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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. hey muchie next time quote your topics since its a new resource and not your own
  2. the shoutbox is used as a quicker way for people to solve quick problems and talk about stuff their is no posting of links, files, mp3, porn and all that good stuff thats what the forums are used for also the dorum is used to get credits for you to get your website hosted the shoutbox does not do thatyour welcome
  3. well how would you score it anyways number of moves or how long it took well lucky for me i can do it in 4 moves HAHAHA
  4. haha now thats funny with the dictionary but yeah i would get some of her *cough*
  5. trap17 is better well due to the fact i been here since sept of last year even though they are hosted by hte same people it don't really make since to post on both sites even though you can get like 300mb of web space thats like a few thousands worth of webpages with nothing much on them
  6. i will put it like this the myst series including the new one coming out is so difficult you would need a strategy guide just to play the game thats how hard the puzzles are
  7. to coin a tern money talks bull**** walks if i where creating a new operating system and it made microsoft look like an apple II computer i would try to bankrupt them in order to to use my operatin system plus 75-90% royalties for each time its being installed purchased and what not and about that haccck shouldn't it be quaccccck
  8. to bad thats all they have gamefaqs.com is the best source for all games
  9. its conflicting with one of your scripts from it looks like on your website i suggest make a copy of you site then put your advertising script in then one at a time put all your scripts back inthat should help
  10. post the script then it will be more helpful to help you
  11. funny thought when i did the xhtrml 1.1 validation it did not accept flash for some reason, still have to look at getting my website xhtml validated
  12. well since my series is becoming such a big hit im going to go into dhtml and lets start of with some beginner stuff so to speak. all scripts are coming from dynamic drive Ok menu and navagation is a big part of your website now for those who have lots of info the requires the user to scroll down this menu will help out when you scroll the menu goes down with it so heres the script. The next menu/navagation is good for those who have small sites. this one uses a drop down menu but also gives a brief description on what the link contains so here we go also this comes into 2 parts so read the directions carefully. ok next we are going to into scrollers or marquee news for the website, lettings people know any updates to the website in cool fashion so lets check this one out this next script is for form this script let user know what fields are important to fill out yeah their are scripts mostly php that make fill out the info before click or your brought back but what they its scriptig at its best. also this is a two step process so read carefully the nex part is simple just add the following this next dhtml script is use for link/tooltip, basical its like a floating text giving you some info on the link a lot of sites use this kind and many other variations of it as well so hers one for you people to chomp down on first part you had in the <head> tag area next you add this is the <body> tag area now for this this floating tooltip other options can be done but to make it siomple heres the link for that infoclick here well that for the day look for issue #2 as well cover more things dhtml
  13. this topic has been posted so no more replaies to it thankyou
  14. lets seee im getting into the forgettom realms series pretty good star wars i got almost every book you could think ofand the ultmate hacker book called Wyrm
  15. anime i can't really afford to buy manga in chapters so watching the anime is more enjoyable
  16. actually this was being designed by the aussies, last time i knew better watch out they might hook it up to a kangaroo and let it go wild
  17. yeah also in fantasy land everyone is billion that could actually afford to buy something like that
  18. for me though play offline takes a long time playing online i think that would take it longer to play but what do i know (put your sarcasm here)
  19. hey don't forget about super computer viruses damn that terminator 3 movie well the nerual network that i read about its plug right into your skull i think that would banned world wide
  20. i saw the promo for it don't for get the 1 million round gun and the rail gun system i wouldn't minda rail gun hehehehehehehahahahaha
  21. work on the design the blue just doesn't look right
  22. the only thing i hate about dreamweaver is the weay they make your lay look like crap with the outlines and all that and sometimes screwig it up or is their a way to get rid of all the that so it looks like the website you want it to be?
  23. yeah i would change the font go old english style or calligraphy font something like that
  24. change the font though ugh yeah its bad enough people will pay to read emails and take surveys why look at websites unless im getting like 100 bucks for one website hmm?
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