I would have to say living life to the fullest and party like its 1999 .
  20. yeah i have to say the original nes will always be number one so many game to play from and most have hours of replay i still play them on my computer and still have the skills to beat the games but who in this forum knows that about 800+ original nes have been made thats alot fo freakn games to play but hey i still play them reguadless super nintendo i had a brief stint with the system games were ok didn't like the controller n64 graphics and thats about it everything else blows chunky cheese thank you.
  21. all i have to say about johnny p II is that no one can top him unless they bust out mircles left and right and claim them to be the second comming of christ, but what strikes me is that the vatican is trying to prevent a young guy to become pope and having a nice long rule of thumb for the catholics. and with the list i saw of the pope canidates i have an idea who it will be but i won't say anything about that because i could be wrong. but i found out something interesting he was the last one in his family to carry the name go figure on that one due to RULES the pope can't get a his freak on but they don't tell you that HAHA out of 265 popes that this world has had who actually got their freak hmmm the world may never know.But in all seriousness he was the best and in the words of a great guy i met one day next to store on the south side of east street 5 blocks from 34th and main "Best of the Best">
  22. i finish the game a few weeks ago i thought good only thing wrong with it was the customizing the characters thought that was a little tacky especially all the work i did in the first game and the battle was goog but what they sacrfice was the all the monsters you could fight they limited that greatly. story went a little deeper and some need chacters and giving my depth to each character as well.sound and grapics well top notch but to much story and not enought fighting took me about 35 to finish hte game minus the extra levels that come with but want to know what you gamers thought about who actually played and beaten the game
  23. i have to disagree with you worst 50 bucks i spent actually gameplay got boring after hour and the story was not all well thought out ooooh the apoclypse storyline yawn.
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